Character Answers

This week won't be a chapter , instead it's the character asks , which is basically like a filler chapter .

This one took me forever , so I hope you'll enjoy it x



Q : How many kids do you want ?

L : I want three kids , two boys and a girl , and the boys will be older than the girl so they can protect her like Hazzie protects me . *Smiles*

Q : Why are you so cute ?

L : *Blushes* I don't know , I - I just am ? *Giggles*

Q : Why do you doubt Harry's love sometimes ?

L : Because , I know there are better ones out there -

H : There aren't , you're perfect for me . *Kisses his cheek*

Q : What's your favourite pass time ? (besides cuddling with Harry , playing with Milky and Peaches , or hanging with your family) 

L : *Giggles* Well , if I can't have any of these , I like watching this TV show , Sleepy Hollow . It's so amazing , though it scares me sometimes .

Q : Hi Lou want to be friends ? We can be nerds together XD

L : Ooh okay ! Winter and I like being nerds , join us . *Giggles*

Q : Are you going to have a surprise for Harry on the honeymoon ?

L : Unfortunately no , Hazzie is planning the whole honeymoon and I can't know a thing until our engagement party . *Pouts*

Q : This isn't a question , but I can't wait for your wedding ! You and Harry together is just so perfect . And tell Harry to keep doing what he's doing !

L : I can't wait too , I'm so excited ! And thank you , Hazzie and I are quite cute .

H : We're the cutest .

Q : Are you excited for the honeymoon ?

L : I'm reallyyyyy excited ! Can't wait . *Grins*

Q : Can I get a hug ?

L : Sure , come over . *Opens arms*

Q : Do you ever get jealous when Harry is with other men ?

L : Well , k-kind of . With both men and women .

H : *Caresses his cheek* You're cute when you're jealous , though you have nothing to be jealous about .

Q : What would you do if a girl came up and acts nice and innocent though she is very cruel and tries to be with Harry ?

L : I'd tell Harry , and make sure he believes me and stays away from her .

Q : Do you like it when Harry grabs\touches your bum ?

L : U-um - I

H : He likes it . *Smirks*

Q : I can't wait for you and Harry to get a child , I'm pretty sure you guys will be great parents

L : I can't wait too , I love children . *Smiles*

Q : What would you do if someone is rude to Harry but tries to be with you ?

L : I'd tell them to stop and stay away from us .

Q : Will Peaches and Milky be at the wedding ?

L : Of course ! I'm thinking about getting them cute little outfits too , but I don't know yet .

Q : How come you've decided to change your wardrobe a little ? Also do you feel that you've become more confident with yourself ?

L : W-well , I uh - I like it . I mean , it looks good on me , and I look pretty . I only like pants and shirts , not underwear or dresses or high heels . *Blushes*

H : You look amazing in everything .

Q : What would you do if Harry called off the wedding ?

L : I - I don't want to say it outloud .

Q : What do you like the most about Harry ?

L : I love that he's being himself , the Harry I know , dispite growing up and being independent . *Grins*

Q : Okay first you and Harry are the most adorable couple ever , and now the question ; what would you do if Elewhore came back and stole Harry ?

L : I'd steal him back . Unless , uhm - unless he wants to stay -

H : Never ever ever ever ever i'd pick her over you . Never . You'll make me throw up if you stay I'd stay with her .

Q : If you were planning the honeymoon , where would you go and what would you do ?

L : Well , I have quite a few places . I was thinking about The Bahamas , France , Italy , and a few more I can't really remember right now . And we'd just stay there and relax , spend time with each other , explore a little . I don't really know , it's a hard question .

Q : Which prince and princess do you compare yourself and Harry to ?

L : I was thinking about Belle and the Beast , Hazzie is the beast and I'm Belle . *Giggles*

Q : What do you do when Harry cuddles you ?

L : I sometimes play with his hair , and other times rub his back . Then I fall asleep . *Giggles*

Q : What do you do on a cold day ?

L : Hazzie and I usually stay in , unless we need to be somewhere else . When we're in we cuddle , and munch while watching movies , and fall asleep in the middle . We play fight , and cook some food , and nap . Just relax . *Smiles and blushes*

Q : What's yours and Harry's favourite song ?

L : Currently , we love Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time by Panic! . It's a great song .

Q : What would you do if Harry was dating someone else ?

L : I - i'd - I don't want to say .

Q : What's your favourite movie ?

L : I have a few movies , but I really love the Pirates of The Caribbean series .



Q : What's your favourite tattoo of yours ?

H : The flowercrown I got for Louis .

Q : Would you give up your career for Louis ?

H : I'd give up anything for Louis .

Q : Can you please tell me where the honeymoon is ?

H : No , not yet . On our engagement party I'll tell everyone .

Q : Do you want children ? If so how many ?

H : I do want children . I don't care how many , as many kids as Louis wants is okay with me . We can have one , we can have fifteen , as long as Louis wants it and he's happy with it .

Q : How does it feel to be marrying the most amazing person in the universe ?

H : It feels amazing , you have no idea .

L : *Blushes and kisses his cheek*

Q : What's the best thing Louis has done for you ?

H : He loves me and he's there with me and for me , that's all I need .

Q : When are you going to tell Louis about the honeymoon ?

H : On our engagement party .

Q : Do you ever get jealous when Louis hangs out with other guys ? If so what would you do ?

H : I don't think jealous is the word ... I feel more , more possessive .

Q : What would you do if someone acts nice and innocent but is secretly just trying to get Louis , even if it's a close friend ?

H : I'd tell them to back off , because Louis is mine .

Q : Promise me you'll always protect Lou ?

H : I vow I'll do anything in my power and will to protect him . *Pecks Louis' lips*

Q : How many times do you touch\grab Louis' bum daily ?

H : Not enough times . *Smirks*

Q : Do you have kinks ? If so , what kinks ?

H : Louis is my kink .

L : *Blushes deep red*

Q : Do you want to adopt or get a surrogate ?

H : I'd rather adopt , I'd feel bad taking a child from their mother . Adopting is giving a child a better chance , without worrying about their biologic parents and all .

Q : Who's cuter : Louis or the most adorable baby panda in the world ?

H : Definitely the panda .

L : What ?

N : What ?

W : What ?

H : Just kidding , it's Louis , my cute little baby . *Kisses all over Louis' face*

Q : How do you cuddle Louis at night ?

H : I hold him really close , and give him back scratches , or belly rubs if we're spooning , and I kiss him until he falls asleep .

Q : Would you leave Louis for anyone ?

H : Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever -

L : *Giggles* Hazzie I think that's enough .

Q : If Louis is with someone else , what would you do ?

H : Well  , first i'd fight for him and try getting him back , and if it doesn't work and he's happy , I'll let him be happy , and tell him i'll be there if he ever wants me back .

L : I'll never be happy with anyone else , only you . *Hugs Harry*



Q : When did you decide to propose to Niall ?

Z : After our two years anniversary , I started making plans and asked my dad for help . It was the best moment of my life so far .

Q : When are you and Niall getting married ?

Z : We don't know yet , we're not really stressed over it .

Q : How many kids do you want with Niall ?

Z : we want four , maybe five children .

Q : What's your favourite Larry moment ?

Z : Every moment they don't suck faces or do the dirty , that's disgusting .

H : Shut up , like you and Niall never make out around us .

Q : Please tell us how you and Niall met and had your first kiss ?

Z : We met at school , in year 9 . Started dating in the middle of year 10 . Our first kiss was amazing , after our second date , on Niall's porch . *Smiles*

Q : Why is Niall so cute ?

Z : Because he's Niall and he's born to be cute .

Q : How much do you love Niall ?

Z : To infinity and back .

Q : Where and how was your first date with Niall ?

Z : Actually , we went to a drive thru and had a night munch nearby a lake . It was amazing nontheless .



Q : Are you and Zayn going to have kids ?

N : yeah , twenty kids .

Q : How cute are Louis and Harry when they're sleeping ? And does Harry always have Louis cuddled up in his chest ?

N : They're adorable when they sleep , honestly . Harry holds him really close that I doubt Louis is even breathing .

Q : Who's a cuter couple ; Liam and Winter or Harry and Louis ?

N : Zayn and I .

Q : Zayn with the blonde strip in his hair or no

N : Every hair style looks good on him , to be honest .

Q : Who is planning the honeymoon ?

N : We don't know yet .

Q : Zayn with beard or nah ?

N : With beard , he looks amazing with beard .

Q : How did you feel when Zayn proposed ?

N : I was in tears , literally , I was so happy . I still can't believe we're engaged .



Q : Would you ever get matching tattoos with Winter ?

Li : Yeah , we talked about getting ones for our wedding .

Q : How many kids do you want with Winter ?

Li : Two kids , a boy and a girl .

Q : Do you ever catch Louis and Harry snogging ?

Li : Unfortunately , yes .

Q : On a scale of one to ten , how much do you love Winter ?

Li : Infinity .

Q : How do you keep the idiots far from your girl ?

Li : A hand around her to keep her close , and if that doesn't help , I kiss her .

W : You get crazy when a boy talks to me , like this one time this tourist asked me for directions and you just shoved your hand into my back pocket , you made the poor guy so uncomfortable .

Q : When and Why did you decide to propose to Winter ?

Li : I love Winter , and I've always wanted to marry someone like her . So I asked my mum and dad for a bit of help , and when she said yes I couldn't be happier .

Q : Can you have a tickle fight with Winter ?

Li : Of course , just -

W : Touch me and I'll punch you .

Li : Really now ?

W : I won't even be sorry for it .



Q : What's the best thing Liam has done for you ?

W : Been there for me , loved me . 

Q : What is your favourite Larry cuddle moment ?

W : Every cuddle moment . Unless they're naked , that's nasty .

Q : On a scale of one to ten , how much do you love Liam ?

W : Infinity .



Q : Have you got any wedding plans ?

W : No , not yet . We're quite busy right now because we moved into our own place , so it's going to have to wait a little .

Q : How long is your hair right now ? Would you like to paint it ?

W : It's too long for me now . I'm about to donate it , so I won't paint it .

Q : Does Liam know you have the L tattoo ?

W : Yeah , he knows . He knows very well .

Li : That was meant to be dirty , wasn't it ?

W : God , you're so innocent sometimes .

Q : When was the last time you kissed Liam ?

Li : *Kisses her quickly*

W : *Giggles* A few seconds ago .



Q : How do you have the most amazing son ?

J : It's an amazing feeling . Ernie is really cute .

L : Mumma !

J : I'm teasing , honey . *Laughs* Having Louis as my son is a blessing .

L : That's better . *Giggles and hugs her*

Q : Are you  going to cry when Louis and Harry get married ?

J : Hundred percent yes .

Q : Have you ever caught Louis and Harry cuddling and if so what did it look like ?

J : I catch them cuddling all the time , it's truly adorable . Harry is just so large next to Louis' small frame , they're really cute .

Q : How's the family ? They doing okay after their nan passed away ?

J : They're recovering , everything is going back to normal again .

Q : Do you miss having Louis around the house ?

J : I do , yes , even though he visits throughout the week .

Q : Are you happy that your tiny and adorable son is going to get married ?

J : I'm overjoyed , I can't be happier .



Q : You raised Harry to be such a gentleman . If he steps out of line , you'll be there to put him back in place , right ?

A : Of course I will , I'll always be there for him .

Q : Are you going to cry when your baby gets married ?

A : No doubt , I'll definitely cry .

Q : What's the secret of raising such a charming son ?

A : Teach him to respect everyone and anyone , not before respecting himself . It's one of the first things I taught him .

Q : When will you share all your pics of Louis and Harry with us ?

A : You'll know soon , it's a surprise .

Q : Are you happy Harry has someone like Louis ?

A : I can't be happier , Louis is perfect for Harry .

Q : What was your first opinion on Louis ?

A : When Harry first introduced me to Louis , I thought , 'wow , he's small' . Then when I got to know him , before they started dating , I knew he was Harry's type ; short , cute , bubbly . And now they're engaged and about to get married , and I can't be happier .



Q : How's that love life going ?

Lo : It's going really good . *Smiles*

Q : What's your favourite picture of Louis and Harry ?

Lo : One of the fists I took of them , with the Christmas tree .

Q : What are your hobbies ?

Lo : I really like makeup and hairstyles , Louise is teaching me some stuff , and since she has a hair salone and she's Harry's friend I trust her with it .

Q : You're very pretty

Lo : Oh thank you . *Smiles and blushes*

Q : Does your boyfriend treat you well ?

Lo : He treats me good , yeah . I really like him . *Grins Shyly*



Q : What would you do if Harry had a twin ?

G : I'd lose my mind . Another Harry is too much to handle .

H : *Pokes her side* You love me .

Q : How often do you catch Larry doing something adorable ?

G : All the freaking time , literally .

Q : Have you ever caught Louis and Harry snogging ?

G : unfortunately yes . They were in the living room , and Robin and I walked in , and my innocent eyes were ruined .

Q : How are you and Marley ?

G : We're great , thanks for asking . *Smiles*



Q : How often does Harry talk about Louis while he's training ?

P : The whole time . Literally .

Q : How many times do you catch Louis and Harry kissing before and after Harry trains ?

P : Every time , they kiss a lot . I don't mind , as long as they keep it innocent .

Q : How many times has Louis and Harry's cuteness made you want to vomit rainbows and sparkles ?

P : Too many times .

Q : How annoying is Harry ?

P : So , so annoying .

H : Oh shut it , I'm your favourite .

Q : How funny is Harry ?

P : Not funny at all .

H : I am !

L : No you aren't Haz . *Giggles*

Q : Are you happy that Harry is winning ?

P : I'd be hypocrite if I didn't .


Side Characters



Q : Are you happy that Louis is getting married ?

E : I'm so so happy for him , I can easily tell he's in love with Harry .

Q : How is working with Louis ?

E : It's really fun , we always joke around and laugh . It's never boring with him .

Q : How cute are Louis and Harry when Harry comes to visit Louis at work ?

E : Oh , they're so so cute , they're opposites but look really cute together .



Q : How's working with Louis like ?

Ge : It's very fun , he's bubbly and smiles a lot , we always have a laugh and crack jokes .

Q : Do you have a girlfriend ?

Ge : No , actually , I have a boyfriend , his name is JJ .



Q : Are you married ?

Ev : Yes , I am happily married with four lovely children .

Q : How cute are Louis and Harry ?

Ev : They're one of the cutest couples i've even seen , you can tell they love each other by the way they treat each other , look at each other .



Q : Why are you still here ???

B : I'll always be here .

H : Unless you want to get to the hospital again , now , do you ?

Q : Louis and Harry are getting married ... So bye

B : A wedding can get called off any moment , I won't give up -

H : I swear I'll punch you if you don't shut up .

Q : Why do you want Louis so much ?

B : He's the sexiest boy on earth , oh god , I just want to f-

H : *Punches him mid-sentence* Don't you dare keep talking .

L : *Pulls Harry back shakily* Hazzie calm down , please .



Q : What had been your favourite book to write and why ?

Me : Well , to be honest , I quite like Fireproof , it's different and I can relate to it more than the other stories .

Q : Will there be some more drama ?

Me : There will , I don't know when though .

Q : I swear you're like Wattpad's fluff queen or something

Me : I'm a fluff addict , what can I say ? XD

Q : Not a question , just saying that we don't care you don't write smut and we love the story without it x

Me : Thank you , I really appreciate it . xx


So that was the Character Answers , hope you liked it x


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