Chapter 2: The Start of Something New
Y/n eyes shot open as he gasped for air. He looked down towards his abdomen to see that it was fully healed.
Y/n: Wasn't I stabbed?
He then looks around to see he is in some kind of chamber and in some kind of pod.
Y/n: Okay I'm in some kind of chamber...
He then emerges from the pod and looks around before noticing something on a pedestal. He walks over to it and picks it up and examines it.
Y/n: Huh, this kind of reminds me of a Wii-U gamepad. I might as well take it with me.
He somehow attaches it to his waist and notices the chamber door is now open to the outside. He decides to go towards the chamber opening, after a while he reaches what he believes is the entrance to the chamber and what he sees when he gets outside....
Is perhaps one of the most gorgeous sights he has ever seen.
Y/n: Woah, where the hell am I?
???: You are in your mindscape Young Y/n.
Y/n turns around and sees a sight he hasn't seen in years. It's the Fedora Man who gave him his the prosthetic arm.
Y/n: You! How are you here?
Man: I suppose I have some explaining to do.
Suddenly the Fedora Man is engulfed in a white light, once the light dies down Y/n sees the Fedora man as a man with white hair and white beard in a very regal looking outfit.
Rhoam: Greetings, allow me to introduce myself. I am King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule, the last king of Hyrule.
Y/n was shocked, his eyes widened. After a few minutes he regained his composure and spoke.
Y/n: Hyrule? You mean the Kingdom of Myths from over 1500 years ago that vanished over night?
Rhoam: The very same one, now you are probably why am I here in front of you and perhaps why I gave you the prosthetic arm 8 years ago?
Y/n: That has been my biggest question for a while.
Rhoam: It's because it's the catalyst for your power.
Y/n: My power?
Rhoam: Most people would called it a Sacred Gear which is a treasure given to humans by the biblical good. Yours is different, we call it a Hylia Gear because it is a gift given to you by the goddess Hylia who was on par with The Biblical God.
Y/n: Wait so God is real?!
Rhoam: Yes he is and so are Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils. In fact they had a great war a couple of thousand of years ago.
Y/n: Great War?
Rhoam then proceeded to explain what they Great War was and how it ended. He even mentioned the Heavenly Dragons of Ddraig and Albion and explained how Y/n's Hylia Gear would be an important key to stopping their rivalry.
Y/n: So why me?
???: That would be because of me.
Y/n turns around to see a young man with blonde hair and blue eyes. The first thing Y/n notices is that he has the same kind of arm he had the previous night.
Y/n: Your arm! It's-
Link: The same as yours? Yes, yes it is. My name is Link and I am your ancestor and also the First and other User of The Arm of The First King..
Y/n: Who was the First King?
Rhoam: His name is Rauru. Sadly you aren't exactly ready to unlock his powers of the arm yet, but you are ready enough to use Link's.
Y/n turns to Link.
Y/n: Your Powers?
Link: The Sheikah Slate. It was my greatest power in my fight against Calamity Ganon.
Y/n: Calamity Ganon?
Rhoam: That is the story for another time and one I cannot tell you unfortunately.
Y/n: Why not-
Y/n then notices Rhoam is starting to fade away.
Y/n: Rhoam, what's going on?
Rhoam chuckles.
Rhoam: It seems my time is up, it took the rest of my power to stay as long as I have to give you the arm and watch over you these last 8 years. I'm afraid from here on out Link will have to answer all your questions.
Y/n looks at Rhoam and gives him a small smile.
Y/n: Thank you, for everything. I'll be sure to make you proud..
Rhoam smiles back.
Rhoam: You are very welcome Y/n and I'm sure you will, take good care of him Link.
Link: I will Your Highness.
Rhoam then gives one final smile to the two as he finally fades away, his mission complete. Y/n then turns to Link.
Y/n: So what now?
Link: Now, we train.
Y/n: Huh?
Link: What did you think the Sheikah Slate's powers would be unlocked right away?
Y/n: Kinda?
Link chuckles.
Link: Nope, if it wasn't that easy for me. It won't be that easy for you. I've gone ahead and marked all the shrines for you on the Sheikah Slate, enter them, unlock and learn a new Sheikah Slate power, and then collect the orb at the end, easy peasey. Then meet me at the Temple of Time and we can finish up. Word of Advice: Good Luck.
Y/n: Good Luck, hold on what do you-
Y/n then notices Link is gone.
Y/n: Oh Come On!
Y/n sighs and looks out onto the vast horizon and sighs.
Y/n: Better get cracking.
(Timeskip because I'm not going to write a scene for each and every of the 4 starting shrines.)
Y/n eventually arrived at the Temple of Time breathing heavily and a bit injured. He sees Link waiting for him and glares at him.
Link: Ah, your back and in record time.
Y/n: No thanks to you!
Link: Hey, I told you it wouldn't be easy.
Y/n: I nearly died three times trying to learn the bombs!
Link: Oh yeah, those things can pack quite a punch.
Y/n deadpans..
Y/n: You don't say.
Link then heals Y/n and smiles.
Link: But you feel more powerful don't you?
Y/n: I mean yeah, but aren't I going to forget all this when I wake up?
Link: That would be the case if this was a dream, but this is the mindscape so things don't exactly work that way.
Link then begins to fade away and Y/n's eyes widen.
Y/n: Are you disappearing like Rhoam?
Link: Nothing like that, it seems you are waking up. Do not worry we will see each other again the next time you sleep.
Y/n: Oh, okay then.
Link: Oh and one more thing.
Y/n: What's that?
Link: If you an encounter a girl named Zelda, protect her with your life.
Y/n: uh, okay?
Link: Farewell, Y/n.
Y/n: Later, Link.
It then all goes black.
(Back in the real world)
Y/n's eyes fluttered open and he saw the familiar scene of his bedroom. He yawns and sits up, well he tries to sit up but he feels a weight on his chest.
Y/n: What the hell?
He lifts up the covers to see...
(Imagine her as NEKED)
Y/n: AKENO?!
Y/n nearly falls out of bed but Akeno holds onto him tight. Her eyes then begin open.
Akeno: Oh good morning N/n.
Y/n: Good morning to you too I guess... WAIT! Why are you in my bed and why...
He the finally notices he is naked as well.
Akeno giggles.
Y/n: This ain't the time to laugh Woman!
Akeno: Well how else was I supposed to heal you?
Y/n: Heal Me?
Akeno: From that wound you received to your abdomen last night.
Y/n: Holy shit... Everything was real... I thought everything that happened last night and in my mindscape was just one crazy dream.
Akeno: I can assure you it was not.
Y/n then realizes something..
Y/n: Oh please tell me we didn't DO IT...
Akeno giggles one again.
Akeno: Oh we didn't handsome.
She then begins to trace a finger on his chest while giving him hungry eyes.
Akeno: But we can if you want to~
Y/n sighs and gently pushes her off.
Y/n: I will admit you are very beautiful, but I want my first time to be special.
Akeno: I understand.
Y/n's eyes then widened again when he realizes something again.
Y/n: GAH! HOW IS ISSEI?! He got stabbed too!
Akeno: Don't worry, he's fine. Rias is healing him in the other room.
Y/n: Wait you mean...
Suddenly there is a knocking at Y/n's door and the voice of his mother speaks from the other side.
Miki: Oh Y/n.
Y/n: Oh no... It's my mom... Oh this is bad...
Miki: I'm respecting your privacy by knocking but asserting my authority as your mother by coming in anyway.
Y/n quickly tries to hide Akeno under the covers but...
Miki then opens the door to see Y/n on top of Akeno in a very suggestive position.
Miki then shuts the door and her loud voice can be heard from the hallway.
Miki: WAHOO!
Y/n sighs.
Akeno giggles.
Eventually after the morning fiasco and Rias and Akeno somehow defusing the entire situation. The four of them made their way to Kuoh Academy and when they arrived they could hear students gossiping.
Girl 1: Is that The Hero and The Duke with Akeno and Rias?
Girl 2: Did they get to them first?!
Girl 3: Aw man and here I was wanting to date Y/n.
Girl 4: Same girl, I wanted to date Issei.
The boys however.
Boy 1: Damn those pretty boys!
Boy 2: They should just croak and die!
Issei and Y/n turn to the boys and glare at them.
Issei: Care to repeat that-
Y/n: You sons of bitches?
The boys quickly ran away.
Akeno: Oh my, our knights in shining armor.
Rias: Very true. Anyway, Issei I'll send someone to pick you up after school. Y/n I assume you'll be joining us to get some answers.
Y/n: Yeah I will.
Rias then gave Issei a kiss on the cheek causing him to blush as the bell rung.
Rias: See you later Issei.
She then walked away with a swing in her hips causing Issei to blush even more.
Issei: H-Holy moly...
Akeno then wrapped her arm around Y/n's.
Y/n: Uh Akeno?
Akeno: Come on Y/n, let's get to class before we are late.
She then begins to drag him along.
Y/n: Oh uh alright, see ya later Issei.
Issei: Later big bro....
After school Y/n accompanied Akeno and Rias to the Old School Building.
Y/n: You know, I've seen this building a hundred times and yet I still don't understand how people can use it. It looks like it is about to fall apart.
Rias: Oh trust me Y/n, you are going to love the inside.
Akeno: Never judge a book by its cover Y/n.
Y/n: Well your right on that.
The three of them then walk inside the old school house. Inside it was nicely clean and looked brand new. Y/n was shocked.
Y/n: Well I'll be damned.
The trio then walked until they made their way to a room and opened the door. Inside sitting on one of the couches was Koneko.
She turned to see Y/n, Rias, and Akeno.
Y/n: Koneko what are you doing here?
Koneko: Yo.
Rias: Don't worry Y/n, we will explain everything once Issei arrives.
Y/n: Alright then...
Y/n then procceded to sit on the couch. Koneko then did something bold and got up to sit on his lap surprising him.
Y/n: Uh Neko?
Koneko: This seat is very comfy, this is my seat now.
Y/n: Alright then...
She then grabbed his left hand and put it on her head.
Koneko: Head pats.
Y/n then proceeded to give her headpats and she melted into them and he swore he heard her purr. Issei then walked in a few minutes later with Kiba Yuuto. Issei saw Koneko sitting on Y/n's lap and he just shrugged.
Y/n: Kiba?
Kiba: Ah hello Y/n, nice to see you.
Y/n: You too...
Rias: Ah, Issei I'm glad your here.
Issei: Yeah, so I have one big question. CAN ANYONE EXPLAIN WHAT IS GOING ON?!
Rias: Ah yes, well my name is Rias Gremory as you already know. What you don't know is that I am the heir to House Gremory of the Devil Clan. These are my fellow servants Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba.
Akeno: Hello.
Koneko: Yo.
Kiba: Greetings.
Issei: Servants?
Rias: Well I treat them like family. Anyway, after your encounter with the Fallen Angel Raynare last night you were stabbed in the abdomen by a Light Spear and was on the verge of the death, so I had no choice but to revive you as my Devil Servant.
Issei: Woah... So all that with Yuuma was..
Y/n: A lie.
Issei: So everyone is the room is a devil.
Rias: Yes but actually no. That's what I wanted to ask you Y/n. When we tried to reincarnate you, your prosthetic arm acted as a shield and refused to let us get close.
Suddenly, Y/n's arm changed into The Arm of the First King form and Link's spirit appeared next to Y/n surprising everyone. Y/n then gently removed Koneko off his lap and moved next to Link.
Y/n: Link? What are you doing here?
Link: Hello Y/n.
He then turns to everyone else.
Link: Greetings Everyone, my name is Link and I am one of the spirits that inhabits Y/n's Hylia Gear.
Rias: Are you the reason why I was unable to reincarnate Y/n.
Link: I am and I'm not. Hylia Gear users are unable to be reincarnated, whether it be an Angel, Devil, or a Fallen Angel. However we do have something known as a Heart System which works as if Y/n is on the verge of death he can use one of his Hearts to heal himself, that's why he was able to heal himself last night. Normally he would only 3 to start and would gain more as he fights, but since I no longer have a physical form I gave Y/n my leftover Hearts giving him around 13, which he has 12 left now.
Everyone was shocked at the news including Y/n.
Rias: Well in that case Y/n, I have an offer for you.
Y/n: Is this like one of those Deal with the Devil types of deals where I have to give you my soul?
Rias chuckles
Rias: No, nothing like that. Since we can't reincarnate you, how about we make you an ally of the ORC? You would just need to help us when we need help and we will help you when you need help.
Y/n thinks for a moment and looks at Link who nods.
Y/n: Sure thing.
Rias: Wonderful.
Link: I suppose my job is done, see you for training tonight Y/n in your mindscape.
Y/n: Yeah sure thing.
Link then vanishes again and Y/n's phone goes off. He looks at the phone.
Y/n: I hate to run, but I need to get home. I have plans tonight.
Rias: Very well Y/n, thank you for meeting with us.
Y/n: No prob.
Y/n then turns to his brother.
Y/n: You gonna be okay getting home Issei?
Issei: Yeah, I still have some questions I need answered.
Y/n nods and waves goodbye before heading out the door and making his way home.
Y/n had finished his plans and was now sitting on the Front Porch looking up the stars. Link then appeared next to him.
Link: Something bothering you Y/n?
Y/n: Nah not really, just wanted to see the stars.
Link: I can understand that very well.
Y/n's phone then rings and he sees Issei is calling.
Y/n: Yo what's up Issei?
Y/n: huh? Are you alright?!
Then phone then hangs up.
Link: Is everything alright?
Y/n: I think Issei is getting attacked by another Fallen Angel. I need to save him.
Link: I was hoping to save this for later but I suppose now is a good time to take it for a test drive.
Y/n: Huh?
A bright light then appears in front of Y/n and when it dies down a motorcycle is in its place.
Link: This is the Master Cycle, now hurry and get on before its too late.
Y/n: But I don't know how to drive one!
Link: Trust me, you do.
Y/n then gulps and hops on the Master Cycle and he gets a shiver up his spine.
Y/n: Woah, this feels right.
Y/n then revs up the bike and drives off in the direction the Sheikah Slate senses Issei's' energy
Y/n: Thank god this thing can sense energy. Don't worry Issei, Y/n is coming!
Issei is currently dodging spears from a Fallen Angel in a trenchcoat named Dohaseek.
Dohaseek: Now just stay still and die!
Issei: No way!
Dohaseek: I know you called for help but that won't save you.
Suddenly, the sound of a motorcycle can be heard and Dohaseek turns around only to be hit by someone on one. The motorcycle skids to stop infront of Issei and it is revealed to be Y/n.
Issei: Big Bro!
Dohaseek notices Y/n and gets angry.
Y/n: I remember you! You are the guy who stabbed me!
Dohaseek: You should be dead, but no matter I'll just kill you again!
Y/n: Issei get on!
Issei nods and gets on the motorcycle and Y/n drives off with Dohaseek in hot pursuit.
Dohaseek: You can't escape me!
Issei: He's ganging on us! Where exactly are you going?
Y/n: Rias's place, she might be able to help us with this.
Issei: How do you know where she lives?
Y/n: I've been over to her place for Group Projects before.
Dohaseek begins to fire lightspears at the brothers but Y/n expertly dodges them.
Issei: Since when do you know how to drive a Motorcycle?
Y/n: No clue, this just feels like second nature.
Eventually Y/n and Issei arrive at Rias's place and they turn around to see Dohaseek flying at them. He is about to throw a final lightspear at them but he is forced to dodge a red/black sphere courtesy of Rias.
Rias: Just what are you doing with my precious servant and my ally Fallen?
Dohaseek: That red hair, you must be Rias Gremory.
Issei then stands in front of Rias and a gauntlet appears on his left arm.
Issei: Don't you even think about hurting Rias!
Y/n: Is that?
Rias: Oh my.
Dohaseek: Tsch. I'll be back for you Dragon Emperor and you as well Human!
He then flies off as Rias looks at Issei's arm.
Rias: I don't believe it. The hand of the Red Dragon Emperor, it seems to still be in its earlier stages.
Issei: So I'm one of the holders of those Heavenly Dragons you mentioned earlier?
Rias: It would seem I've gotten myself quite the power servant.
Y/n then gives Issei a noogie.
Y/n: Nice job little bro.
Issei: Heh, thanks big bro.
Rias: You two must be tired. I think you two should head home for now. We have work to do tommarow.
Issei: Right see ya tommarow Rias.
Y/n: Later Rias.
The two brothers then leave and arrive home. After a while Y/n falls asleep and appears back on the Great Plateu where Link is waiting for him.
Link: So you ready?
Y/n smirks.
Y/n: Yeah I am!
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