Aashiq's Aashiqui - 4
My humble request to all my readers to read the Authors note on the next chapter.
As promised, the update.
Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem.
Running her hand over the initials of the name, which belonged to her husband, she sucked in her breathing. Of all the belongings she had imagined to conquer of his, not once holding his personal journal had stroked her mind. She was unsure and unwilling to read something which belonged to such an honorable man, who was her spouse, soon the beholder of the keys of her heart, her caretaker, and the one from whom she was made. Finally, the one name on whose beside was her name written by her Rabb fifty thousand years back, when he the Exalted made all of his Creation, while doing so he paired these two together in the Heavens. Not sure about to go through the cluttered piece of his heart, she flipped the pages until she came to the center of all and wide opened the book. Her eyes raking the italic letters of his handwriting and her heart coming to an abrupt stop after reading those words.
I am not sure, what scares
me the most, that you will
never start loving me, or that
I will never stop loving you.
She clutched her chest, heaving a sigh while her hand deliberately closed the notebook. She caught glimpses of air in order to steady her breathing or maybe to breathe the air which failed to reach her lungs.
Her brain cells raking her brain to conjure all the very few encounters on which she encountered him. Her questions remained unanswered. When did she woo him to fall for her? Her numb brain asked her heart. She had previously thought that after her graduation she would eventually give the strings of this relationship a rhythm, a rhythm of reality, attention and she would play the cords of shrill music with Aashiq so that love may emerge from the bottom and rise in the air which they breathe.
She had believed the fact that when the period of the nonexistence of each other in their marriage would end, they would have to plunge in the waves life would throw their way in order to give this marriage a chance to become success.
But she was more than surprised to know that he already loved her. Her eyebrows quivered curiously to know the answers of a million questions her brain cells were conjured to make in that split second. Her fingers trembled when she took ahold of the thick black cover of the note. Slowly, she opened the first page. Written in wonderful calligraphy with golden glitters, bold and curvy was her name Jesima Nilofer on beneath of which was written, the woman who stole my heart at first glance.
For the first time, the butterflies in her stomach drifted towards the pulping organ in her chest, taking refuge in it making harder for it to beat, making it skip several beats, making this juncture seem all the more real.
She turned the next page and in it were phone numbers. Amused, she ran her gaze all over them and realization hit her like a cold bucket of water. For they were the numbers she had personally memorized. The numbers of her well-wishers, the ones who helped her whenever she had seeked their help. Her Professors, her cab drivers, and her fellow nurse staff who would help her in case of emergencies. She mostly stayed in the dorm room of Rafa and when the hospital needed extra doctors to support, they would eventually get called. She wouldn't trust everyone so easily so when a cab driver would be Islamic and following, she would get his number to call him whenever she needed a ride. Or maybe, all these drivers were sent by Aashiq to take extra care of her, she wondered. He probably didn't get her best friend's numbers in order not to make his presence known to her, she understood.
Why would he have all of these? Her mind asked.
To take care of your safety, Her fluttery heart replied. The next page was a long poem,
My love,
why are you so cruel?
to no one
but, your own self.
to save a life in danger
you are sacrificing your own.
My love,
why are you so cruel?
to no one
but, your own self.
to free an orphan from being a refugee
you lock yourself in a cage.
My love,
why are you so cruel?
to no one
but, your own self.
to plaster a smile in the face of sick
you take the painful trauma of their disease.
My love,
why are you so cruel?
to no one
but, your own self.
To perish a Nation's sadness
You are giving up, your own happiness.
My love,
Why are you so cruel?
To no one
But, your own self.
To you, I submit a plea
To let me in, inside your world
In order to
Make your dreams flee
Wings wide opened
Reaching the heights of the sky.
My love,
Why are you so cruel?
To no one
But, your own self.
To you, I submit a plea
To let me in, inside your world
To take your hand in mine
To take my refuge in your heart
That way
I would be able to
Pursue, my dream of
Keeping you happy
Amidst the scattered success
of living the realities of your dreams.
She choked up a sob, for she felt his words taking home in her heart. How can someone understand her more than she ever understood herself?
She turned another page and a gasp left her pink lips. The page was bordered purple and in the middle was a painting, pasted. In it, stood her, in her balcony. He had painted her so ethnically beautiful.
On the purple border under the painting was neatly written,
Oh! Juliet, let me be your Romeo.
She did not know how to react or what to feel. Her heart was caged to the desires of her dreams that she failed to notice this man, who had been head over heels in love with her.
For an hour she turned the pages filled with beautiful surprises which in turn, turned her heart more towards him. Breathing a sigh, with dreamy eyes she flipped to the last page.
A flower blooms
beautifying itself with splendid colors
enchanting fragrance
a sight to marvel for
with sweet honey
for the love of its life,
The Honey bee
who, just comes
sips the heavenly drink
and then, flies away
forsaking the love of the flower
to wither and die.
On the ending was scribbled Please don't forsake me, love.
Jesima read the poem several times, realizing Aashiq was the flower in her life, giving her, his everything and expecting only one thing from her as a return gift, which was her love. His fear of losing her or her love was clearly visible but she wasn't as selfish as the honey bee. Even if she needed some more time, she would never forsake him or his love.
She at once got up to reach his study table. She grabbed a pen and went back to the note. And scribbled beneath,
Please don't forsake me, love
-I won't.
She closed the book and held it close to her chest, closing her eyes and living the moment to the best of her abilities. After a period of pause, she took the shimmering heart-shaped greeting card on top of which was written in bold italics in Aashiq's neat handwriting, was her name.
She turned over to find a small heart-shaped flipbook inside it. When her fingers turned the pages of the flipbook faster, it showed the background as a night sky with the full moon at it's Centre and a few stars twinkled here and there and at the corner stood a girl, as the pages rolled by a boy walked in first and then eventually he went into his knees and opened a small box and on the final page, a heart emerged from the box for the girl to accept.
The outline of the flipbook was red shimmering hearts lining the whole niche.
She looked up to see the clock almost hitting the time of Fajr and she closed the greeting card and placed it as such beneath his journal. She walked inside the bathroom to freshen up a little and his belongings didn't help her to feel lighter, she quickly finished her wudu and as it was not her room, she didn't have her khimaar or her prayer mat to pray the Salah.
Quickly making the bed, she strode out closing the door. She was halfway through the stairs when Aashiq climbed down at the same time, his hair wet from a bath and he was wearing a white jhubba, his eyebrows squirming together in concentration as his hand worked with buttoning down his long sleeves. Seeing her, he momentarily paused and she did the same.
She saw his eyes and the green of his pupil has taken over the grey part completely making it shine like an emerald.
"Did you sleep properly?".
His question swiveled her out from her little dreamy reverie and she nodded her head.
" I am going for Fajr--",
"--You are stating the facts",
" No, I was going to inform you--",
"--Inform me, what?", she bit down her lower lip, why is she behaving like a damsel in distress. Her nerves were jumbled and the fact that she had read all of his inner thoughts process, his turmoil when she was near, made her more anxious all of a sudden.
" Inform you that I am flying to Canada the first thing in the morning," if he was disturbed by her comebacks, he didn't show and his answer made her heart to halt its pace. She looked up to see the grey of his eyes returning making the green to simmer the glittering.
"Why?", her voice merely a whisper.
" A project meet",
"Oh-kay", she bit her bottom lip and he nodded his head, and before he could do something inappropriate like grabbing her into a hug, he quickly climbed down while Jesima stood rooted to her spot.
She didn't know why her heart was palpitating and she couldn't place her finger over the reality, as to why she felt left behind and vacant.
She looked at his retreating form through the foyer. A second later, she was surprised to see him return back and when he saw her still stand in the same spot he left, his face turned into amusement.
"You didn't go?",
" I might as well ask you the same question?", he crossed his hands.
"Uh! I came down to ask when will you return?",
" Missing me, already?", his face broke into a dimpled grin.
"In your dreams",
" Will return in a couple of days", and the air around them fell quiet and he was about to leave when he heard her saying, " Take care and dry your hair or else you would get a flu", it was so slow that if he wasn't concentrating, he wouldn't have heard. " Okay! You too take care of yourself", he smiled before leaving her gaping on the staircase.
"If I had a similar indoor pool like this, I would have spent my whole day swimming on the waters", Rafa said removing her socks and placing her feet in the water.
" I am sure you would catch a good fever as your boyfriend and would be admitted to the hospital for your delivery", Jesima got up and took ahold of the drinks, Miss Mary, their Cook came to hand over. She gingerly bowed near Samra who was removing her Niqab because there were no males in the vicinity.
"Delivery of what?",
" Germs of course", Jesima placed the tray near Rafa and slowly placed her feet in the cold water of the pool.
"And we should probably keep you in a separate ward in order to stop the spread of the disease", Samra came beside her friends holding the glass of fresh lemonade.
" Astaghfirullah! Guys, if I leave you two for a few more minutes to talk, you would submit a full Analogy of Rafa's fever to the World Health Organisation", Rafa exclaimed horrified.
"Rafa, that sounds like a great idea. Jesima how about we start working on our new thesis 'Rafa's fever'?",
" Wait, Samra, let me go grab the necessities for the blood test, we should first find the root cause of this fever. What do you think, a virus or a bacteria?",
" Rafa virus sounds appealing",
"Yes totally",
" Stop it, you Girls. So much for marveling your pool, Jessie, send me to jail but not to the WHO",
Jesima laughed at the sight of her friend's terrified face, Samra joining in and they shared a high five. As Aashiq was out of town, she had felt too lonely and called her two friends for a night stay. Samra and Rafa had just arrived, and they were awestruck by the beauty of Jesima's house.
After chitchatting, all the way munching the snacks the girls went to Jesima's room. All three wore shorts and tank tops, for this was an all-girls night and they can do whatever they wished.
The three jumped on the bed, pulled the comforter close to their chest while Jesima switched on the television. They weren't friends who watch movie marathons on Netflix rather they were friends who watch the scary videos of Jinn series in Merciful Servant on Youtube.
Merciful Servant is a site which shows authentic stuff of Islam, and interesting stories of Sahaba and righteous people, it's a site that would keep you hooked up to it. The story of the snake and Malik ibn Dinar, the story of Barsisa and the Shaitan were their personal favorites. They personally prefer the end times series which gives them goosebumps and hits them with the truth of this reality like a bucket of ice-cold water. The substantial information on Dajjal and Imam Mahdi, Yajuj and Majuj (Gog and Magog), the lies of Technology and so many other things which we all should see once in our life time to learn what is to come.
"Hey put the new video on, 'Real Jinn Stories(Don't watch at Night)", Samra read aloud as Jesima scrolled down reading the titles of the videos.
" Samra, do you by any chance have a death wish against me?", Rafa chimed pulling the comforter close to her neck.
"Why would you say that?",
" Don't you read that the site says not to watch it at night?",
"What's the fun in it, if we watch it in clear daylight?",
" Aren't you scared?",
"Rafa, do you know when we talk about Jinn's, they surround us?",
Rafa hastily pushed the bedsheet away, sat sprawled on the bed grabbing her knees to herself, " What the---?",
"Dude, why are you so scared. It's not like we haven't watched these stuff before", Jesima put a hand over her friend's shoulder.
" Jessie, it clearly shows not to watch at night and Samra here is not helping with her scary confessions of Jinn surrounding us", she heaved running her hand through her hair, "What if a Jinn has a liking towards me, I know I am the most beautiful amongst you two?",
The other two rolled their eyes, " Did you recite your morning and evening Dua's?",
"Yes", she licked her parched lips.
" Then you don't have to worry even if a Jinn proposes you",
"What if he tries to kidnap me, you both can't save me, he would be strong like a Mafia?",
" Rafa, you have recited the invocations which won't let him take a step towards you and even if he does, you are Bellatrix, remember?", Samra asked, to which Rafa nodded her head in agreement.
"You grab your imaginary wand and instead of saying the spell Avada Kedavra, say Auzubillah",
" Okay that is appealing to hear",
"Now girl, lay down before you invite a Jinn to have a liking towards your stupid self", chuckled Samra to which Rafa obliged immediately.
" Rafa, always know that jinns are not superior to we humans. We are the ones who are superior to them in Allah's creation, while they live their life inferior to us, they eat our leftovers such as bones and rotten flesh. If you don't fear them, they won't be able to scare you", Jesima said before she clicked the button and the video started playing.
Jinns are species as humans are, who live in this world hidden to our vision. Allah made them invisible to us for our own good and for testing us. Apparently, they might get scary and try to harm us but they can't come near us when we do our daily Adhkaars correctly.
That's what Shaikh Yasir Qadhi told them via the video and they shifted watching to one after the other increasing their knowledge about their Deen, all the way boosting their Iman and trust in their Rabb.
Jesima stood gripping the railing of the balcony of their lawn, cool breeze hitting her face, a few bangs obscured her view of the frontal garden of their house and they swayed with the motion of the air. Her headphones clung to her neck, hanging on the side. The full moon stood high in the sky, glistening with the burrowed light of the Sun.
Binge-watching the series was so much fun with her loved ones but after they had fallen asleep, Jesima just twisted and turned to remember the last night's crestfallen memories of her sleeping in Aashiq's room, of her reading the words he bled in his journal about the love he held about her and finally, the greeting card on whose inside was a flip book in which he handed her his heart.
"Didn't sleep?", A voice reached her ears taking her back from the havoc of his memories and she turned to see him, standing there on the other side of the pool.
" You came back?", she breathed the words, her throat suddenly going dry.
Can't stay away from you, even for a couple of days.
"We got the deal and I didn't have any other stuff to be doing there, so I flew back", to you.
" That's nice",
"You wear shorts when I am not home?", his amused gaze traveled to her bare legs and she facepalmed herself.
" Close your eyes", she shrieked, her face whirled from normal to horror.
"It's not like, I didn't see", mischievous dimples grazed his facial features.
" Even then, close your eyes. The lights are out, you can't probably see me in the moonlight",
"What if I say, my vision is very strong and clear",
" Then I would have said you are a telescope, no, a microscope to be precise and not an Architect", she swiftly walked behind him and took the large coat he was holding in his hand.
"What are you doing?",
" You will see for yourself", her voice sounded distant making him all the more amused than he already was.
"You can open your eyes now, Aashiq", she said while he turned around towards her voice, opening his eyes to see her sitting on the couch with the coat neatly spread over her legs shielding the view like an Abhaya does.
He moved forward and took the seat beside her, " You didn't answer my earlier question, why are you awake in the middle of the night?",
I was missing you and your cocky presence.
"I had invited my friends over and we were watching the Jinn series. They had slept while I am unable to because I am feeling scared",
" You are a great liar", he shook his head, chuckling.
"Why would you think so?",
" If you were really that scared, you wouldn't be standing in the lawn wearing shorts by yourself",
"You aren't making any sense. What do you mean?", she folded her hands over her chest.
" I mean to say that you are brave enough to stand alone in a rooftop, in this time of the night, all by yourself. So, you shouldn't have to lie to me to be fearful of the ghost", How did he understand me so much? Her mind bickered.
"Whatever sails your boat",
" Tell me what exactly were you doing?", his eyes fell on the headphones.
"You won't probably like it", she shook her head, biting her lower lip.
" Try me",
"I was listening to the sound of insects, and feeling the shock waves run through my body while relishing the realities of the night",
"Sounds fun. Will, you help me to relish what you went through?",
" Are you sure?", she turned to face him.
"A hundred percent",
" Okay", she pulled the headphones over the messy bun of her hair and put on both of his ears, not minding the physical exchange of touches and she bit down her lips, when her fingers touched his soft and smooth hair, "Stand up, open your arms wide while closing your eyes. I will play the sounds of the insects and birds chirping, feel the breeze flicker through you and when you stop your mind from not going into insanely wild thoughts, you would feel a spark like a current shock run through all your veins", she finished excitedly.
He obliged standing up, he held open his arms wide to face the opposite directions each and closed his eyes. She played the music of real insects buzzing while he stopped his petrified brain to halt its pace. The cool breeze hit his body and it went right through it. A smile grazed over his face as he, for the first time experienced the adrenaline rush which came with the realm of the night and its silence. He felt like he was living in a whole different world. And as her words, a sparkling spark went through his veins all over his body, causing goosebumps to thrive over his skin and the moment made him feel all the more alive.
" You are right", he turned around grinning ear to ear, removing the headphones, "It felt fantastic", making her smile wide.
" Jesima, I have toured the whole World but I am feeling this feeling for the first time, my heart finding solace in the chirping of these tiny creatures created by Allah (S.W.T)", He ran a hand through his hair, "I am totally planning on a forest trek with my friends, for the feeling was fabulous", hearing that Jesima's smile faltered. She felt betrayed because she was the one who introduced him to enjoy nature, and here he was planning a trip with his friends instead of her.
Jesima took a hot shower and came out of her bathroom, the hospital has announced a week-long extend to her vacation, but all her friends planned to organize their office that day, so she was getting ready. Her books sprawled over the place, her notes, memos of medicine names, thesis, and everything. After blow-drying her hair, she changed into an olive green plaid shirt pairing it with a long brown skirt and a white loose jacket with a light brown hijab. As a doctor, she wasn't able to wear Abhayas in the hospital. It becomes too much of a workload to maintain her posture while working in the hospital.
She wears Abhaya whenever she went out and she liked to cover herself as much as possible, she took a light brown hijab and started wrapping it around her head and pinned it with several hijab pins.
After making sure she looked presentable for the day, she placed all the books one upon the other. Grabbing them she quickly climbed down the stairs keeping in mind to be careful at the same time.
She was passing over the kitchen when the smell of food wafted inside her nostrils. She placed the stack of books on a nearby table and went towards the dining table due to the rumbling of her empty stomach.
" Oh my God! Dosa", she gleamed running towards a seat near Aashiq.
"How do you know my favorite breakfast?", she asked turning her plate to face her and her hand swiftly went to take the crispy looking paper roast Dosa.
" I have my ways", Aashiq replied licking his fingertips slightly, the sight making her all the more craving for the food.
"Aashiq, you know right that stalking is an offense, it's even a crime?", she innocently spoke peeling the crisp Dosa and dipping into the Sambar, then the white chutney and the red chutney and placing it on her mouth while Aashiq coughed loud, the remnants of the food going up to his nose making him cough even more and his hand went to grasp the glass of water which Jesima gingerly took ahold of and very slowly took the glass to her lips, sipping it in an even slower pace.
" You can be impossible", He got up running towards the kitchen.
This is what you get for not taking me on your forest trip.
"When did you become so evil, my lady?", He jovially asked coming back to the dining table, taking again his seat but when Jesima thought that he was not going to be angry on her, she saw him push the half-eaten plate making her realize that he wasn't angry but the same time he was not going to deny that he was upset.
" I have been evil from the start, Your Highness", this time her favorite food felt like prickling thorn over her throat, suddenly her appetite vanishing into thin air.
The hall fell into the wisps of silence, each passing second making Jesima hard to breathe. "I think I should start or else I will get late", she said getting up and pushing the chair back inside the table.
" Where are you going?", Aashiq asked, he himself getting up.
"I have a few organization works to do to my cabin before I start", she quickly washed her hands and took her sling bag which was laying on the table.
" How are you going to go?", he asked wearing his leather jacket.
"Hire an Uber?", she stilled in her action of taking the stack of books.
" Can I drop you?", He came over across the table and gently took the books and walked towards the entrance.
So it was not a question rather an order.
She followed behind him towards their car, which was parked in the front. Aashiq asked for the keys while the Chauffeur clicked it for the car to open, Aashiq momentarily opened the back door and placed her books, pulled the seat belt in order to make them stable and not to fall.
After getting the keys on his hands, he opened the door for Jesima and she entered the passenger's seat while Aashiq closed the door behind her, jogging to the other side and bidding bye to the standing worker and pulled the engine to ignite.
The car ride was filled with silence and Jesima fiddled with her fingers, all the while waiting for her stop to escape from her husband.
She jumped outside when he pulled the car to a halt near her department, "Bye, Aashiq", she waved her hand and even though he wasn't sure that she would carry that weight inside by herself, he didn't plunge to give them to him and rather started the car and skidded the path.
Sighing in relief, Jesima walked out of the elevator towards her entrusted cabin when she heard someone whisper her name, " Jesima, Jesima", she turned towards the whisperer and her eyes recognized him at once, "Assalamu alaikum, Amy", she greeted with a smile.
" Wa alaikum assalam, hey not you too", his face turned into clear hatred towards that name.
"Haha okay", she gripped the stash tighter," How have you been Ahmed?",
"Alhamdulillah, as always blessed by Allah", he grinned boyishly at her.
" So, what's with the whispering?",
"First give me the overweight you can't handle carrying, will ya?",
" Sure", she at once handed him the stash of books.
"Now follow me", and she toed behind him to the beginning of the hallway, and they stood hiding near the cross path wall, to watch the people on the hallway. She saw Rafa and Samra bent to look at some box that laid before their cabin door.
" What's in that box?",
"Wait and watch", Ahmed grinned.
When Rafa opened the gift box with her fingers, reading the name of Ahmed over the top, all of a sudden a joker popped out to her face, plopping up and down due to the spring attached. Rafa fell back to the floor, and Samra had moved several steps in pure horror. Ahmed broke out into heavenly laughter, followed by Jesima and they came out of their hiding place, their laughter echoing the hallway even more at the sight of their both friend's horror-stricken face.
" Amy", Rafa got up dusting her skirt, "You idiot", she bellowed walking towards them and faking fear Ahmed turned to run for his dear life when he bumped into somebody, the stash of books came falling to the ground, scattered all over the place.
"Omg! I am sorry Jesima", he murmured clutching his ears.
Horrific Jesima kneeled to the floor and started grabbing her notes, fliers, and books one by one. Ahmed kneeled down beside her while Samra and Rafa walked up to them kneeling down as well. Earlier mischief in the air long gone.
" Jesima, what is this?", Rafa asked taking a folded piece of paper in her hand.
Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, for she didn't remember placing a paper among the stash, she took the piece of paper from Rafa's hand and opened it fully. It was a print of a plane ticket. Her name was written in a computer font on the ticket, and the plane was due on the coming Friday night to Cebu, Philippines.
She breathed heavily, and her other friends peeked over her shoulder reading over the ticket.
"Cebu, Seriously?", Ahmed asked while Jesima blushed with joy.
" Is that place really good?",
"Girl, good is not the appropriate word to describe that place, you go see for yourself",
" Jesima, read this", Rafa mentioned to the back of the paper.
Jesima took the paper in her hand and it was written in the handwriting she has come to recognize, neat and clean.
If it's a yes for this trip, then give me a call.
She smiled and bit her bottom lip feeling embarrassed for treating him badly. She pulled her phone from her sling bag while making sure to keep the books on the side of the pathway.
"Assalamu alaikum. Wow, the reply is immediate", Aashiq answered and she heard him smirk from the other side.
" Wa alaikum assalam, Aashiq. I called you to inform you about my sincere apologies for acting mean with you this morning", she stood up and started walking away from her crew.
"Oh! It's alright", the excitement in his voice died down.
" What were you talking about? Which reply?",
"It's nothing",
" If you are referring to the ticket which you hided on my stash of books, then my reply is a yes", she grinned, "And again I am so sorry for treating you like that",
" It's alright, Jesima. From your behavior, I learned to not pull a prank on you because Girl you can turn dangerous, really dangerous", he laughed.
"Look who is being mean now", she rolled her eyes.
" But seriously, Jesima, when you made me feel the inner spark, my mind immediately planned a trip towards nature and forests but not with my friends instead of them, I planned the trip with you", his words caused a blush to sweep her facial features.
"You are making me feel even more guilty than I already am", she said after a moment of pause.
" Way to ruin my romance, my lady", he chucked, "I thought you made a Postgraduate degree in being sassy rather medicine".
" I know right?",
"So pack your bags madam, we are going to the most beautiful place in the world",
" Sure sure", she grinned, her heart soaring with nothing but happiness.
"Aashiq", she called him after a long silence of which he wondered that she had cut the call.
" Yes", he replied quietly.
"I am not yet satisfied with your forgiveness",
" What do you mean?",
"You forgiving me so easily. I mean, I still am feeling more guilty, can I do a favor, anything you may ask in order to compensate?", she bit her bottom lip, a habit she had developed throughout her childhood.
" A compensation?", he pondered over the truth of the situation and an idea popped inside his head, "How about a date tonight?",
A date, with you?
"Okay", she whispered finally after giving a lot of thought.
I am not going to ask, how was the chapter because I have decided to stop writing or taking a break.
And the questions asked by, kaNisar.
Do you like the marauder's era more or Harry's?
I prefer Harry's more.
When did you start writing?
I didn't know I had talent until I crossed path with Wattpad. After reading too many books, I and my cousin wanted to try writing. At first, she wrote and I edited. Later I found out when I used to write beautiful occurrences in her book while I did the edits. And then I discovered my talent in painting words which touches hearts.
Question by, tala-al-badru
Which Marauder I like the most?
Sirius Black.
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