Chapter 6: The Hero of the Wild meets a Phenex.
(Harem Update:
It is with a heavy heart that I must announce the removal of Serafall Leviathan from Y/n's Harem. The reason for is because I had an amazing idea for her love interest, when I hinted at Serafall's queen last chapter. Therefore to make it up to yall, I am happy to announce that Yasaka will be joining Y/n's Harem in her place.
I deeply apologize for anyone who is upset by this news, but I hope you will all understand when I reveal Serafall's new love interest in a future chapter. Something tell me it will hit you all like a Meteor.)
It had a been few days since Y/n and met Epona and Zelda had gotten Midna as a familar. Y/n and Zelda were chilling in Y/n's room listening to music. Y/n had decided to play a song from a game he had been playing a lot of recently with Zelda.
Y/n: I still have no idea how Soken can release this many good songs. It should be criminal for being that good at making music.
Zelda: I have to agree with you on that one, while I do love this song. I still think To the Edge is his best work.
Y/n: You make a valid argument with that, he even wrote it while he was going through chemotherapy.
Zelda: A truly inspiring songwriter not to let disease and sickness stop him from making music people love.
The two then felt a prescence coming from Issei's room. The two paused the music and went to check it out. They decided to open his door and saw Rias on top of Issei without her bra on and a woman with grey hair, she was wearing a maid outfit and she was standing inside the room.
Grayfia: Ah, I thought I sensed another prescence in this home. Good evening, I am Gray Lucifuge. I serve the house of Gremory.
She bows.
Y/n: A pleasure, I am Y/n Hyoudou.
Zelda: My name is Zelda.
Grayfia gave them a small smile and Y/n and Zelda looked at Issei and Rias.
Y/n: So... what the hell is this about?!
Issei: Listen.... I can explain!
Zelda: Oh I'm sure you both can.
Rias: Sorry for disturbing you guys. I have a lot of things to think about that I didn't know what I was doing.
Grayfia: Now let's go Lady Rias. We can talk more about this tomorrow.
Rias: Yes Grayfia, I'll see you guys tomorrow then.
She kissed Issei on the cheek that made him blush, she then got dressed and walked toward Y/n and Zelda and gave them a hug. Then she went away from Grayfia. Y/n and Zelda approached Issei and asked him about what had just happened.
Y/n: So what was that all about?
Issei: She said she wanted me to take her virginity so that she can be free of something.
Zelda: Could the reason behind her actions be because of what has been causing her to seem so spaced out recently?
Y/n: It's a possibility.
Issei: Sorry guys... I just don't know what just happened.
Y/n: It's fine Issei. I'm sure we will find out tomorrow.
Issei: Hey bro...
Y/n: What's up?
Issei: Since when do you have pointy ears like Zelda?
Y/n: What do you me-
Y/n then felt his ears and they were pointier. He quickly ran to the mirror in Issei's room and looked in it and saw they were now pointy like Zelda's
Link's voice then came into Y/n's head.
Link: I believe I might be able to explain. When you reunited with Epona a bit of my original power was with her and when you bonded with her, the power returned to you and now your body had to adapt to the power.
Zelda then walked over to Y/n and grabbed his hands.
Zelda: Look at me Y/n.
Y/n: How am I going to hide this to my parents?!
Zelda: Just breathe and calm down.
After a few minutues Y/n calms down.
Zelda: Better?
Y/n: A little?
Issei: Jeez, I've never seen him calm down that quick before.
Y/n turns and glares at his brother.
Issei: Shutting up now.
Zelda: Ignoring him, I'm going to teach you a simple spell that will those who are not part of the supernatural to see normal ears while people like me and Issei will see the Hylian Ears.
Issei: Hylian Ears?
Y/n: I think she called them that because the two of us are Hylia Gear users.
Zelda: Exactly, now pay close attention to the spell I'm about to teach you.
Y/n nods and Zelda then teaches him the spell. His ears glow a bit and then the glow fades.
Y/n: Did it work?
Zelda: It should have, my ears did the same thing when I tried the spell for the first time.
Y/n: Who did teach you the spell?
Zelda: My Hylia Gear Spirit, Zelda.
Y/n: So Link could have taught me it?
Link: Hey don't go looking at me! Magic was her thing, not mine!
Zelda: Perhaps, maybe he was just lazy.
The two chuckle at this before saying Goodnight to Issei as the two of them, the two of them then exit his room. Y/n gives Zelda a kiss on the cheek and thanks her for helping, before realizing what he just did and rushing into his room, leaving a blushing and smiling Zelda.
Zelda: Hylia help me, I'm so in love with that cute idiot.
She then goes into her and Asia's room.
Y/n, Issei, Zelda, and Asia were walking to the ORC club room after school when they saw Kiba with anger on his face.
Y/n: Is everthing alright Kiba?
Kiba: There's about to be trouble in the Clubroom and I have a bad feeling about who might be causing it.
Issei: Let's go then..
The group went inside the club room and saw Grayfia there waiting for them.
Y/n: Nice to see you again Grayfia.
Zelda: Yes, it is quite nice to see you again.
Grayfia: Y/n, Zelda, a pleasure to see you both. Now that everyone is here. Do you want to tell them Lady Rias?
Rias: I'll take it from here. The reason I called you guys here is because-
Rias was cut off when a magic circle appeared and flames erupted from them forming a Phoenix. Then a guy with blonde hair wearing a cocky grin came out of the circle. This made Asia scared and Rias angry.
Riser: Riser has finally returned to the human world. How are doing my dear?
Issei: Okay who is this guy?
Grayfia: This here is Lord Riser Phenex. A High-class noble devil and third to the House of Phenex. Also he is Lady Rias's fiance.
Y/n: It all makes sense now.... She's in an arranged marriage...
Currently, Riser is sitting next to Rias on the couch drinking Tea that Akeno had made.
Riser: The Tea made by Rias's Queen is delicious.
Akeno gave him a smile but everyone but him could tell it was forced.
Akeno: Thank you for the compliment.
Everyone continued to watch as Riser played with Rias's hair
and was putting his hand on her hip and Issei was getting beyond angry. Y/n was trying to calm his down but to avail, however Y/n was just as angry.
Rias: For the last time Riser, I won't marry you! I want to choose who I'm going to marry!
Riser: But Rias my dear, Riser wants the population of pure breed devils to go back up. Your family and your brother agreed to this.
Issei: Wait Rias has a brother?
Kiba: She has an older brother. His name is Sirzechs Lucifer. The Ruler of the Underworld.
Asia: Is that why Rias is the next heir?
Rias: This is the last time Riser! I'm not doing this! My parents and older brother only agreed to this because they were in a rush!
Riser: If you won't agree to this, Riser will incinerate every last one of your peerage here.
Rias: Y/n and Zelda arn't part of my peerage, but if you try to hurt them, there will be hell to pay.
Riser then turned to look at Y/n and Zelda.
Riser: So you enlisted the help of pathetic humans? How far you have fallen my dear.
Y/n: I'm pathetic? Pot calling the kettle black.
Riser: A low-class devil talking to Riser like that? Pathetic.
Grayfia: Lord Riser we came here in peace and I command you to stay down.
Riser: If the second strongest queen orders it, I shall do so.
Grayfia: Sirzechs already knew that this would happen. And he agreed that we settle this in a rating game.
Issei: What's a rating game?
Kiba: A rating game is a game played by Noble-class devils. It's where all the peerages of Nobles fight against one another.
Zelda: So exactly like a chess game?
Akeno: Correct, that is why we are called evil pieces.
Y/n: Huh, it all makes sense.
Riser: Riser has won numerous battles and my bride hasn't even entered a single one. Tell me Rias, is this all of your peerage and "allies"?
Rias: What if it is?
Riser laughs and snaps his fingers and then 15 females appeared on a circle behind him.
Riser: Riser has 15 pieces or what you call, a complete set.
Issei: All women... Of course...
Y/n: Gives me the creeps...
Riser: Riser believes you two are just jealous. Yubellena.
The girl in a purple dress walked toward Riser and he started groping her breasts while making out. Then Y/n saw a blonde girl who kind of looked like Riser.
Y/n: You sick bastard! You have your own sister in your peerage and you start making out in front of us!
Issei: An utter piece of shit of you are.
Y/n: A pervert and deaf?
Issei: What a shame.
Riser: WHY YOU! Rias get your servants in line or else I'll burn all of them!
Riser then attempted to summon a fireball but he was stopped when he noticed Issei finally getting ready to punch him with the Boosted Gear.
But instead everyone heard a crash and saw Issei had punched the table in half.
Issei: My apologies, but there was a mosquito on the table.
Everyone then saw there was a dead mosquito on the table.
Issei: Wouldn't want to get a diease from them, who knows what could have happened to you.
Riser gulps a bit but then goes back to his cocky self.
Riser: Ah thank you.
He then noticed Issei's gauntlet.
Riser: Is that... THE BOOSTED GEAR?! How does one of her pathetic servants have it?!
Riser looked at Grayfia and was about to ask but then he noticed Zelda and began walking towards her.
Riser: Who is this beautiful woman?
Riser attempted to touch her, but his hand was swiftly cut off. Riser screams in pain.
Riser turned and saw Y/n with the Master Sword out standing in front of Zelda. A pissed off look on his face.
Zelda blushed at that comment. Inside her head she was giggling like a school girl.
Grayfia: I suggest you stand down Lord Riser. I know that Sword, it is the Master Sword.
Riser: The Sword that seals the darkness?! How does a pathetic human have it?
Y/n: You don't deserve to know, you pathetic fried chicken.
Riser: Why you-
Grayfia: Enough Riser!
She then turned to Rias
Grayfia: So what is it going to be Rias?
Rias: I'll accept the Rating game.
Grayfia: Very well then. I'll tell Sirzechs about this.
Y/n then desummoned the Master Sword and Riser's hand grew back, slowly.
Riser: I'll give you ten days as a handicap, but first you pathetic human and one with the gauntlet!
Y/n/Issei: What?
Riser: What are your names?
Y/n: I am the Hero of the Wild. The Wielder of the Master Sword. My name is Y/n Hyoudou!
Issei: I am the Red Dragon Emperor. The Wielder of the Boosted Gear. My name is Issei Hyoudou!
Riser: Issei Hyoudou, since you are Rias's servant I will deal with you during the Rating Game where you will lose. Y/n Hyoudou, once Riser finishes dealing with Rias and this Issei, Riser will be coming after you and Riser will kill you and take "Your Zelda" for himself.
Y/n: Over my dead body will I let you have her.
Riser then left. After a while, Grayfia left as well. Zelda then walked up to Y/n and gave him a kiss on the cheek causing him to blush.
Y/n: W-What was that for?!
Zelda: For calling me Your Zelda. I'm so happy my knight is so protective of me~.
Y/n then blushed even more causing everyone to laugh before he teleported away embarrassed.
Zelda: I'll tell you how I feel soon Y/n. I just hope you'll accept me.
Y/n on the other hand was sitting on his bed blushing like a fool.
Y/n: Dangit Zelda for making me feel this way... I guess I am in love with her...
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