Ch. 50

Enjoy x


"Bye Louis , see you next time ." Jannet smiled at Louis , Louis said goodbye and left her office , smiling at George .

"Hey Lou , you good ?" George asked as he finished cleaning the counter ; it was raining outside and there weren't a lot of customers at the Cafe .

"Yeah I'm good ." Louis nodded and started making himself a hot chocolate . "You good too ?"

"Yeah . How's it going with Harry ?"

"Going amazing , what about you and your boyfriend ?"

"We're great . We planned a weekend away at a resort ."

"Aw , wish Harry and I could have a small vacation too ." Louis pouted a little and took his paper cup , blowing on the hot chocolate . "Though we just came back from our honeymoon like , a month ago ."

"Then shush , you have no right to talk ." George scolded playfully , making Louis giggle .

"Well I'd like to stay and talk some more , but I'm exhausted and I should get home ." Louis smiled apologetically , George nodded , "Yeah , okay . See you next time ."

Louis waved goodbye and stepped out of the Cafe , bringing his coat hat over his head . He wasn't even halfway towards his car when three men with cameras jumped in his face , making him flinch back in surprise .

"How is it being married to a boxer ?"

"Are you and Harry dating for publics ?"

"Is Harry abusive ?"

"Are you dating him only because he's famous ?"

Louis ignored them and looked down , taking larger steps towards his car .

"Hey kid , we're talking to you !" One of the men grabbed Louis' elbow and tugged him backwards , making Louis stumble and his drink spilled on the pavement .

"Get your fucking hands off him ." They heard a low voice growling , all four turned their heads to see Harry marching angrily towards them .

Louis' eyes widened , he recognized this expression . He wrapped his arms around Harry's torso , "Haz , leave it . Let's go ."

"Stay out of this ." Harry gently pushed him back and walked over to the guy , grabbing him by the collar , "You really think you can touch my husband like that ?"

"Listen mate -"

"No you fucking listen ." Harry's voice was calm but stern , making Louis shiver . "Mess with my husband one way or another - you'll regret it ."

He let the guy go , turning to glare at the other two men before turning to Louis , he took his hand and walked away with him .

They reached Louis' car , Louis pressed Harry against the side of it , "Hazzie , take a deep breath . You need to relax ." He brought his hands to his face , thumbs caressing the crinkles on his forehead .

Harry melted into Louis' soft touch , bringing his hands to his waist . "Couldn't let him get away with it ."

"It's over now , let's go home , okay ? We can nap , I'm pretty exhausted ." Louis said , Harry nodded and leaned down , pressing their lips together .

Louis wrapped his arms around his neck and sighed , "Let's go before I'm falling asleep right here ."

Harry nodded , "Get in the car , I'll drive ."

Louis handed him the car keys , they got into the car and Harry drove them home . He parked the car in the driveway , they got out of the car and into the house .

"Do you want anything to eat ?" Harry asked as he went to the kitchen , Louis shook his head , "No , I'm not hungry . I'm going to take a nap ."

"Okay , I'll join you in a bit ." Harry said , Louis took his shoes and coat off in the entrace and went to the bedroom , changing into comfy clothes . He smiled as Peaches walked into the room , he picked her up and got into bed with her next to him .

He was half asleep with Peaches curled on his pillow , when the covers lifted and the bed dipped behind him . He smiled sleepily as Harry spooned him , his large arms resting on his waist .

"Are you asleep yet ?" Harry asked , smiling aswell when seeing Louis' sleepy smile . He leaned down and kissed his temple , then near his eye , then his cheek . He pressed a few soft kisses on his cheek before going down to his jaw , then his neck .

Louis pressed his shoulder to his ear , "Don't ."

"Come on , just a little bit ." Harry nudged his nose against his shoulder a little , but Louis shook his head , "No , I want to sleep ."

Harry tried separating Louis' shoulder from his ear but Louis rolled away , now laying on his front with his face squished into the pillow . Harry chuckled and lifted the hem of Louis' shirt to tuck his hand in and run his fingers up and down his back .

Louis sighed contently , falling asleep minutes later . Harry kissed the back of his neck when he was fully asleep before bringing him closer to spoon him , his hand now tucked under his shirt on his stomach .


"Boo you ready ?" Harry asked , Louis walked out of the bedroom with his shoes in his hands , "Yeah , just a second ." He sat on the couch and slipped his shoes on , "Ready ."

They were about to go out to the pub Winter works at , both to visit her and have a good time themselves .

Harry took Louis' hand as they walked out of the house and got in Harry's car . Soon they reached the place , Harry parked in the parking lot and got out with Louis following .

He wrapped a protective arm around his small husband's shoulders , pulling him closer to his side as they showed their IDs in the entrace before walking in .

"I see Winter ." Louis said and took Harry's hand , leading him through the people until they reached the bar .

Winter finished serving a customer before turning her head , raising her eyebrows in surprise . "Hey , you didn't tell me you were coming ."

"It's called a surprise ." Louis giggled , reaching over the bar to hold her hand , "You doing okay ?"

"Yeah , doing pretty well ."

"What about that Brennen guy ?" Harry asked , Winter laughed a little , "He's okay . We're taking things slow though , I'm still not sure I'm ready for a relationship , and thankfully he understands ."

"That's great he understands ." Louis smiled .

"Enough talking about me , what would you like to drink ? First round on the house ." Winter asked , Louis giggled , "Two shots ."

She quickly filled two shot glasses with Van Goch , the couple clicked the glasses together before taking it down . Louis made a face , making Harry laugh .

"Go have fun now , will you ? Dance a little ." Winter shooed them away playfully , Harry put his arm around Louis , "Let's go ."

Louis pressed himself to Harry's chest as they walked through the crowd , until they reached the other end where there weren't many people .

After dancing for a while they went back to the bar , Winter poured two more shots glasses for them . They took them down before Harry felt someone's hand on his shoulder . He turned around , his eyes lit and a smile spread on his lips , "Arielle !"

The girl squealed and wrapped her arms around Harry's shoulders , Harry hugged her back and lifted her off her feet . "Harry-beary ! Who would've thought I'd ever see you again !"

Louis raised his eyebrows at the two , who were still hugging . Winter leaned over the desk , "She left the year before you arrived at school , she always had a crush on Harry . Keep an eye out ."

Louis bit his lower lip and nodded , "I will ."

Harry and Arielle pulled back , Harry was about to let go of her so he could introduce her to Louis , when she cupped his cheeks , "Want to go outside for a bit ? We can catch up ."

Louis' heart skipped a beat and he quickly jumped in , taking her hands off Harry . "He's taken , sorry girl ." He pushed himself inbetween the two , his arms wrapping around Harry's middle .

"Taken ? By a boy ?" Arielle raised her eyebrows , Harry nodded , "Yeah , I was about to tell you . This is Louis , my husband ."

"Husband ?" She asked in disbelief , "Harry , you can't be gay ."

"Why not ?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows .

"Because you deserve a girl , a girl can give you your own children . A girl can satisfy you much better than a boy ."

Harry's confused expression turned into an angered one . "And who are you to judge ? You don't know what I want , and you definitely don't know Louis . Louis is perfect for me , and I will not replace him for anyone in the world ."

Louis wrapped his arms tighter around Harry , though he couldn't help but feel a little down but didn't let it show .

"Come on , don't be ridiculous ." Arielle shook her head , and before she could continue Louis turned to face her , "You heard him , he doesn't want you . Leave us alone ."

"Shut up , you useless piece of shit ."

"Hey ! Don't you dare talk to him like that ." Harry pulled Louis into him , Louis shook his head , "She isn't worth it , Haz ."

"Come on Harry , we both know you can do much better than this ugly , fat twink ."

"I swear if you weren't a girl I would punch you ." Harry glared at her , "You know , I thought we were somewhat still friends , but turns out you're a fucking bitch ."

"Now if you didn't understand , it meant go away and never come back ." Louis sassed .

Arielle shook her head before looking at Harry . "You just lost the chance to fuck someone who's worthy of you ."

"No I didn't , Louis is still here ." Harry shook his head before wrapping his arms tighter around Louis , "Let's get out of here ."

Louis let Harry walk him out of the club , soon they were outside making their way towards their car .

"Hazzie ?"

"Yeah ?"

"How do you know her ?"

Harry sighed , leaning his back against the car . "She was a part of our small group in high school , but she moved away the year before you joined and we haven't talked or seen her ever since ."

"Winter said she's been crushing on you ."

"Well , some people told me she does but I ignored it ." Harry sighed , "Let's go home now , I don't want to see her face anymore ." He opened the passenger's seat for Louis , Louis got in and let Harry close the door .

Soon enough they were back home , changed out of the club clothes into PJs . Louis walked into the living room with two tea mugs and placed them on the table , Harry brought him down to sit on his lap , arms tightly wrapped around his waist .

"I'm sorry our night out went wrong ." Harry leaned his chin on his shoulder , Louis shook his head , "Don't apologize , it's none of our faults ."

Harry kissed his cheek softly , "My tiny sass master ."

Louis giggled , "She deserved it ." 

"She sure did ." Harry nodded , "I love how confident you are ."

"You helped me with it ." Louis leaned his side against Harry's chest , Harry kissed the tip of his nose , "I'm proud of you ."

Louis closed his eyes and sighed contently , melting into Harry's body as Harry ran his fingers up and down his back .

"Want to go to bed ?" Harry asked , Louis shook his head and snuggled closer , "Not yet , I'm comfy ."

Harry smiled and squeezed him softly , kissing his lips tenderly . "I love you Boo ."

"I love you too Hazzie ."


The ending was a bit boring , sorry about it .

Hope you liked it x


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