Ch. 48

Enjoy x


Harry walked out of the gym after a training , He showered there and changed into regular clothes . Louis smiled at him through his window , leaning to kiss him as Harry got in the passenger's seat .

"Hey . Did you have a good training ?" Louis asked as Harry buckled himself , Harry nodded , "Yeah , it was good ."

They were invited to a barbecue at Zayn and Niall's place , along with some other friends they don't know from their workplaces .

"How did your meeting with Jannet go ?" Harry asked as Louis pulled out of the parking spot .

"It went great , things are progressing really well ." Louis said with a smile .

"Also , I want you to come with me so we can pick me a new car ." Harry said .

"Okay , when ?" Louis asked and stopped at a red light .

"I'm thinking in two days , after my morning training . You'll finish your shift and come pick me up . I kind of know what I want so it won't take long ." Harry said , "I really want you there , I want to know you approve of the car I'll choose ."

"You know I don't mind which car you pick , as long as you like it . For all I care you can buy yourself a pink golf cart and I'll be okay with it ."

Harry laughed and put his hand on his thigh , "I love how supportive you are ."

"I'll always be ." Louis sent him a smile and turned back to the road . Harry bit his lower lip as he stared at him , getting lost in his thoughts about how lucky he is and how he managed to get such a perfect person .

"It's rude to stare ." Louis reached to poke Harry's cheek , blushing softly .

"You're my husband and I'll stare for as long as I want to ." Harry smiled , knowing Louis loves it when he calls him husband .

Louis smiled with crinkles by his eyes , "We're here ." He parked in front of the house , seeing a few cars there already .

They got out of Louis' car , Harry took his hand and knocked on the door with his other hand . Zayn opened the door with a smile , hugging the two . "Hey , come in . We're all out in the yard , let's go ."

The two followed him through the house and out to the yard , seeing a few of their friends they didn't know , most likely from their workplaces .

"Let's go greet Niall ." Harry said and took Louis with him , Niall turned to face them and grinned . "My favourite couple !"

Louis giggled as Niall jumped on them in a hug , "We missed you too , Ni ."

Harry patted Niall's back before pulling back from the hug . "You been good ?"

"Been great ." Niall smiled at them , "There are drinks over there if you'd like ." He pointed to a table , they nodded and went to get themselves something .

Louis filled two cups with coke for him and Harry , handing Harry a cup . Harry thanked him and took a sip , before putting his arm around his shoulders , "Winter's here , she just walked in . Let's go say hi ."

Louis grinned and handed Harry his cup , running over to Winter . They grinned at each other and hugged , squeezing each other .

Harry chuckled to himself and walked over , handing Louis his cup and giving Winter a hug . "You been okay ?"

"Yeah , i'm good . You two ?" Winter asked , Louis put his head on her shoulder , "We need to meet more Winnie , we barely see each other ."

She put her head on his , "I know , but I just got a new job and I'm trying to keep up with things ."

"Where are you working now ?"

"Last week I started bartending at this new club . I mean , I don't like clubbing but it pays me good , and in a few months I'll be able to move out again and get my own place ."

"That's great . We'll come say hello , then . What days you work ?"

"Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and Saturday nights , eight p.m to four a.m . A normal eight hour shift ."

"That's really good , I'm happy for you ."

Winter smiled , when Zayn approached them and put his arm around Harry's shoulders , "Food is almost ready , and Liam is here ."

"Let's go say hi ." Harry said , Louis nodded and followed him to where Liam was standing , talking to Niall .

"Hey Liam ." Harry said , Liam turned to face them and smiled , "Hey , didn't see you ."

"Yeah , we went to get drinks ." Louis held up his cup , now noticing Winter isn't with them , though he understood .

"Is - is Winter here ?" He asked , Harry bit his lower lip but nodded . "Yeah , I don't know where though .

While Louis and Harry went to greet Liam , Winter stayed with Zayn . He smiled softly , "Come here ." He brought her into his side , rubbing her arm . "It'll be okay ."

"Sometimes I want to forgive him , but - but I just can't . He keeps talking about how he wants us back together and all , but I can't bring myself to look at him like this . I think I should just tell him we won't ever get back together . Do you think I should do that ?"

Zayn nodded , "If you told him that you two still have a chance , even the slightest , and now you feel like you can't , you should tell him so you won't lead him on . I know he's waiting for you to come back to him , which you clearly don't want to , so just tell him ."

She nodded , leaning her head on his shoulder , when a guy approached them . He was about Zayn's height , covered in tattoos . "Hey ."

Zayn smiled , "Hey , Brennen ."

"Why don't you introduce us ?" Brennen asked , giving Winter a smile . Zayn chuckled , "Brennen , this is Winter , we've been best friends since high school . Winter , this is Brennen , we work together at the tattoo parlor ."

Brennen held his hand out , "Nice meeting you ."

"Nice meeting you too ." Winter shook his hand with a smile , when they heard someone calling Zayn's name . Zayn excused himself and walked away , leaving them together . 

Louis looked around for Winter , grinning as he spotted her talking and laughing with a guy . He patted Harry's arm , "Look ."

Harry turned his head to face them , chuckling softly . "Do you think they'll get together ?"

"Possibly . I mean , maybe not , but if they're going to date , he'll have to go through me ."

Harry laughed and put his arm around his waist , "You're cute when you try to be intimidating ."

"I can't be cute and intimidating at the same time ."

"Because you're just cute , you aren't intimidating ."

"Are we going to go through this again ?" Louis crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow , Harry laughed and kissed his forehead , "No , because we both know what the truth is .

"Is it ... Winter ?" They heard someone asking , both turning their heads to see Liam watching Winter and the guy . Louis bit his lower lip and looked up at Harry , before looking back at Liam . "Yeah ."

"She's doing it on purpose , isn't she ?" Liam asked , Harry put his arm around his shoulders , "Don't get overdramatic . She told you you two might not get back together , don't forget you hurt her ."

Liam sighed , "But I love her ."

Louis pouted and put his head on Liam's shoulder , "Don't be sad . Everything will be okay ."

"Let's go get something to eat ." Harry said , wanting to distract Liam from the two . Liam and Louis nodded and followed him to the table , taking plates and filling them with food .

Winter smiled and thanked Brennen as he handed her an XL can , he opened it for her and smiled back . They were in the middle of a conversation , when she felt someone tapping her shoulder softly .

She turned her head , her heart skipping a beat when she saw Liam . She gave him a smile , "Hey Liam ."

"Hey ." He smiled back and brought her into a hug , she was surprised but put her arms around him , pulling back two seconds later . "Nice seeing you ." He said .

"You too ." She nodded , "Uhm , could we talk later ? I'm in the middle of talking to Brennen ."

Liam looked over at Brennen , who smiled and held his hand out , "Hey lad ."

"Hey ." Liam shook his hand , then turned to face Winter , "So you're moving on ?"

She sighed , "Liam , can we not do this now ?"

"No , I want you to tell me . Are you moving on ?"

Winter was about to turn him down again when Harry popped up , placing his arm around Liam . "Liam , let's go ."

Liam didn't have time to protest before Harry dragged him away , Winter sighed out and bit her lower lip .

"What was that ?" Brennen asked , she gave him an apologetic smile . "Liam and I have history together . It happened not long ago and the wound is still fresh , for both of us ."

"Would you mind if I asked what happened ?" Brennen asked , stepping closer to her .

"Shortly , we dated , he asked me to marry him , I said yes , then found out he's been cheating on me . We broke up a few months ago , and just recently got to the point we're okay around each other . He told me he'd wait , and I told him not to because we might not get back together ." Winter said , "Could you excuse me for a few minutes ?"

Brennen nodded and watched as she walked away .

Winter walked into the house , where she saw Liam and Harry walking into . She walked into the living room , seeing Liam sitting on the couch with Harry and Louis standing there .

"Guys , could you give Liam and I a minute alone ?" She asked , Louis kissed her cheek comfortingly and followed Harry out of the house back to the yard .

Liam got up from the couch , he opened his mouth to talk but Winter got him first .

"You had no right to do that , Liam . Absolutely no right , not in front of Brennen and not ever . How can you ask me if I'm moving on ?"

"Winter ... -"

"And what if I am trying to move on ? I already told you we might not get back together , because you hurt me so bad , and every time I look at you it reminds me of that day I walked in on you and Cheryl kissing ."

"Please give us a chance ." Liam tried , but Winter shook her head , "I can't , I can't . I'm sorry . I'm sorry I'm saying it like this , but we'll never get back together . I can't bring myself to . This is impossible ."

Liam frowned sadly , "Are you sure ?"

Winter nodded , crossing her arms on her chest . "I'm sure . I'm sorry , but I can't . And I don't want to lead you on and say we have a chance , because I really can't ."

"Even the slightest ?"

"Liam , you have to let go and move on . Find someone else who will love you , okay ? I loved you , and we have amazing memories together , but that's it . We won't have anything other than that . Maybe in the future I'll be more okay around you , but right now I can't . Please understand me ."

"So we're not getting back together , ever ?" Liam asked almost in a whisper , watching as Winter nodded . "I'm sorry ."

"Don't be . I know I fucked up , and I regret it . I won't ever stop loving you , you can always ask me for anything if you want to ."

Winter nodded again , "Yeah , okay ."

Liam took a deep breath and excused himself , walking out of the living room and up the stairs to the bathroom .

Winter sighed sadly and wiped a stray tear , sitting herself on the armchair . She took a few deep breaths and wiped her tears before they fell , when Brennen kneeled in front of her . "Are you okay ?"

She half-smiled , "I'm okay . I just need a minute ."

"Want me to get your friends ? Specifically the small one with the blue eyes ?" He gave her a soft smile , making her smile back , "That'll be great ,  thank you ."

"I'll be right back ." He said , getting up and out of the living room . Less than a minute later Louis walked into the living room and fit himself with Winter in the armchair , his arms wrapping around her .

"Did your talk go okay ?" He asked as he rubbed her back , she nodded and told him what they said and how it ended .

"You know , I have a good feeling about Brennen ." Louis said with a smile , she smiled back , "You think so ?"

"He looked really worried when he came to get me ." Louis nodded and leaned his chin on her shoulder , "We should all go on a double date ."

"I just met him barely an hour ago , Lou ." She laughed , Louis giggled , "I know , but I can see you two getting together . Get his phone number and see how things go , I have a good feeling ."

"As long as you approve ." She leaned her head on his head , he nodded , "I approve . I'll make Harry approve aswell , because you know how he is when he's getting protective . You have no idea what he did to Tommy , Lottie's boyfriend ."

Winter laughed again , "I'm sure it'll all turn out good ."

Louis nodded and kissed her cheek again , "Ready to go back out ?"

She nodded , they stood up and walked out to the yard . Zayn and Niall approached her and hugged her , they heard from Brennen what happened . Harry was up in the bathroom with Liam , and came back alone , saying Liam decided to leave .

When the barbecue was over Louis , Harry and Winter stayed to help Zayn and Niall clean the yard and get everything back in place .

"Let's go home ." Harry put his arm around Louis , who leaned against him and wrapped his arms around his waist . "Want me to drive or you ?"

"You ." Louis said , Harry took they car keys from Louis' back pocket , they said goodbye to everyone and walked out of the house . Harry opened the passenger's door for Louis , Louis pecked his cheek and got in , Harry closed his door and got in the driver's seat .

"Want to take a bath when we get home ?" Harry asked and pulled out of the parking spot , Louis smiled and nodded , "Yeah , it'll be great ."

Soon Harry parked in their parking spot , they got out of the car and walked into the house . They smiled as Milky and Peaches greeted them , Harry closed the door and locked it , "I'll go get the bath ready ."

Louis nodded from his spot on the floor with Milky on his chest and Peaches excitedly running around him . A few minutes later Harry called him , he got up from the floor and walked into the bathroom .

He quickly undressed , Harry helped him into the bath and they washed each other .

Louis climbed into Harry's lap , his legs on each side of him . He pressed their lips together , arms wrapped around his shoulders . Harry smiled and brought him closer , "You're cute even when you try telling me you want to make love ."

Louis smiled and kissed his dimple , "Am I too obvious ?"

"Mm , maybe ." Harry chuckled , "But I love it . I love you ."

"I love you too ." Louis kissed him again , running his fingers through his hair as Harry reached his arm out to the drawer to get a condom .


Harry smiled at his small husband as Louis fought sleep , his eyes closing and opening .

"Go to sleep , lovely ." Harry kissed his cheek as he scratched his back under his shirt . 

"I want to stay up with you some more ." Louis scooted closer to him , Harry squeezed him into his chest and kissed his temple , "It's your day off tomorrow , we'll have all day to be together ."

"Promise ?" Louis looked up at him , Harry kissed the tip of his nose , "Promise . Get some sleep , Boo . Good night ."

"Night Hazzie ."


Hope you liked it and it was okay . x


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