Chapter 16

I've decided to stop procrastinating, and so this is the beginning of the end. I hope you enjoy. And thanks so much for over six hundred reads. Never would have thought it would've gotten that many, so thanks. Oh, if you have any ideas as to what the characters could have looked like instead (you'll know when you read it), comment and I might add it in when I re-edit this chapter.


As the weeks went by, Teddy spaced himself a little from everyone. He remembered that it had been predicted that he would be taken back in June. Harry had only called to quickly say it would be the middle of June he would be able to get him. Of course the adults noticed his difference in behavior. But seeing the expression on his face and reminding themselves that he would be leaving, they left him to it. Sirius noticed he was getting sad and sympathetic looks, and he was getting the feeling that he was going to die soon.

"So that's why he reacted strangely." Sirius muttered when he walked passed Teddy one morning.

Teddy was drawing a chocolate bar down in the basement. He was trying to make it look exactly the same so he could have another. His dad was down there watching, impressed by his drawing skills.

"Teddy, do you think I could have one of your drawings? They really are amazing." Remus asked

Teddy took a few moments to reply. "Um, I guess I could. Lets see ..."

Teddy flipped through the used pages until he found one he liked. Smiling, he carefully tore the page out and handed it to Remus, looking at him to see his reaction. Remus stared at it, before he burst out laughing.

"Thi - this is brilliant." Remus laughed. "And you've drew this?"

"Yeah. Cool eh?" Teddy laughed. The picture in Remus's hand was a caricature of himself, Tonks and Sirius. All of their bodies were extremely small, but their heads far too big, with some of their features exaggerated.

Tonks had massive eyebrows, lips, and her hair was puffed up more than usual.

Sirius looked very comical and scary; his mustache was down to his knees, his hair a wild, frizzy mane, and the marks under his eyes dropped down to the bottom of his nose, making him look extremely tired.

Remus had a very large nose, his hair was a complete mess, and his scars were longer and deeper than they usually were.

The picture had been enchanted so the caricatures of the three adults were stumbling around the page, sometimes falling over due to their massive heads.

"My nose isn't that big though." Remus said, subconsciously touching his nose.

"Well obviously not that big, it's an exaggeration. But it is an above average sized nose." Teddy said, all seriousness present on his face.

Remus glared at Teddy before studying the picture. "Have you shown Sirius and Tonks?"

"No. I don't show anyone my drawings. It's something I like to keep a secret." Teddy replied

"You should show them this, it truly is brilliant." Remus said

"Considering the picture is now yours, you can show them." Teddy replied. Finding the page he had been working on, Teddy started drawing the chocolate bar again.

Remus pocketed the drawing before heading upstairs to show Sirius and Tonks, if she was there. The other two had the same reaction Remus did; laughing for a while before becoming self conscious about their supposedly larger or most interesting features. But they where very impressed by Teddy's work, and wanted to see what else he'd drawn recently.

"I never knew my hair was that glorious." Sirius said, playing with his hair as the three walked down the stairs so they could have lunch.

"It's not glorious, it's a greasy and tangled mess." Tonks laughed. "It's so greasy it could match Snape's hair."

Sirius whipped out his wand and aimed it at Tonks.

"You can call me whatever you want, say whatever you want. But you never, EVER ... compare me to Snivellus." Sirius growled.

"Ok. Scanky vampire fleabag." Tonks said sweetly, tapping his nose jokingly as she walked past him. Sirius glared at her as she walked down the stairs. As he followed her down a few moments later, he kept on muttering things under his breath like ,'stupid dumb little cousin .... not a bloody fleabag .... stupid Snivellus ... vampires."

Remus only sighed and shook his head, wondering how Sirius stayed the same after everything. But little did he know Sirius was about to go through a dramatic change.......


Harry and the Weasley men had been working on the clock non-stop for the past few months. But at last, it was finished. The final test had proved successful, and now it was time to finally get Teddy back. They had managed to keep the back-in-time-traveler there for about three hours, giving Harry and others enough time to locate those who met Teddy and wipe their memories. It had been decided that Harry and McGonagall were to travel back. After altering their appearance so McGonagall looked younger and Harry looked completely different, it was time to start the rescue mission. What was great about this attempt was they didn't have to be touching the clock to be pulled back, it did it automatically.

"Come on, Harry, it's time to go." Bill called from the study.

Harry was downstairs saying goodbye to Ginny, wanting some alone time with her.

"Coming." Harry called back. Turning back to Ginny, he hugged her tightly. "I'll see you soon."

"Be safe." She whispered. "Please make sure he's safe as well."

"I will." Harry said, letting her go and walking backwards slowly. "I love you."

"Love you too." Ginny replied as Harry ran out the room and up to his study. Bill, Ron, George, Arthur, Percy, Hermione, and McGonagall were all waiting for him. Not many of them recognized him when he walked in because he now had very short dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and tanned skin; it was the perfect disguise.

"Do you two remember the plan?" Arthur asked.

"Yeah. I do." Harry replied. McGonagall nodded.

"Well, lets get this done." George said happily.

McGonagall and Harry placed their hands on the grandfather clock. Percy started twisting the handle at the back of the clock until he had wound it enough times.

"Good luck." The group said in unison as the room started to spin. Harry had to hold his old teacher up, all the spinning was making her dizzy. Very soon, it stopped. As their eyes adjusted to the darkness, Harry knew they were at the right time.

"Lets go." Harry whispered. Opening the door, he poked his head out and listened intensively. He heard nothing, not a single sound apart from their breathing.

"Homenum Revelio." Harry said, his wand out. Turning back to McGonagall, he frowned. "We're alone."

"Lets get a move on, don't want to waste any more time." She said, hurrying past him. "I'm heading to Hogwarts, good luck Harry."

"Good luck to you too." Harry said. Forgetting he was up against the clock, he slowly walked down the stairs putting his wand away, smiling sadly at the gloomy and sinister house. He made his way down to the basement where he saw a half drunken cup of coffee on the table, the Daily Prophet next to it. Picking it up, Harry saw the date, '18 June 1995'.

"Why does that sound so familiar?" Harry muttered, frowning. Gasping, Harry draw his wand and sprinted out the basement as fast as he could. Once outside, he Apparated. He had remembered why the date sounded so familiar; it was the day Sirius was killed.

Harry landed outside the entrance to the ministry and hurried to get inside. Running through the halls desperately, he hoped nothing had happened yet, he wanted to help, he wanted to be strong......


Spells were flying everywhere. Children running, fighting, escaping, or lying on the floor injured. Teddy had saved a few already, and was fighting three Death Eaters at once. No one was too sure how good he was at dueling for real, but from what they'd seen, he was brilliant. Only some Death Eaters remained, some had been defeated already. For his own protection, Teddy was in disguise, and it was working well.

"Tonks, no!" Teddy screamed. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tonks being hit with a curse and falling to the ground; her eyes closed and she was limp. Bellatrix, the one who had shot it, laughed evilly before turning her attention to Sirius and young Harry. Kneeling down beside her, Teddy made sure Tonks was alright. She wouldn't wake up, but she did hit her head pretty hard, and she was still breathing. Teddy decided it was best to leave her and help fight. Suddenly, a man he didn't recognize ran towards him. Teddy shot spells at the man, but the man had his hands in a surrendering gesture.

"Ted, it's me, Harry." He called over the loud sounds. Teddy gasped, it sounded exactly like Harry, but didn't look like it.

"I'm in disguise." Harry hissed. "I've come to get you out of here."

"Brilliant." Teddy exclaimed. "But I'm staying I fight." He said as he hit another Death Eater.

Harry was about to reply when he heard it, the unforgiving curse.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Bellatrix screamed. Teddy and both of the Harry's watched in horror as the curse hit Sirius in the chest. Sirius had been laughing, but now the laugh had died on his lips, his smiled dropping as he stumbled backwards into the Veil, and disappeared.

"Sirius!" Harry, Harry and Teddy yelled.

Older Harry and Teddy watched as other Harry started to run towards the Veil, before Remus stopped him. The screams coming from Harry were horrible as he fought against Remus's embrace. Soon, he had broken free and was chasing after Bellatrix. Older Harry had collapsed on the floor, sobbing loudly. But Teddy didn't react. Sirius was gone, but he couldn't be! He knew it was going to happen, but witnessing it and hearing about it are two very different things. Teddy noticed how shocked his dad was, how distracted and vulnerable he was.

"Dad, take the kids and go, you shouldn't be here." Teddy said as he reached him. Remus only nodded slowly before hurrying off, getting the kids out.

Getting back into his fighting mode, Teddy was ready to fight again, but he didn't need to. All the Death Eaters had gone.

"Round up the kids and take them to Hogwarts, Dumbledore will be there soon." Moody growled. "Take the others and injured back to Grimmauld Place, we'll see you all there."

Teddy nodded before looking around. There weren't many injured, so Teddy picked up Tonks and help the Aurors. Older Harry was following behind, trying not to acknowledge the friends that would soon be dead as well.

It wasn't long before the kids were all back at Hogwarts to be mended, and the adults were at Grimmauld Place. The air was so thick with sadness, you could almost touch it. Teddy was the last to get in. He was having trouble carrying his mum, so he made her wake up and helped her along the street. Everyone sat in the living room. Harry had been waiting outside the door for Teddy, he needed to announce his departure.

"Everyone, I have someone you need to meet. His name is ... Harvey, he's here to take me back." Teddy said, standing up suddenly. The adults looked at Teddy with solemn faces, before the door opened. Harry walked in slowly.

"Hello." He said sadly, his voice purposely deeper.

"You have to go back?" Tonks asked, her voice strained, her eyes searching Teddy's face. "Now?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"No. We have fifty minutes left to get things in order before we are taken back." 'Harvey' said.

Tonks gasped and looked down, her hair no longer pink, but blue like Teddy's.

"I'm sorry. I'll miss most of you, I'll see some of you in the future. I don't regret accidentally ending up here at all. It's been truly great, I just hate how I must leave in such an awful final note." Teddy said sadly. "Bye everyone, I wish you luck for the future."

Tonks was crying again softly, her face covered by her sleeves.

"Mum, dad, can I talk to you two outside?" Teddy asked. Remus and Tonks nodded before slowly standing up and walking out, sad eyes following them.

"Do it." Teddy whispered to Harry as he walked past him. Harry nodded before closing the door and taking his wand.

"I'm sorry. Obliviate Teddy Lupin and Harvey." He said.

Harry watched sadly as their eyes glazed over and they slumped limply in their seats. Leaving the room, Harry opened the front door and slipped past the three on the top step.

"I'll be down the end of the street. Call when it's time" Harry said as he hurried out of sight.

Now they were alone, it was time for the goodbyes. Teddy first hugged Tonks tightly, she needed it most; she had just lost her cousin, and now her son. Tonks hugged him back tightly, sobbing into his shoulder.

"I'm going to miss you." Tonks sobbed. "I know I'll see you again soon, but it won't be the same, will it?"

"No, I'll be smaller and more whiny." Teddy chuckled. "I love you mum, I know you won't be able to hear me say it again, but I do, I really do. I want you to stay strong, you'll get through this."

Teddy had separated himself from his mum and was now looking at her tear strained face. He smiled sadly as he started talking again. "I'm really going to miss you, both of you. You really mean a lot to me and I'll never forget all we have done together in this time."

Turning to Remus, Teddy hugged him as well. "Be brave, dad. Don't be afraid to cry, he was your best friend and I know how much it hurts. I've always been proud to say you're my dad, now more than ever."

"Thank you, Teddy. I'm so proud of you too." Remus sniffed, letting Teddy go.

"So this is goodbye. I'm sorry you won't remember any of this, but I have a feeling that if you remain oblivious to all of this, then your love will be more natural." Teddy said sadly, fighting back tears. Tonks was still sobbing, she had sunk onto the steps, not able to keep standing. Remus had joined her and pulled her into a one armed hug.

"Harvey, it's time." Teddy called into the darkness. The sound of footsteps came closer until he appeared. Harry stood at the bottom of the steps, wand raised, a sad smile on his pale face.

"Obliviate Teddy Lupin and Harvey." He said loudly. Like the others, both of them slumped limply onto each other, their eyes glassy. If it wasn't for the current situation, it would look really cute. But it was depressing, because the last thing Teddy would see of his parents would be them looking dead and lifeless on the steps.

Teddy was staring sadly at them. He wished it didn't have to finish like this, but it had to finish, everything does in the end.

"Come on Teddy. We should go before they wake up." Harry said quietly. Teddy looked at Harry and nodded. But before they left, Teddy kissed both of them on the forehead.

As Harry and Teddy walked slowly down the street, they soon realized they were walking in the wrong direction; into a dead end. Sighing, they turned around and walked at the same pace back the way they came, Harry's arm around Teddy's shoulder in comfort. Teddy knew he wouldn't be able to see his parents when they walked passed, the protective spells would stop it, but they would see him....


Tonks could tell she was outside. Why she had been asleep with Remus leaning against her, she wasn't sure. What she was sure of was that she felt so empty inside. Like she had lost something massive in her life. That's when the events of the day played back. Half of it didn't make sense, but it was the death of Sirius that stood out loud and clear. She felt Remus stir beside her, groaning as he woke up.

"What happened?" he groaned, stretching.

"I think we fell asleep out here. Probably talking about..." Tonks said before trailing into silence, her voice weak.

Remus bowed his head and sniffed loudly. That was probably it. But he didn't remember talking about Sirius, he didn't remember anything from that day, but that didn't matter to him. He'd lost his last link back to the days when it was simple, and nobody died.

Beside him, he felt Tonks shaking a little. Glancing sideways, he saw her hands covering her face, trying to hide the fact she was crying. Hesitantly, Remus put his arms around her and pulled her close, he never was great with dealing with tears. Tonks willingly fell into him and cried into his shoulder, arms hanging loosely around his neck. He rubbed her back soothingly, trying to calm her down a little bit.

"It's going to be ok." Remus whispered. "You're going to be alright."

"Maybe, but what about you?" Tonks said, voice muffled by his shoulder. "You lost him as well."

"I'll be alright. It ... just hurts." Remus said, taking one of his arms away to wipe his face. Tonks took her arms away and leaned against his, her head on his shoulder.

"I miss him already." Tonks squeaked, trying I stop herself from crying even more.

"We all do." Remus sighed. He stood up and stretched his legs, they cracked from lack of use. He started to open the door to go back inside when Tonks stopped him.

"Wait, Remus." She cried, jumping up. He turned around and waited to hear what she had to say. "I know this will sound weird, but will you stay with me tonight? I just don't want to be alone, and I don't think you do either."

"Tonks, I can't." Remus said slowly, thankful it was dark so she couldn't see his slight blush.

"Please, Remus. You're the only one who gets it at the moment, he was like your brother. He was my cousin" Tonks said, walking closer. "Please?"

Remus looked away and sighed. He knew in his mind it was wrong, but in his heart it was what he really needed at the moment. Looking back at her, her saw tears welling up in her innocent eyes again. Remus pulled her into a hug and held her close.

"I'll stay with you tonight. But only tonight." Remus said, letting her go slightly. Tonks smiled as she looked up at him. Before either of them could understand what they were doing, their heads were getting closer and closer together, until their lips met with a soft and slow kiss.

They only parted a little when they heard voices coming closer. Turning around, they watched and listened as two men walked past them.

"How long do we have left?" the taller one asked as the men walked nearer.

"Not long, a few minutes." The other replied.

"I'm going to miss them so much." The first one sighed. "Why did I have to leave this way?"

"That's life, Teddy. Shit stuff happens, look at my younger life; it was terrible. But now, it's all I've ever wanted." The other replied.

"True. Why is life so complicated, Harry." Teddy asked

"Because that's life." Harry replied. "It just is. We should hurry. I don't want anyone seeing it when it happens."

The two men started going at a faster pace, soon blending in with the shadows.

"We should go inside, it's cold." Remus whispered now they were alone again. Tonks nodded and opened the door slowly. They didn't go into the living room, just went straight up to Tonks's room. The two of them just lay side by side on her bed, sometimes talking, sometimes silently thinking, but mostly just enjoying each others company. Strangely calming. But what was stranger was that they felt even more empty than they thought they would, like something else, another big part of them had left as well.

That couldn't be right though, could it?


They were deep into the shadows when the world around them started to spin. Their hair blowing around from the breeze. Lights flashed brightly and people were colourful blurs. The spinning slowed and it was late afternoon from the colour of the sky. Harry and Teddy looked at each other, both had pale faces.

"Welcome home Teddy." Harry said, guiding him up the steps of Grimmauld Place, where a surprise was waiting on the other side.

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