(Season 2 Premiere) Chapter 9: Stressful History

(To celebrate the new Zelda game that got announced, WE ARE FUCKING BACK BABY, New Season means new opening and ending.)


Y/n awoke with a startle. He was breathing heavily, sweat pouring down his face.

Y/n: What the hell was that? Who the hell was that?!

Link: That was Ganondorf...

Y/n: You mean?

Link: Yes, either Ganondorf himself has returned or he finally found someone to wield him as a Hylia Gear

Y/n: Both of which are horrible?

Link: Very much so.

Y/n: Should I tell Zelda and the others?

Link: At least tell Zelda, the others don't need to know... yet...

Y/n: Why can't we tell them? They are our best friends!

Link: I understand that Y/n, but we don't know how powerful Ganondorf is right now or how powerful his wielder might be. We don't need to get them involved until we know what we are dealing with

Y/n: I guess you have a point...

Suddenly, Zelda woke up next to him with a startle and she was breathing heavily as well.

Y/n: Zelda?! What's wrong?

Zelda looks at him with tears in her eyes.

Zelda: I saw him... I saw-

Y/n: Ganondorf right?

Zelda: How did- Did you have the dream too?

Y/n: The one where you are in a cave and in the center was a mummy?

Zelda: Yeah....

Y/n: Yeah I had it too. Link told me that either Ganondorf himself is back or he has a wielder.

Zelda: Both of those options sound awful.

Y/n: They do.

Zelda: Should we tell the others?

Y/n: No. Link says we should wait until we have more information on what we are dealing with.

Zelda: I suppose he makes a valid point.

Y/n: Come on. We can worry about it later, let's get ready for school today.

Zelda: Right.

After getting ready for the day. Y/n and Zelda walk out of their room and head down the stairs. 

Zelda: Are we going to wait for others?

Y/n: Something tells me that Issei is going to be dealing with some lady troubles with me.

Suddenly the two hear Asia scream from the top of the stairs.

Asia: Whatever I'm taking my clothes off too! I swear I'm not going to be left out anymore!

The two hylia users watched as Asia took her shirt off and run into Issei's room..

Zelda: Oh I see.

Y/n: Aren't you concerned about that? I mean she is basically your younger sister.

Zelda: Perhaps if your younger brother was a pervert but he isn't.

Y/n: God what an awful thing that would be.


Y/n and Zelda made their way to the Academy and when they made it to the gate the saw Saji and Sona waiting for them.

Y/n: Morning Sona, Saji.

Zelda: A good morning to you two.

Sona: Good Morning Y/n, Zelda.

Saji: Yo, morning. Nice job at the rating game Y/n.

Y/n: Thanks man.

Sona: I have to admit you and your brother seem quite powerful together.

Saji: Man that Holy Knight form of yours and your brother's Dragon Force. I can't wait to fight em one day.

Y/n chuckles.

Y/n: One day you will, and I don't plan on losing to you.

The two then fist bump.

Zelda: Alright, well me and Y/n will you leave you two lovebirds alone.

Y/n: Don't have too much fun.

Y/n and Zelda walk off leaving a blushing Saji and Sona.

Saji: Oh kiss my ass Hyoudou!

Y/n: Save that ass for Sona!


Y/n was walking down the hallway by himself during one of his breaks and was talking with Link.

Y/n: So... Link.

Link: Yes Y/n?

Y/n: How bad is Ganondorf?

Link: He's the reincarnation of Demise.

Y/n: Demise?

Link: Demise was once known as the Demon King. He was defeated long ago by another Link who is known as The Hero of the Skies. He's actually the one who helped forged the very same Master Sword you use now. When Demise was defeated he uttered a single phrase that would change history forever. 

Y/n: What was it?

Link: "Though this is not the end. My hate... never perishes. It is born anew in a cycle with no end! I will rise again. Those like you... Those who share the blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero... They are eternally bound to this curse. An incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!"

Y/n: And that lead to.

Link: Yes, every reincarnation of Link and Zelda must fight a Ganondorf. I just wasn't expecting Ganondorf to appear so soon.

Y/n: How much time do we have to prepare?

Link: I'm afraid I don't know. When my Ganondorf first appeared he was known as Calamity Ganon and nearly destroyed Hyrule until my Zelda sealed him for 100 years while I recovered. Eventually with the help of the spirits of my fallen comrades and Zelda. I defeated Calamity Ganon and we thought the end. But it turns out...

Y/n: The Mummy Ganondorf was still around?

Link: Exactly, me and Zelda ventured deep below Hyrule Castle to the exact same cave as the one in your dreams. We eventually came across Ganondorf and he used his ability of Gloom to... destroy the Master Sword..

Y/n: What?!

Link: Yes, he almost fully destroyed my arm and Zelda fell into the abyss below. But Rauru used his arm to save mine. I eventually found out Zelda was sent back in time to Rauru's time. So I made it my missions to regather the sages while Zelda worked on fixing the master Sword in the past. Little did she know she would come across Ganon. He killed Rauru's wife and used a stone she wielded to become the Demon King. Rauru eventually sacrificed himself to seal Ganon. In the end Zelda turned herself into a Dragon of Light in order to bring me the Master Sword...

Y/n: Woah, can my Zelda do that?

Link: She might in the future. But back to our story. I fought Ganon in Hyrule Castle, but on the verge of defeat he swallowed the stone and become a Demon Dragon. With Zelda's help I was able to shatter the stone and kill Ganon for what I hope was for good.

Y/n: And turns out he's still alive in some way?

Link: Yes...

Y/n: This is a lot to take in... I need to go to the ORC to relax.

Link: I understand. I'll be ready to talk some more when you are.


Y/n was relaxing in the ORC when he heard a door open and he looked to see...

Akeno in a wet bathrobe. Y/n's face grew a red tint.

Y/n: Oh Akeno. I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone else was here. I'll leave if you need me to.

Akeno: It's quite alright Y/n. Why are you here anyway?

Y/n: I've just been stressed recently. Don't know why though. Also, did you just finish a shower?

Akeno: I did. I wasn't expecting anyone else so I didn't have time to dry off. Why am I too distracting~

Y/n looked away with a blush on his face.

Y/n: N-No...

Akeno: Perhaps I can help with your stress Y/n?

Y/n: And how do you plan on doing thaaaaaa-

She then started sucking on his fingers.

Y/n: Okay so this is happening.

Akeno: I was hoping for more of a reaction. I thought people would be more flustered when I do this.

Y/n: Yeah... I'm just very good at hiding it.

Akeno then got close to Y/n, making him blush more.

Akeno: Guess what? I have a crush on this guy. He's sweet, kind, badass, and an amazing person. But he's already got a girlfriend. I've been mean to talk with her about sharing him since she seems nice enough to do it.

Y/n: Who is she talking about sharing this guy with?

Akeno: Do you remember your and Issei's battle with Riser?

Y/n: I do.

Akeno: Seeing you and Issei take him on all by yourselves with ease in defense of both Zelda and Rias, it was so heroic and cool. It was the definition of manliness and chivalry. You two managed to beat someone who was rumored to be immortal. But you had that amazing suit of armor that made you look handsome. I got to see a gentlemen in a breathtaking battle. I don't know. I wonder, could this be love?

Y/n: Love?

The school bell started to ring, as Akeno got up off him and stood in front of him.

Akeno: Did that help with your stress?

Y/n: In a way, yeah it did. Thanks Akeno.

Akeno: Anytime Y/n. I'll see you tonight at your place.

Y/n: My place, why?

Akeno: Did Rias not tell you? The club room is getting cleaned today, so we can't use it today.

Y/n: I seem to have been very misinformed...


Everyone was now at the Hyoudou Household and everyone was sitting in Y/n's room because it was bigger then Issei's. Y/n and Zelda were laying on the bed and Koneko sat next to Y/n

Koneko: Hey Y/n. I heard you've been trying to get people to stop calling me a mascot at school. Thanks.

Y/n: Oh yeah, you ain't a mascot. Your a person just like everyone else. So I decided to "presuade" them to stop.

Zelda: He means he basically threatened them with exposing them of their misdeeds that he has gathered.

Rias then spoke up.

Rias: Well then, let's begin our regular meeting. This month contract numbers are in. Akeno, 11.

Akeno: That's right.

Y/n: That's not bad.

Rias: Koneko had 10.

Y/n: Nice job.

Koneko: Sounds good.

Rias: Kiba had 8.

Kiba: I did.

Rias: 3 for Asia.

Asia: Yay!

Zelda: Nice job, little sis.

Kiba: No way, that's impressive.

Akeno: Good for you Asia. You should be proud of yourself.

Koneko: Especially since you're new to contracts.

Asia: Thank you so much!

Rias: And Issei had... 15!

Y/n: Woah nice job Issei.

Issei: Huh, I thought I had less...

Rias: You keep up these numbers and you will be a high ranking Devil in no-time.

Issei: So I'm in first?

Rias: It would seem so. Although I'm pretty sure if Y/n and Zelda did contracts they would be ahead of you.

Issei: I mean, possibly. But it wouldn't be for long. I'll make sure to double that number next month.

Y/n: Well then, good luck little brother.

Suddenly Mrs. Hyoudou came in with snacks and books full of Issei and Y/n's baby pictures.

Issei: Mom!!!

Y/n: Mother!!!

Everyone grabbed one of the books

Akeno: Wow, look at them. Their little naked butts in this picture. So small and so adorable.

Koneko: The bare naked truth about their past.

As everyone was looking through the pictures, Y/n and Zelda noticed Kiba's face changing into a serious one.

Kiba: Issei, Y/n, do you two know about this picture?

Issei looked over at the picture Kiba was looking at and it was him, Y/n, and a kid with chestnut hair.

Issei: Oh that's us and our old childhood friend Irina. We used to play together all the time. Before she had to move after one of her parents got a job overseas. 

Y/n: And she had the biggest crush on Issei and Issei had the biggest crush on her. He once asked me to be his wingman.

Issei: Not cool bro!

Y/n: I am your big brother. It is my job to embarrass you when it comes to women.

Kiba: One more thing... Do you remember this sword....?

Y/n: I mean it's vague but I remember her parents being part of the church. It could be a replica sword or something?

Kiba: I guess anything is possible....

Y/n/Zelda: Well that's not concerning...


For the first time. Y/n had actually gotten a request to go on. It confused everyone but Y/n decided to accept it. He teleported on his own magic circle and he ended up in a very expensive looking apartment.

???: Oh you must be the special request summon I made.

Y/n turned around and saw a man with black and blonde hair in a robe.

Y/n: Yeah, that's me.

???: Great, why don't have a seat.

Y/n: Sure.

Y/n went and sat down in the man's living room and looked around.

Y/n: Nice place you have here.

The man then came out with a try of booze.

???: Thanks. Would you like something to drink?

Y/n: I appreciate the offer but both my girlfriend and mother would kill me if they found out I was drinking underage.

???: Ah yeah I understand.  A bummer though, I was hoping to have a drinking partner.

Y/n: Sorry man. But how did you hear about me? I'm not exactly a devil you know. This is technically my first contract.

???: I asked for the most interesting person they had that could do contracts and they recommend you saying it would be interesting.

Y/n: Guess I can't argue with that. Did you just want somebody to have drinks with?

???: What? Is that bad?

Y/n: Nah it's cool.

For the next hour, Y/n and the man talked about life and explained how him and Issei managed to unlock new forms.

???: That's incredible. I've read about Dragon Slayers from old myth books. To think they are real, it's incredible. So does that mean all the stories about Hyrule are true as well?

Y/n: Yep.

???: Incredible.

Y/n: Truly it is.

???: So what would you like as payment?

Y/n: Oh done already? I was having fun.

???: Glad to hear it. I thought I would have to give you my soul but you aren't a devil.

Y/n: Even if I was, I ain't a soul collector.

???: How about that?

The man pointed towards a painting behind him. Y/n's eyes widened as he recognized it.

Y/n: Is that a painting off the Bridge of Hylia? How is this even possible? I thought all physical records besides books of Hyrule were destroyed. Just who is this guy? This painting looks familiar.

???: You know this painting?

Y/n: Not exactly, just looks like something out of a dream of mine..

???: Feel free to take it then.

Y/n: Yeah sure.


Y/n teleported the painting home but he got a call from Rias about a stray devil, so he decided to meet up with everyone.

Issei: Nice of you to show up bro.

Y/n: Sorry, sorry. The client and me got to talking and it was a real informative one. He even gave me a painting that is quite interesting.

Zelda: Interesting how?

Y/n: Trust me, you'll be shocked when you see it.

Zelda: Really? Well then I'll keep my mind open.

Y/n: So what are we dealing with here?

Rias: A stray devil, powerful one as well. It's going to be dangerous to fight inside. Asia can you wait at the rear?

Asia: Yes Ma'am.

Rias: Akeno, Asia, and I will be waiting outside. So Koneko, Y/n, Zelda, Issei, and Kiba will draw the enemy out so we can take care of it.

Akeno: Makes sense to me.

Zelda: A good plan.

Koneko: Right.

Y/n: You got it.

Issei then activated his Boosted Gear.

Issei: I'm on it.

Rias looked at Kiba who was spacing out.

Rias: Kiba?

Kiba: Yeah, right, got it...

Issei: Then let's do is.

Issei and Y/n and the others made their way to the entrance of the warehouse.

Y/n: Issei, open the door... with style?

Issei smirks.

Issei: Is there any other way?

The two brothers then use the boosted gear and Master Sword to blow the door off it's hinges as the five walked in and looked around.

Y/n: Damn it's dark in here.

Y/n and Issei continued to walk and then stopped. They then both looked up.

Y/n/Issei: Above!

Suddenly a devil with White hair jumped down in front of everyone.

Issei: Bring in!

Koneko: Here it comes, get ready, Kiba.

Kiba doesn't say anything and just spaced out.

Koneko: Kiba!

As Koneko was distracted, the devil lunged towards her.


Y/n: Look out!

Y/n jumps Infront of Koneko and uses the Hylian Shield to stun the stray devil.

Y/n: Issei!

Issei: On it!

Ddraig: BOOST!

Issei then appears in front of the devil and punches him hard in the gut.

The devil stumbled back. Issei then looked at Kiba.

Issei: The hell is your damn problem, stop spacing out and HELP US!

Kiba then came back to his senses, he goes to attack, but the Devil barely blocked his attack and sent him back.

Issei: Damn, Kiba!

The Devil attempts to slam a sword onto Kiba, but Y/n charges in and blocks it with his shield.

Y/n: The heck are you doing Kiba?! PAY ATTENTION TO THE FIGHT!

Y/n uses the Hylian Shield to throw the stray devil through the warehouse.


Zelda: Of course!

Zelda summons her light bow and charges an arrow and sends it flying at the stray devil. The stray devil looks on in fear as the arrow of light pierces its heart and fills it with light magic causing it to disintegrate.

Zelda: May you find peace-

Y/n: Where ever you are- 

Y/n/Zelda: In the name of Hylia.

Rias: I will never understand how come we don't get headaches from Hylia Prayers.

Zelda: I'm sure we will find the answer one day. But anyway, this poor creature.

Y/n: Could barely call it a devil.

Issei: A fate worse then death...

Akeno: Now you should see why that was such an emergency subduing order.

Asia then ran up to Y/n.

Asia: Are you hurt anywhere Big Bro? Do you need to be healed?

Y/n then chuckled and gave Asia a pat on the head.

Y/n: I'm fine Asia. Also, big bro? That's new.

Asia: Well Zelda is my big sis and since you two are dating, that makes you my big bro.

Zelda: Aww, that's adorable Asia.

Suddenly, everyone heard a slap and they all looked over and saw Rias had slapped Kiba.

Rias: Think you got it together now? With a mistake like that, you put everyone in danger.

Kiba: I apologize.

Rias: What's the matter Kiba? You're not acting like yourself.

Kiba: I'm fine, I'm just having an off day. Now, if you'll excuse me.

Kiba bowed to Rias and started to walk away.

Issei then whispers to Y/n and Zelda.

Issei: What's wrong with him?

Y/n: I have no idea... but whatever it is, I have a feeling we will have to deal with it later.

Zelda: Hopefully we can help him with whatever is wrong.

Issei: Yeah...

Y/n: But we can worry about that tomorrow. Let's head home. Mom says she is making Katsudon tonight.

Zelda: Oh, I've never had it before.

Issei: Trust me, you are going to love it.

Y/n: Especially our mom's version, it's to die for.

Zelda giggles.

Zelda: Well then, consider me excited.

The three of them walk off, little did they know they were being watched by a cloaked figure, who just chuckled as he walked off into the shadows.


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