A Sister's Redemption Pt 1

Meanwhile at Titans Tower....

We cut to the med lab which was repaired by Cyborg, Blackfire was seen asleep in a hospital bed with special cuffs made by Cyborg in case she tries anything funny when she awakes. Starfire was sitting in a meditation position within the darkness, trying to clear her mind while she was watching Blackfire so she doesn't try to escape.

The Tamaranian warrior calmly breathes in and out, the visions of her unleashing all that rage upon her... sister appeared in her mind, Star tend to get angry at certain times but never this angry before. She thought about it more and her history with Blackfire, every time she opens up her heart to her, every time she would be nice and try to forgive her sister, Blackfire would always find a way to trick her, hurt her and even try to destroy her and her friends.

Why... just why? Why does Blackfire resent her so much?

A low groan interrupted her thoughts, she raises her head to see Blackfire waking up from her slumber.

Blackfire: Ugh... (suddenly let's out a loud belch) Ugh...... Why are 7 of my 9 stomachs full of meat and vegetables....? (Realizes) Oh now I remember.... that blasted parasite.

Blackfire looks around to see where she was and saw a figure sitting in the darkness. She got up and tried activate her starbolts but got nothing as she noticed the special cuffs on her arms, grunting in annoyance that her powers were nullified.

Blackfire: Where am I? Who are you?!

Standing up from her meditation stance, Starfire appeared out of the darkness with a cold expression.

Blackfire: Ah, Starfire. You've grown since the last time I saw you. Judging by me being here in cuffs, you got that parasite out of me.

Starfire: .....

Blackfire: (rolls her eyes with a smug smile) Oh let me guess, you want a thank you from me, sister dear?

Starfire: (cold tone) Don't call me that.

Blackfire was taken back by the sudden icy expression of Starfire, she's seen her angry or distraught before and it was mere enjoyment to get a rise out of her little sister & strike but... this was a different expression.

Blackfire: (got over her shock and returned to her normal expression) Oh what's the matter, Star? Not very cheerful or happy to see your big sister-ack!

Blackfire was grabbed by the neck and slammed against the wall where she met Starfire’s icy glare.

Starfire: You lost that right to be my 'sister' years ago, after all of your crimes you expect me to welcome you back with open arms and a warming smile again...?

Blackfire: (rolls her eyes) Ngh... would you be surprised if I said yes? You've always been ignorant and gullible.

Starfire tightened the grip around Blackfire's neck.

Starfire: I guess you're right on that... which is why I'm done being your fool of the jokes, I'm done being your little scapegoat for your crimes and I'm so certainly done being your SISTER!

Blackfire was caught off guard by that.

Starfire: (furious) I don't know why you resent me so much, I've been nothing but nice to you! I wanted to forgive you and see if there's any good in you but I guess I was the fool to see that your heart & soul are as black as pure darkness! Why?! What made you so evil? Why do you despise me so?!

Blackfire opens her mouth to retort or find something to get under Star's skin but... nothing came out. She remained silent as Starfire released her hold on her as the banished Tamaranian fell to the ground, coughing & seeing Starfire look down on her.

Starfire: So you can't tell me or you won't tell me why you're acting like a royal Zarbnarf (jerk)?

Blackfire stopped coughing and glared daggers at Starfire.

Starfire: Very well, I'm done giving you chance after chance to deceive me any longer, I'll be sending you back to the intergalactic prison where you belong & this time... (eyes glowing green) I'll make sure you pay for your crimes-

Suddenly, the sound of howling wind was heard followed by a bright light which caught both sister's attention as a swirling blue vortex appeared in the room. The portal was giving off a strong gravitational pull as Starfire and Blackfire was in the middle of it on the process of being sucked in.

The door opens as Beast Dude and Cyborg came in.

Cyborg: Starfire, I heard a loud noise. What's going on-What the hell?!

Starfire was holding on to something while holding Blackfire by her right leg as they were on the verge of being pulled closer and closer to the swirling vortex.

Beast Dude: Star!

Cyborg and Beast Dude runs towards them as Starfire felt the bed rails she was holding beginning to bend.

Starfire: Friends, hurry! I don't think it'll hold to much-

The rails broke as Starfire and Blackfire was sucked into the portal, both Tamaranians screaming. Cyborg and Beast Dude also run into the portal after them as it closed.


The scene changes to Starfire and Blackfire spiraling around in the currents of the vortex, followed by Cyborg and Beast Dude as the four were screaming loudly, the portal opens on the other side with four falling out of it and hitting the ground.

Cyborg: Aww man...

Beast Dude: Dude... can you... get off me...!

Cyborg noticed that he landed on Beast Dude and got off of him.

Cyborg: Sorry B.

Beast Dude gets up, cracking his back in place as the two looks around with wide eyes and mouths hung wide open to where they are. It was some sort of wasteland with strange looking rock formations, the skies were a dark green with the moon shining in the clouds.

Beast Dude: Where are we...?

Cyborg: I don't know... (activates the communicator on his arm) Cyborg calling Robin. Cyborg calling Robin, do you read me?

All he got was static.

Beast Dude: Where's Star?

Starfire: Over here.

The two turn around to see Starfire walking towards them while holding the right arm of Blackfire, forcing her to walk with her.

Blackfire: Ugh, easy.

Beast Dude: I can't say this is the first time we've been warped to another dimension but who made that portal and why bring us here?

???: Simple, more warriors for my grand event.

Before they could act, Starfire, Blackfire, Cyborg and Beast Dude were hit by a huge bolt of electricity, the four falling to the ground with semi consciousness. The three titans and the banished Tamaranian look up to see a group of strong men & women in black, silver and sapphire blue galatic looking bodysuits with gladiator like armor while in the middle was a 6 ft tall man with a silver crown, long red hair with black streaks, blue green eyes and has a strong build, he was wearing a black and sapphire blue bodysuit with silver gladiator like armor and cape.

???: Greetings, I am King FearFire, Grand Ruler of the Tamaranian Empire.

Blackfire: Grand Ruler...?

Starfire: What? No! Galfore is the Grand Ruler and this place... it doesn't even look like my home!

Fearfire let out a loud, haunting laugh.

Fearfire: You're unfamiliar with your home planet because... I destroyed the original Planet Tamaran 50 years ago.

Starfire’s eyes widened in shock.

Fearfire: But fear not, it wasn't YOUR planet I destroyed in your own reality, Starfire.

Starfire: You... know my name?

Beast Dude: Her own reality? So we're in a parallel universe and here... Star's home planet is destroyed?

Fearfire: Precisely and of course I know you, Starfire. You along with the Tamaranians who rebelled against me have fallen before my power.

Blackfire's eyes widened, Cyborg and Beast Dude gasped while Starfire had an expression of shock & anger.

Fearfire: Yes... The Tamaranians that aligned themselves me survived while others who stood against me... like you, well the you of this world were eradicated along with them & Tamaran itself. Some Rebellious  Tamaranians who won't serve me are now my slaves to fight for survival.

Starfire tries to attack Fearfire but his Tamaranian warriors incapacitated her with electric spears, screaming as she fell.

Blackfire: Starfire!

Fearfire turns his attention to Blackfire.

Fearfire: Ah, Blackfire... The intergalactic criminal who tried to rule Tamaran but failed miserably. (Grins) Are you actually showing... compassion for the sister you despise?

Blackfire: Grrrrr...!!

Fearfire: I remember the other you tried to manipulate her way into joining me, showing planet earth as a prize, enslaved it I did but she tried to assassinate me, hehehehahahaha. That was her first and last mistake when I executed her for all of New Tamaran to see.

Blackfire growled in anger.

Cyborg: So you enslaved our world in this reality and created a New Tamaranian planet to rule?

Fearfire: Indeed.

Cyborg: Then why bring us here?

Fearfire: I was only focused on bringing your world's Starfire here as my prized gladiator to fight in my Tournament of Tamaranian might but in addition to that, Blackfire is also a fighting prodigy and there's... you mortals (to Beast Dude and Cyborg).

Beast Dude gave his signature annoyed face being insulted.

Fearfire: But no matter, you'll all serve as my gladiators to fight my greatest warriors for my own amusement.

Cyborg: Not interested.

Beast Dude: Ain't happening, Crazy King.

Fearfire had an evil grin.

Fearfire: I'm afraid that you don't have a choice.

Fearfire snapped his finger as his warriors delivered a massive shock of electricity from their spears aimed at Starfire, Blackfire, Cyborg and Beast Dude, who all screamed in pain as they were electrocuting them heavily but with enough to knock them out.

Fearfire: Round them up, we're heading back to the kingdom.

The Tamaranian warriors obeyed their king's order.


Starfire soon awakes and finds herself in a dungeon with Blackfire beside her, she noticed that Cyborg and Beast Dude were nowhere to be found and noticed that she & Blackfire were now wearing gladiator like attire with their additional colors.

Starfire tries to move but sees that she was shackled to the walls, arms and legs trapped. Starfire struggles and struggles to get free of these chains but they weren't ordinary strong enough to break out of.

Blackfire: That won't work.

Starfire grunts as she stopped struggling.

Blackfire: Trust me, I've tried.

Starfire: (cold glare) I shall never, ever trust in you again.

Blackfire: Oh please, we both know you can't stay mad at me so long... love or hate, I'm still your big sister.

Starfire: Hmph. I believe I already told you that I have no sister.

Blackfire felt a pain in her chest upon hearing that but chose to ignore it.

Blackfire: (in her mind) What was that...? Did I actually feel... hurt? Nonono... I shouldn't care, this is Starfire, she has changed over the years physically but she's still the same sweet, kind, gullible and ignorant Starfire.

The door to their prison opens as two very buff female Tamaranian warriors came in.

Female Tamaranian warrior 1: You two are up next for the fight.

Starfire: Why are you doing this? Why betray the very home you came from and to side with the one who destroyed Tamaran in this world?

Female Tamaranian warrior 2: Silence! I don't want to hear your pathetic yammering (unlocks the shackles & places the two in new ones) Now move it!

Pushing them with their staff end of the spear, Starfire and Blackfire walk out of the prison as the two female Tamaranian warriors lead the two prisoners through the halls as multiple cell doors to present. Starfire saw a few of Tamaranians imprisoned in those cells along with other different aliens, some cells had skeletons in tattered gladiator gear just all lifeless like.

Beast Dude: Star!

Starfire sees in Beast Dude in one of the cells.

Starfire: Friend Beast Dude, are you okay?!

Beast Dude: I'm fine but... I'm kinda trapped in here with a savage looking Tamaranian woman who looks like she wants to eat me or kill me!

Starfire: Don't worry, I'll get you out of there-

She was pushed to walk further.

Female Tamaranian warrior 1: Move it!

Starfire and Blackfire walk further down the hall, noticed a bright green light up ahead. Soon, they were now in a massive arena with huge crowd of Tamaranians and other alien species watching & roaring in cheers for battle, Starfire noticed Fearfire up on top sitting on his throne with two Tamaranians guards beside him.

Fearfire: Fellow beings of New Tamaran! Today I have brought forth Starfire and Blackfire from a different reality, they are here to fight for yours & my entertainment in the Tournament of Tamaranian Might!

The crowd roared in cheers.

Fearfire: Oh and I wouldn't try to escape or rebel against me because if you two tried something like that... (grins as he presses a button on his gauntlet)

The spherical plate on the center of Blackfire and Starfire’s gladiator armor glowed red, heavily shocking them both.



The two fell to their knees.

Fearfire: Now time to bring out their teammates and their opponents!

Two large passages opened up from the arena floor; for passage #1 showed the team representing Starfire and Blackfire. Starfire herself noticed Cyborg amongst the team, wearing gladiator like attire.

Starfire: Friend Cyborg!

Cyborg: Starfire!

The five Tamaranian warriors that were with Cyborg stared at Starfire and Blackfire with wide eyes. Starfire met up with Cyborg while Blackfire slowly followed behind.

Cyborg: Where's B?

Starfire: He's still in the dungeon level.

Cyborg: We gotta get him and find a way outta here.

Blackfire: Yeah... there's a problem with that, genius. We're wearing shock inhibitors on our chests, try to run or tamper with them, you'll get electrocuted. It's even nullifying my and Starfire’s abilities, cutting our strength in half.

Cyborg: Damn it...

Starfire: Anyways, who are the five warriors behind you?

Cyborg: Oh right, these five knew you both, well... the other you's.

Starfire turns to the Five Tamaranian warriors, three men & two women. One of the women spoke to Starfire.

???: Starfire, it is really you?

Starfire: I am Starfire, yes. But I'm not the one from your reality. You know me?

???: (smiles) Of course! I'm a cousin of the Starfire & Blackfire of this world, I am Violetstar, the three men with me are Flairscar, Shadowfire and Sunshock and one women next to me is Lunarstar. Flairscar and Lunarstar are my brother and sister by the way.

Violetstar was a slightly tall woman with orange tan skin, green eyes, violet red short hair with the left side shaved & has a strong beautiful figure but was very bottom heavy. She was wearing a silver gorget with a violet red gem, a purple & black top with a left silver shoulder armor pad with armor spread on her arm & glove, a right arm gauntlet, black stretchy trunks, a purple & black front and back cloth & armored boots.

Flairscar was a tall man with orange tan skin, green eyes, short yet spiky red hair, has quite the athletic figure and scars on his chest. He wore a silver gorget with a red gem, had no shirt, a silver belt, silver belt, silver gauntlets, black & red pants and armored boots.

Shadowfire was a slightly short man with slightly tan skin, right eye green & left eye white with a scar over it, a slightly strong figure and long red hair with dark purple streaks. He wore a silver gorget, a black, purple and silver bodysuit, shoulder armor, gauntlets and boots.

Sunshock was a slightly tall man with orange tan skin, green eyes, his face was hidden by a silver mask & head armor cover & has a slight muscular figure. He wore a silver gorget, a purple, black and yellow highlighted, sleeveless bodysuit, silver gauntlets, a silver belt, front cloth and armored boots.

And Lunarstar was a very tall woman with slight tan skin, blue-ish green eyes, long red hair in a bob with black streaks and has a strong, curvaceous amazonian-like figure. She wore a silver gorget, silver body armor, an indigo & black top, silver gauntlets, a silver belt, a front and back cloth skirt, kneepads and armored boots.

Starfire and Blackfire was shocked that they had a cousin in this reality, if not three of them. Starfire was going to give them a strong hug but was interupted by Cyborg.

Cyborg: Hate to break up this reunion but here come our opponents.

The group turned to the opponents appearing out of passage #2, There were four Tamaranians, two men and two women. However, they were taller and bigger in size of muscle strength & height, they wore tattered looking gladiator like attire and armor, crazy red & green eyes, foaming at the mouth and growling like feral animals.

Blackfire: .....?!

Starfire gasps.

Fearfire: Ladies and gentlemen of New Tamaran, introducing three of my deadliest gladiators.... THE SCORNSTAR GOLIATHS!!!!

The crowd roared in cheers.

Fearfire: (evil grin) Let the battle begin!

To be continued...

(Chapter 3 is finished! Please let me know what you think of it! I welcome you readers to part 1 of A Sister's Redemption, as you can see Starfire had a few choice words for Blackfire, which goes along the lines of disowning her as her sister. They along with Cyborg and Beast Dude are transported to an alternate reality where Tamaran is destroyed, alternate  Starfire and Blackfire were killed by Malevolent Grand Ruler Fearfire (an OC I made up), who has reconstructed a New Planet Tamaran where he rules with an iron fist. Meeting five Tamaranian warriors Sunshock, Shadowfire, Flairscar, Lunarstar and Violetstar (OCs I made up/the last three are cousins of the late alternate Starfire and Blackfire), Starfire, Cyborg and Blackfire must team up with them to fight  Fearfire's first of many dangerous Tamaranian gladiators.)

(While Blackfire seemed to be hurting a bit from Starfire’s words, she'll be denial & thinking Starfire will forgive her in a heartbeat. Will that be the case? How long until Blackfire cracks? Will they survive Fearfire's forces? What's in store for Beast Dude trapped in a dungeon with a Savage Tamaranian women? Find out in part 2 of A Sister's Redemption on Teen Titans, heroes of the future! This is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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