Chapter 7: Training and Feelings
Right now, the members of the ORC were walking up a hill with big bags on their back. Issei was carrying a bag a bit bigger then Konekos. Kiba was carrying one slightly smaller then theirs.
Issei: Hey has anyone seen Y/n?
Y/n: I'm here.
Issei turns around to see Y/n carrying a massive bag at least twice the size of Koneko's.
Issei: Jesus christ, that bag is huge!
Y/n: Eh, feels like a bag of fethers to me.
Issei: Is Zelda also carrying one?
Y/n: Not exactly...
Zelda: I'm up here Issei!
Issei looks up to see Zelda on top of the bag reading a book while also having a bag on her back. His mouth drops open and he looks at his brother.
Issei: Okay... Are we sure your human?
Y/n: I'm pretty sure I'm still human, you just have a skill issue.
Issei: Oh that's it!
Y/n chuckles and runs up the hill and Issei chases after him, while Zelda tries to hold on.
Zelda: Gah! Too fast!
The group eventually reached the top of the hill and saw a beautiful mansion that was perfect for training. They went towards the mansion and saw Grayfia waiting for them.
Rias: Grayfia what are you doing here?
Grayfia: Hello Lady Rias, I have arrivied to inform you of changes to the rating game's roster.
This news shocked everyone.
Rias: What do you mean?
Grayfia: For the first time ever, non-peerage members are being allowed to compete in the rating game. Lord Riser says "It's fine if Rias has another handicap, it won't matter in the end.".
Rias: Tsch....
She then realizes what thew news meant.
Rias: You mean?
Grayfia: I do, the one's known as Zelda and Y/n Hyoudou are allowed to compete with the permission granted by The Four Satans, Lord and Lady Gremory, and Lord and Lady Phenex. Lord Riser also delivers a message. "No matter how many people Rias brings to her team, she does not stand a chance."
Y/n and Zelda look at each other and smirk.
Y/n: So he's underestimating us?
Zelda: That's perfect, actually!
Everyone turns to them confused.
Rias: What do you two mean?
Y/n: That means when we kick his ass in the rating game with ease, the victory will be that much sweeter.
Issei: That's a valid point.
Grayfia: That is all the news I have, I shall take my leave. Good luck on your training Lady Rias.
Rias: Thank you Grayfia, take care and say hello to my brother for me.
Grayfia: I shall.
Grayfia then teleports away as Rias turns to the group.
Rias: Alright, we have 10 days to train. Let's get started!
Everyone: Right!
Y/n was standing infront of Kiba. Issei was fighting Koneko nearby in a fist fight, while Akeno, Rias, and Zelda were helping Asia with her magic.
Y/n: Alright, Rias has asked me to help train you a bit more in sword combat.
Kiba: But didn't you just awaken your power last month? I don't mean to be rude, but I've been swordfighting for years.
Y/n: Getting a bit cocky are we Kiba?
Kiba chuckles.
Kiba: Perhaps just a little.
Y/n chuckles.
Y/n: That cockiness will be your downfall one day. Also you should never underestimate your opponent. NOW LET'S GO!
Y/n then dashes at Kiba and Kiba is barely able to block the attack.
Kiba: So fast! I almost was unable to dodge the attack!
Y/n: Heh, already on the ropes after just a simple dash attack?
Kiba: Far from it, I'm just getting started!
Y/n: Then bring it on!
The two then began to clash, with Kib attempting to hit Y/n but he just dodges easily and then backflips.
Kiba: He's reading me like a children's picture book. His movements are fluid. It's like he's been training for a hundred years, or this is in his blood. But he's just a human... right?
Y/n: Come on Kiba, how are you going to be Rias's knight if you can't even get one little hit against me?
Kiba: I'll show you my true power!
Kiba then begins to take a more aggressive approach, but Y/n continues to parry each and every attack with ease.
Y/n: I'll admit, you have the speed of a knight, but the power behind your attacks is lackluster! COME ON AND SHOW ME SOMETHING!
Kiba then summons a second sword and begins to rapidly slash at Y/n who has to go on the defensive a little bit.
Y/n: He's getting faster, that's good! But it's not FAST ENOUGH!
Y/n then reflects one of Kiba's attacks and hits him with several attacks before somehow slashing his shoulder. Kiba falls to one knee and grasps his shoulder.
Kiba: He cut my shoulder with nothing but a wooden sword, how?! What is he?!
Y/n then points the wooden sword at Kiba's chest.
Y/n: Now in a normal fight to the death, you would be dead. But this isn't, so I'll give you a chance. Do you yield?
Kiba looks down for a moment, he then quickly grabs his two swords and swings at Y/n who dodges.
Y/n: So you wish to continue this spar?
Kiba: I do, I refuse to lose.
Y/n: Very well, come at me then.
Kiba then charges at Y/n and attempts to attack him but Y/n retaliates.
Suddenly, Y/n swings at Kiba who barely dodges, but Y/n ends up cutting a bit of his hair.
Y/n: Come on! This can't be your full power! Stop holding back!
Kiba attempts to slash wildly at Y/n, but he uses a wooden shield to easily block them.
Kiba then attempts too attack faster and faster, but Y/n proceeds to keep blocking.
Y/n: He's getting tired, I can tell. Something's holding him back mentally. Just what is the true question.
Kiba: I can't keep going... he's got me beat....
Kiba then breathes heavily and slashes at Y/n slowly who just steps back. Kiba then raises his sword into the air and attempts to deliver one final slash, but Y/n just sighs and knocks the sword away and out of his hands. Kiba then falls onto his back.
Y/n: Listen, I'm about to sound like a real jerk, but. You are going to get either yourself or someone else killed.
Kiba slowly looks at him.
Kiba: What do you mean?
Y/n sighs.
Y/n: Something is holding you back, not physically, but mentally. It's not my place to get involved, but if you don't get your shit together, there will be problems. If you ever need someone to talk to, let me know. Also, make sure to get that shoulder looked at by Asia before it gets too bad. Don't want it getting infected.
Y/n then walks away leaving Kiba to think. He then looks over to see Koneko and Issei just as the two finish their spar with Issei helping Koneko up. He then walks over and sees Asia with a green orb in her hand.
Y/n: Woah, nice job Asia.
Asia: Oh thank you Y/n.
Y/n: Hey, I think I might have gone too hard against Kiba, do you think you could check on his shoulder?
Asia: Sure thing.
She then runs over to Kiba as Rias looks at Y/n.
Rias: I saw a good amount of your training with Kiba, did you really need go that hard?
Y/n sighs.
Y/n: I had to gage where he was, he's got the speed part down, but his strength is behind. Something is holding him back mentally. I have a feeling you know, but it isn't my place to get involved. If he wants to tell me when he wants to, he will. But I did tell him that if he doesn't get his head in the right place, he will either get himself or someone else killed.
Rias: Thank you though, but perhaps you could be a bit more gentle next time?
Y/n: Perhaps, but remember no-one ever got stronger by being gentle. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go take a nap and do some mindscape training.
Y/n then walks off as Zelda walks over to Rias and Akeno.
Rias: I really don't understand him some times. He can be happy and carefree one minute.
Akeno: And then serious and rough the next minute right?
Zelda: I wouldn't blame him. From what the Zelda that inhabits my Hylia Gear as told me, the Hylia Gear's spirit sometimes influences the users personality at times. It seems as if Link's serious knight persona has started to take effect on Y/n. I wouldn't read to much into it though, he's still Y/n but he just wants everyone to get stronger so no-one gets hurt.
Akeno: Well isn't that sweet. But I do wonder how that serious knight persona would work during more intimate matters~
Zelda glares at Akeno.
Zelda: What was that Akeno?
Akeno: Oh nothing~
Rias looks at the scene and chuckles internally.
Rias: Looks like Y/n has two girls after him right now.
She then notices Koneko looking in the direction that Y/n had walked off in.
Rias: Perhaps three?
Issei: Yo Rias!
She then looks to see Issei coming up to her with a smile on his face.
Rias: But that's not my place. Besides I need to focus on the man I want in front of me.
Y/n was on a balcony overlooking the forest, he was having a conversation with Link who was next to him in spirit form.
Y/n: You think I went to hard on Kiba earlier?
Link: Not at all, but I do agree that something is holding him back. Perhaps something about his past?
Y/n: That's possible. How do you think we are doing with our training?
Link: Excellent, your a master of the Sheikah Slate powers. I think you are actually close to being ready to use Rauru's powers..
Y/n: That's cool....
Link: Is something bothering you now Y/n?
Y/n: Kinda, it concerns Zelda.
Link: Well, maybe you can deal with it with her.
Y/n: What do you me-
Zelda: Y/n?
Y/n turns around to see Zelda in a nightgown and he couldn't help but blush a little bit.
Link chuckles at this.
Link: I'll leave you two alone.
Link then vanishes leaving Y/n and Zelda alone.
Zelda: What are you still doing up? Is this because you took that nap earlier?
Y/n: Yeah, so I thought I would get some fresh air and have a talk with Link. Did we wake you?
Zelda: Not at all, I was thirsty so I was going to get some water when I heard you and Link talking. May I ask what it was about? I heard my name at the end.
Y/n's eyes widen a bit.
Y/n: You heard that?
Zelda: That you have something concerning me? Yes, I did, I didn't mean to listen in.
Y/n sighs.
Y/n: Don't worry about it, I was just thinking.
Zelda: Was this about what happened with Riser at the clubroom?
Y/n: Part of it is with. I'm sorry about calling you MY Zelda. It was just a heat of moment.
Zelda: Don't worry about that Y/n. I thought it was cute.
Y/n: That is what worries me...
Zelda: Huh, what do you mean?
Y/n: Has your Zelda mentioned to you about how Hylia Gear users personalities and likes sometimes get put onto their users.
Zelda: She has before several times. Why?
Y/n sighs and looks at her in the eyes.
Y/n: When I look at you. I wonder if it's me looking at you or Link looking at his Zelda.
Zelda: I'm afraid I don't follow.
Y/n: Are my feelings towards you a result of Link's spirit or my own feelings?
Zelda then finally realizes what he means and blushes.
Zelda: Oh...
Y/n: I'm sorry, I think I'm gonna head to bed. See you tomorrow morning
Y/n attempts to walk off but Zelda grabs his arm stopping him in his tracks.
Y/n: Zelda?
Zelda: Can I tell you something?
Y/n: What is it?
Zelda: I know that my feelings towards you are genuine, not influenced by my Hylia Gear at all.
Y/n looked at her, a deep red growing on his face.
Y/n: W-What?
Zelda: You were the first boy who didn't look at me like I was another pretty face. You helped me when Asia was kidnapped and comforted me in one of my darkest hours. You and I have so much in common. Every moment I spend with you make me the happiest girl on Earth. If I had never met you, I don't know where I would be. I know we've only known each other for a short time but I feel like I've known you all my life. What I'm trying to say is-
Y/n: I love you too.
Zelda pauses for a moment and looks at him, a red darker then Rias's hair now plastered across her face.
Zelda: You what?
Y/n: I love you Zelda. For the first time in my life, I feel as if I've found my other half. You were the first girl to make me feel love outside of my family. I love you because of your flaws and your personality. You are the person I enjoy hanging out with the most. You indulge in my activities and actually enjoy them. You were the first girl to ever make me blush out of love and not embarrassment. If I had never met you, I doubt I would have found a girl to love. I know I just said I was concerned about the Hylia Gear influencing my feelings towards you, but what you just said has completely put away any doubts in my mind. My feelings towards you are genuine and your feelings to me are genuine.
He then smiles at her.
Y/n: Zelda? Would you like to be my girlfriend?
Zelda: I would love to.
The two then looked at each other for a while, an unknown force causing them to look into each other eyes. The two then moved closer to each other.
Y/n: Zelda...
Zelda: Y/n...
The two then gently kissed. A gentle kiss, but filled with passion behind it.
After a few minutues, the two sepereated.
Y/n: That was...
Zelda: Wow....
The two then looked at each other and smiled.
Y/n: I think we should get back to bed. We do have training in the morning.
Zelda: D-Do you mind if we share the same bed tonight?
Y/n: Of course. I would be honored.
The two then held hands and walked towards Y/n's room. Little did they know, they had two very interesting guests watching them Rias and Issei on the balcony above. Rias had tears in her eyes and Issei was smiling happily.
Rias: That was beautiful..
Issei: I'm so happy for them.
Rias: Anyway, thank you for talking with me. I'm going to head back to bed as well..
Issei: Anytime Rias.
She then kissed him on the cheek and left, giving him a little bit of show with her hips. He blushed for a minute and then made his way back to his room for the night.
6 days later
For six days, the group had improved a lot. Y/n and Zelda announced to the group that they were together. They were all happy for them, but on the inside Akeno and Koneko were jealous but they didn't let it show. Right now Issei and Y/n were sparring, with Issei trying out some new technics he said he learned from one of Ddraig's previous users.
Rias: So this is another one of those Welsh Dragon moves?
Issei: Yep, and lucky for me the Boost is already pre-determined for the move.
Y/n: How many boosts are you up till already Issei?
Issei: I think somewhere near 50 is where I'm the most comfortable, but I can go to 75 but it leves me a bit winded.
Y/n: So basically you can basically have Super Saiyan level of powers now?
Issei: Yep.
Y/n: Awesome. Now show me this new move of yours.
Issei: You betcha, get ready for this one Big Bro!
Issei then coated his fist in fire and pulled it back.
Issei then threw the flaming punch at Y/n who blocked it with the Hylian shield, but the force behind it sent Y/n skidding backwards and crashing through several dozen trees before he stopped.
Issei: Oh no... I went too hard!
Zelda: Y/n!
Y/n: Don't worry! I'm fine, but DAMN! That was one hell of a punch, if I hadn't blocked with the Hylian Shield, that would have hurt like hell.
He was then encased in a green glow and looked to see Asia next to him healing him.
Y/n: I told ya I was fine Asia.
Asia: Better safe then sorry right?
Akeno: She makes a very good point.
Koneko: Let her heal you dude.
Zelda: Or else!
Y/n sighed and smiled at Asia.
Y/n: Fine, go ahead Asia.
Asia: Thank you.
Y/n then began to chuckle.
Issei: What's funny big bro?
Y/n: If you are throwing out punches like that with ease. Riser won't klnow what hit him.
Zelda: Indeed, he's going to be in for quite the nasty surprise when we face him.
Issei: He doesn't stand a chance in Hell!
Everyone: Yeah!
The group continued their training and everyone kept improving up until the last training day. They had all gotten a free day on the final day so that they didn't strain their bodies for the upcoming rating game. They were all ready for Riser and little did the KFC Reject know, he would be in for a much stronger group then he could ever prepare for.
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