(Season 1 FINALE) Chapter 8: The ORC vs Riser


It's night of the Rating Game and everyone is waiting in the clubroom getting ready. Kiba was sharpening his sword, Koneko was putting on her fingerless gloves on, Akeno and Rias are drinking tea, while Issei and Asia were sitting on the couch. Y/n and Zelda were talking to each other in a nearby corner. The group then opened the door to see Sona, Tsubaki, and Saji walk into the room.

Sona: Sorry if we're interrupting anything.

Saji: Thought it would be cool if we came to wish you all luck.

Rias: No worries, come in.

Y/n: Been a while Saji, how ya been?

Saji: Pretty cool. Yall get any stronger?

Issei: Oh you know it.

Saji: Oh is that so? Me and you are gonna have to spar soon to find out.

Issei: You know it.

The two then fist bump.

Rias: I assume you three will be commentating the Rating Game?

Sona: Yes we will, now if you will excuse us, we shall be on our way.

Rias: Thank You Sona.

Sona: Of course Rias and good luck.

The three student council members then leave the ORC as Grayfia appears via a magic circle.

Grayfia: Is everyone ready?

Rias: We are Grayfia.

Grayfia: I'm just letting you know that the Great Devil King Lucifer is watching the fight.

Rias: My brother is watching?

Grayfia: Yes, now step into the circle and you will be teleported to the battlefield.

Grayfia created a magic circle and they stepped on it and got teleported to the battlefield. When they opened their eyes, they were still in the club room.

Issei: Well this is interesting.

Y/n: What is? The fact we didn't teleport?

Issei: No we did, just we teleported into another dimension.

Y/n: Really?

Zelda: Well that's interesting.

Kiba: Issei is correct.

Grayfia: Your attention please.

Everyone heard Grayfia through a loud-speaker.

Grayfia: Welcome everyone, my name is Grayfia and I am a servant of the house of Gremory. I will be the referee of this match between Lady Rias Gremory and her Allies and Lord Riser Phenex. The battlefield will be Kuoh Academy. Each Team is given their own home base. Lady Rias, your team will be in the Occult Research club headquarters in the old school house. Lord Riser, your home base will be the principal's office in the new school house. Pawns will be promoted if they make their way to the opposing team. Good luck to all.

Issei: So. We are all in agreement to not rush the home base? We wait for them to come to us, or we go to them.

ORC: Agreed.

Issei: And you all said the strategy meeting was a waste of time.

Y/n sighs.

Issei: What is that sigh supposesed to mean? Are you jealous that I got all the brains?

Y/n: Nah, you just got the leftovers from me when I was born, explains why you have no looks.

Issei: Oh you sneaky son of a bitch.

Y/n: Hey, that's our mother.

The two look at each other and laugh before fist bumping, confusing everyone.

Y/n: Alright, I think it's safe to assume that Riser will be moving a pawn into our territory.

Kiba: We have enough people to make sure that doesn't happen.

Issei: I suggest we secure the gym first.

Y/n: We can have You, Me, and Koneko go for the gym.

Rias: Good call. This seems like our best option. 

Rias: Zelda, are you willing to team up with Akeno just in case.

Zelda looks at Akeno and smiles.

Zelda: Of course.

Akeno: Us powerful ladies need to stick together.

Rias: Kiba can you handle things on your own for a while?

Kiba: I'm confident I can.

Rias: Asia that means you are sticking with me.

Asia: I'll protect you to the best of my ability!

Rias: I'm glad to hear that. Now let's go!


(At the gym)

Issei, Y/n, and Koneko met up and they manage to sneak their way into the gym.

Issei: This is quite the good replica of our gym.

Y/n: Scary how accurate it is though.

The three of them stop and look at each other.

Issei: You two feel that too right?

Koneko: Yeah, we got company.

Y/n: Oh boy.

Suddenly, the lights turned on and Y/n, Issei, and Koneko could see four of Riser's pieces waiting for them.

???: Smells like Gremory filth and Human Filth. Come out, come out where ever you are.

Y/n: Guess we arn't going stealthy anymore.

Koneko: Yep.

The three of them walked out from behind the stage and were met by two girls with green hair carrying red and blue bags on their backs, a girl with a red robe holding a staff, and the girl with the martial arts outfit.

???: What do we have here? She us a human, a pawn and a rook. But it doesn't matter who she sends you'll lose all the same.

Issei gave a light chuckle.

???: What's so funny?

Issei: Cockiness, it will be your downfall.

???: Believe me, it won't be.

Y/n: Oh, I'm sure it will be.

???: But I think it's only right if we introduce ourselves before we fight. I'm Mira and I'm a Pawn.

???: I'm Xuelan, a Rook.

???: I'm Ile and I'm a Pawn.

???: I'm Nel and I'm also a pawn.

Koneko: That rook shouldn't be a problem for us.

Issei: Perhaps the old us, but the new us, not so much.

Koneko: She's got the skills of a queen.

Y/n: So? As my brother said, we got this. We got people to make proud and a president to save.

Issei then activated his Boosted Gear.

Issei: Me and Y/n will deal with the rook, you think you can handle the pawns?

Koneko: Yeah, I can. Let me know if you two need help.

Y/n: Sure thing.

Issei: Then let's do this.

Koneko then jumped towards the pawns and started to fight them, as Issei and Y/n stared down Xuelan.

Xuelan: I've been wanting to fight the Human, that sword he has is quite interesting.

Y/n: Very well, you ready bro?

Issei: Of course.

Y/n and Issei rushed at Xuelan, she threw multiple punches and kicks. Y/n used the Hylian Shield to block them and Issei dodged them.

Xuelan: Stand still and stop using that shield!

Issei/Y/n: No, I don't think I will.

Issei then grabbed her arm and Y/n used the Hilt of the Master Sword and slammed hit into her gut sending her skidding back.

Xuelan: Not bad, you two have some good synergy.

Y/n: Of course we do.

Issei: Brothers are more powerful together after all.

The three ran towards each other, Xuelan had a bit of the offensive, pushing the two brothers back, but not damaging them at all.

Ddraig: BOOST!!!!

Issei then delivered some fast kicks while Y/n delivered some fast slashes. Issei then kicked her in the side of the head, sending her flying and landing on her back.

Xuelan: Who the hell are you? And why does that damn sword hurt so much?

Issei: My name is Issei Hyoudou, Pawn of Rias Gremory, AND THE RED DRAGON EMPEROR.

Y/n: My name is Y/n Hyoudou, The Wielder of the Sword of Evil's Bane, AND THE HERO OF HYRULE!

Issei then looked over at Koneko.

Issei: How are you holding up Koneko?

Koneko: I'm good.

Issei saw that Koneko had Mira in a full nelson, with some of her clothes being ripped. He then saw Lle and Nel sneaking up on her, Y/n then quickly sped up and touched all four of the girls with a light blue light. He then grabbed Koneko and moved towards Issei.

Koneko: What was that for?

Y/n: Special Technique: MULTI-BOMB!

The four pieces were then engulfed in a light blue light as they exploded with screams of pain.

Koneko: Nice, one of your Sheikah move things?

Y/n: Yes and No. It's a move I came up with myself using Remote Bomb.

Issei: Pretty sick move dude.

Rias then spoke up over the ear pieces.

Rias: Issei,Y/n, Koneko, what's your status?

Issei: We just finished up.

Y/n: Was a bit too easy.

Koneko: All of them are down, should be ready for that.

Rias: Good work, you two. Akeno and Zelda are in position and they are ready to go. You three need to get out immediately.

Issei: Right.

Xuelan: Hey! We're not done yet!

Y/n: Yes, you are.

He then rushed her and used his fist to hit her in the head knocking her out.

Issei: Holy shit! 

Koneko: That was a nice punch. I thought you stuck with swords?

Y/n: Eh, that was Link's thing. Swords are cool, but I'm going to make my powers my own.

Issei: Nice, but we should be going.

The three of them ran out of the gym just in time, the two of them jump back from an explosion of lightning and light caused by Akeno and Zelda to destroy the gym.

Akeno: Boom!

Zelda: That was awesome!

Y/n: Nice work you two!

Koneko: They don't call her the Priestess of Thunder for nothing. Might have to call Zelda the Priestess of Light..

Zelda: I much prefer Sage of Light actually.

Grayfia: 3 of Riser's Pawns and 1 of his Rooks have retired.

Rias: Riser still has us outnumbered, and we need to give Akeno time to recover-

Akeno: Actually, thanks to Zelda, I don't need to take time to recover. She helped me learn to use less magic with my moves and make them more powerful at the same time.

Zelda: You are quite welcome for that.

Rias: That's fantastic, let's continue with our plan then just in case.

Issei: Right.

Koneko: We need to get to the fields, Kiba's waiting for us there.

Issei: I suggest we get moving and back him up.

The two began to walk off, but suddenly Issei and Y/n's senses went into overdrive. Y/n then quickly tackled Koneko out of the way of a massive explosion.

Zelda: Y/n!

Rias: What happened!

Issei: Y/n managed to save Koneko from an explosion, they both look fine.

Issei and Zelda rushed over to the two.

Zelda: Are you two alright?

Y/n: I'm fine, what about you Koneko?

Koneko: I'm fine, thanks for the save.

Y/n: No problem.

???: Well that's unfortunate, I wasn't able to get any of you. No matter.

The group looked up to see Riser's Queen laughing.

Issei: That was a dirty move, but I'm not surprised given who your King is.

???: You dare insult Riser infront of me?

Y/n: Oo dumb and deaf, what an awful combo.

???: Why you! I Yubelluna will destroy you both!

Rias: Y/n, Issei, calm down. You all need to focus.

Y/n: Right, sorry.

Issei: Our bad.

Yubelluna: Stand down, little boy. No matter how much you struggle you can't win.

Akeno: Well, this is exciting.

Zelda: Indead it is

Akeno then flew done in front of Issei. Y/n had noticed that Zelda had grown wings of light.

Issei: Akeno?

Y/n: Since when can you do that Zelda?

Zelda: New technique, like it?

Y/n: I do.

Akeno: Issei, Y/n. Me, Zelda, and Koneko can handle this trash. You two go on ahead okay? The three of us can handle her.

Zelda: Trust in us right?

Yubelluna: You really think a Queen, A Rook, and a Human can beat me? Well then, let's see how well you do.

Akeno: You two ready?

Zelda: I am.

Koneko: Let's go.

The three of them then disappeared as Akeno kicked Yubelluna in the hair, Zelda kicked her in the chest, and Koneko punched her in the gut, sending her flying.

Y/n: You think they have this?

Issei: Yeah, now let's go help Kiba.

The two of them eventually made it to Kiba who was fighting off 8 of Riser's pieces.

Kiba: Nice of you two to join in.

Issei: Sorry about taking so long, had a run in with Riser's queen.

Y/n: But the girls are taking care of her.

Kiba: That's rough for her, is Zelda angry?

Y/n: Oh furious.

Issei: Then she is really in for a world of pain.

Rias then came over the ear pieces.

Rias: Issei, Kiba, can you hear me?

Issei: Loud and clear.

Rias: Good, I'm launching a sneak attack on their base with Asia. I need you two to keep the rest of his pieces busy to buy us time.

Issei: Are you sure?

Rias: I'm left with no choice.  Zelda is with me since Akeno and Koneko assured they could defeat Riser's queen without her.

Kiba:But don't you think it's risky for the king to leave the base?

Rias: With any luck, Riser is thinking within the same lines. Here's hoping I can take him by surprise. If we can attack him strong and hard enough, we might just be able to take the fight out of him and win.

Issei: If you are going to do this, then maybe I should help you.

Y/n: Then go do that, Kiba you join her.

Kiba: Are you insane?

Y/n: Nah, I know I can beat them all.

Issei: I believe him, let's go Kiba.

Kiba: Right.

Issei: Here's a little gift for you Y/n.


Y/n then glowed green before turning towards Riser's pieces.

Issei: You be careful alright?

Y/n: You too.

Rias: Y/n...

Y/n: Trsut me Rias, I got this.

Kiba: Kick their asses.

Y/n: Will do.

Issei and Kiba then ran off as Y/n looked at them.

???: Do you really think you can take on all 8 of us? Especially since you are just a human?

Y/n chuckled.

Y/n: I don't think I can't beat you, I know I can. Now let's get to work.

Y/n then summoned The Master Sword and The Hylian Shield

Y/n: Let's go!

???: Really a Sword and Shield? That's it?

Y/n didn't say anything and just stared at them, not even making a single sound.

???: He's not even moving towards us.

???: No matter, his defense seems to be down.

???: Get him!

The pieces then all jump at him.

Y/n: Hylian...

Just as the pieces are about to hit him, he raises the Master Sword to the sky as it glows.


Y/n spins in a circle catching all the pieces in it before sending them flying off into. He then sheathes the Master Sword and Hylian Shield before Jumping into the air and summoning a bow and firing it at the group, causing an explosion. All 8 of the pieces fall to the ground screaming in pain, and all of them vanish.

Grayfia: Lord Riser's 5 Pawns, 2 Knights, 1 Bishop and 1 Rook have retired.

Y/n sheathes his weapons and begins to walk towards Rias's location.

Y/n: Perhaps in another life you might have won, but today Hyrule won. Now to deal with Riser.

Grayfia: Lady Rias 1 Queen and 1 Rook Retired. Lord Riser 1 Queen Retired. Also Lady Rias 1 Knight has retired.

Y/n clinches his fists.

Y/n: Akeno... Koneko... You both took her out, but at what cost? But Kiba... what happened?

He then began to ran towards where he felt Zelda and Rias.

(Back at the Rating game)

Rias and Zelda was fighting Riser while Asia was trying to support with elemental magic, but both of them were starting to get tired out since Riser just kept healing any damage they hit him with. Riser started to smirk at all of them.

Riser: You can't beat Riser! Riser can heal from any Injury! I've already taken out your knight as well!

As Riser was laughing, they heard the announcement that Akeno was taken out.

Grayfia: Lady Rias's Queen and Lady Rias's Rook have retired.

Rias and the others heard the announcement and all looked completely shocked.

Riser: Looks like your Queen and Rook have lost. Now my dear Rias, tell me what chance do you have no-

Grayfia: Lord Riser's Queen has retired.

Riser then looked shocked.

Riser: WHAT?!?!

Rias: Looks like, my queen and rook have defeated your queen even though they lost.

Riser: No matter, the three of you can't beat me anyway.

Zelda then felt two energies coming towards them.

Zelda: Help is coming!

Suddenly, Riser was kicked in the face and two figures landed in front of him. It was Y/n and Issei.

Y/n: I thought I sent you and Kiba ahead? Why are you just now getting here?

Issei: Kiba told me he could hold off Riser for a bit while I gained some Boosts. He did that, but at the cost of him in the game.

Y/n: Then we are going to have to do the job for him.

Rias: You two are finally here. Now we can all-

Y/n: No...

Zelda: What do you mean now?

Issei: He means, let us finish this.

Rias: But...

Y/n: There's no buts Rias, he dared to touch MY Zelda.

Issei: And he wants to marry MY Rias.

Rias blushed at the comment.

Y/n/Issei: So we gotta deal with this bastards ourselves.

The two brothers then looked at each other and nodded.

Issei: Ddraig?

Ddraig: Is it time to user Natsu's power?

Issei: It is....

Ddraig: Very well.



Issei was engulfed in a Red/Green Aura and when the Aura died down. Issei was covered in red dragon scales and had grown fangs.

Issei: Alright Y/n, your turn.

Y/n: Right!

Y/n then breathed in and let out his aura. His hair spiked up as a Golden Aura surrounded him. Once the aura downed down, he was now in a suit of armor.

Zelda: Woah!

Y/n: I call this my Holy Knight form.

Riser: Do you two really think these new forms can beat me?

Y/n: Yeah, cause we have no other choice.

Issei then was covered in lightning.

Y/n: You ready Issei?

Issei: Ready!

Riser: Bring it on then Children!

Riser summoned a large fireball and threw it at Issei and Y/n, but Y/n jumped over it and Issei prooceeded to EAT IT.

Riser: WHAT?!

Issei: Aw yuck! These flames taste awful! 

Rias: Issei?

Issei: Eh, don't worry as long as I'm in Dragon Force, I can eat all fire attacks. Really gotta thank Natsu when I see him next time.

Riser: Fine then, I'll just you fire on the Human.

Riser then proceeded to fire a bunch of Fireballs at Y/n, who used the Master Sword to defflect them as he moved towards Riser.

Y/n: Is that all you have? This is pathetic!

Riser: Damn you!

Riser jumped at Y/n, who ducked to reveal Issei behind him as Issei punched him in the face. As Riser was sent backwards Y/n appeared behind him and delivered several slashes to his back, causing Riser to scream in pain. He slowly stood up to realize he was regenerating slowly.

Riser: Why can't Riser regenerate quickly?

Y/n: That's because of my Sword. The Master Sword. The Blade of Evil's Bane. When it attacks someone evil, it automatically takes on the element of their weakness, so for you it's Holy.

Riser: So your an angel!

Y/n: Wrong, I'm just a Human.

Riser: DAMN YOU!

Y/n: Issei now!

Riser: Huh?


Riser turned around only to be hit by a flaming punch to the face.

Riser was then sent spiraling towards the ground. He slowly emerged from the crater.

Riser: You two are ruining everything I've worked for!

Y/n: I don't care, Rias isn't just someone you can call your property!

Issei: Rias is a living breathing person and the woman I love!




Issei and Y/n's aura then began to flare up, Riser attempted to fire more attacks at them, but they just easily swatted them away.

Issei: I don't care about your marriage, I don't care about the future of any other devils except for those I care about. Y/n let's finish this.

Y/n: Right!

Y/n then dashed and appeared right in front of Riser before delivering a series of slashes faster then anyone could see.

He then uses the final flash to send Riser flying towards Issei.


Issei then Summoned a Ball of Lightning and a Ball of Fire in each of his hands and charged towards Riser who looked on in fear.


Riser screamed in pain as he was sent flying away into the Clubhouse room. Issei and Y/n walked over to see RIser in a crater, barely moving. Issei and Y/n then raised their fists ready to deliver the final blow. When suddenly...

Ravel: Please that's enough, we forfeit the game. Just don't hurt my brother.

Riser's little sister appeared in front of him with her arms out stretched protecting him.

Ravel: Please don't hurt him anymore, we yield!

Issei puts down his fists and exits Dragon Force and Y/n goes over to Ravel as he goes back to his normal fighting clothes, she flinches but is confused when he pats her on the head.

Y/n: You know, you are brave for sticking up for your brother, we could have hurt you as well. But I can respect it, I mean I lost my arm for my brother and the fact you were willing to step into the cross-fire for him shows a lot. So take him away and tell him to never go after Rias again.

Ravel looks at Y/n who is smiling and blushes before nodding and grabbing Riser and the two dissapear.

Grayfia: Lord Riser has retired. Lady Rias has won the rating game!

Issei: Nice job bro.

Y/n: Hey, you did a good chunk of the work.

Rias then ran up and hugged the Hyoudou brothers. Issei and Y/n looked at each other and smiled and hugged back.

Rias: Thank you for freeing me and winning the game.

Issei: It was no problem.

Rias: So did you really mean it when you said I was YOUR Rias?

Issei blushed in embarrassment.

Issei: I mean...

Rias giggled at this as Y/n went over to Zelda.

Zelda: So when were you going to tell me about your Holy Knight form?

Y/n: When were you going to tell me about your Light Wings?

Zelda: Touché, but I'm proud of you for winning.

Y/n: Hey, you held out against Riser pretty well. 

Zelda: Aww, your going to make me blush.

Y/n then wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

Y/n: Maybe that's what I want.

Zelda: Oh you charmer.

The two then shared a passionate kiss. Suddenly Grayfia arrived in a magic circle

Grayfia: Congratulations everyone and congratulations Rias for winning your first Rating Game.

Rias: Thank you Grayfia.

Grayfia: Now come along, there's a surprise in the courtyard.

After all of that, they went to the courtyard to find a Griffon waiting.

Issei: Woah is that a Griffon?

Akeno: Yes it is. You and Rias are going to ride it back home.

Issei: I mean....

Y/n: Just get on the damn Griffon with your girl Issei.

Everyone chuckled the comment as Rias and Issei said goodbye. As they were flying away, the two finally kissed which Y/n and Zelda saw with their enhanced vision.

Y/n: I'm happy for them.

Zelda: As am I, now let's get back home. I'm tired.

Y/n: Same here.

The two then said goodbye to everyone else as they teleported home and Y/n plopped into bed with Zelda next to him. The two shared a quick goodnight kiss before they snuggled up and went to bed.



Y/n woke up in a very unfamilar place, it looked to be some kind of cave.

Y/n: What the, where the hell am I?

Y/n looked around till he heard something.

Y/n: Hello?

The sound then appeared again and Y/n began walking in it's direction. After walking for a while, Y/n came across a huge open cavern with a green/blue tornado the same color of his arm's aura in the center of it.

Y/n: THat energy... It's the same as my arm...

Y/n then began walking down the staircase. As he continued to walk, he saw a red/black mist and began to felt a single emotion....

Y/n: Gloom...

As he got to the bottom he saw something that truly horrified him. IN the center of the arm was The Arm of the First King attached to what look like a mummy.

Y/n: What the hell?

Suddenly, the arm fell off the of the mummy and it began to shake violently.

Y/n: Is that thing alive?


The mummy's neck snapped in Y/n's direction as its eyes glowed to life.

Y/n then suddenly shot up in bed breathing heavily. He looked around to see he was still in his room. He saw Zelda still asleep peacefully. He then grabbed his head and thought a single thought.

Y/n: What the fuck just happened?

(Alright folks, that is going to finish Season 1 of Tears of the ORC, the book will go on a bit of a break while I work on The Sun God of Gremory and a Future RWBY Story. I should restart Tears of the ORC sometime in October for Season 2. So look forward to that.)

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