A Sister's Redemption Pt 3
The Tournament of Tamaranian Might kept going on for days and weeks, Fearfire sat down from his throne to watch his gladiators fight continuously for his amusement as well as keeping an eye on Starfire, Blackfire and the others survive each of his most feared and ruthless warriors through the gauntlet while receiving scars and injuries as they knew they won't win unscathed. The feared Grand Ruler of alt. Tamaran received word from the guards that Beast Dude and Novafire have somehow escaped his dungeon when the green one and the savage Tamaranian were next to fight in the tournament, Fearfire ordered his troops to hunt them down.
Cyborg heard him and was glad B escaped so maybe the shape shifter titan will come back with help. Violetstar, Shadowstar and Flairscar will worried for Sunshock and Lunarstar, who still were recovering from their latest injuries, while they were able to compete in some battles of the tournament, their wounds were exposed to any attacks to the point where the two were out of the tournament and placed back in the dungeon.
And there were still tensions between Starfire and Blackfire; While Blackfire was still taking out warriors after warriors while even assisting Starfire with her share of the warriors, Star refused to accept her help or even acknowledge her for the assist. It's like the banished Tamaranian was nonexistent to her own little sister or ex little sister as Star has made it clear that Blackfire is no longer her sister for all the torment she put her through years ago when Star would be absolutely nice to her and Blackfire used that and her gullibility to take advantage of her.
Blackfire would normally see this as a trick for Star to guilt trip her or something, still being in denial that Starfire would forgive her in a heartbeat but it's been days to weeks and she sees that Star is dead serious about what she said, Blackfire didn't like it, she didn't like the feeling in her heart and soul after Star's glare & words pierced her worst than any attack like how her people looked at her as the cracks in her mind were growing bigger and more fragile by the minute.
How long can she hold in these emotions before she snaps?
Fearfire: You still haven't found the green one or the brute woman?
Tamaranian Warrior: I'm afraid not, your majesty.
Female Tamaranian Warrior: Yeah, we've searched far and wide but still no sign of them....
Fearfire: (cold stare) I see... and maybe you didn't look hard enough. How hard is it to find a green shape shifter of animals and an brute Tamaranian prisoner?
The two Tamaranian Warriors fearfully bowed before their Grand Ruler, cowering under his ferocious gaze.
Female Tamaranian Warrior: P-Please Grand Ruler, give us another chance...!
Tamaranian Warrior: We won't fail you again...!
Fearfire: You're right... You won't fail me. Again...
Fearfire turns around to blast the two Tamaranian Warriors with a massive bolt wave which caused them to scream as they were reduced to bones to ashes in an instant, the other Tamaranian Warriors looking on in fear.
Fearfire: Take note of this, if those two prisoners aren't located and found or any of you fail to complete your tasks then you all will share the same gruesome fate in more ways than one, understand?
Tamaranian Warriors: Y-Yes Grand Ruler, your majesty!
Fearfire smirks darkly.
Fearfire: Good....
Another match was over as Starfire stood tall over another Tamaranian gladiator, how she hated how these Tamaranian Warriors have fallen to serve a malevolent Grand Ruler & even though this was an alternate universe... Star felt sorry for what the legacy of Tamaran and it's people has become and it's all thanks to Fearfire. She glares up at the throne where the Grand Ruler was sitting as she was waiting for the time when she will fight him and free the people of Alt. Tamaran from his twisted rule.
That she swore and it'd only a matter of time.
Starfire was leaded back to the dungeon as Blackfire was next to fight someone, she took a glance at her little sister but Star didn't give her any glance and kept walking until she was out of sight. Blackfire groans as she got ready for her opponent to come forward.
Arising from the platform was a 7 ft tall man with orange tan skin, mismatched eyes; left eye dark green & right eye blind like & pale blue with a scar running down the face, long red hair and possesses a pure athletic body. He was shirtless, wore studded silver belt, studded armbands, black pants and silver boots.
This Tamaranian had a smug grin on his face as it annoyed Blackfire to the core, the match begins with the two slowly circling one another and not taking their eyes off each other.
???: So you're Blackfire from another reality, hehehehe... My lucky day.
Blackfire: Oh really? And why's that fool?
???: (Grins) I hated you... Well, the other you in more ways than one and since the Grand Ruler already killed the now late Blackfire of this reality, I get to have the pleasure of killing the next Blackfire that is you (holds up twin alien looking daggers) I am CarnageStar, your death....
Blackfire narrows her eyes as CarnageStar lunged at her with great speed, displaying quick and lethal hits & knife shots at Blackfire, who was dodging and countering the attacks but winced when she received a cut to the face and shoulder as she backed away from the crazed Tamaranian. Blackfire felt fresh liquid dripping from her right cheek and shoulder, she felt it at the touch and saw blood on her hand. She stared back at CarnageStar, who was chuckling sadistically with a feral grin, licking Blackfire's blood from his knife in sick enjoyment.
Blackfire glared at him with a menacing growl, he made her bleed and now she's contended to break him.
CarnageStar: C'mon, c'mon! Attack me, you weak pest!
Blackfire stomps towards CarnageStar slowly followed by running straight at CarnageStar as the two Tamaranian fought each other viciously and savagely with Fearfire watching from his throne with a dark smirk.
Blackfire was trading coordinated yet timing lethal hits to CarnageStar, who was unpredictability able to avoid such offense and would cut and slash her with his knives, adding more bloody cuts and wounds to Blackfire, who winced in pain.
CarnageStar: What's the matter? Can't fight me directly?! I thought that Blackfire was supposed to be the fighting prodigy, ha! My sister can take an attack better than you, hehehe!
Blackfire growls and throws a punch but CarnageStar dodged it, flipped over and slashed her across the back.
Blackfire: Agh!!!
CarnageStar: Are you distracted or something? Or are you as weak as the late Blackfire of this world?
He slashes Blackfire across the chest, earning a pained grunt from her. CarnageStar grabs her by the hair and repeatedly kneed her in the face before nailing a back kick to her gut, sending her across the arena.
CarnageStar: Hahahahahahaha!!!
Blackfire slowly got up to her feet, hearing the crazed Tamaranian's laughter, she glared angrily at CarnageStar, who was slowly approaching her menacingly with the twisted never leaving his face.
CarnageStar: So much for the great and experienced Blackfire, you are always a parasite and a disappointment the moment you were born. (Mocks) "Oh poor me... No one understands me or acknowledges me because of my little sister..."
Blackfire: S... Shut up...
CarnageStar: Despite being the eldest, you always found yourself a mere second to Starfire, who her parents and the rest of Tamaran years ago saw her as a greater power, ashame she perished in this reality, I wanted to kill her too. While you, hahahaha... You're merely a plague on Tamaran and it's people, you care about no one but yourself & that's coming from me of all people, being a crazed murderous warrior.
Blackfire: Shut... Up...
CarnageStar: Hahahahaha! (Was now up in Blackfire's face with a knife near her cheek) No one cares for you... No loves you as all you do is cause trouble. Hell, I heard your little chat with the Starfire of your reality in the lunch hall, hahahaha, the only one who has ever been nice to you despite your treatment towards her finally doesn't want anything to do with you either! Hahahahahahahahahaha!
Blackfire looks up with furious, glowing purple eyes.
Blackfire: SHUT UUUUUUUUUUUP!!!!!!
CarnageStar received a jaw shattering punch by the now enraged Blackfire, who grabbed his hand & gripped it tight with the crazed Tamaranian yelling out in pain with Blackfire unleashing a brutal beating upon CarnageStar, who tried to fight back but was getting overpowered. The crowd and the Tamaranian Warriors were a loss for words, witnessing the most insane and murderous of Tamaranian Warriors getting pulverized and was screaming in agony for mercy... mercy he did not receive.
Soon, Blackfire was seen standing over the motionless body of CarnageStar, who looked unrecognizable as she was breathing heavily and angrily, she even fought the tears trying to spill from her eyes. Fearfire stares at Blackfire, who won the match with the guards taking her away.
Fearfire: Such brutality... I'm impressed, she'll need that rage once the final opponent is ready.
Blackfire was placed back in her cell with Starfire once the guards left. Blackfire's anger has subsided for now as she was calm and had a look of silent distraught on her face but didn't face Starfire, who wasn't focused on her, the Tamaranian Titan's eyes were closed as she was in meditation.
Blackfire: ......
Starfire: (eyes closed) ... You seemed troubled, Blackfire.
Blackfire slowly looks at Starfire, who's eyes were closed while meditating.
Blackfire: (hiding the anger in her voice) Oh so now you want to talk to me?
Starfire: Don't assume that I'm being nice to you or trying to let you in, I just noticed that your aura is full of despair.
Blackfire: Aura? Despair? Oh, What gave you that idea?
Starfire: Friend Raven taught me some interesting techniques. Your aura seemed troubled.
Blackfire: Tch. Why do you care?
Starfire: I'm concerned, not foolish.
Blackfire: And why would I tell you? As far as I'm concerned, you disowned me, remember?
Starfire: That, I did. My concern is why your aura is like that and what made you like this? I honestly thought there was hope for you, to bring down this darkness that plagued your mind to do unspeakable things to other beings, including myself and my friends.
Blackfire: (anger in her voice) I don't have to explain myself to you! Don't act like you've figured me out & have all the answers to who I am!
Starfire: You're right, I don't. You do. Only you have the answers to the questions...
Blackfire growls furiously.
Blackfire: Answers? Answers?! You want answers to who I am now?! You wanna know why, huh?! You want answers to why I'm like this?!?!?!?!?
Starfire: Blackfire-
Starfire opens her eyes to see a very angry Blackfire but what shocked the Tamaranian Titan's eyes was that there was tears falling from her ex sister's eyes, not just full of anger but sadness & despair.
Blackfire was... crying? And Star never once seen the banished Tamaranian cry at all.
Blackfire: (voice broken) Do you know what it's like always being compared to someone like you, Starfire? Do you have any idea what's like being hated for something you have no control over or being different...?!
Starfire: .....
Blackfire: From the day I born, to when I grew up, before I became a criminal... Everyone on Tamaran loathe me yet they all loved you! Despite being the better fighter, the more experienced and the oldest sister, Mother and Father loved you more... How do you think that makes me feel...?!
Starfire was silent for a moment before speaking.
Starfire: But... That's not true, mother and father loved you too.
Blackfire: Yeah, sort of... You were like a gem in their eyes while I was just invisible to them! Everything I did to made them proud, they showed no acknowledgement, no love, like you were my replacement... as you were loved more, I was ignored and treated like a plague by my people, I felt hurt, sad, angry and... and... (fully cries) Jealous! I was jealous of you, okay?!
Starfire was shocked.
Blackfire: My held in jealousy towards you grew and grew to the point of hate where I wanted to... well, sniff... You already know the events I-I put you through...! I hated you... You were given everything while I was reduced to nothing but a monster by those who despised me... including my own parents (giggles insanely while crying) Hehehehehehe... I-I'm just a monster who is unloved by all... including you...
Blackfire laughs insanely for a moment before her laughs slowly became cries of anguish and despair. Starfire watched what Blackfire was reduced to, she never knew how much pain she was feeling, all of that hidden away by her actions towards the Tamaranian Titan, all this time... Due to being hated, ignored, despised and experiencing long held jealousy towards her, all that made Blackfire who she is from then to today. Star now realized that Blackfire never asked for this and while she doesn't hate her people for what happened to Blackfire but the actions that led her to this, she hated the events Blackfire put her through and Star even hated herself for not seeing the true signs of why her ex sister was feeling this way.
Those tears weren't fake at all, Blackfire is really hurt, mentally and emotionally...
Star could only look on as Blackfire cries her heart out for a moment before slowly passing out from exhaustion. Starfire had a look of sympathy with tears slowly falling from her face in silent, wondering what she has to do next....
Narrator: Three days later...
We cut to the arena in the Tournament of Tamaranian Might with Cyborg, Violetstar, Shadowstar and Flairscar defeating another strong Tamaranian gladiator.
Cyborg: Booyah! Whatcha got?! Who's next?!
The crowd erupted in cheers and boos. Fearfire arose from his throne, spotting the guards bringing out Starfire and Blackfire to join Cyborg and the others. He noticed that the two sisters were unresponsive and almost had no emotion but the Grand Ruler only smirked.
Fearfire: I believe a congratulations is in order, you life forms have bested the most feared and ruthless warriors in my tournament, your fighting spirit and will have gotten you this far but... How far will you go until that spirit & will breaks?
The group glared at the malevolent Grand Ruler, who was unfazed by their looks.
Fearfire: Are you willing to fight a true battle to the point where you'll lose that spirit & will to continue as you fall before the might of a true warrior? The answer stands in front of you in the form of the ultimate champion of the Tournament of Tamaranian Might! Behold!
Out of the gate, a single figure approached before the group, the crowd was in shock and awe while Violetstar, Shadowstar and Flairscar had a look of horror or disbelief.
Violetstar: Oh no...
Shadowstar: ....
Flairscar: We're facing... Him?
The figure was a 7 ft 10 tall man with orange tan skin, fierce blue & green eyes, long dark red hair and possesses a pure, large athletic specimen body. His face is covered by a black & gold skeletal looking gladiator mask/crown, a golden gorget with green gems, was shirtless with an X stuffed strap around his chest, a gold & black right shoulder/arm armor, a left black studded armband, a studded belt with a skull, purple-ish black pants and armored boots.
He stood for all in the arena to see, his eyes focused and hungry for battle & glory.
Fearfire: Behold Starfire, Blackfire and company, this is what stands in your path, between you and salvation! This specimen has destroyed many of his path of previous Tournaments of Tamaranian Might! A true undefeated warrior of warriors, the breaker of hope, the ultimate champion to serve under me.... BEAST STAR!!!
To be continued...
(Chapter 5 is finished! Please check it out and let me know what you think of it! The group has gotten through the best and the most dangerous warriors Fearfire has thrown at them but it's not over yet. After a confrontation with CarnageStar (an OC I made up), Blackfire finally snaps and exposed the answers to Starfire of how she was feeling & the reason behind her years of tormenting Star while being broken down in despair. What will Star do? Will she rekindle with Blackfire to heal years of being hurt & mistreated or will she still turn her away? Where are Novafire and Beast Dude? Can the group survive the champion of the Tournament that is Beast Star (another OC I made up) & gain their freedom? Tune in on the final part of a sister's redemption on Teen Titans: heroes of the future! This is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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