A Sister's Redemption Final Part

Fearfire was smirking down at Starfire, Blackfire, Cyborg, Violetstar, Shadowfire and Flairscar who glared at him before turning their attention to the last obstacle that stands between them & their path to freedom, Fearfire's most mightiest warrior of warriors, breaker of hope, his champion of the Tournament of Tamaranian Might... Beast Star.

According to Fearfire, Beast Star has never been defeated in battle and has torn apart everyone who was put in front of him, no one has survived the Tamaranian Specimen's beastly onslaught which earned him the title as champion over and over again.

Fearfire: Let the final bout, begin!

The crowd erupted in cheers, the five Tamaranians and half machine/half man got into their fighting stance with Beast Star slowly and menacingly circling around them, the group keeping their eyes on the Tamaranian Specimen. Beast Star kept pacing calmly around the group, eyeing them like a predator in choosing who he was to about to target first.

The decision was made as Beast Star charged at Flairscar, who kept his guard up with the Tamaranian Specimen unloading some monstrous hits. Flairscar switched to offense in hitting strikes to Beast Star's chest and gut but it barely phased the champion, Beast Star hits a massive punch to the gut of Flairscar, who felt his bones crack with blood erupting from his mouth, Beast Star wasn't done with him grabbing Flairscar by the neck, hits two punches to the gut and a spinning clothesline that nearly took his head off with Flairscar hitting the ground, barely conscious.

The crowd was cheering loudly while Fearfire smirks at his champion's handiwork and he hasn't even started yet. Beast Star turns to Violetstar, who was a bit apprehensive but tries to show no fear in being ready to fight Beast Star with the champion lunging at her however, Shadowfire blindsided him with a swift kick to the side of the head. The attack didn't even knock him down but stopped him for a few seconds, Shadowfire uses his quickness and agility to cut the giant down to size.

Violetstar, Starfire, Cyborg and Blackfire decided to gang up on Beast Star with attacks from all sides to bring him to his knees but with a powerful war cry, Beast Star sends all four Tamaranians and the cybernetic titan flying across the arena. He then targets Shadowfire who barely was able to react as the champion caught him with a vicious lariat, knocking him against the wall with a large crack, Beast Star stayed on Shadowfire with huge punch after punch after punch with Shadowfire coughing up blood, Beast Star then wrapped his arms around Shadowfire's waist and throws him across the arena with a powerful front suplex.

Shadowfire groans as Beast Star stomped towards him, grabbing him by his left leg and slams him repeatedly into the ground before lifting him over his shoulder and plants him back first on his knee with great force with a crack sound heard, Shadowfire yelling out in agony.

Violetstar slowly recovers and sees Shadowfire in complete pain at the hands of Beast Star, she got to her feet and hits a running kick to the helmet clad head of the champion, who released Shadowfire in turning his attention to her. Violetstar glared at Beast Star as she fights him off, avoiding the champion's grapples and swings with Violetstar laying down a display of combo attacks upon the specimen.

Beast Star grunts a bit, not in pain but in anger. Flairscar recovered and lunged at Beast Star, hitting a low dropkick to the back of Beast Star's legs, making him fall to his knees as Flairscar wrapped his arms around his neck into a headlock while Violetstar delivers repeated kicks to the chest of Beast Star.

Beast Star growls in anger while taking the hits from Violetstar and Flairscar trying to put him to sleep, he caught the left leg of Violetstar and twists it with a sickening snap, Violetstar screaming in pain while falling to the ground, clutching her broken leg.

Flairscar: Violetstar!

Beast Star grabs on Flairscar's face, trying to pry him off. Flairscar held on to the sleeper hold as hard as he could but Beast Star managed to break the hold and flipped him to the ground. Flairscar groans as Beast Star stepped on his shoulders, earning a pained grunt from him as Beast Star grabs his arms and begins to pull.

Flairscar: Aaaaaaggghhhhhh!!

Fearfire smirks evilly as he watched Beast Star pulled Flairscar's arms harder until.....

Snap! Snap! Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiip!!!!


The crowd cheers loudly at the brutality. Starfire, Cyborg and Blackfire slowly got up with a groan, both women gasping upon seeing Beast Star had just ripped Flairscar's arms off his body, blood flowing from the wounds onto the arena floor, the now armless Tamaranian howling in sheer agony.

Violetstar, still in pain, saw what happened to her brother.

Violetstar: Flairscar!!!

Fearfire: Hehehehehehahahaha... Excellent, finish him.

Beast Star then brings his foot up and was about to drive it through the skull of Flairscar. Before he could do it, Cyborg tackled him, delivering a couple of strong haymakers and boxing jabs to Beast Star to knock the champion down to size but Beast Star caught the next shot, grabs Cyborg and nails him with a monstrous spinebuster, earning a grunt from the titan.

Beast Star proceeds to hammer away at cyborg, who tries to defend himself and fight back, the crowd was on its feet upon seeing two powerhouses trading fierce blows with each other. Beast Star and Cyborg were going head to head with nailing one another with huge blows, Cyborg puts Beast Star over his shoulder but Beast Star elbows his face in to let him go, Beast Star then grabs Cyborg from behind with a monstrous suplex but he doesn't let go as he hits cyborg with suplex after suplex after suplex after suplex as the crowd erupt in massive cheers.

Beast Star then stops and throws Cyborg across the arena as the half machine/half man hits the walls, he groans trying to come to his senses but was too late as Beast Star charged in like a raging bull and rammed Cyborg full force deep into the wall, creating a huge crater as cyborg fell to the ground.

Cyborg was out cold.

Beast Star raised his arms with a fierce battle cry, the crowd cheering loudly for the champion. Beast Star then turns to walk towards Violetstar who tries to stand but her leg was broken, she was unable to stand up and defend herself. Beast Star then picks up Violetstar, who took this opportunity to deliver punch after punch and forearm strike after forearm strike to fend off Beast Star but the champion lifts up Violetstar and tosses her across the arena as he runs after her.

Starfire and Blackfire tried to stop him but Beast Star knocks them both out of his way with a shoulder tackle and leaps up and slams his knees deep onto the legs of Violetstar, making her yell out in pain as her left leg's damage increased while the right leg was now broken too.

Violetstar: GAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!

Beast Star lifts Violetstar by her hair, landing down a vicious punch to the face repeatedly, drawing blood from her as he released her only to nail her with a large kick to send her head first into the wall, knocking her out.

Beast Star raised his arms wide as he roared to the sky. Fearfire was smirking with the numbers dwindling in the challengers, once the match is over, he plans on displaying Starfire and her friends as examples of those who think they would have a chance in hoping to defeat his champion. Beast Star then noticed Starfire and Blackfire slowly getting up and slowly approaches them.

The two Tamaranians pick themselves up to their feet, Beast Star was quite a challenge for the both of them and wasn't gonna go down so easily. Starfire and Blackfire look at each other in silence for a moment....

Blackfire: Are you willing to trust me again...?

Starfire: Only if you're willing trust in me this time with no drawbacks, sister...

Blackfire forms a small smile which Starfire returned as the two nodded. Beast Star approaches them quickly as the two Tamaranians acted fast in hitting a low double dropkick to knock Beast Star to his knees.

Starfire and Blackfire took turns delivering kick after kick to the chest of Beast Star. The champion then caught both their legs after the 18th kick as he stood up but before he could snap their legs, Blackfire and Starfire use their free legs to hit both sides of Beast Star's neck, stunning him to let go.

Blackfire and Starfire then circle around the champion to gain some distance before Starfire charged in with a lariat to Beast Star, who didn't go down. Blackfire went in for a lariat of her own, Beast Star didn't go down. Both sisters decided to hit a double lariat only for Beast Star to duck underneath and comes back with a double lariat of his own to both Starfire and Blackfire.

He then lifts up Starfire and nails her with a monstrous suplex. Beast Star then picks up Blackfire and hits her with a suplex as well. He then go back to Starfire and hits a suplex to her again, then he does the same thing to Blackfire, the champion Tamaranian was just delivering massive suplex after suplex to both Starfire and Blackfire as the crowd was on a roll with this.

Beast Star was showing no mercy in his power as he was about to deliver a 29th suplex to Blackfire and does execute it but Blackfire landed on her feet and hits a reverse elbow shot to the back of his neck while Starfire came in with a front kick to the armored face of Beast Star, making a dent in his helmet. Beast Star instantly gets up, roaring at the two Tamaranians, Blackfire charges in first followed by Starfire with the two trading fierce double combo strikes to Beast Star who was fighting back and countering their hits.

Beast Star knocks them both down, he grabs Blackfire and from behind he delivers repeated clubbing arm blows to her chest, drawing blood from the banished Tamaranian's mouth with pained yells and grunts.

After the 30th clubbing blow, Beast Star released Blackfire and hits a running Starfire with a fierce back forearm strike without even looking in her path, he then turns to grabs Starfire by the hair, earning a pained yell from her as the champion viciously beats her with an inch of her life.

Fearfire: Yes, yes my ultimate champion! Like myself, you shall rid this world of another Starfire!

Blackfire slowly got up, coughing up a bit of blood and spots Beast Star brutalizing Starfire, the Tamaranian titan fought back against the champion but Beast Star was showing no restraint or mercy upon stopping each attack Star was throwing at him and returning the pain a hundred fold.

He then lifts Starfire over his head, trapping both her arms and legs... aiming to rip her in half. Starfire was screaming in excruciating agony, the crowd was cheering massively and Fearfire was smirking evilly. A rage erupted in Blackfire... this wasn't just any anger from those who would turn against her, those who would look down on her or even anger from her jealousy towards her sister... This anger was boiling from seeing Starfire in this state at the hands of Beast Star & was unable to do anything about it.

She hated that.

Blackfire's eyes glowed purple as faint energy was radiating off her, the spherical plate on her armor glowed red as it shocked Blackfire immensely but she didn't care about the pain. Fearfire saw this and presses the button on his gauntlet to the electric shocks on Blackfire to keep her in line but the banished Tamaranian wasn't feeling the shocks nor caring as her energy was radiating off her.

Fearfire: What is this? (Presses the buttons) The spherical plates on the armor is supposed to suppress the powers and delivers immense shocks to keep them in line. How comes Blackfire's isn't responding?

He tries to increase the settings but the same result as the spherical plates on Blackfire was cracking.

Fearfire: No, it can't be. It can't be malfunctioning! These technology and design is perfect, there's no a lowly Tamaranian can break-


The spherical plates on Blackfire's armor shattered completely as her power fully radiated and expanded out of her new rage. Fearfire, the guards and the crowd were in complete disbelief.


Beast Star stopped his painful hold on Starfire and spotted Blackfire now released from the restraints, the enraged Tamaranian lunged at Beast Star with a solid fist to the gut, making him drop Starfire as he coughs up some blood underneath his helmet. Beast Star growls furiously as he and Blackfire traded menacing and brutal blows with each other, not caring about Blackfire's powers released as he wanted to break her. Starfire slowly got up to see her sister free of the restraints and faintly smiled.

Blackfire didn't care about herself, the tournament or the pain she endured at this point, she was fighting for someone other than herself and she wanted to end Beast Star. Fearfire was watching this in complete disbelief and infuriation.

Fearfire: Impossible, guards stop her-


The arena shook immensely.

Fearfire: What's going on here?!


More explosions were heard followed by screams, Fearfire presses a button on his throne to show the holographic security cameras to see his kingdom getting attacked, his warriors ambushed and his army getting taken by surprise with a heated battle going on between them and an army of rogue Tamaranian Warriors led by........ Novafire with Beast Dude accompanying her?! Fearfire grits his teeth with eyes full of rage, how did they escape?! And they're trying to overthrow him?!

Fearfire: BLAST! I want all guards on high alert, capture Blackfire, take her, Starfire and the rest to the dungeon and take out the rebels, LEAVE NONE OF THEM ALIVE!!!

The guards obeyed as they got to work. Meanwhile, Beast Star and Blackfire were brawling away, not giving any inch of delay until Blackfire delivered a ferocious right to the face of Beast Star, shattering a part of the helmet, a vicious spin kick to the left side of his abdomen, feeling the ribs cracked but Beast Star didn't care as he kept fighting.

Blackfire let out a furious battle cry, her left fist glowing violet purple with her running at Beast Star, who ran at her with a punch of his own, the two got closer with Beast Star landing the first punch but Blackfire avoid his attack and landed her energy bolt powered punch to the heart of Beast Star, a massive shockwave of purple energy erupted behind Beast Star as she sent the champion flying straight out of the arena into the sky, out of sight.

Fearfire: Impossible... impossible, my champion... defeated by her...?!

He glared angrily at Blackfire, who saw guards coming her way to blast and restrain her but Blackfire dodged and countered their attacks timely, firing blast after blast to sent them packing. She then head over to Starfire, readying her purple starbolt in hand to rip the spherical plates off Starfire's armor, freeing her the restraints.

Starfire: Thank you.

Blackfire: Don't thank me yet, we have company.

They spot more guards coming.

Blackfire: Get the others, I'll keep them busy.

Starfire: Right.

Blackfire fights off the guards while Starfire flies over to her fallen comrades who were getting carried away by more guards, Starfire fires her starbolts and laser eyes to knock them away.

Starfire: Friend Cyborg, cousins Violetstar, Flairscar and Shadowfire! Are you alright?

Cyborg groans as he and the others minus Flairscar regain consciousness.

Cyborg: Ugh, yeah. I feel like I got ran over by a tank times a million.

Starfire uses her star bolts in hand to rip off the spherical plates on Cyborg, Violetstar, Shadowfire and Flairscar, freeing them of the restraints.

Shadowfire: Thank you, Starfire.

Starfire: Actually, Blackfire helped in my escape to get you out.

Cyborg: Wait, Blackfire? How?

Starfire: Long story but for now, we need to free the others.

Violetstar: I agree. But my legs are broken and brother needs quick medical help.

Cyborg: I'll help you with that.

Shadowfire: We'll handle breaking out the prisoners, you help Blackfire.

Starfire: Right.

Cyborg used his sonic cannon to blast a hole through the entrance way to the dungeon as he picks up Violetstar and ran with Shadowfire taking the unconscious Flairscar and following. Starfire then flies towards the guards and joins Blackfire in taking them down one by one, having each other's backs and delivering strong combo attacks and starbolts or green and purple, laying out the guards.

The two then spotted Fearfire rising up from his throne and flying down to the arena with a calm yet angry look in his eyes.

Fearfire: While I'm normally angry at this moment, I'm also impressed... You're a lot tougher than I give you credit, to think you were able to use pure, raw emotions to break the restraints that bind your powers and to beat my champion but.... that'll only get you so far.

Starfire: It's over, Beast Star is defeated. Blackfire won us out freedom.

Blackfire: Star, take it from me... He's not gonna keep his word on letting us go.

Fearfire: Indeed. Did you really think I would let you go so easily? Since my tournament is ruined, I'll see you both destroyed like I did the Starfire and Blackfire of this world.

Starfire: Then we challenge you for the freedom of New Tamaran & the worlds you've imprisoned.

Fearfire: Hmph. So be it.

Fearfire forms two giant bolts of energy and fires a massive wave towards the two sisters, who narrowly avoided it as Fearfire drives the beam over where most of his guards were caught in the blast, incinerated.

Blackfire: Tch. The guy's no slouch.

Starfire: No. Even though they aligned with him, they're still our people and he carelessly obliterated most of them, he must be stopped!

The two flew at Fearfire with firing starbolts at him, he would dodged and knock them aside. Starfire and Blackfire would charge in with combo attacks against the dark Grand Ruler but Fearfire would easily counter their double team attacks and fire back with his own attacks and strength, knocking them back.

The two sisters were shocked but narrowed their eyes, Fearfire was much stronger than Beast Star and more cunning and a strategic, it wouldn't going be easy. The two tried to time their attacks to land a solid hot to the dark Grand Ruler of New Tamaran, Fearfire took the hits and trades the offense back, swatting Starfire and Blackfire away flies but they wouldn't stay down.

Fearfire begins lifting up large damaged parts of his arena to throw them at Starfire and Blackfire. The two sisters saw this & flew over to either blast away the objects or throw it aside, Blackfire caught one of the damaged parts of the arena and used it like a bat to hit Fearfire, who shattered it with one punch.

Starfire moved in to attack Fearfire, who blocks her combo attacks with his right hand. Blackfire moves in to attack Fearfire as well but he blocks her combo attacks with his left hand. Fearfire smiles very sadistically while blocking Starfire and Blackfire's attacks for a moment before grabbing them by their wrists and spins them around a couple times until he throws them straight into the ground with an earth shattering thud.

Fearfire: Hahahahahahaha!

He floats towards the two sisters, who groaned while slowly getting up from the rubble, Fearfire then fires a giant bolt wave of energy to send Starfire and Blackfire crashing into the walls.

Starfire: Aah!

Blackfire: Ngh!

Fearfire: You're both weak, just like the Starfire and Blackfire of this world! They thought they could stop the true age of Tamaran that I've brought upon the universe?! Thanks to me, New Tamaran is the most feared planet in the Galaxy, every planet destroyed or conquered in my name, in my vision and in my will!

Starfire and Blackfire felt another wave hit them from Fearfire, followed by another & another making them scream in pain. They slowly fell to their knees with Fearfire standing before them with a dark grin.

Fearfire: That's it, on your knees... bow to your new Grand Ruler for I am Fearfire, the true conqueror of New Tamaran. The devastator of planets and the decider who lives and who dies! And you two are nothing but weak, overbearing brats in a pathetic sibling rivalry!

Starfire: ....

Blackfire: ....

Fearfire: It is my will that all those who defy or try to overthrow me... be utterly annihilated!

Fearfire flies in the air as he charged two starbolts in hand and raised it above him to form a planet sized bolt sphere.

Fearfire: Once you're both gone, I'll invade your world and take over everything there to expand my kingdom further! None shall stop my conquest, Now die!

Fearfire drops the bolt sphere as it quickly descended to the damaged arena, the shockwave from it and the high winds was blowing everything away, everyone was running away from the approaching death hurdling towards Starfire and Blackfire.

Starfire and Blackfire stared up at the approaching bolt sphere with narrowed eyes.

Blackfire: You may be the ruler of this galaxy...

Starfire: But you are not the ruler of us!

Starfire and Blackfire then flare up with green and purple energy. The two sisters fly up to the bolt sphere, using their hands to hold the attack to keep it from hitting the ground, the two grunt from the energy of Fearfire overwhelming them.

Fearfire: Struggle all you want, it's the end for you!

Starfire and Blackfire continue to hold their own but the force of the bolt sphere was pushing them back down into the ground with the bolt sphere destroying the arena and everything near it.

Fearfire: Let that be a lesson to those who are foolish enough to try to challenge me, they will all fall like the others! Farewell Starfire and Blackfire, forever!

Fearfire's dark laughter echoed throughout the kingdom, staring down at the bolt sphere that did in Starfire and Blackfire. He smiled sadistically at his work, then he noticed something... looking closely at the bolt sphere.

Fearfire: Hmmm? What's this?

The bolt sphere was slowly being pushed back up.

Fearfire: Impossible, they should be dust!

Fearfire unleashed more energy bolts to the bolt sphere to put more destructive power into the impact. The bolt sphere expanded to critical mass which sent a powerful shockwave throughout the arena and kingdom, Fearfire smirks but slowly it vanished as the bolt sphere suddenly started to push back up and rather fast at a quick rate, heading towards him.

Fearfire didn't have time to get out of the way as he caught the bolt sphere but it kept pushing him high in the sky, Fearfire was shocked by this term of events and his own attack overwhelming him, noticing the bolt sphere changing color into a shroud of bright green and purple.

Fearfire yelled out in pain and frustration as he was sinking into the bolt sphere, now inside it while feeling immense damage from his own attack now influence with bright green and purple energy.

Fearfire: (in his mind) My own attack! Damaging me?!?! How?!

Then he spots two silhouettes flying towards him within the bolt sphere, his eyes widened upon seeing Starfire and Blackfire charging straight for him with double star bolt enhanced punch.

Fearfire: (in his mind) This can't be happening! They should be dead-

The two sisters connected the double punch to the heart of Fearfire, causing the bolt sphere to erupt with him yelling out in agony, the critical mass attack exploding on impact within the sky.

Everyone braced themselves with the massive shockwave occuring from the explosion. Soon after, the explosion subsided and the arena was beyond a wreck. Novafire, Beast Dude and the rogue Tamaranian army soon came out of the cloud of smoke while most of Fearfire's guards came into view. From the dungeon, Cyborg came back with Violetstar, Shadowfire, a bandaged Flairscar, Sunshock, Lunarstar and a huge group of Tamaranian prisoners came in and saw the devastation.

Cyborg: Whoa...

Beast Dude: It looks like a nuke hit this place... Wait, Where's Star and Blackfire?

Novafire: And Fearfire... (Venom dripping from her voice)

Everyone looks around for any signs of them and one prisoner spotted something coming down from the sky. Getting everyone's attention, they all look up and see Starfire and Blackfire, who were slowly floating back down while carrying something... everyone's eyes widened.

When Starfire and Blackfire landed in the center, they dropped something on the ground and it was revealed to be Fearfire, who was completely and utterly damaged, his armor and attire destroyed in tatters, his skin scarred and burnt and his hair was nearly gone while he was semi conscious.

Blackfire: Warriors of New Tamaran, your Grand Ruler has fallen!

Starfire: And so has his evil reign over you, this planet and the galaxy, You are all free!

There was silent... until the entire area was erupting in cheers from the prisoners and surprisingly the Tamaranians who swore their allegiance to Fearfire also cheered for the two challengers.

Cyborg: Good word Star!

Beast Dude: Yeah, way to dethrone the king, hahaha!

Starfire: Thank you my friends, but I didn't do it alone.

Starfire turns to Blackfire, who was silent. Star then gave her a strong hug which caught Blackfire off guard. Blackfire smiles a little as she returned it.

Cyborg: Guess she patched things up.

Beast Dude: Ok, I'm confused. So is Blackfire and Starfire okay again or is she planning to betray her again? Or this some sort of loop/twist to betray one another to either Star sends her to jail or Blackfire to strike when we least suspect it? Gaaah! It's making my brain hurt...

Cyborg: B, just calm down.

Novafire approached the semi conscious body of Fearfire.

Novafire: How the mighty have fallen. You believed that no one can take you out or surpass you but someone finally did, two exactly. Bringing Starfire and Blackfire back from another world & your own pride & ego was your undoing.

Fearfire glared at her with hate but was unable to do anything.

Fearfire: Ngh... Then kill me, they won the battle but it won't end until I'm dead.... Because when I heal, I will reclaim what's rightfully mine...

Novafire growls as she grabs him by the throat, lifting Fearfire up to her level. Starfire, Blackfire and the others saw this.

Novafire: You will reclaim nothing, you brought nothing but shame to the Tamaran legacy, eliminating the former planet and most of it's people, including my own family, your bloodshed spread across the galaxy... every being doesn't see our greatness, they hate us as you exposed peaceful planets that had no quarrels with us to war! I'm gonna make sure you never see the light of day again!

Novafire reaches into her pouch, Beast Dude thought she was going to take out a weapon and kill Fearfire.

Beast Dude: Novafire, dudette! What are you doing?!

Novafire: (glared at Beast Dude) What does it look like, green one? This galaxy can never rest until he stops breathing! You may have a no killing moral where you're from but it doesn't apply to me!

Starfire: STOP!!!

Everyone turns to Starfire.

Starfire: That's enough, Novafire. I'm aware of everything Fearfire has done, seeing the slavery, beings forced to fight against their wills and the deaths, no more.

Novafire: But-

Starfire: That's enough bloodshed and death! It's over! Fearfire deserves a lot for his crimes but this isn't the way! Do you want to be like him? A monster? Monsters can be created in many ways, especially from revenge. Are you going to be another monster succumbed by his madness?

Novafire glared at Starfire, turning to Fearfire and going back to Starfire. She growled ferociously for a moment before slowly calming down with a deep sigh.

Novafire: Fine... I won't kill him but I will do him one better.

Novafire pulls out something from her pouch, a strange syringe gun with a violet purple liquid inside. Without warning, she injected it into Fearfire's neck.

Fearfire: Ack! Agh! GUUAAAAAHH!!!

Fearfire screamed in complete pain until he passed out.

Cyborg: What did you just give him?

Novafire: A little virus I created before I was captured in case killing Fearfire was a difficult task. It'll strip him of all his Tamaranian abilities and powers. And the other effects.... let's just say once his body and mind experiences them, he'll wish he was dead so that's enough of a punishment for him.

Blackfire: You're a crafty one, aren't you?

Novafire: I'm not just a brute, you know?

Blackfire: Heh. Really fooled me there. Then Fearfire is no longer a threat, he won't go free.

Starfire: Yes. He will answer for his crimes. But for now, let us celebrate!

Everyone agreed as they begin their victory and freedom with a feast.


Narrator: A few weeks later...


It's been weeks since the tournament was over and the reign of Fearfire came to an end. The prisoners were freed & all of the Tamaranian guards & warriors denounced their allegiance to Fearfire and praised the Co-Grand Rulers Starfire and Blackfire for their victory over the tyrant.

Fearfire himself was sentenced to an eternal imprisonment in the dungeon and thanks to the virus Novafire injected, he won't be causing any problems. Cyborg and the others helped rebuild the kingdom after the war damages while building new homes as well.

Now, in the main throne room, everyone appeared before Starfire and Blackfire, an announcement being hold by the two sisters.

Blackfire: As you all already know, Fearfire's reign is over. You all have your freedom, we have rebuild the kingdom of New Tamaran to how it should be!

Starfire: And thanks to Friend Cyborg and Novafire, we able to sent the message to kingdoms Fearfire has ruled across the galaxy that his reign has come to an end, like New Tamaran, they will be no longer be shackled under his rule and can rest easy, knowing that the universe is free from his rule!

The crowd of Tamaranians cheered, including Beast Dude, Cyborg, Violetstar, Shadowfire, Flairscar (who got his arms saved & reattached thanks to Cyborg), Sunshock, Lunarstar and Novafire.

Blackfire: While the universe is at peace, New Tamaran is entering a new chapter of redemption.

Starfire: Yes. But alas... Sister and I are relinquishing our titles as Grand Rulers.

The Tamaranians had shocked and confused looks, muttering or wanting an answers.

Blackfire: Silence! Sister and I talked this over and while being your Grand Rulers for weeks has been swell, we have to go.

Starfire: Indeed. We have a place back in our world but that doesn't mean you'll have no Grand Ruler to watch over you and do everything to protect you.

Blackfire: For we have selected someone who has led the rebellion against Fearfire and his forces to pave the way to allow us to silent the conqueror. And that candidate is.... Novafire!

Everyone's eyes was on Novafire who was shocked. Beast Dude turned into an Ape and pushed Novafire, who was still like a statue towards Starfire and Blackfire, giving a thumbs up before running.

Novafire: Nonono, I couldn't.

Starfire: We've made our choice, Friend Beast Dude told me everything of what you've done. Your skills in leadership during the rebellion makes you qualified.

Novafire: But Grand Rulers, I can't. The throne belongs to you two. I'm not worthy of-

Blackfire: (smirks with a stern glare) And as the Co-Grand Rulers of New Tamaran, we say that you're next in time. So suck it up like a true warrior and take the crown.

Novafire had a look of disbelief and slight embarrassment from the look Blackfire was giving her, seeing no way out of this. Sighing, Novafire kneels as Starfire approached her and places the crown on her, rising to her feet to face the crowd.

Starfire: All hail your new Grand Ruler, Novafire!

The crowd cheers in chanting Novafire's name. Novafire slowly smiles a little, honoring Starfire and Blackfire's wish to rebuild the Tamaran legacy to redemption and to protect her people.


Later on...

Creating a portal hoop linked to the device Fearfire used to bring them here, Cyborg and Novafire got it running. Violetstar, Flairscar, Shadowfire, Sunshock and Lunarstar were present.

Novafire: Alright, the portal is ready to go.

Cyborg: And the coordinates are linked to Titans towers.

Beast Dude: Looks like we're heading home, see ya when we see ya-

Novafire: Green one.

Beast Dude turns to see Novafire staring darkly at him.

Beast Dude: Whoa whoa whoa! What did I do-

Novafire kneels and gives him a passionate kiss, which shocked him as she broke it.

Novafire: A special thanks for assisting me in the rebellion, you are a humorous warrior.

Beast Dude was blushing red as he fainted with hearts in his eyes and a goofy smile. Novafire chuckles at this.

Violetstar: We're gonna miss you Cousin Starfire and Blackfire.

Starfire: I'll miss you too, hopefully we'll see you again someday.

Cyborg: (gives the six Tamaranians titans communicators) Here, you can contact us if you want to come by or if there's trouble, I even upgraded these with this New Tamaran tech so they'll work from your world to ours. Consider yourselves honorary parallel titans.

Lunarstar: Why thank you Friend Cyborg.

Sunshock nods in agreement.

Shadowfire stares at Blackfire.

Shadowfire: Thank you for your help in this, I guess you're not the treacherous Tamaranian you used to be.

Blackfire: Heh. I guess I'm not.

Shadowfire: But if you make one slip up... I will find you.

Blackfire chuckles.

Blackfire: Oh you have nothing to fear.

Violetstar hugs Starfire and Blackfire, who returned the hug.

Violetstar: Thank you. Thank you for everything you've both done, now New Tamaran can begin a new chapter and those who have fallen have been avenged. Thank you.

Starfire: You're welcome. I do promise that we will see each other again, my cousin.

Novafire activated the portal hoop as it opened. Cyborg picks up the lovestruck Beast Dude and walks through it first, then Blackfire turns to Novafire and give her the look and smirks, remembering what she said as Novafire smirks, getting the message to be a Grand Ruler the people of New Tamaran can be proud of. Blackfire winks at her as she went through the portal. Starfire walks towards the portal before turning to Violetstar and the others who waved goodbye with smiles, Starfire smiles and waved back as she was the last one to go through the portal.


Spiraling through the current of the vortex, Cyborg, Beast Dude, Starfire and Blackfire sees another portal open on the other side. The four landed in the main living room of Titans towers where Robin, Raven, Jinx and Kid Flash we're present trying to locate them but found nothing... until now.

Robin: Guys!

The four titans approached Starfire, Cyborg and Beast Dude, who got up to their feet. Blackfire slowly got up as well, Raven sees this and was about to trap her Starfire stops her.

Starfire: No.

Raven: Star-

Starfire: I know what you're going to say and what you want to know but it's a long story.


Starfire explains the entire story to Robin, Raven, Jinx and Kid Flash with Cyborg and Beast Dude explaining their parts in the story. Blackfire also explains her parts of the story, including the reason why she always put Star through such treacherous actions, she doesn't want to be Star's enemy anymore as life on New Tamaran has changed her, fighting for someone other than herself and wanted to open a chapter in her means of redemption.

She wanted to be a Titan.

This shocked the Titans, especially Starfire who was glad that her sister wanted to truly change. Robin and Raven have their doubts but Cyborg declared that Blackfire isn't lying, due to what his cybernetics are telling him in scanning Blackfire's speech, everything she said was the truth.

So Robin welcomed Blackfire into the Titans but does warn her that there will extreme consequences if she tries anything treacherous, same thing was said to her by Raven as well. Blackfire accepted the warning and couldn't blame the two for not trusting her, she had a lot of work to do.


Blackfire was sitting on the roof, staring up at the moon in the night sky.

Blackfire: ....

Starfire: I thought I'd find you up here.

Starfire appeared and sat next to Blackfire.

Starfire: Congratulations on becoming a Titan, sister.

Blackfire smiled as she picks up her own communicator.

Blackfire: Thanks. I know that I gotta put a lot of work into it for the full team to trust me.

Starfire: Indeed. I'm also sorry.

Blackfire: Hmm?

Starfire: I'm truly sorry for what you went through from your date of birth up to now, I've been trying to be nice to you but was very ignorant to see how you really felt, being blamed, despised & loathed by our people for something you had nothing to do with, our parents loved you, they truly did but had their attention mostly on me while they didn't acknowledge your work & events as you felt like I was replacing you... that jealousy led to hate that made you what you were in the past, a vengeful villain. I didn't know you felt like this and it's my fault for not approaching you about it, you've felt unloved and abandoned... but no more, I want to help you on your road to redemption and I want you to know that you're not alone, not anymore.

Blackfire stared at her in silence before chuckling.

Blackfire: I forgive you but I should be the one apologizing to you, Sister Dear. For everything I did to you, I will make it up to you, I promise.

Starfire: The same thing goes for me as well.

The two sisters shared a huge for a moment before breaking it up and staring up at the moon in the night sky.

To be continued...

(Chapter 6 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! And so that ends the arc of A sister's redemption, Blackfire has joined the Titans as she rekindled her bond with Starfire. The oc Tamaranians will make an appearance again in the story in the near future. What's next? Find out next chapter, if anyone has any suggestions or ideas for a chapter or oc ideas, you can list them on the comment section and you'll get credit for the ideas. This is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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