Happy Ending


I kept on thinking if it would be best to keep quiet or tell everyone everything and considering the fact what happened was huge I decided to come clean to my friends.

I called up Taz, Dom and the twins and sat them down for conversation in a local cafe.

Ethan was nowhere to be heard from and I really missed him but I kept on remembering how excited he was back in the office and I didn't have the gut to ask him to meet me before he was done there.

I entered the cafe ready for a serious conversation, but they were already in a serious conversation on their own. I joined them on at table, and tried to listen in.

"Then you are no longer dating?" Dom asked.

"No." Logan said. "Tanya and I just wasn't meant to work out."

WOAH. I missed out on a lot of stuff these few days.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Jackie! You're here." Taz yelled and then she saw my bruises. "Mi dulce what happened?"

"I'll get to that later. I want to know why Logan broke up with Tanya." I said finding myself bit confused about my new need to hear the latest gossip.

"Dom broke up a few days ago as well." Taz said

 I became a little suspicious. Two break ups?

"Taz and you..." I turned towards Landon and he raised his hands in defense. "I didn't break up."

"But you are in a serious relationship now?" I asked and they both got caught red in their faces.

"You though..what happened. Where is Ethan?" Taz pulled my hand. "Tell me."

"He is in the FBI headquarters"

"Oh my god tell me he killed whoever did that to your face. I will find him the best lawyer."

I laughed. "No...here is what happened.."

So I started from the beginning to the most recent events.

Once I was done they were all speechless.

"So...will anyone say anything?" I asked. In the same time they all said something.

"Who is this Andy guy?"- Dom

"Dylan sounds hot"-Taz

"He and Andy are now friends?" -the twins

"Wow you guys really know how to prioritize information," I said sighing at their questions.

"So Ethan is still in the FBI figuring stuff out?" Taz asked.

"Yes. He was the most connected to Nygel and knows things that might help."

"And Andy is with him? They are friends now?" Landon asked insulted.

"I wouldn't say friends..." I replied. "But I don't think they are enemies anymore either. It's somewhere in between. Human relationships are complicated."

The twins were not happy to hear anything about Andy what so ever. They started muttering to themselves some pretty heavy curses.

"Anyhow..." I started.. "I'm really hoping to forget about the whole thing so can we do a road trip somewhere," I asked.

"Oh my god." Tazia screamed.

"You did not just say that!" Dom yelled. "Who are you and what did you do to Jackie?"

"I think those hits really got to her sanity. Maybe she has a brain injury." Taz added like she was onto something.

"Very funny." I shook my head. Though as much as out of my usual self it might have seen to them, I just needed an excuse to leave the house and my mother who has not let me leave her sight.

"We don't have to go far away." I said. "Just somewhere."

"Leave it to me! I will plan the best trip possible." Tazia was already pulling out her phone to take notes.

"She didn't mean right now." Landon pushed her hand down.

"Um ideas have no schedule," Taz said brining her phone up again.

"I just think it's rude since we are talking." He tried to take her phone away.

"Since when do you care what's rude or not." She glared at him, pulling her hands away from him.

"Since your responsible for my reputation I can't let you do whatever you want." He got up and leaned over her, pressing her on the seat, finally getting her phone.

Tazia stood there glued in place. She blinked twice and then gathered herself together.

Was that...was she embarrassed or something?

"Taz um.." I started but Dom stopped me from saying anything. He leaned over to whisper.  "Let her struggle with her new emotions a bit."

I nodded. I guess love changed all of us a bit.

Suddenly everyone's faces brightened up.

"Hey, It's Ethan." Logan pointed behind me.

I turned my head and saw Ethan and Andy. They walked over joining us on the table.

"This is Andy." Ethan pointed at him and the twins were almost hissing at him.

"Oh, so you are friends now?" Logan frowned.

"Guess you don't need us anymore." Landon crossed his hands.

"He helped Ethan save Jackie. Don't be assholes." Dom said and tapped on the seat next to him with a flirty smile. Hesitant Andy sat down next to him and Ethan dragged a chair next to me.

I was suddenly grinning with a stupid smile on my face. They were all hilarious. I suddenly realized I had the best people around me. I was not alone. I had so many people in my life and I was really happy. 

This type of happiness might not be permanent but it was nice to know how happy a person can be with people that care for you. I didn't want to admit it but after everything that happened, I can kind of understand how much underrated these moments were.

"You look pretty happy." Ethan grabbed my hand under the table. "Are you that happy to see me?"

I smiled. "Yes. I missed you. And I missed this."

He leaned closer. "You're okay, right? You don't have nightmares or .."

"No..no." I cut him off but he held my hand tighter. 

"I've been there Jackie. I'm worried about you."

I smiled. "I know. And thank you for worrying. But I'm fine. I just needed this. My normal back. And..."

"And?" Ethan asked.

"Well we didn't see each other after um..after...that so I want um.." I got stuck on words. 

"Oh." Ethan smirked. I could see perverted thoughts going through his head.

"Alright people. You have five minutes to tell me all I've missed. And then I'm out of here." Ethan winked at me and I nudged him embarrassed.

"I got it!" Taz pressed her palms on the table. "We can go to the beach."

"No,no no no..."Logan shook his head. "I burn."

"You're not parading in a swimsuit." Landon glared at her.

"Jealous?"Taz smiled.

"I think she'd look hot in one." Andy answered and I could see Landon's mouth drop open in shock. His face screamed how dare you?

"Andy right." Taz smiled. "You got good eyesight."

"That's it. He has to go." Landon stood up.

"I vote for that as well." Logan followed.

"Don't be like that." Ethan sighed.

"Yeah. Why shouldn't we keep him?" Dom glanced at Logan.

"Because.." Logan cleared his throat.

"Because we hate him." Landon finished the sentence. 

"I'm on Dom's and Ethan's side. I think he should stay." Taz grinned.

Landon's face became red so fast I thought smoke would come out of his head.

"Jackie, whose side are you on?" Logan asked.

Everyone turned towards me.

Oh no, no no.

I can't be put in this position. Think brain, think! And then I got an idea.

"Um correct me if I'm wrong but..." I started. "Aren't you dying to go to Shallon's robot convention?"'

A while back the twins and I had talked about their interests and one of those were robots. They loved a good tech. They've been dying to get into one convention, but without connections it was impossible.

"Yes we are, what does that have to do with anything?" Landon complained. "If you're trying to change the subject.."

"Why don't you ask Andy to do some computer magic and get you on the convention guest list?" I added.

There was silence among the table.  No one said anything.

Ethan leaned back to whisper. "You do know that's partly a crime?"

"Minor one." I whispered back.

"Who are you?" He asked confused.

I smiled. Well these last few days I realized sometimes even the good guys have to be cunning.

"I can if you want to." Andy said understanding this was a golden opportunity. "Get you on that list that is."

Logan and Lanon got back to their seats.

"Are you serious?" Logan asked. "It's impossible."

"You can't just hack in, can you?" Landon raised a brow.

Andy pulled out his phone. "Wanna bet?"

"He stays." The twins said in sync and leaned over Andy's phone as he did his magic.

"So you're fine with this?" Taz leaned on Landon's shoulder.

"Shh woman. I'm trying to see what's his doing." He said but took her hand in her lap.

"Let's get out of here" Ethan said taking my hand.

"We got to..um.." I started...

"Just go.." Taz shooed me and winked.

Ethan didn't wait for other's approval. He had already dragged me out the door.

He intertwined his fingers with mine. Outside was a gorgeous sunny day.

"So? Should we go together somewhere, just the two of us?" He asked. "Should we get some food? Go to the movies or something?"

I shrugged embarrassed. I wanted to just be alone with him damn it.

"Your face says everything except a good mood. You don't want to go somewhere?" He said disappointed. "I know that I've been busy with the FBI, but they were so nice and even offered me to help like you do and..."

"Ethan that's great." I said smiling.

"You're only happy cause I'm down to your level now." He teased.

"Well." I smiled. "I'm technically your senior there."

He laughed. "Okay. I admit defeat."

Ah he was so cute when he smiled. I rose on my toes and whispered in his ear. "Let's go to your house."

He glanced down to me very close to getting a heart attack.

"I want to cuddle." I said, embarrassed.

He put his hand on his chest and pressed his lips in a tight line.

"You're killing me plushy. TAXI!" He raised his hand stopping one.

"Maybe we should uber." I said unsure I wanted to get in another cab. ever.

"No time to lose." Ethan pushed me in making me laugh.

As the taxi drove, Ethan held my hand like he was thinking. "Now that you no longer have my rubber band maybe I should give you something else of mine."

"Well.." I smiled. "We no longer have to pretend we are boyfriend and girlfriend and I already have you so what more do I need?"

He touched his chest again. "Argh. Step on it sir!"

He barely made it to the door before his lips dropped on mine. He pushed me inside closing the door with a leg kick. I jumped in his arms and wrapped my legs around him. He carried me upstairs to his room. 

The world instantly became silent. As I closed my eyes I could only feel his hands on my back and his lips gliding down to my neck. His lips got back up and he kissed me repeatedly. When I looked up, on leaving his arms his eyes said things that made my knees go weak.

He gently pushed me on the bed and then climbed on top of me.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and closed my eyes again. Our lips collided and I let myself get lost in it.


"Pass me that slice." I tried to reach for the box of pizza while Ethan laid in my lap. We were watching a thriller and he refused to use something else as a pillow.

He reached for the box and his hand fell down. "Can't reach too far. You try to get it."

I leaned forward but it was just impossible. I heard him chuckling and when I glanced at him I realized I had my chest in his face.

"You are just..." I hit him few times but he started laughing. "You are too gullible."

I was going to hit him again, but my phone buzzed and I reached in my pocket to take it out.

It was an email flagged as important from the biro. The moment I opened it my eyes went wide. 

"Get up!" I pushed Ethan off me and started jumping happily. "We got a case."

"What?"  Ethan groaned. "Oh come on. We just...."

"Shh.." I shushed him. 

Ah I can't believe this. This is unbelievable. "Listen to this Ethan."

Dear Jaquline Summers, 

We are happy to inform you that you have been selected to enter the training program for a field agent. A case has been assigned to you and in order to go and work in the field, you have to finish our training course. 

The case is about a school murder and you and our new addition to the team will both go in as partners undercover. Please report as soon as you see this message. 

"We are going to be partners in an investigation, Ethan. You are the newest addition to the team. Check your email." 

Still bit confused by everything he reached for his phone and opened his email. 

I waited to see the smile on his face. As soon as he grinned I started jumping again. "We are going to be field agents."

He jumped with me. "We are going to partners."

We held hands and jumped happily. He pulled me into a tight hug. "I love you Jackie."

"I love you too." I hugged him back.

He pulled away and smiled. "Let's go solve this case."

With you, always. "Let's go." 

It's so sad that I get to finish another story like this one. I always get so attached to the story that it's so difficult for me to end it and I end up procrastinating. Thank you all who have been reading so far and for those supporting me.

You are an amazing bunch and I do keep writing because of you.

I hope I managed to wrap up the story in the last few chapters, of course, I'm always open to suggestions to add something in you might notice I've missed.

To add another surprise I'm writing a new story and I will post chapters after I end it first so there is no waiting and .....there will be appearances Jackie and Ethan again as well as other characters from my other stories.

Stay well my friends



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