Ch. 5
Without too much info , enjoy the chapter xx
"Boo , wake up lovely . It's eight a.m , we need to get up ." Louis felt someone shaking his shoulder , he groaned and shifted away , "No , It's my day off . I don't want to get up now ."
Harry chuckled , "Love , we have that barbecue with our neighbors today , remember ? We need to prepare everything ." He leaned down and pressed light kisses on the back of his spine .
"Lou , can you get the door please ?" Harry asked as he stirred the pasta in the pot , Louis nodded and got up from the couch , "Did you invite someone ?"
Harry shook his head , Louis opened the door and smiled at the woman who held her child on her hip , "Hello ." He gave them both a smile .
"Hi , Louis , right ?" The woman asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah , that's me ."
"I'm Tiffany , your neighbour from right there ," She pointed to the house across the street , "And this little one in Cher , my daughter ." She bounced the little girl in her arms , "Say hi sweetie ."
"Hi ." Cher waved shyly and hid in her mum's neck .
"Hi , dear ." Louis smiled at her and rubbed her back comfortingly .
"Well , we're here to invite you and your boyfriend for a barbecue on Thursday , since you're new and we want to get to know you ." Tiffany smiled at Louis , "We also invited a few of the neighbours around here , so we could all hang out ."
"That sounds amazing ! We'll definitely come ." Louis grinned , Harry showed up at the door , "Who's at the door ?" He asked and put his arm around Louis' waist .
"Tiffany is our neighbour , and this is her daughter Cher . They invited us for barbecue on Thursday , to get to know the neighbours ." Louis said with a smile .
"Hi , I'm Harry ." Harry gave Tiffany a smile , they shook hands and Harry turned his attention to Cher , "Hello , nice meeting you ." He held his hand forward for her to shake , she took two fingers in her small hand and shook his hand , going back to hiding in Tiffany's neck .
"Aw , she's adorable ." Harry cooed , poking her at the side gently , making her giggle . "How old is she ?"
"She's three , turning four in a few months ." Tiffany answered with a smile .
"I have a question , about the barbecue ." Louis spoke up , "What should we bring ? Maybe salad , steaks , chicken ?"
"Oh , uhm . Two salads and mashed potatoes maybe ? We have everything else sorted out with the rest of the neighbours ." Tiffany suggested , the couple nodded with a smile .
"Great ! We'll see you then , Thursday noon ." She smiled , "Say goodbye to the nice boys , Cher ." Tiffany turned her attention to Cher .
"Buh-bye ." She waved with a toddler smile , Harry and Louis waved too , cooing at her .
"Mm . Can I just stay for a little more ?" Louis whined a little , Harry chuckled , "Nope , you're getting up now so you can help me and we need to get ready too ."
Louis whined a little and squirmed under the covers , settling down and closing his eyes . Harry sighed and got up from the bed , he held on the covers and pulled them off Louis' body , throwing it on the other side of the bed . He grabbed Louis' ankles and pulled him out of bed , catching him in his arms before he fell out of bed .
"Hazzieee ." Louis whined but clutched him close , Harry laughed and pecked his cheek , carrying him to the bathroom to brush his teeth .
"Brush your teeth , I'll finish breakfast ." Harry placed him down and walked out of the bathroom .
"I'm back ." Louis walked to the kitchen , Harry smiled at him , "Finally ." Louis punched his back , "Shut up , I'm tired ." He jumped on the counter , Harry handed him his tea .
"What salads are we making ?" Louis asked as he sipped on his tea .
"Well , mum just got this new recipe and I went to hers to get a taste , and it was so delicious . The first salad will be the usual , and the second will be mum's recipe ." Harry said as he sipped on his own tea .
"What's the recipe ?" Louis asked , reaching for the cookie jar and taking a cookie out .
"It's mushrooms and lettuce with homemade sause , I bought the ingredients yesterday ." Harry nodded towards the fridge , "You'll make the mash ."
"Okay , what do I need to do ?" Louis asked .
"You peel the potatoes , then cut them into quarters . Then we cook them in boiled water for an hour or so until they get soft , then we mash them ." Harry got the potatoes , "And please be careful with it , okay ?"
Louis nodded , he finished his tea and cookie and went to get started .
"Haz , you ready ?" Louis asked as he finished tying his shoes on , he stuffed his phone into his pocket and walked back to the bedroom .
"Yeah , just finished ." Harry nodded , "Come on , let's get the food and get going ."
They walked to the kitchen , packed everything in bowls and walked out of the house . Louis locked the door , "Let's go ."
They crossed the street and walked up the pathway to the door , Harry knocked on the door and held the salads with one hand , his other arm wrapped around Louis' waist .
The door opened , a man stood there with a smile , "You must be the new neighbours . I'm Derek , Tiffany's husband . Come in ." He opened the door wider and let them in , "Tiffany is in the kitchen with the food , you can go put everything there ." He led them to the kitchen , "Tiff , the guys are here ."
Tiffany turned to them with a smile , "Hello , boys . You can put everything here ." She patted the counter top , they placed the salads and mash there .
"Hey , Cher . Remember us ?" Louis gave the small girl a smile and offered his hand for a high five , she gave him a clap to the hand with her small one and ran to hide behind Derek's legs .
"Aw , she's so cute ." He whispered to Harry , who nodded with a smile .
"So , how old are you guys ?" Derek asked as he lifted Cher in his arms .
"I'm twenty , Louis is nineteen ." Harry said , placing his arm over Louis' shoulders .
"Oh , you're really young . Any reason you moved in so early ?" Tiffany asked from her place near the counter .
"Well , our jobs pay us well , and we needed our place without any parents or siblings . Plus , we're engaged , so ..." Louis said , smiling at the word 'engaged' .
"Oh , congratulations !" Tiffany gave them a wide smile .
"What are your jobs ?" Derek asked .
"Louis works at the Diner not far away , and I just recently started becoming a professional boxer . I've been training for years now , so my coach suggested I become more if I want to ." Harry said .
"Oh wow , that's cool ." Derek smiled , "Are you happy with it ?"
"I'm very happy ." Harry smiled back .
Small footsteps were heard and a young boy appeared , "Dad , can we play football ?" The small boy asked with a football in his hands .
"Sorry , Nath , not now , I need to help your mum ." Derek ruffled his hair a little and turned to Harry and Louis , "This is our son , Nathan , he's six . Say hi Nath , these are our neighbours ."
"Hi ." Nathan waved , the two boys smiled and waved back .
"Hey Nathan , do you want me to play with you ?" Harry asked and crouched to his knees to be the same level with the small boy .
"Really ? Are you good ?" Nathan asked and Harry nodded , "Yeah , come on ." He patted his shoulder , Derek thanked him and the two left to the backyard .
Louis turned to Tiffany , "What can I do to help ?"
"Uh , can you maybe set the table outside ? I'll give you table mats , plates , forks , knives , glasses . Is that okay ?" She said as she washed her hands under the tap . Louis nodded , "Of course ."
Tiffany pulled two table mats , "Derek , please go with Louis to the backyard and organize the tables and chairs ."
Derek nodded and turned to Louis , "Follow me ." Louis followed him to the backyard , where Harry and Nathan were playing football .
Nathan goaled Harry , but Louis could see Harry let him . "Aw , you're just too good of a player !" Harry whined playfully .
"I told you ! You're just bad . Jiraffe ." Nathan giggled .
Harry raised his eyebrow , "Am I a jiraffe ?" Nathan nodded and giggled again . Harry scooped him up and held him upside down , "Now look what the jiraffe can do !"
Nathan squealed and laughed , Harry laughed and spinned in circles before putting him down . Louis watched the two with a smile , he deployed the mats on the tables which were joined together into a long one .
Harry walked up to Louis , "Need help ?"
Louis shook his head , "No , I'm good ."
"Are you sure ?" Harry asked and followed Louis back inside the house , Louis nodded and lifted a few plates in his hands , Harry lifted the others and they carried it out , placing it around the table .
They walked back into the house when they heard two more voices , Harry placed his arm around Louis' waist as they reached the kitchen . A muscly man and a girl stood there , talking to Tiffany .
"Oh , boys ! This is Chris , and this is his daughter Mary ." Tiffany introduced with a smile , Chris shook the boys' hands .
"I'm Harry , this is my fiance Louis ." Harry introduced them .
"Nice meeting you guys ." Chris said with a smile , "This is Mary my daughter . I'm a single father ."
"Hey , Mary . How old are you ?" Louis asked with a smile .
"I'm fifteen ." She answered shyly .
"Well , I'm nineteen and Harry is twenty , that's not that big of a gap . We're still childish too , don't be shy ." Louis pinched her cheek softly , she blushed and smiled .
"Mary , why don't you help the nice lads with the table , I'll go help Derek with the grill , okay ?" Chris moved a piece of hair out of her face , she nodded and watched as her father walked away .
"Come on , let's get started ." Harry handed her a pile of glasses one in another (like a tower) , she held it carefully and followed him out . Louis grabbed a handful of forks and knives and walked behind them outside .
They organized the table while Chris asked Louis and Harry some quiestions .
"You know , I think I saw you at the gym once or twice ." Chris told Harry , who nodded , "Yeah , I train there for six years now . I'm boxing three times a week and training four times ."
"Oh , so you're the young one going professional ?" Chris raised his brows , Harry nodded .
"Everyone in the gym is talking about you , mate ." Chris chuckled , Harry smiled lightly , "Yeah , heard about the bets they put on me ."
"What bets ?" Louis spoke up , raising an eyebrow at Harry .
Harry sighed , "Gym trainers are putting bets on my first fight and how far along I'd make it until I quit , or get to the hospital . I don't give a -" Harry stopped himself from cursing , "I don't care about this ."
Louis bit his lower lip and finished with the knives and forks , walking back into the house with Mary following . He handed her two salad bowls , when there was a knock on the door . Tiffany went to answer , letting in two adults and two children .
"Come on , we'll say hello in a bit ." Louis walked outside with Mary , they placed the salad bowls on the table .
Louis walked up to Harry , "Haz , more neighbours are here , let's go say hello ." He said , Harry nodded and they walked back into the house .
Tiffany was talking to the two adults , there was another little girl talking to Cher , and a young boy standing next to the adults .
"Hello ." Harry spoke up , the adults and boy turned to them . "I'm Harry , this is my fiance Louis . We're the new neighbours ."
"My name is Bruce , this is my wife Kelly . This is my son Adam and daughter Nina ." Bruce introduced them with a smile .
"Well , everyhting is ready outside , Bruce , Derek is outside at the grill with Chris , you can give him the steaks ." Tiffany said , she lifted Cher into her ams and they all walked outside .
"Hello Derek , Chris ." Bruce walked up to the two men , placing the steaks on the table near them .
Louis watched as Mary's eyes widened as they walked out to the backyard , obviously because of Adam . She was sitting on the swing bench , so he went to sit next to her .
"You have a crush on him , don't you ?" He asked , watching her shaking her head , "N-no ."
"Aw , you do . How cute !" He cooed .
"He doesn't like me back though ." She looked to her lap , "I'm way out of his league ."
"And I'm way out of Harry's league , but look at us now ." He rubbed her back , "Everything will turn out good ."
"Adam is seventeen , he's popular and on the school's football team . He doesn't even look my way at school , he only talks to me when we meet up with the neighbours like today ." She fiddled with her fingers .
"Ooh , he's coming over ." He nudged her to look up , she looked up at him with her eyes slightly wide .
"Hey , Mary ." He smiled at her , leaning down to give her a small hug .
"H-hi ." She said back , hugging him cautiously .
"Adam , do you mind saving my seat ? I need to talk to Harry for a minute ." Louis said and got up , Adam nodded and took a seat next to Mary as Louis walked over to Harry .
"We have a mission ." Louis said , "We need to get Mary and Adam together ."
Harry looked over to the two teens , he saw Adam talking to Mary , making her giggle and blush shyly .
"Aw , they're so cute ." Harry cooed , "What's the plan ?"
"I don't know , but we need them to get together ." Louis said , "Don't stare so they won't be suspicios ." He slapped his arm gently .
"So Louis , Harry . Tell us a little about yourselves ." Kelly asked , sipping on her juice .
"Well , I'm nineteen , Harry is twenty . Uh , we met at high-school , a year and a half ago ." Louis started , "We've been together for more than a year . Harry is going to be a professional boxer , and uh , I don't know what else ."
"When did you move in ?" Bruce asked .
"Three weeks ago , a bit more ." Harry said as he kicked the ball back to Nathan .
"You seem very attached ." Tiffany said with a smile . Louis blushed slightly , "Yeah , that's - that's true ."
"Well what can you say , I've got the best angel god could give me ." Harry said with a smile , sneaking a kiss to Louis' cheek . The adults cooed , Louis blushed with a giggle escaping his lips .
"Adam , Mary , come join us !" Kelly called over to the two teens , the two looked up and walked over to them .
"So , you two go to the same school ?" Harry asked , they nodded quietly . Louis asked what school , and Adam answered .
"Oh ! My sisters go there too !" Louis smiled widely , "Lottie and Felicite ."
"You're Felicite's brother ?" Mary asked , Louis nodded . "She's in my grade , real sweet ." Mary smiled .
"Lottie , the blonde with the blue eyes ? She's in my grade ." Adam said with a smile , "We have English together ."
"That's so cool ! They'll probably be embarrassed when I tell them I met their friends ." Louis giggled to himself .
"Food is almost ready , you can sit at the table ." Derek said , they all sat around the table and kept the convetsation going , while eating a bit of the salads and drinking juice and soda .
"Thanks for having us ." Harry and Louis said goodbye to everyone , Louis went to hug Mary , "Talk to me if you need advice , alright ?"
She blushed but nodded , Louis pinched her cheek and saw Harry whispering something to Adam . He raised his eyebrow and looked back to Mary , "Sorry about Harry being embarrassing , he just is ." He giggled , making her giggle too .
They said their final goodbye and walked out of the house , crossing the street back to their place .
"It was fun ." Louis said with a smile , "What did you say to Adam when we left ?"
"He's kind of crushing on Mary too , but he kept saying that he has a reputation to keep on . I told him that if he really likes her he should just go for it without giving a single fuck ." Harry said as they walked into their place .
Louis punched Harry's bicep for swearing , "Don't swear ."
"Sorry love ." Harry chuckled and pecked his cheek , "Do you want to take a nap ? It's been a long day ." Harry suggested , Louis nodded , "Yeah , let me just get changed ."
They changed into comfier clothes , Louis crawled under the covers with Harry following .
"I want to be the big spoon this time ." Louis announced , Harry just laughed , "Nice try , bite size ."
"I'm serious ." Louis pouted , "I want to be the big spoon ."
"Lovely , you're a tiny little thing , you're meant to be the little spoon ." Harry booped his nose , "Now come here , my little spoon ."
"No . I want to be the big spoon ." Louis crossed his arms with a pout .
Harry sighed , "Alright , alright . Just this one time ."
"Yes !!" Louis threw his hands in the air , Harry chuckled and kissed his lips .
Louis lied with his chest pressed to Harry's back , his arms hardly circling his torso .
"Are you comfy ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded . "Mhm . I like it ."
About ten minutes later , Louis taps Harry's shoulder . "Hazzie ?"
"What , lovely ?"
"Can we switch ?"
Harry smirked , "But I thought you wanted to be the big spoon ."
"I'm not comfy anymore . I'm going to leave this job to you ." He pulled his arms from Harry's torso and turned his back to him . He felt Harry shuffling on the bed before wrapping his arms around Louis , he pressed multiple kisses to his neck , "You're so adorable , my lovely ."
Louis giggled and squirmed , "Hazzieeee , stop . I want sleep , not tickles ."
Harry chuckled and kissed his cheek , "Get some rest , lovely ."
"If you let me , I will ." He sassed , Harry raised his eyebrow and poked at his side , Louis giggled , "Stooop , I'm sorry I sassed you !" He pushed his hand away .
Harry laughed and stopped , "Get some rest now , will you ."
Louis giggled and scooted back farther into Harry , Harry wrapped him tightly and kissed his temple .
Another chappie is oveeer .
Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't . Love you all , stay amazing x
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