A/n: Hallo! This is also Teddy's sixth year (his and Victoire's trip to Hogsmeade) I hope you like it!
Teddy was happy. In fact, he was so happy that he could have hugged Filch on the way out from the castle, when it finally was time to go to Hogsmeade. Though he didn't do that because... well... obvious reasons.
He smiled at Victoire and she smiled back at him. Then suddenly a fear started to crawl up his neck. What if she went with him as a cousin, what if she only thought of this as a
funny-friend-hangout. Then she took his hand and the fear vanished, just as quickly as it had appeared.
He felt as though his life suddenly had made a great turn to the better, he felt it as though he was flying with the wings of happiness, he was the sun, shining out his wonderful feeling over the world, because that was how he felt.
They walked quiet for a while because both of them were happy with just going there, holding in the other's hand, slowly walking in the sun. Everything was wonderful.
They had just reached the village when Teddy stopped. 'Where do you want to go first?' he asked her.
She looked at him, smiling cutely, 'It doesn't matter to me,' she answered. 'I'm happy, no matter what we do. Though if you don't think this us a stupid idea, we could go to Honeydukes, I would really like something sweet.'
'Sure, let's go!' Teddy said quickly and they started to make their way to the shop which was filled with Hogwarts students. They finally came to the shelves where the candy that Vic wanted was. Fizzing fizzbees and chocolate frogs. Though when they walked out from the candy shop, they had bought much more than a few fizzing fizzbees and chocolate frogs.
They had started a big conversation about Victoires vacation to Spain. She had been there with her family the first three weeks of the summer. She had had a great time and it was Vic who did most of the speaking.
'First we was in this town called Vigo and it was close to the sea, a sea town actually. It lays very close to Portugal. We actually spend one day in Portugal and it was so nice. They had the most delicious ice-cream. It was the best ice-cream I've ever eaten, I promise. Then the last week we spend in a wizard village. There are actually five villages in Spain where only wizards and witches live. I mean, that's a lot more than here.'
'So what did you do there then?' Teddy asked, really enjoying just to listen on her.
'Well, not very much, though it was a really adorable village. It was in the middle of the countrey so we couldn't go swimming, but I mean, it didn't really matter. We swimmed so much in Vigo that it was enough for a whole lifetime. I mean, if he wouldn't need to eat and sleep and so Louis would stay at the sea all the time. What's about your summer then?'
Teddy scratched his neck. What had he done really? Everything felt like a blur now, he really had no idea what he had done, he only knew that he was here now, in hogsmeade, with the girl of his dreams.
'Um well,' he said and blushed. 'I didn't really do much. Um... I was much with Harry's family.'
'Ah that's fun! Lily's just so sweet. Well Albus and James too of course but come on, Lily...'
Teddy smiled. If he had been a really brave charming guy he would've said something in style with, not as sweet as you, but he didn't have the courrage to do that. Instead he took a very deep breath. He could do this. He lay an arm around her shoulders.
She looked surprised at him. He had just started to get scared when she smiled at him.
'You're so sweet Ted, you know that,' she said. 'Addmit that you were scared that I would get angry.'
'Of course I wasn't,' Teddy muttered but Vic just giggled.
'You have to get a bit more macho,' she said. 'Do things you know. Hey, let's go to the three broomsticks, come.'
She took his hand again and dragged him across the crowded streets to the pub which, just as Honeydukes, was filled with students. It took a while until they finally found a table. They had a wonderful time, filled with laughter, stories and everything an awesome conversation should contain.
'So then, she said that if I didn't help her with pranking Albus she would tell Cotty to eat me. So I asked her who Cotty was and she told me that it was her baby, who eats human meet because James says so and because Harry and Ginny won't feed it. And I told her that, well maybe if it's you kid, you should feed it, and she looked at me as though I was stupid or something and she said, Hey Ted, I'm six, I think you should have a bit more resbonsonility, after all, you are the dad,' Teddy said. It was his and Lily's conversation from the summer.
Victoire started to laugh and she accendently spit out half her butterbeer on Teddy between the laughs.
'Oh my god Teddy, I'm so sorry!' she said terryfied, though she hadn't compleately stopped laughing yet. 'Wait I'll help you.' She picked up her wand and muttered a spell that made him dry quickly.
'I'm so sorry,' she said again and blushed slightly. 'So you're Lily's kid's dad are you? How did that happen?'
Teddy laughed. 'No problems,' he said. 'And I'm not compleately sure how it happened. I mean, I was the kids godfather a few years ago and now suddenly I'm its dad. That's just weird.'
They contiued speaking and having fun for a long time and suddenly it was time to go back to the castle. Most of the students had already walked back as Teddy and Victoire started to make their was back. The sun was still shining and verything was quite wonderful. Teddy wished that the day didn't need to end, that it could last forever, though it couldn't and soon they stood outside the great hall.
He looked at her, thinking about what she had said, he had to do things. She was right! Now, now was the time that he would do it. He had to show her that he did love her. He had to show her how much she meant to him. He had to push away the thought if what everyone would say. Now was the time.
'Vic!' he yelled after her as she turned around to leave. He needed to do this, now.
'Yeah,' she turned around and looked at him.
He took two steps up to her and without thinking about it any further, he kissed her.
She looked surprised at him as he let go of her, then she started to smile and she threw herself in his arms.
This was the best day of Teddy's life.
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