Chapter 4: Saving Asia from Evil!

Y/n, Zelda, and Asia had just arrived outside of the old school building. Asia had woken up and Y/n helped her and Zelda off the Master Cycle. The two girls were looking around like lost puppies.

Y/n: It's alright now, the two of you are safe now.

Zelda: I can't thank you enough Y/n, truly.

Asia: She's right, thank you Y/n. Are you a devil like Issei?

Y/n: I am not, as far as I know I'm still Human. Please Asia, Zelda, don't judge my brother for his actions in becoming a devil. Rias had to reincarnate him or else he would have died.

Asia: It's alright, even if Issei is a devil, I will still look at him as a friend.

Zelda: As will I, Devil or Not, you risked your lives for us. 

Y/n: I thank you both. I believe we should get inside now. I'm sure Issei is worried about you Asia.

Zelda: H-Hold on Y/n.

Y/n: Hmm?

Zelda then blushes heavily before kissing Y/n on the cheek. Her eyes widen and she quickly runs inside the ORC, followed by Asia leaving a dumbfounded Y/n. Link then appeared next to him.

Link: Yeah, Zelda was always shy when it came to stuff like that. It fills me with happy memories seeing you two act like we once did.

Y/n: Of course...

Y/n then went inside the ORC and saw Issei hugging Asia.

Issei: I'm glad that you're safe.

Asia: Don't worry, Y/n and Zelda saved me from those fallen angels.

Zelda: I will fight for anyone I care about, no matter how strong the opponent is whether in strength or numbers.

Issei: Thank you both, I appreciate it.

Y/n: What are brothers for, it's my job to help.

Rias: If you wish, Asia, Zelda, you two can stay here for a while just to be sure you are safe from the fallen.

Asia: Thank you guys for letting us stay here.

Zelda: I grately appreciate it, I will find a way to pay back my debt towards your hospitality.

Rias: Think nothing of it. Anyone who is a friend of my precious pawn and my favorite ally are friends of mine. I believe it's time for everyone to pack up and head home. I'll put up a barrier here so that no-one can enter while we are away.

Asia: Thanks and be safe everyone.

After everyone had left, Zelda turned to Asia.

Zelda: So I assume you like Issei?

Asia blushed heavily.

Asia: W-W-Well I mean... Don't you like Y/n?

Zelda blushed heavily.

Zelda: W-W-Well played Asia... Anyway, I need to disspell my ear disguise.

Zelda's ears faintly glowled before turning into their normal form.

Asia: I still don't understand why you hide them. They are extremly beautiful.

Zelda: I appreciate the compliment Asia, but people have made fun of them ever since they changed when my Hylia Gear awokened.

Asia: Do you think Y/n hides his ears as well?

Zelda: It's possible... Anyway, we should get some sleep.

Asia: Goodnight, Zelda.

Zelda: Goodnight, Asia.

The two then went into separate rooms and feel asleep.

Y/n and Issei were walking home and Y/n was thinking about Zelda. Issei noticed his brother's concertation.

Issei: Hey Y/n, are you okay?

Y/n looked at his brother and sighed.

Y/n: Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just thinking...

Issei: About Zelda?

Y/n: *sighs* What gave it away?

Issei: I see how you get around her bro, you finally found someone like you.

Y/n: I just can't explain it. I feel like I've known her for thousands of years. Link says its because shes a descendent of his former love.

Issei: Really?

Y/n: Yeah...

Issei: Jeez, that sounds like some destiny stuff right there.

Y/n: Maybe it is, but what does destiny hold in store?

Issei: That's something we should never know, if we knew what the future held it would be a boring life. Not knowing what comes next makes life more exciting to live.

Y/n: That's actually some sage like wisdom. Nice job, Issei.

Issei: Heh, thanks.

Eventually, the brothers arrivied home and went to sleep.


Y/n woke up and once again did his morning routine and went outside of the house with Issei. It was a weekend and they had decided to train a little at the park. The two were currently sparring.

(Ryu is Y/n and Ken is Issei)

Y/n: Come on Issei, can't you land a hit on me?

Issei: Easy for you to say. I thought your sacred gear used a sword and shield as one of its main weapons.

Y/n: It is, but what if I became disarmed and lost the ability to use those weapons? I need to have another way to fight don't I?

Issei: Heh, I suppose that's right. Now let's keep going, I know I can land a hit on you.

Y/n: Oh? Then bring it!

The two continued to sparring for a few minutes until Issei finally managed to land a hit on Y/n...

by punching him directly in the face causing him to stumble back.

Issei: Ah shit, you alright?

Y/n just laughs.

Y/n: Yeah, I'm alright, that was a mean punch though. I actually felt it.

Issei: Not as weak as you thought huh?

Y/n: Never said you were weak, just not as strong as me. 

Issei: Heh, you cocky bastard.

Y/n: Careful, don't let our parents here you say that.

The two then chuckled before fist bumping.

(Ken is Issei and Ryu is Y/n)

Y/n: So how as your mindscapign training with Ddraig going?

Issei: It was hell at first, but as I got more and more sessions in the better I felt both strength wise and mental wise.

Issei's left arm started to glow green.

Ddraig: Indeed, he's coming along a lot faster then I expected. I'm glad to have someone like him as a partner. I was afraid I would be stuck with a pervert this generation who only cared about boobs. Imagine if I was known as the "Boob Dragon"! I would be devastated! My life would be over!

Issei: Jeez, that sounds like an awful fate.

Y/n: Indeed, now shall we get back to sparring?

Issei: Sure.

The two continued sparring for a while until they saw a pair of familiar girls, both with blonde hair walking around the park.

Y/n: I believe that's Asia and Zelda over there.

Issei looked towards where Y/n was looking.

Issei: Oh it is! Hey Asia, Zelda, ove here!

The two brothers waved at the two girls and they noticed them and went towards them.

Asia: Good morning guys.

Y/n: A good morning to you as well Asia.

Issei: What are you two doing here?

Zelda: I believe we should be asking you that question.

Y/n: Me and Issei have been sparring, it's a good way for us to train. What about you two?

Asia: We thought it was a good day to go out and look around with this wonderful weather.

Y/n: You girls hungry? Me and Issei are a bit famished from training.

Zelda: That sounds like a wonderful idea.

The four of them went out to eat at a burger place where Issei and Y/n usually hung out or just to eat. They just ordered some burgers and sat at a table. Y/n, Issei, and Zelda started eating. Y/n couldn't help but give a small smile as he saw Zelda eat her burger, which to him made her look even more adorable and caused him to blush.

Y/n: Enjoying your burger Zelda?

Zelda: Oh yes, it's amazing! How is yours?

She then saw him and she blushed as he was holding his burger and was giving her a closed eyed happy smile.

Y/n: It's amazing!

Issei then noticed Asia staring at her burger.

Issei: Something wrong Asia?

Asia: I'm sorry but I don't know how to eat this.

Issei: Oh that's it? Well all you do is hold it like this and then just take a bite.

Issei then proceeded to take a bite of his burger.

Asia: Ok.

She held her burger up and took a bite from it. She was amazed that the burger tasted so good.

Asia: This is good.

Y/n: You didn't eat one of these before?

Asia: Actually no, I grew up inside the church and haven't got the time to go out.

When Issei andY/n heard that, they felt kinda sad for her. Zelda already knew about this. Asia was never able to get out as much as Zelda did.

Issei: How come Zelda knows, wern't you two part of the same church?

Y/n: No they weren't, Zelda worships Hylia, just like I do.

Zelda: Y/n is right, my church is a lot less strict on raising it's young. They wanted us to experience the world and Hylia's blessing on it.

Issei then had an idea.

Issei: Don't worry Asia, we are gonna are going to have some fun today.

Asia: Really?

Y/n: Yeah and plus it's a weekend. We don't have school so let's go.

Zelda: This sounds like fun.

The four of them finished eating and they went to the arcade to have fun. They played many games and because of Y/n's somehow incredible luck and skill at arcade games and machines, won so many prizes. They were about to go out but Asia saw something that caught her eye. It was a small dragon plush.

Issei: Heh, that's kinda cute. You like that?

Asia: I-It's just so cute that I can't resist it.

Issei: Ok I'll get it for you. I'm kinda bad compared to Y/n but if I find the right moment and Yeah!

Y/n then leans in and whispers to Zelda.

Y/n: Is now a good time to tell him I've been using my arm to cheat for the past 5 years?

Zelda lightly gasps and playfully punches him in the shoulder

Zelda: Y/n! You little cheat!

The two then break out into small laughter just as Issei got the plushie that Asia really wanted. That put a smile on Y/n and Zelda's faces just to see them interact with each other.

Asia: Thank you so much Issei. When I look at this, It will remind me of you and the day we had fun together. You too Y/n, Zelda.

 Y/n: Your welcome Asia. Glad that we made you happy today.

Zelda: I really appreciate all of this.

Y/n: Anytime Zelda, Anytime.

The four of them went out of the Arcade and went to the park to have a little walk and rest for a bit. As they were walking, Y/n sensed something coming their way. He saw it was the same fallen angel that killed Issei and she threw a light spear at them. Y/n summoned the Master Sword and Hylian Shield, which Zelda noticed.

Zelda: Y/n?


Y/n stood in front of everyone and the light spear made contact with the ground and created an explosion which knocked Y/n back into Zelda and they both were knocked into the trees.

Issei: Y/N!

Asia: Zelda!

The fallen angel girl then began to approach Issei and Asia. Issei stood in front of Asia.

Asia: Lady Raynare

Issei: So that's her real name?

Ddraig: Be careful partner. She might try something. 

Issei: What do you want from us?

Raynare: Don't worry, I just want the nun. We still have unfinished business to attend to, now with that annoying blonde bimbo who worships Hylia out of the way we can take care of that..

Asia: I don't want to go back with you, you hurt Y/n and Zelda!

Raynare: Then I'll have to take you by force.

Issei: You ain't getting her that easy.

Issei then got into a fighting stance.

Raynare: You really think you can beat me like that?

Issei: I have to! I have to protect Asia!

Asia: Issei.

Issei then dodged a Light Spear that Raynare threw and he jumped at her.


Issei delievered a flying kick to her face knocking her away.

Raynare: HOW?!

Issei: Heh, I learned that one from a fighting game called Street Fighter.

Raynare: Are you fucking with me?

Issei: Nah, I have standards and you are FAR BELOW THEM NOW!

She then got angry and charged at him but all he did was smirk as he coated his right hand in fire.


Issei delivered a flaming uppercut to her sending her away.

Issei: Are you done yet?

Raynare then noticed Y/n and Zelda still knocked out nearby and she got an evil idea.

Raynare: Let's see you dodge this!

She then summoned another lightspear and threw it at the unconciscious Zelda and Y/n. 

Issei: NO!

He then summoned a huge burst of speed and sped in front of Y/n and Zelda taking the light spear into his stomach.

Issei: GAH!

Asia: ISSEI!!!!!!!

Asia then quickly ran over to him and began to heal him.

Issei: A-Asia?

Asia: Shhh, just let me heal you.

She then turns to Raynare.

Asia: Please let me heal him and then I'll go with you.

Issei: A-Asia D-Don't!

Asia turned to him with a smile and tears coming from her eyes.

Asia: If it means keeping you safe, I'll do it.

She then finishes healing Issei and Raynare grabs her.

Raynare: Come on, girl!

Asia: Goodbye Issei!

Issei: NO!

Raynare flies away with Asia just as Y/n and Zelda wake up.

Y/n: Ugh, that was something...

Y/n then notices Zelda and runs over to her.

Y/n: Are you alright Zelda?

Zelda: I'm fine, are you?

Y/n: Yeah.

Zelda: What about Issei and Asia?

Y/n looks around and sees Issei on his knees. He runs over to his brother, but is stopped in his tracks when Issei summons the Boosted Gear and screams as he punches the ground with it.


Y/n: Issei calm down! What happened?

Issei turns and glares at him.


Zelda: Yuuma?! You mean Raynare?! Oh no....

Y/n: Zelda?

Y/n turns around and notices Zelda is crying.

Y/n: Zelda? What does Raynare want with Asia?

Zelda: H-Her Sacred Gear... If they remove it... she dies...

She then throws herself into Y/n's arms as she cries.

Zelda: This is all my fault! I should have been stronger!

Y/n: Hey now, we'll get her back. I promise.

Issei: I'm going to get Rias. I'll meet you two at the church. I'll save her even if I must become a stray.

Issei then teleports away as Y/n comforts Zelda.


Y/n and Zelda were standing outside the old church when a magic circle appeared and out of it came Kiba, Koneko, and Issei.

Y/n: Kiba? Koneko?

Kiba: Hey Y/n.

Koneko: Yo.

Issei: Let's get this over with.

Issei walks up to the front door before grabbing them and ripping them off of the hinges. The group then saw the white-haired lunatic holding his gun and light sword. Y/n knew he was the same guy who had hurt Zelda.

Freed: We meet again devils, bitch, and the bastard who nearly killed me!

Y/n: We aren't here for you, exorcist, we are here for Asia.

Zelda: We know she is, I highly suggest you tell us where she is.

Freed: Well I'm here to stop you from ruining our plans. And if you want to rescue the girl, the stairs are under the altar.

Issei: I will never forgive you for what you did to Asia.

Y/n: And I'll never forgive you for what you did to Zelda.

Kiba: Issei, Y/n, Zelda. Me and Koneko will deal with him you guys go get Asia.

Y/n/Issei/Zelda: Right.

Koneko: Easier said than done.

Koneko started throwing benches at him but he just sliced them in two with his light sword.

Freed: Well you look interesting. Mind if I lick you after I skinned you?

Koneko: Suck it.

Kiba then attacked Freed with his speed. Freed blocked it and started to clash with him.

Freed: I must say you are quite fast and quite good.

Kiba: Thanks but you're wide open.

Issei then appeared in front of Freed and gave him a brutal uppercut sending him flying out of the building.

Issei: Y/n, Zelda. Let's go!

The two Hylia Gear uses nodded and followed him down the stairs

that it was full of stay priests and saw Raynare had tied Asia to a cross.

Issei: Asia hang in there!

Asia: Issei, Y/n, Zelda.

Y/n: Don't worry Asia, we are coming for you!

Zelda: I'm going to save you, Asia!

Raynare: You're already too late, the ceremony has started and there's no way of stopping it.

Asia screamed in pain and that pissed off Issei.

Issei: Y/n, Zelda, can you two deal with the strays preists.

Y/n: Of course we can.

Zelda: We won't let a single one pass.

Y/n summoned the Master Sword and Hylian Shield while Zelda summoned two daggers and the two stood back to back as strays priests surrounded them.

Y/n: Since when do you know how to wield daggers?

Zelda: I have a lot of surprises Y/n, now let's see if you can keep up!

Y/n: Is that a challenge? Very well, I accept!

Y/n and Zelda then began taking out Stray Priests left and right. Which ever priests attempted to sneak up on Zelda, Y/n would deal with and which ever priests attempted to sneak up on Y/n, Zelda would deal with. The two were a well oiled fighting machine with an impenetrable defense. The two then noticed a green light coming from where Aisa was, both of their eyes widen, the ritual had been completed and Y/n noticed Issei holding Asia's lifeless body.

Y/n: NO!

Zelda: ASIA!

Raynare began to laugh maniacally as she put the rings on her fingers. She was about to attack Issei but he jumped and ran to the exit with Asia but Raynare followed them.

Y/n: Kiba, Koneko, follow them, we'll take it from here.

Zelda: Make sure she gets a one way ticket straight to the Realm of Demise!

Kiba: Are you two sure?

Y/n: Yeah.

They nodded and went to the exit. The stray priests surrounded Y/n and Zelda but they both glared at them.

Y/n: You all should not have come here.

Zelda: For this will be your final resting place.

Y/n's Master Sword began to glow as he thrusted it back. 

Y/n: Take this!

He then thrusted the sword foward as it created a massive gust of light and wind.

Zelda then summoned her light bow and drew it back and then fire at the other group of stray priests causing an explosion of light.

The two then look at each other.

Zelda: Come Y/n, let's see if Issei finished the job.

Y/n: Right.

Y/n and Zelda ran back up the stairs to go back up to the church and they saw everyone looking at Issei.


Issei then delivered three massive flaming uppercuts to Raynare's gut sending her flying into the air with a fire tornado. Issei then jumped into the air after her and delivered a massive punch to her face sending her to the ground.

(0:14 - 0:22)

Raynare coughed blood as she looked up and saw Rias.

Rias: You've lost Fallen. Accept that. You should have realized sooner that Issei doesn't have a twice critical.

Raynare: Then that means-

Rias: It's called the Red Dragon Gauntlet or should I say the Boosted Gear and it's one of the 13 Longinus sacred gear. It doubles the power of the host every 10 seconds and he is also the Red Dragon Emperor of this generation.

Raynare: I don't care if he's the Red Dragon Emperor. My friends and the stray priests will kill you all.

Rias: You mean these?

Rias dropped 3 feathers in front of Raynare.

Rias: We dealt with them earlier and they were very annoying.

Ranyare: Then the stray priests will-

Y/n: That won't be a problem anymore.

Zelda: We took care of them.

Raynare: DAMNIT!


Issei then walked over to her and grabbed her by the hair.

Issei: First you killed me, then you tried to kill my brother and his friend, AND NOW YOU"VE KILLED ASIA!

Raynare then turns into her Yuuma form..

Yuuma: PPlease Issei, don't you remember all the fun we had on our date? I even have the-

Issei shuts her up with a punch to the face while still holding onto her head. 

Issei: A bitch like you doesn't get to beg! IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO BURN IN HELL!

He then tosses Raynare into the air and inhales a lot of air before his cheeks puff out. 


Issei fires a massive blast of fire out of his mouth towards Raynare who screams in agony before her screams go silent as the only thing left of her is charred black fethers.

Y/n: Holy shit...

Zelda: Oh my Hylia...

Issei then slowly walks over to Asia's body and begins to cry.

Issei: I-I'm so sorry...

Zelda walks over to him and places a hand on his shoulder, trying to fight back her own tears.

Zelda: It's alright Issei, s-she's in a better place...

Y/n walks over and wraps an arm around both of them hugging them close as Zelda finally lets loose her tears. Y/n sheds a few silent tears as well.

Rias: I guess we need someone that can heal us in a fight. What do you think?

Issei looks at her.

Issei: Are you going to?

Rias: Yes I'm going to revive her to serve as my peerage's bishop. Is that alright with you Zelda?

Zelda: Yes, I believe she would have done the same for me.

She nodded and put the bishop piece on Asia and she started to chant. The rings on Asia glowed green and absorbed the evil piece. Then moments later Asia woke up a little bit confused.

Asia: What's going on?

Issei/Zelda: Asia!

The two suddenly hugged Asia, which made Y/n smile and the others giggle.

Issei: I promise you, I will protect you. Me And Y/n will be there for you.

Zelda: I'm never going to let you get hurt again

Asia: Thank you Issei, Zelda.

Y//n: Man this is great, I always wanted a little sister.

Zelda: Rias Gremory!

Rias: Hmm?

Zelda then bowed in front of Rias.

Zelda: I must thank you for reving Asia. If there has anyway for me to pay back this debt. I will do it.

Rias smiles.

Rias: All I request is that you become my Ally.

Zelda looks at her and smiles.

Zelda: That is most acceptable Rias Gremory.

Rias: Please just call me Rias.

Zelda: Of course, Rias.

Everyone smiled, after a while, they all headed back to the ORC. Y/n was busy thinking, about what would happen next. Little did he know, an old enemy of Link's would soon make his grand entrance with his descendent.

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