Harry Potter!

An: Ok, so I just feel like I had to write a little short thing about the breakfast and when William realized that Teddy's godfather is Harry Potter so... I did. Hope you like it!

Teddy Lupin didn't wake up the following day. Instead he got woken up by his dear friend William who stood bend over him repeating the words 'Sleepy head! Sleepy head! Sleepy head!' until Teddy finally rose up and pushed him away to his own bed.

William grinned. 'Time to get up sleepy head, it's breakfast time and I'm starving. I really think that I could die any moment so if you want to save your dear friend from dying... you'd better get up, like now.'

Teddy slowly sat up. The three other boys seemed to just have woken up, probably of William's annoying process of saying sleepy head a bounce of times in a loud voice.

When Teddy and the rest of the boys had dressed they walked up to the great hall that was at the moment filled with students and professors. They sat down on the edge of the Hufflepuff table, next to the fat friar.

Teddy looked interested at the ghost who looked back at him, looking just as interested.

'Who are you my dear boy?' the friar asked and smiled happily. 'A first year I guess?'

'Um yeah,' Teddy answered, surprised that the ghost had spoken to him. 'I'm Teddy Lupin. Are you the fat friar?'

'Indeed I am,' the fat friar answered. 'Lupin you said eh? Are you possible related to Remus Lupin? He wasn't in Hufflepuff of course but most ghosts knew about him. He was friend with the school's trouble makers you see.'

'He was my dad,' Teddy answered, deciding that he really liked the Hufflepuff house ghost.

'Well I'll be!' the fat friar said surprised. 'I didn't even know that he got married. I'm sorry about his loss. Who's your mum? Apologize an old ghost's curiosity.'

'Um, Tonks.'

'Nymphadora Tonks? She was a Hufflepuff! I liked her very much. Are you also a metamorphmagus?'

'A what?!' William looked up from his plate. 'What's a metamorphmagus?'

'Someone who can change his or her appearance on will. Like this,' Teddy said and shut his eyes hard, focusing. Then his hair turned from its brownish color to bright shining blue. The fat friar applauded and William couched.

'That's so cool,' he said and touched Teddy's hair. 'Where did you learn that?'

'You don't learn to be a metamorphmagus. If you are one you are it from birth,' Teddy explained and smiled.

'Nice to meet you young boys,' the ghost said. 'But now I have to leave.' Then he soared away over the table and disappeared through a stone wall.

An owl then flew down and landed in front of Teddy. Teddy immediately recognized the big brown owl as Harry and Ginny's owl. It was called Midget and it was Lily who had decided that the owl should have the name which didn't fit at all, because the owl was everything else than a midget.

'Looks like you've got post,' Talon Sparrow said and looked at the great brown owl that had now started eating bacon from Teddy's plate. When Teddy had taken the letter from the owl's leg it hooted happily and flied away though a window in the ceiling.

Teddy opened the letter and smiled to see that it was, as he had expected, from Harry.

Hi Teddy,

Did the train trip work out well? I hope it did.

James hasn't stopped nagging about going to Hogwarts yet. He keeps telling me that he IS old enough to take care of himself but this night he came to me and Ginny at three am complaining that he had a nightmare. I think that he have to wait a number of year until he's ready.

Albus and Lily wanted me to write that they have a surprise to you when you get home and if I don't understood the whole thing wrong they have one surprise each and that I am NOT allowed to tell you what it is. Though, I am allowed to tell you that Lily's is pink and green with brown dots that smells like owl poop on and that Albus' is super cool and awesome. I also promised Al to say that his is much better and Lily wanted me to say that Albus is wrong, her surprise DO NOT SUCK!!!

I hope that you have found some nice friends and that you have fun on your lessons.

Lots of love from: Harry, Ginny, James, Albus and Lily.

Teddy smiled and put the letter in his school bag. Then he looked up to see William, who probably had read the letter over his shoulder, stare at him, eyes wide open.

'What?' Teddy asked.

'That letter was from a Harry who seemed to be married to a Ginny and we all know who that Harry is!' he said very quickly. 'Was that letter from Harry Potter?!!'

'Um yes,' Teddy said and blushed. 'He is my godfather.'

'He's Harry Potter!!! I can't believe that you didn't tell me the first thing you said. I mean, I asked where you lived and everything. Really! It's so cool that you live with Harry Potter... at times!'

'No really,' Teddy said and choked his head. 'He is actually no different from everyone else. And by the way I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you would make such a big deal of it, and you did.'

'I'm sorry,' William said directly. 'It's just... I mean it is quite cool. He saved the wizarding world. You really can't expect everyone to react as though he is like everyone else because even if you say so, he is very famous.'

'I understand,' Teddy said. 'I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but actually, I think that you would have done the same thing.'

The rest of the breakfast went on without anything different happened and when they had just eaten up the hufflepuff head of house professor Poppelmore, came and gave them their schedule.

They started with double Potions with professor Slughorn. After that they had Transfiguration with the head of Gryffindor professor McGonagall. Their last lesson before lunch was Herbology with professor Longbottom. Then there it lunch. After lunch they had Charms with professor Flitwick and double Defense against the dark arts with professor Wallenby.

'We start in a quarter,' Martin Elliot then said. 'Better get going.'

The five boys took their bags and then made their way to professor Slughorn's classroom.

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