Once Bitten Pt 1
A few days later...
It was a dark and stormy night as people were running out of the theater room. Coming out of the theater room was small yet dangerous looking goblins dressed in cybernetic armor and carrying light swords (similar to lightsabers), letting out wicked laughter as they chased after people.
Another laughter was heard, walking besides the goblin army was the recurring, sci-fi geek and self proclaimed "arch nemesis" of the Titans, Control Freak.
Control Freak has changed over the years, he's gotten more overweight, his orange hair got longer and messier while growing a full beard tied up and kept like a viking, he was wearing a black and silver custom trench coat, a stretchy black and silver sci-fi armor shirt, pants, gloves and boots while holding his upgrade super remote that brings fantasy & non living things into reality come to life.
Control Freak: Hahaha! That's right, run away from the Cybergalacta Goblins from attack of Goblins of the 10th Galaxy! They may be small but they aren't to be taken lightly, the rebels in the movie found that out the hard way, hehehehe!
People were running from these fantasy horrific characters, one girl tripped over a bag of buttery popcorn. She sees the cybernetic goblins closing in on her, she screams and closes her eyes but before they could get her, a disk was thrown in their path which exploded and sends the Cybergalacta Goblins flying into the walls.
The girl escaped as Control Freak looks up ahead to see Robin, Cyborg, Beast Dude, Raven, Starfire, Jinx, Kid Flash and finally Blackfire.
Control Freak: Well well well, if it isn't The Titans.
Beast Dude: Yeah and you are-
Control Freak: I am your greatest enemy with fears brought to life, The Control Freak!
Beast Dude: Not really what I was gonna say.
Raven: An enemy, yes. One of the greatest ones, no.
Jinx: An annoying psychotic fanboy.
Blackfire: More of a nuisance.
Control Freak: You dare call me nuisance-
He took a good look at Blackfire and immediately had hearts in his eyes and howled like a wolf.
Control Freak: A new member of the Titans and a rather beautiful and dashing one at that & you look like Starfire but with a goth like rebel visage. Might I know your name & your number? (Wiggling his unibrow seductively with a weird smile)
Blackfire had a look of disgust.
Blackfire: Blackfire and I'm not interested in... whatever despicable & horrid creature you are (to jinx, insulting control freak) is he a lowly human?
Control Freak felt insulted like an arrow pierced his heart and broke it. Jinx couldn't help but chuckle at this.
Control Freak: You wound me... Allow me to return the favor! Cybergalacta Goblins, attack!!!
Said creatures charged at the Titans with light swords and a wicked, cackling battle cry.
Robin: Titans, Go!!
Robin, Starfire, Raven, Cyborg, Beast Dude, Jinx, Kid Flash and Blackfire ran at the army of Cybergalacta Goblins, each titan taking on their share of the army. Robin was delivering excellent hand to hand combat moves to each cybergalacta goblin while carefully avoiding the light sword strikes, he takes out his steel bo staff to do a couple of twirls before attacking the sci-fi movie creatures but one of them uses it's light sword to slice the bo staff in half.
Robin looks at it for a moment but still two parts of the sliced bo staff as a weapon to fight them off.
Raven was avoiding each cybergalacta goblin trying to pounce on her or slice her in two. One caught her off guard from behind with some space grenades connecting on impact.
Raven: Ugh!
Raven felt to her knees as the creatures were upon her but her eyes glowed, forming a barrier around the goblin creatures, moving them around to hit the ground and walls, dropping them motionless. Cyborg and Beast Dude were handling their fair share of the goblin creatures, some were crawling all over Cyborg and one of them nailed a shin kick to Beast Dude.
Cyborg: Hey get off! Oh yeah, you all wanna piece of Cy, come and get it!
Beast Dude: Yeeeeeouuch!!! (Hops on one leg while holding the other) Hey! Not cool!
The cybergalacta goblins pull out space grenades and threw them as the animal shape shifter yelped and turned into a turtle, concealing himself in his shell as explosions occur. After that, he shifts into a rhino to run through them.
Kid Flash was running quickly to dodge the explosives the cybergalacta goblins were throwing at him while going in a zig zag formation to knock them off their feet.
Kid Flash: Never bring a light sword or explosives to a quick race.
As he continues his running streak/attacks, Starfire, Blackfire and Jinx were back to back in holding their own against the cybergalacta goblins.
Control Freak: Hahahaha! No matter how many goblins of the 10th galaxy you take out titans, they'll always come back like any good sequel villain!
Soon, the horde started to gang up on Starfire, Blackfire and Jinx until they were completely dogpiled in a swarm with the other titans getting overwhelmed.
Control Freak: That's right! Devour them like you feasted upon the rebels of the Omni army, for this time the Titans fall to their most greatest villain, Control Freak hahahaha!
As the villain was laughing manically and claiming his victory but failed to see the massive dog pile erupting with green, violet purple and pink energy/lightning until the cybergalacta goblins were engulfed in a massive shockwave barrier by Starfire, Blackfire and Jinx with the creatures disintegrating from existence with the attack sending the creatures off Robin, Cyborg, Beast Dude and Kid Flash as they vanished.
Control Freak: Hahahaha-what?!
The heroes regrouped.
Control Freak: (Dramatic) IMPOSSIBLE!! These cybergalacta goblins have destroyed countless planets and laid waste to trillions of life! It cannot be true!
Jinx: Ugh, again with his monologues.
Blackfire: And he calls those creatures strong & terrifying, all they were was an utter annoyance.
Starfire: I agree with you, sister.
Robin: Your means of a sci-fi horror movie is over, Control Freak.
Control Freak: You think it's over?! No (holds up his super remote) it's only just begun-
Suddenly, his super remote short circuited with pink lightning as it broke into pieces which fell to the ground thanks to Jinx.
Jinx: (smirks) Hmph. You were saying?
Control Freak: No! This won't stand, you hear me?! (Yelling frantically in monologue) It is not over until I say so, I will always find a way to come back for I am your most feared & recurring nemesis, Control Freak-
He was silenced by a double punch from Robin and Blackfire as he fell to the ground with a thud, knocked out.
Blackfire: He's quite talkative for a lowly human, isn't he?
Robin: You have no idea.
The Titans picked up the unconscious Control Freak to take him to the authorities. But the screen zooms in on the scattered remains of Control Freak's super remote which started to sizzle and spark a bit before it gives off a strange beam that traveled forward and hits a random movie projector which brings out a portal and a shadowy figure with red eyes, a third purple eye and bared sharp fangs comes out with a feral hiss.
At Titans Tower...
Lightning flashed illuminating the darkness within the tower as each Titan was in their rooms for the night. We cut to Jinx's room where she was seen in her bed asleep, the lightning flashed and illuminated her dark room but shows a creepy shadow before the lightning flashed again only for it to disappear at the last second.
Jinx tosses and turns while mumbling in her sleep then heard the sound of squeaking and screeching which woke her up, she sat up and noticed her window open with some bats flying in followed by high winds.
Jinx: I don't remember leaving the window open....
Jinx groans as she gets up and went to close the window shut, the former HIVE villainess turns to deal with the bats that gotten in her room but she finds nothing but Kid Flash standing there.
Jinx: Don't do that, you nearly startled me!
Kid Flash just stood there.
Jinx: You came to check up on me, how sweet. But you gotta learn to wait until I say come in.
Kid Flash just stood there, not saying a word. Jinx looked at her boyfriend with a raised eyebrow.
Jinx: Kid Flash? You okay, you're not usually this silent.
Kid Flash suddenly grinned creepily, making Jinx take a step back as his eyes turned a glowing red.
Jinx: You're not... Who or what are you...?!
'Kid Flash' let out a feral growl, raising his arms and letting out a loud hiss with sharp fangs shown as he lunged at jinx, the sound of skin being pierced were heard followed by jinx's scream and blood spattering.
Then... Jinx sat up with a sudden gasp, breathing heavily and looking around as everything was normal.
Jinx: That was a... bizarre dream.
Jinx got up from bed and left her room, clearly unable to sleep so she decided to go out for a while to calm her nerves. Later in the streets of Jump City, Jinx was taking a walk while dressed in a rain hooded coat of her design and color scheme.
The storm was drizzling harder than ever.
Jinx: Talk about bad weather.
Then a scream was heard as Jinx turns to see a lady running out of a blood bank. She narrowed her eyes and went into the blood bank to investigate, Jinx wasn't in the mood for any villains running amok this time of night after her bizarre nightmare so she was hoping to find whoever is here to give them a piece of her mind.
Entering the building, Jinx looks around and noticed the inside steel doors ripped open with claw marks on it. She walks into the storage room while vials of blood were put on display in aisles but she noticed some blood splattered on the ground with some broken vial glass scattered mostly.
Jinx: Now that's strange, who would break into a blood bank?
Jinx heard a sound of glass shattering and heads over to another aisle but found nothing but shattered vial glass and more splattered blood, Jinx slowly took some steps forward with her powers ready & on guard.
Jinx: (her usual mysterious & creepy tone) Come out Come out wherever you are~....
???: (A chilling & ominous male tone) Well if you insist~...
Jinx turns to aim her pink energy waves but a hand caught her left hand before she could fire it. Jinx growls and aims her right hand to fire a beam but was caught which made her look up to the shadowy figure staring at her with cold red eyes & a bizarre purple third eye.
???: My my, you are quite an alluring sight, I believe that I am blinded by such beauty in you...
Jinx: Thanks but flattery won't get you anywhere with me plus I'm taken.
???: I see but I'm afraid your compliance isn't a factor.
Jinx's eyes glowed pink with a glare as the aisles begins to fall like dominos, she jumps and kicked the figure in the face to release his hold on him with the aisles falling on the figure.
Jinx: Hmph, and that takes care of the creep.
Suddenly, the figure appeared out of the rubble unharmed.
???: Impressive, so you're some kind of a hex sorceress? Ah, very interesting. I would love nothing more than to dance with you but I'm on a... busy schedule so...
Before Jinx could attack, the figure swiftly caught her by the neck which made her grunt as she was pinned against the wall. Jinx opened her eyes to see the figure staring her in the eyes with a haunting grin.
Jinx: Let me go!
???: Never. I'm gonna enjoy this and you might too with what I'm about to bestow upon you.
He opened his mouth with sharp fangs and struck as Jinx's scream can be heard throughout the blood bank.
The next day...
Today's weather settled down but it was still cloudy out. Raven was seen reading one of her old book, Starfire was feeding silkie while enjoying her own meal, Cyborg was making his own balanced breakfast with Beast Dude making his soy based breakfast. Robin and Blackfire were having a conversation amongst themselves. The only people who weren't present was Jinx & Kid Flash.
That is... until Kid Flash sped into the room, stopping with a worried expression.
Kid Flash: Guys, have you seen Jinx?
Beast Dude: Not since last night when we all turned in.
Cyborg: Why?
Kid Flash: I went to check on her to see if she wanted breakfast but she wasn't answering, I entered her room but she wasn't there. I checked everywhere in Titan's Tower and there's no sign of her!
Starfire gasps.
Robin: Easy there Kid Flash, are you sure she's not here?
Kid Flash: I'm sure. She's not even picking up her communicator.
Beast Dude: You don't think she's been kidnapped?
Cyborg: If she was, Kid Flash would've mentioned signs of a struggle plus, the security system would activate if there was signs of an intruder in the tower.
Blackfire: She might've wandered around probably?
Raven: Jinx tends to have one of her night walks.
Starfire: But as Friend Kid Flash stated, she isn't answering her communicator. Perhaps we should go search for her.
???: Search... for who?
Everyone turns to see... Jinx. She looks awfully tired, his skin was more paler than usual and her pink slit eye pupils were looking slightly red. Kid Flash sped over to her with a relieved smile.
Kid Flash: Jinx, oh thank goodness you're alright.
Jinx: (sly smile) Heh, you're very cute when you worry about me.
Kid Flash: (gasps, smiles slyly) Using my own lines against me. And you say that I'm too flirty.
Jinx chuckled a bit as she heads over to make some coffee.
Robin: Jinx?
Jinx: (making her coffee, turns to Robin) What's up?
Robin: Is everything okay with you? According to Kid Flash, you weren't in your room or everywhere in the tower.
Cyborg: And you weren't answering your communicator.
Jinx gave a sharp glance to Kid Flash who smiles sheepishly. While she loves him, she doesn't tolerate him nor anyone entering her room without her knowledge or permission, not as much as Raven though.
Jinx: (sighs) I couldn't get sleep so I went out to clear my nerves, then a someone I believe was a worker on a night shift in a Blood Bank was running off in a fright so I went to check it out then... That's all.
Blackfire: That's all?
Robin: (narrows his eyes) That can't be all, what else happened?
Jinx: (annoyed glare) I don't know, okay? I don't remember. I went to check out what was going on and then everything went blank.
Kid Flash: Easy, Easy everyone. Jinx is obviously tired and is feeling lightheaded, perhaps she needs time to relax and maybe the memories will come back to her.
Jinx smiles a little at Kid Flash's support.
Beast Dude: What criminal would break in a Blood Bank, to find a doner for their undead mastermind grandfather?
Everyone looked at Beast Dude with annoyance.
Beast Dude: What? It's a joke!
Raven: And not a good one.
Beast Dude had his classic anime style angry/annoyed face.
Robin: We're going to have to investigate this matter.
Beast Dude passes Jinx, who was drinking her coffee and opens the fridge only to gag in disguise.
Beast Dude: Cy, I thought you were going to take out the moldy veggies from the back of the fridge, dude!
Cyborg: I already did that two weeks ago, that's your mess B!
Beast Dude: No it isn't-wait... (Pulls out a plate of moldy veggies) Oh right, it was my special veggie special with extra garlic.
Jinx suddenly spat out her coffee at Raven.
Raven: Ew.
Jinx begins to back away from Beast Dude with a sudden feared expression, breathing rapidly.
Kid Flash: Jinx?!
Starfire: Friend Jinx, what's wrong?!
Jinx: Get that away from me....!
Beast Dude: What? It can't be that bad? It's just a veggie special combo platter with extra garlic-
Jinx hissed with glowing pinkish red eyes.
Jinx: Get rid of it NOW!!
Beast Dude yelped upon the glass cups behind him suddenly blew up.
Beast Dude: Okay, Okay! Yeesh!
He ran off to dispose of the old special, Jinx steadied her breathing as the strange sensation from the special faded away. She slowly gets up and noticed Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Blackfire, Kid Flash and Raven staring at her with confusion, odd or worried expression.
Jinx: What?
Cyborg: Are you sure you're okay? I could run some tests on your health.
Jinx: No! I mean, no thanks... I'm just on edge right now. Just give me a moment to rest and I'll join you on this matter with the blood bank.
Jinx takes her leave back to her room.
Blackfire: Hmmm....
Starfire: You sense something wrong too?
Blackfire: Yes.
Raven: We'll have to keep a close eye on her if something like this happens again or worse.
Robin: Yeah.
A few hours later...
After Jinx was fully rested, she and the other Titans head out to investigate the Blood Bank matter from last night, the place was put out with police tape & guards were around the area. The Titans asked for access to their security cameras, they did but the visuals on them were in damaged, cyborg scans the claw marks on the steel doors and sources of prints on the shattered vials of blood.
The Titans then got some more bad news upon seeing couples of missing signs of random civilians, even asked some civilians if they've seen anything suspicious from last night. One person mentioned that he saw a strange shadowy silhouette take hold of a woman and bit her on the neck, he went back to get the cops but when they got back... The woman was nowhere to be found.
Very strange as Robin and the others thought. A break in at the blood bank, a couple of missing people and a shadowy silhouette of no further description.
Beast Dude: Maybe it's a vampire?
Raven: Don't be ridiculous.
Beast Dude: C'mon, that one blonde hair guy told us a shadowy silhouette who had it's fangs on a woman's neck! Cy back me up on those scans.
Cyborg: My scans are still processing a match on who or what caused this. Can or can't really say right now.
Beast Dude: What about Jinx? Maybe she's bitten by the vampire since she was there at the blood bank.
Jinx: (Annoyed) Have you lost your mind?
Beast Dude: (suspicious glance) No, but maybe you did. You probably don't remember seeing the vampire because he maybe brainwashed you!
Jinx: I'm not brainwashed and I'm not a vampire!
Robin: That's enough, whoever or whatever did this has a link to the missing civilians.
Beast Dude: It's Vampires-
He was bonked on the head by Raven.
Raven: Can it.
Robin: We'll look more into this and find the person responsible for this to prevent more civilians going missing.
The Titans then take their leave with Jinx as the last to follow while noticing the sun exposed a bit by the clouds, Jinx groans and felt a burning sensation inside her & out. She didn't like it, she didn't like it at all as it was hurting her. She quickly left with the others.
Back at Titans Tower...
The sun was setting. Robin and Cyborg was trying to sort out the scans and clues they have so far, Blackfire and Starfire were out in the city patrolling for any more evidence of this mysterious event. Raven was meditating in her room while Kid Flash and Jinx were talking amongst themselves.
Kid Flash: So do you remember the events of what happened last night, Jinx?
Jinx: Well... Some parts are coming back to me. I was walking into the storage room where vials of blood were placed, some of them were splattered with broken glass as I showed you guys... Then I ran into a strange figure, I couldn't see what he looked like but he had red eyes, a purple third eye and that's all I can remember...
Kid Flash: Don't worry, we'll get this mystery caper or my name isn't the Speedster Titan of Jump City.
Jinx: Giving yourself nicknames now?
Kid Flash: It comes with the quips.
Then Beast Dude appeared with a glass of red liquid which causes jinx to stare at it, mesmerized.
Beast Dude: Hey Jinx, I wanted to make it up to you for my behavior towards you with a beverage.
Jinx: Thanks.
Jinx grabs the drink and quickly drinks it but her eyes widened and immediately spat it out in the sink.
Kid Flash: Whoa!
Jinx: (glares at Beast Dude) What the?! What was that?!
Beast Dude: (smirks) Oh I'm sorry, don't like tomato juice?
Jinx: Tomato juice?
Beast Dude: Yeah, what did you thought it was? Fruit Punch? Red Wine? Or Blood?
Jinx rolls her eyes with a groan.
Kid Flash: Seriously Beast Dude, what's this about?
Beast Dude: (to Jinx) I saw how mesmerized you were to the tomato juice, you looked thirsty, really thirsty for blood. Not to mention when the sun was coming by the clouds, you seem to be shaking with a pained expression or how about this morning when you freaked out when you caught the sight of my rancid veggie special with... extra garlic.
Jinx: (sarcastic) Oh wow, you really thought of everything Mr. Green Detective.
Kid Flash: Now hold on, B. Cy and Robin aren't finished going through the scans of who or what caused the certain missing people, it could be anything to feast on blood.
Jinx: Yeah. There's no such thing as vampires.
Beast Dude: That's exactly what someone under a vampire's control would say!
Jinx: Will you knock it off!!
Kid Flash: Plus, I've seen a lot of crazy things but vampires even I find it hard to believe.
Beast Dude: Then what else can suck blood from people's necks while going for a blood bank?!
Kid Flash: Leeches & Mosquitoes drain blood. Maybe one of those two in a genetic human experiment gone wrong?
Jinx: Now you're both giving me a headache.
Then jinx felt a sudden pain in her head & heard a strange voice only she could hear in her mind.
???: Come to me Jinx...~ Join me...~
Jinx screams and clutches her head with wide glowing pink eyes, her powers blowing up certain items in the room, shocking Beast Dude and Kid Flash.
Kid Flash: Jinx!
Kid Flash went to her side to help her.
Beast Dude: I knew it! She's being controlled by the vampire! We need to contain her and hunt down the head vampire to get her cured!
Kid Flash: Dude, give it a rest! She's obviously not feeling well and this whole vampire talk ain't helping.
Jinx was breathing heavily, the pain fading as the pink haired woman turned to the speedster.
Kid Flash: Jinx?
Jinx: My head is killing me... Ngh!
She felt another sharp pain in her head and fell to her knees, groaning loudly. Kid Flash picks her up bridal style, seeing cold sweat rolling down her head with sudden black veins slowly appearing on her face.
Kid Flash: Jinx?
Jinx: H-Help me...
Beast Dude was about to say another vampire rant but the glare from Kid Flash shut him up.
Kid Flash: I better get you to Cyborg so he can take a look at you, hold on.
Kid Flash runs off with Jinx, leaving Beast Dude behind.
Beast Dude: Wait up!
He takes off after them.
It was nightfall as we cut to the med lab where jinx was on a medical table as cyborg was tending to her. Kid Flash, Robin, Beast Dude and Raven were standing aside and waiting for cyborg to give an update on jinx's sudden condition.
After a few minutes, Cyborg approached the four titans.
Kid Flash: Anything Cy?
Cyborg: Well, I've been scanning for any phenomenons on jinx, her body temperature has dropped in a rapid rate below zero.
Robin: Strange.
Cyborg: It gets stranger, the monitor on jinx's heart flatlined with no means of an attack, failure or cardiac arrest, no disease related contracts neither... It just stopped.
Raven: Her heart stopped beating?
Kid Flash: No... No, she can't be dead. She can't be!
Cyborg: Hold on man, she's not dead.
Kid Flash: But you said-
Cyborg: Yes I did say that her heart stopped beating and that's the truth but she's somehow still breathing.
This shocked the four titans, Jinx is still alive despite her heart suddenly stopped beating?
Raven: It's like she's alive but at the same time she isn't...
Cyborg: I even got a blood sample from Jinx to see any signs of a disease and here's what I found.
Cyborg shows a holo screen from his arm, revealing jinx's blood cells but showed some strange black & purple substance slowly engulfing her blood cells.
Cyborg: This mutation is quite bizarre, 50 percent alien and the other 50 percent is part bat.
Beast Dude: I told you so! So not just a vampire but an alien vampire that bit her?!
Robin: Calm down! Are you sure-
Robin was cut off when his communicator beeped. He answered it.
Robin: Robin here.
Starfire: Robin, we ran into some of the missing civilians!
Blackfire: Although we can say... they're not human anymore.
Robin: What?
Starfire: They appear to be mutated. Trying to sink the fangs into our necks.
Blackfire: We managed to catch a few but some of them got away, Star is correct though. They look like these vampire beings the green one was talking about, pale skin, pointy ears, fangs, red eyes and... a third purple eye?
Beast Dude: Wait-I don't remember mentioning a vampire with a third eye.
Robin: Bring them to the Tower for containment.
Starfire & Blackfire: Right./Got it.
Robin hangs out.
Kid Flash: So it is vampires we're dealing with...
Raven: But a three eyed one? That's highly unlikely even by my standards.
Robin: We're going to get to the bottom of this. First, we'll interrogate the mutated civilians and find a cure but we need to find the carrier of this virus first or the infection could begin again if he's not caught.
Cyborg: Right.
Kid Flash: Jinx!
Robin, Raven, Cyborg and Beast Dude turn to Kid Flash then towards Jinx who was up but had her back turned & hunched over, Kid Flash sped over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.
Kid Flash: Jinx, there's something wrong with you. Your heart sorta stopped beating but I promise you that we will help find a way to fix this-
He was cut off when he received a hard swing to the mouth, sending him flying but Cyborg caught him.
Cyborg: I Gotcha. You alright?
Kid Flash: I'll be okay. Man, she's been improving on her right hook.
Raven: We have bigger problems than that.
The five titans saw Jinx slowly turn around and is more paler than usual with black veins, her hands were now sharp claws, her teeth were now sharp fangs, her pink eyes were now a bloody red with the same slits and there was a third glowing purple eye on her forehead.
Robin: Jinx?
Jinx let out a feral hiss with a sharp glare, slowly approaching the five titans with a need to feed.
Beast Dude: (scared) Uhhh, is this a bad time to say I told you so?
To be continued...
(Chapter 7 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Control Freak makes his debut, after his defeat and his super remote is destroyed, it somehow functioned and aimed a beam at a random projector that brings out a monster from a vampire movie but it's no ordinary vampire as it'll be revealed next chapter. It seems that civilians have gone missing and Jinx herself has been experiencing some rather bizarre changes to herself which had revealed itself to the Titans. Can the Titans stop this chaos from expanding further as well as finding a cure for an Undead Jinx & the others? Find out in part 2 of Once Bitten on Teen titans: Heroes of the Future. This is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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