Stay in Control
Things are going great so far. And also, just as a heads up, there will be quite a few point of view changes between the DTLA members later on. I'm not sure if it'll happen in this chapter but I guess we'll all find out. The battle is heating up and the wyvern Grimm has been unleashed. And since it seems to take control of the other Grimm attacking Beacon, it felt it was right for it to try and take over Drake as well. But luckily, he had Ruby to help beat some sense into him. But then again, they both now have to fight Neo, who technically is undefeated in the whole series. Enjoy!
-Point of View: Drake-
"So you're the one who's taken control of this cruiser. I'm actually kinds glad because I've been meaning to punch you in the face for a while." I said to Torchwick as I cracked my knuckles. "Look you two, I don't have the time to be playing around. Neo, would you mind taking care of our little guests?" Torchwick asked her as she gave him a nod. Torchwick then began to walk away but I shot at him as he turned around. My bullet hit near his right foot and he stopped walking. "You've always gotta do things the hard way, don't you, Moose?" Torchwick said as he turned around to face me. "It's not that i'm doing it the hard way. It's just that i'm doing it the right way. Now prepare to die." I said in a serious tone as me and Ruby charged him. Neo ran forward to intercept us and she flipped in between us. When she was in line with both of us, she stretched out her legs and kicked us both. We both stayed on our feet though and we simultaneously shot at Neo. When our bullets hit her, she broke apart into pieces of glass. She looked like she was acting totally fine though so this was clearly the effect of her semblance. I changed my weapon into its melee form and I ran at Neo. She had her umbrella in hand and she flipped over to me. I went for an overhead strike and she blocked it. She then followed it up by kicking both of my knees hard and making me stumble. And then out of nowhere, a dust shot came flying at my face. I was able to see it coming and I leaned my head back before getting hit by it. Torchwick had shot at me using his cane gun. Thankfully, Ruby went after him before he could keep firing at me. I was still locking my blade with Neo's umbrella but I had to take the advantage. I hit a second switch on my weapon with my head and it split apart the centre blade of my weapon. The trigger system then appeared near where I was gripping my weapon.I pulled the trigger and I used the momentum from the shot to push Neo away from me. I then quickly changed the cylinders in place in my weapon so I could fire Dust shots.
Neo ran at me again, twirling her umbrella in front of her as I prepared for her attack. I countered by going for a side slash. I struck her umbrella but didn't break through it. I was able to stop her from moving for a second though. And since I was so close, I decided to fire a flame Dust shot from my weapon. She blocked it with her umbrella and then she closed it up. She began flailing it around like a baton. I tried my best to block her attacks but she was so fast. And anytime I would successfully block her, she would shatter into glass again and reform in front of me. She landed several hard shots to my chest and legs, pushing me back with every single one. We were nearing the edge of the cruiser and I was determined to not fall off. When she went for another strike to my face, I did everything I could to reach up with my hand and grab her umbrella. I did and I proceeded to headbutt her. And this time, she didn't shatter into glass. She stumbled back and seemed to look a little surprised. But that soon changed when she gave me a creepy smile and opened her umbrella back up. She charged me and I waited for her to get close. I fired two Dust shots at her but she expertly dodged them by flipping out of the way. I then went to swing at her when she got close enough but she easily jumped over my weapon. However, she did not land on the ground. After jumping, she wrapped both of her legs around my right arm and she began to squeeze tightly. She was also hitting me in the head with her umbrella. And after a few hits and the tightening on my arm continuing, I let go of my weapon. Neo then pushed off of me with both of her legs and grabbed my weapon on the ground. She held it in her left hand and I watched as she threw it off of the cruiser. I didn't care though. I spit up some blood and then I held up my fists. "I don't... need a weapon... to beat you." I said as I ran at her. When I was close enough, I went for a sweeping kick and then an uppercut. Neo jumped over my leg but I managed to hit her in the jaw with my left fist. But as I struck her, she yet again shattered into glass shards. I started to look around for her as she hadn't yet reformed her body. But my search came to a quick end when I felt the blunt end of her umbrella strike me in the back. She sent me flying down the end of the cruiser where the wind was blowing stronger. I was having difficulties staying on the ship as the wind was threatening to blow me off. I reached down with both of my hands and grabbed onto a broken piece of metal that had been bent back. I then looked up and saw Neo was walking over to me. But she soon came to a stop and looked behind her to see Ruby and Torchwick still fighting. She then turned away from me and began walking over to them.
"Ruby! Neo's coming for you! Run!" I said but she couldn't hear me. The wind was so loud. I then watched as Neo intercepted Ruby's scythe as she was swinging it back. She pulled it right out of Ruby's hands and slid it along the cruiser. She then sweeped Ruby's legs from underneath her and kicked Ruby hard in the back. Torchwick followed it up by hitting her in the air with a Dust shot from his cane gun. Ruby was sent flying over to the edge of the cruiser. My heart nearly stopped when I saw her go over the edge. But thankfully, I saw her grab onto something before going over all the way. She was hanging on for dear life though, because if she let go or lost her grip, she would fall to her death. And at this point, more Griffon Grimm had started to fly around the cruiser, waiting for easy prey. I tried my hardest to stand back up and I finally did. I then watched as Neo and Torchwick began to walk over to where Ruby was hanging from. "No! They're gonna make her let go! She's gonna die!" I thought to myself as I started to charge Torchwick. "Oh right, you're here too. Neo, if you would be so kind..." Torchwick said as she nodded to him. Neo ran at me as well and she flipped over my head when I got close. She struck the back of my legs, forcing me to my knees. She then struck the back of my head and slammed it against the ground with her umbrella. And then, Torchwick came over and grabbed onto my hair, lifting my head back up. "You and little red are determined to be the heroes of Vale, aren't you?" He asked me as I spit up some more blood. "Why the fuck are you doing this? Without these ships, the Grimm will destroy everything." I asked him as he just started to laugh. "That's the plan!" Torchwick said as he hit me in the face with the handle of his cane. "But... why? What do you get out of all of this?" I asked him. "You're asking the wrong questions, Moose! It's not what I have to gain! It's that I can't afford to lose! I may be a gambling man, but even I know there's some bets you just don't take. Like it or not, the people that hired me are going to change the world! You can't stop 'em! I can't stop 'em! You know the old saying! If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! And now if you'll excuse me, I've got a little date with red over there. Neo, if you'll finish things up here." Torchwick said as he let go of my head. He then began to walk away and Neo took his place in front of me. I could barely find the strength to move anymore. This was it. Neo hit a switch on her umbrella and a hidden blade appeared from the top of it. And then, with one quick movement, she thrusted it into my chest.
The pain was unreal. I could feel her blade go through every part inside my body. I let out a roar of agony as I just sat there on my knees. Neo gave me more creepy smiles as she began to twist her blade. "Kill..." A voice in my head began to say. "No... not now!" I said out loud as I grabbed onto the blade with both of my hands. I tried pulling it out but I was just ripping up my hands instead. "Kill..." The voice said again as the burning feeling started to return. "No! I will not turn!" I shouted as Neo shoved her blade into me more. I let out an ear deafening roar as the pain became too much. "KILL!" The voice screamed as the burning feeling began to overwhelm me. My body began shaking and my right arm began to move all on its own. I watched as my scars turned black and my fingers turned into sharp claws. I could feel the burning feeling move up my arm and into my body, coursing through my head. I could feel my mouth changing this time, a crunching sound coming from it. My teeth were changing into fangs again. My breathing started to sound like growling and my right eye began to pulse with the painful feeling in my body. It was changing as well, into the eye of a Grimm. And just like before on the train, I had turned into the monster I tried so hard to keep inside of me. All I felt was rage. I looked up at Neo and I howled in her face. She looked surprised by my transformation and she reacted by shoving her blade into me even more. But this time, I didn't feel any pain from it. I then reached down and grabbed the blade with my right hand which was now sharp claws. I tried pulling out the blade again but ended up snapping it in two. Neo was taken off guard by me breaking her blade and she pulled her umbrella back to look at the damage. But this left her open for a second, which was enough for me to capitalize. In the blink of an eye, I stood up and reached for her. My entire right hand grasped onto her face and I proceeded to throw her off of the cruiser. I watched as she fell to the ground but she eventually saved herself by opening up her umbrella and floating away.
Now my attention went to Torchwick. I turned and saw him looking down at Ruby who was still hanging on for dear life. I let out a loud roar which caught his attention. He turned around and saw me walking over to him. I stopped halfway and let out another roar. I began to make the Griffons flying around the ship go crazy. Torchwick walked over and stood about 20 feet from me in the middle of the cruiser. "Would ya look at you, Moose! Doing your little party trick from before, right? And it looks like you dealt with my lovely Neo. And for that, you're gonna pay." Torchwick said as he readied his cane gun. I did everything I could to talk back to him and I managed to say a few things. I sort of sounded like I was growling when I spoke though. "We... will stop the Grimm... and you!" I said as I roared at Torchwick again. He didn't seemed frightened by me and he started laughing again. "You've got spirit, Moose! The same goes for little red over there. But this is the real world! The real world is cold! The real world doesn't care about spirit! You two wanna be heroes!? Then play the parts and die like every other Huntsmen in history!" Torchwick said as he started walking over to me. I clenched my fists and waited to strike him down. Torchwick then began to monologue again and say "As for me, I'll do what I do best! Lie! Steal! Cheat! And survi-" Before he could finish his sentence, a Griffon landed on the cruiser and engulfed Torchwick in its mouth. It then swallowed him whole and the Griffon took its anger out on me. It was much larger than the other Griffons, meaning this was an Alpha. It charged at me and I side-stepped before it hit me. I then slashed at it with my right claw and I sent the Grimm crashing into the control room on the ship. It blew up with a large explosion and I let out a roar of victory.
"Drake...." Someone said to me as I turned to see who it was. Ruby stood behind me, her scythe in hand and a horrified expression on her face. I howled at her and I started to walk over to her, readying my claws. "Drake... is that really you?" She asked me but I gave no answer. "Drake, I know you're in there! And i'm not gonna fight you! Please, snap out of it!" Ruby begged but I didn't listen. "Remember who you are! Remember how far you've come! Remember everyone who cares about you!" Ruby said as she put away her scythe. I growled at her as I was now within just a few feet from her. "Remember your team! Leena, Temair, and Amber! I know this isn't you! The Drake I know is stronger than this! Show me that you're the real Drake! Fight back! You're team... No! Everyone needs you!" Ruby said as I saw a tear fall from her eye. I stopped for a brief second and my mind suddenly became clear. I couldn't hear any voices. I was freely moving my body around as well. "She... did it...." I said as I walked up to Ruby. She closed her eyes and was probably expecting me to strike her. But what I did was crouch down and hug her. I started crying myself as the only thing I could say was, "Thank you..." Ruby hugged me back and said "Glad to have you back." But as happy as the moment was, another explosion occurred on the ship. The cruiser began to fall from the sky. "This thing's going down! We've gotta get out of here!" I said, still sounding like I was growling when I talked. "We've gotta jump!" Ruby said as we didn't really have much choice. We ran for the edge of the cruiser and saw the docks for Beacon were below us. "Here we go! Jump!" Ruby said as we leaped off of the cruiser. Good thing because another explosion occurred where we were just standing. We both fell to the ground, and a few Griffons tried to intercept us on the way down. Ruby swung her scythe at them and made them fly away. "Drake! Grab onto my hand!" Ruby said as I reached out with my left hand which hadn't turned into claws. I grabbed her right hand and then Ruby aimed the barrel of her weapon downward. She began to fire and the power of the shots began to slow our descent. Within no time, we landed roughly on the ground at the docks of Beacon. "Now let's go! We've gotta find the others so we can help them fend off the Grimm!" I said as Ruby agreed with me. We then took off, heading to Beacon's courtyard. But as we ran, a thought about me never actually crossed my mind. I may have regained focus and can control myself, but I hadn't turned back to normal yet. And if everyone here is fighting Grimm, then what are they gonna do when they see me?
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