A/n: Hallo! So in this chapter Teddy is thirteen years old and as the title of the chapter says, it is Holliday. (Just so you know he has just ended his second year)
'Teddy!!!' Lily yelled and ran on her short little three-year-old legs and hugged him.
As usual the platform was filled with people who were getting their kids home over the summer Holliday.
'Got yourself a fan have you?' William said and smiled at the little redhead girl with pigtails and yellow dress.
Teddy laughed and lifted Lily up. 'I guess I have,' he said. 'Are you my fan Lily?'
Lily looked at him, then she laughed. 'I tan tool you down when it's hot Teddy,' she said and giggled. 'I'm a tool fan. 'Tus I wove you!'
Teddy and William laughed, understanding that Lily didn't think of the same sort of fan as they did.
Then Harry, Ginny, Albus and James came up to them.
William took a moment to stare at the famous, amazing Harry Potter. Then he smiled at Teddy. 'See you after summer Teddy boy,' he said and left.
''Sup Teddy boy!' James yelled and ran up to him.
Teddy put Lily down and hugged James. Then Al came running and jumped in his arms. Teddy was (as you notice) very popular around the Potter kids.
'Hey Ted! Had a good year?'
Teddy looked up to see his godfather stand in front of him, smiling happily. Teddy ran over to him and hugged him.
He received a hug from Ginny too before they walked to the car. They sat down and Harry started to drive.
'So,' Harry said. 'What have you been up to then. Pulled pranks, done home works, slept?'
'I've... um...' he hadn't done so many remarkable things but one thing there was. One thing he wasn't sure he wanted to tell everyone. One thing he'd rather keep to just Harry. 'I haven't done very much,' he therefor said.
'Well that's not very intestin'' Lily said and looked eagerly at Teddy. 'I have done way much intestin' stuff, I had a baby!'
Oh,' Teddy said, trying just as Harry and Ginny, hide his laugh. 'Cool, what's its name?'
'Er... I'm not sure yet, I tinda had it jus' before we left,' Lily answered.
'Oh Ok,' Teddy said, trying harder not to laugh. 'So is it a he or a she?'
'Um... Daddy,' Lily said after a while. 'Is my baby a he or a she?'
Harry made a noise between a snort and a laugh which he hid behind a cough. 'I actually don't know,' he answered. 'It wasn't I who had it.'
Ginny looked at him and played angry. 'Oh for god's sake Harry! I really think you should know. You are the grandfather after all.'
'Well it doesn't matter,' Lily said. 'What I wanted to tell you is that you Teddy, get the honor to be godson no goddad I mean.'
'Oh thank you,' Teddy said and gave her a hug. She hugged her back.
It was later that evening. Lily Albus and James was sleeping and Harry and Ginny as sitting with Teddy in the Sofa drinking tea. The clock was about nine and they had just ended a game of exploding snap, which Teddy had won. It was really nice and now they were just sitting talking.
'So,' Harry said. 'Is herbology still your favorite subject?' he took a sip of his tea.
Teddy nodded. 'Yeah,' he said. 'I think that it's really fun and professor Longbottom is a very good teacher too. He makes everything sound so interesting!'
'That's good. So is Neville a favorite among all the students or just you or...' Ginny asked.
'Most people like him. Even if everyone doesn't like his subject, he's still a very nice person. And also he gives very easy detentions and he almost never take points of.'
'It sounds very much like Neville that's for sure,' Harry said and grinned. 'So, have you gotten any detentions or are you still the little nice boy you were in first year? Sneaking around the castle at night or something like that? I can tell you I did a lot.'
Teddy smiled. 'Um well I was sneaking up once,' he said and looked at Ginny. He really wanted to tell Harry about his night stroll but he didn't want Ginny to listen. He wanted to be alone with his godfather, and it seemed that Ginny understood when she catched his eyes. She quickly stood up and said that she should probably go to bed and then she left.
'So you did sneak up eh?' Harry said when his wife had left the room. 'What happened? Where did you go? You can tell me anything, remember?'
Teddy nodded, though he still didn't say what he so desperately wanted to say. He didn't knew whether Harry would think that he was stupid, if Harry would believe him. He took a deep breath and the just said it. 'I saw my parents.'
'What?' Harry asked sounding more than mildly surprised. 'You saw your parents?'
Teddy nodded once again. and then he explained everything
The stone floor was cold and hard against his naked feet as he made his way through the castle with his wand lightning up the corridor in front of him. He didn't know where he was going, just that he needed to take a walk.
He hadn't been able to sleep. The lesson in history of magic had been to much for him. They were still working with the first wizarding war but one student, Ellionora McCimly had thought that it would be a nice idea to ask about the second wizarding war. Almost all the students had agreed that that war would be a much funnier subject so after a lot of nagging they finally made professor Binns to give a lesson about that instead.
Teddy hadn't enjoyed it at all. especially not the part where Binns told everyone about how most people had gotten killed. A green light and then dead. Just like that.
Now Teddy couldn't get the picture of his both parents falling own dead, poff, just like that, gone. That was why he couldn't sleep and now he was walking down a cold corridor, trying to move his thought to something he enjoyed, something that didn't made him sad. Though with the annoying picture in his head it was hard.
He knew that he wasn't allowed out this late and he knew that he was being mean and selfish to the rest of the Hufflepuff house, but still, wasn't his reason a good reason? Couldn't people understand that he needed this only little walk.
He walked though corridor after corridor, all looking quite the same. But then he came to a corridor that was not like all the others. It was filled with portrays.
He could see young preteens and old wizards or witches. He looked closer at one of the portrays. It was a boy, around fifteen with blonde-brown hair and a big smile. Under the portray was a golden little sign with the text: Colin Creevey, 1981-1998. The next picture showed a little lady and under her a sign with the text: Marie Maylow, 1945-1998. Teddy looked up seeing how many portrays there were, then he saw something that made him drop his yaw.
Two portrays next to each other. One with a pink haired woman and a tired looking man, both smiled at him as he slowly walked up to them looking at the sings under. Nymphadora Lupin, 1973-1998 and Remus Lupin, 1960-1998. They waved. His parents waved at him.
Then a wonderful though hit him, the portrays of Hogwarts could talk! He would be able to talk with his parents, to say hello, to say how much he missed them. They could say that they loved him, that they were so proud of him, that they missed him too.
'Mum,' he whispered, 'Dad.'
They smiled and nodded, but why didn't they say anything, why didn't they at least say hello? Didn't they love him after all?'
'I miss you,' he said, not a whisper anymore.
His parents faces suddenly dropped their smiled. They looked back at him, sadly. Then his mother mouthed something, he looked closely, but didn't catch it, she did it again. "I love you".
He smiled. He understood that they wasn't able to talk, only to listen, but just to see them like this and not only on a photo was wonderful. Now they could listen to what he had to say, they could react, smile, laugh soundless or give him a thumbs up. They were somehow there even if they weren't.
He sat down on the floor and just looked at them, they looked back. Smiling sadly, but still they were smiling at him and not to a camera.
'Lupin!' someone said, and Teddy's first reaction was that it was his mum but then he recognizes the voice and looked up.
'Lupin, what are you doing out of- oh.' McGonagall fell silent.
Teddy quickly rose up. 'I'm sorry professor,' he said. 'I... I don't know what few into me.'
'Edward they're just pictures,' McGonagall said. 'You really shouldn't waste your time here.'
Teddy looked down at his feet. He knew that she felt sorry for him, that's probably why she had used his first name. 'I... I just thought that... well... why can't they talk professor. Why are they just quiet.
McGonagall looked sadly at him. 'We don't want students... like you for example, to get stucked here, to melt away in front of their relatives because after all it's just pictures. You shouldn't get fooled that they are real. I think that you should go back to bed now.'
That was clearly the end of the conversation and Teddy had walked back to his dormitory, sad to leave his parents but still, he felt closer to them than ever.
::end of flashback::
'Teddy,' Harry said. Sounding speechless. 'I... I'm sorry, but I think that professor McGonagall was right. Did you go back?'
Teddy nodded. 'A few times,' he said and blushed. 'But mostly I stayed away.'
'I don't blame you,' Harry said. 'In my first year I found a mirror that showed people their deepest desire. The mirror of erised. Though Albus Dumbledore, who were Hogwart's headmaster then and he told me to stay away from it, that it showed nothing but dreams and that it was just foolish to bother about it, to think about it at all. Do you understand?'
Teddy nodded. 'It just felt so nice to see them, to talk to them.'
'I understand Teddy,' Harry said. 'I really do.'
A/n: Hallo! I know that it's short and very much like Harry and the mirror of erised but I just LOVE that part and I read about the portrays so I felt like writing this.
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