Chapter 1: Everything Changes

(I found this the other day and IT'S A BANGER)

[Chapter Start]

The brothers arrived outside the gates of Kuoh Academy. The school they both attended and apparently were very popular especially with the female population.

Girl 1: Look! It's The Hero and Duke of Kuoh!

Girl 2: OMG, Y/n is so handsome!

Girl 3: I wonder if Issei has a girlfriend. I'd love to be his girlfriend!

Girl 4: They are the Big 3 among the males of this school. Imagine The Hero, The Duke, and The Prince teaming up.

The brothers give friendly waves to the girls who all swoon while Issei and Y/n sweatdrop at their reaction. Y/n and Issei where one of 3 boys who were not major perverts unlike the rest of the male student body. The other being Kiba Yuuto of the ORC or the Occult Research Club. Issei and Y/n were always dealing with The Perverted Duo of Kuoh Academy known as Motohama and Matsuda. Y/n who being the muscle while Issei was the brains. Thus Y/n as known has the Hero for his Chivalrous personality when it came to dealing with the duo while Issei was known as the Duke for his cunning strategies of making the duo look like even bigger idiots. Y/n once had a dream where Issei was a part of the perverted duo and it was instead known as The Perverted Trio, but he woke up and was glad that was the farthest thing from reality.

Y/n: So you think we are going to have to deal with those perverted idiots this semester?

Issei: It's not a matter of if brother, only a matter of when.

And speaking of timing, the brothers happened to over hear the duo talking about "sightseeing" and the two walked up behind them.

Issei: Well, well, well what do we have here.

Y/n: I believe we have ourselves some dumbasses being perverts again.

The perverted duo looked up to see Y/n prosthetic arm's hand making clicking noises while Issei was cracking his knuckles.

Matsuda: Y/n! Issei! What are you two doing here?

Y/n: My arm's pervert sensor was going like crazy and it seems it lead us right to you two.

Motohama: Your arm must be faulty then cause we weren't doing anything!

Issei: Oh then what's this?

The duo turn to see Issei holding up a Perverted Magazine and the two eyes widen..

Matsuda: Please don't!

Motohama: We beg of you!

Issei: What do you think brother? Should we let them be?

Y/n: Perhaps if they promise never to be perverted again and cease their perverted ways. Oh, who am I kidding they won't. Rip it.

Matsuda: Anything but that!

Issei: Sorry, but Big Bro's orders are final.

Issei then proceeds to rip the magazine to shreds as the Perverted Duo look on in horror.

Motohama: You bastards!

Matsuda: You two are gonna pay!

The perverted duo rush at the brothers but Y/n sighs and grabs them both by the neck with his prosthetic arm and delivers a chokeslam knocking them both out cold.

Issei: These two idiots never learn.

Y/n: It seems so.

???: Must you be so violent with your methods Y/n?

Y/n and Issei turn around to see the student council president and one of Y/n's close friends, Souna Shitori, who's real name was Sona Sitri, the heiress of the Devil Sitri Clan.

Issei: Ah Souna-senpai.

Y/n: Sorry about that Souna, but you know they won't learn without a little bit of roughing up.

Sona: I suppose you might be right, but what did they bring in this time?

Issei: That perverted magazine over there that is most likely going to become compost soon for the School Garden.

Sona looks at the magazine and sighs.

Sona: While I must thank you both for dealing with them, please next time try to deal with this in a better manner. I'll send someone to take them to the nurses office. Farewell, you two.

Issei: Farewell Souna-senpai.

Y/n: Later Souna.

Sona then nods and walks off as the bell rings. Issei and Y/n decide to go their separate ways to class. Y/n walks into his classroom and sees another two of his friends. Akeno Himejima and Rias Gremory.

Y/n had met them on his first day at Kuoh Academy and thought they were nice people. He walked over and took his seat next to Akeno who was staring at him.

Y/n: Something wrong Akeno?

Akeno: Oh nothing you need to trouble yourself with handsome~.

Rias: Down Akeno.

Akeno: Ah you are no fun, if Y/n's Brother was here, you would be acting the same way.

Rias blushed at Akeno's comment. Y/n had figured out recently that Rias had a major crush on his younger brother. Of course she had no idea that Issei felt the exact same way. The two had met when a group of thugs attempted to hurt Rias in an alleyway a few months ago. Issei was walking by when he heard the commotion and fought off the thugs with ease. Rias fell in love with the boy that very moment.

Rias: I-I have no idea what you are talking about.

Y/n chuckles at the two.

Rias: What's so funny Y/n?!

Y/n: Nothing that makes fun of you Rias.

He then smirks and decides to troll his little brother without his brother being there.

Y/n: You didn't hear this from me, but I'm pretty sure Issei has a major crush on you Rias. I once heard him practicing trying to ask you out last week.

Rias blushes and a smile forms on her face.

Rias: R-Really?!

Y/n: Yep.

The final bell then rings and the teacher walks in and starts the class. However, during class Y/n got a small headache and swore he saw his arm glow green.


Y/n and Issei were sitting underneath a tree after school. The two were relaxing before they decided to head home for the day. They suddenly heard screaming and saw the perverted duo running for their lives from the girls from the Kendo Club. The two sigh.

Y/n: I swear, those two's perversion is going to be the death of them.

Issei: Perhaps a close visit to the edge of death is what they need to finally stop. You remember the saying Father always tells us.

Y/n/Issei: Hell hath no fury like a woman angered.

The two brothers then looked to their left to see Rias staring at them through a window. Issei decides to wave at her which causes her to blush and retreat closing the window.

Issei: Huh, wonder what that was all about.

Y/n: Trust me, if I told you, you would be shocked.

Issei: Well now I wanna know!

Y/n: Perhaps one day. Now come on, I'm sure Mom is waiting for us for Dinner.


Rias had just closed the window and was blushing, which didn't go unnoticed by Akeno.

Akeno: Ara Ara~ Did your prince charming wave at you?

Rias: He did~

Akeno: Oh my, how good for you. Now onto something else, I've been sensing something coming from Issei, it feels like a sacared gear, a powerful one too.

Rias: I've been noticing it as well. Perhaps he is destined for greatness, but for some reason I've also sent something off about Y/n.

Akeno: That strange feeling, almost feels Kingly in nature.

Rias: Exactly, I think I'll have Koneko watch over them for a while just to be safe.

Akeno: That sounds nice.

Rias: Also, checkmate.

Akeno looks down to see that Rias had won their chess game.

Akeno: It seems I've lost again.


Issei and Y/n were walking home. They were walking on a bridge when some random girl approached them  and asked some thing.

???: E-Excuse me are you Issei Hyoudou.

Y/n and Issei look at her, Y/n suddenly gets a headache and grabs his head in pain.

Y/n: What the hell is going on? Everything in my head is telling me to grab Issei and run from this girl.

???: I-Is he alright?

Y/n: Y-Yeah, I'm fine, just a little headache..

Issei: I'm Issei Hyoudou, can I help you?

Yuuma: M-My name's Yumma Amano and I was keeping my eye on you every time you take this bridge to your home. So I was wondering. Can you be my boyfriend?

Issei looks shocked for a second and eventually regains his composure.

Issei: I prefer to get to know a girl before I call her my girlfriend, so how about we take a trial date to test the waters?

Yuuma: S-Sure!

Issei: Great, are you free Sunday?

Yuuma: Y-Yes.

Yuuma gave her number to Issei and ran to the opposite direction while waving goodbye to him. Y/n grabs Issei about the shoulders.

Issei: Y/n?

Y/n: Issei, please be careful. Every single Big Brother radar I have is going off right now. If you do go through with this, please take caution.

Issei: I will, now come on we don't have much time to get home.

The two brothers continued walking home while Y/n thought to himself.

Y/n: I don't like this at all...

???: Soon, everything will make sense.

Y/n looked behind him and around him but found no-one. His arm was giving off a faint green pulse.

Y/n: What the hell was that...

Issei: You okay Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah I'm fine. Thought I felt something in the wind.

Issei: Alright man...

Issei and Y/n continued on and arrived home. Y/n and Issei ate dinner and they went to their rooms and Y/n did his homework. As Y/n was working, he could not shake the feeling that heard that voice earlier had a different meaning behind it. He then proceeded to look at his arm.

Y/n: Everytime I get the headache, you glow green. Are you trying to tell me something?

He sighs and shakes off the feeling and continued to do his homework. After he finished he went to the bathroom and took a bath. After the bath, he changed into his nighttime clothes and went to bed.

(Timeskip to the next day at Lunch.)

It was lunchtime and Y/n was at his usual spot under the tree eating his lunch. He was laying there playing on his Nintendo Switch when he heard footsteps coming his way. He looked up from his cards and saw Koneko standing there.

Y/n: Hey Koneko, What do you need?

Koneko: Can I sit here with you?

Y/n: Sure.

Y/n scoots over and she sat beside him and started to eat her lunch. Y/n grabbed a chocolate bar from the little cooler he kept in his backpack and he saw Koneko looking at it.

Y/n: You want one?

Koneko just nods and Yugi gave one to her.

Koneko: Thank you.

Y/n: Anytime, it's no problem.

Koneko started eating the chocolate bar, Y/n grabbed another one and started eating one as well. After they finished eating, Y/n and Koneko went back to their classrooms and the day went by quicker than usual. Y/n and Issei arrived home and did the same thing they usually did and went to their rooms. Y/n was looking at his ceiling and thinking.

Y/n: Should I spy on Issei's date on Sunday? I mean that girl is sending off so many red flags.... I think I need to do what needs to be done.

(Timeskip to Sunday)

Y/n was following his brother and his "girlfriend" everywhere they went. To the cafe, a restaurant, arcade, and a Jewelry store where Issei bought her a bracelet. This was the first time Y/n had seen him happy with someone in a while. Then it was getting dark and they stopped at the park. Y/n was behind the bushes when someone with a bat cosplay gave something.

Y/n: What is this?

Bat Girl: A flyer for you.

He takes the flyer and gives her a small smile.

Y/n: Thanks.

He then looks at flyer.

Y/n: Make your wish come true? What does this mean?

He put the flyer inside his pocket and continued to listen to their conversation and he heard something that made his eyes widen.

Yuuma: Would you die for me?

Issei: C-Can you repeat that? I-I didn't clearly hear it.

Yuuma: I said would you die for me?

She transformed into a fully grown woman in her 20s with clothes that showed her private parts and she had black feathered wings.

Y/n: What the hell is that?!

???: That is a Fallen Angel, Y/n.

Y/n: Who was that?

???: I will explain more later. Now hurry and save you brother!

She formed a spear made of light and threw it at Issei but he managed to dodge, she then formed another one and Y/n charged out of the bushes, which Issei noticed.

Issei: Y/n?!

Raynare: Damnit, another pathetic human. No matter, I'll deal with you.

She then aimed at Y/n and threw the light spear, suddenly Issei appeared in front of Y/n and took the light spear to his abdomen. Y/n looked on in horror.

Y/n: Issei!

Issei turns back to his brother and smiles..

Issei: I guess we're even.

Issei then falls to the ground in a pool of his own blood.

Raynare: Well then, I suppose all that's left if you.

Y/n walks over to Issei and falls to his knees.

Y/n: I've failed...

Raynare: If it makes you feel any better, he was one of the more well behaved people I've killed.

Y/n: WHY?!

Raynare: It's simple really, god gave him a gift, a gift my boss wants taken care of before it becomes a problem.

Y/n then glares and stands up and begins walking towards her.

Y/n: So you killed him for something he couldn't control?

Raynare: My, you are quite smart.

Y/n: You are evil! I'm going to kill you!

Raynare: And what can a pathetic human like you do.

Y/n: She's right, I'm all talk right now...

???: No you aren't Y/n.

Y/n: The voice?

Suddenly, a glow engulfs the area.

Raynare: What the hell?!

Once the light dies down, a sword in a pedestal stands in front of Y/n. Raynare looks at it and her eyes widen.

Raynare: It can't be!

Y/n also notices that his prosthetic arm has changed as well.

???: Pull the sword from the pedestal Y/n and use it to become Evil's Bane!

Y/n walks over to the sword and looks at it and puts both of his hands on the hilt.

He then pulls the sword out of the pedestal with some effort.

He looks at the sword in his hands. It has a blue hilt with green stripes on it. He notices the red gem with a gold outline on it and an engraving on the blade.

???: The Sword deems you worthy. Now go Y/n and use the Master Blade to slay this beast!

Y/n: Right!

Y/n then sticks out his left arm and summons a shield.

Raynare: This is impossible!

Y/n: Shut your mouth! It's time for you to pay!

Raynare: GRRRR!! DAMN YOU!

She fires another light spear at Y/n who easily cuts it in off. He then jumps at her and slashes her across the chest as she screams in pain.

Y/n: HYAAAAH!!!!!

Raynare: GAAAAAH!!!!!

She looks at the wound on her chest and touches it, a sizzling sound can be heard.


Y/n: Good!

Y/n then delivers several more slashes at her, causing her to scream in pain more and more. He then walks over to her and raises the sword into the air.

Y/n: Now is your time to die!

Just before Y/n can swing the sword down on her head. He stops and coughs up some blood, he looks down to see a light spear in his gut..

Y/n: W-What the?

???: How pathetic Raynare, I thought you said you didn't need help.

Y/n falls to the ground, he then sees a man in a gray trenchcoat walk up to Raynare and grab her.

Raynare: He just got the better of me.

???: It doesn't matter, we are leaving now.

The two then fly away as Y/n lays on the ground in a puddle of blood. He then thinks to himself.

Y/n: I couldn't save my brother and I couldn't even stop his killer. I'm pathetic.

He then slowly pulls out the flyer in his pocket and looks at it.

Y/n: Heh, make a wish. I wish I could save my brother and myself....

He then drops the flyer on the ground as it glows. A voice is then heard. Y/n notices red hair out of the corner of his eyes.

???: Are you the one who summoned me?

Y/n: R-Rias?

He then passes out from blood loss.

Rias: Don't worry you two, from now on, you both will live for my sake.

[Chapter End]

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