Ch. 42

Enjoy x


"No pouting , lovely ." Harry chuckled and rubbed Louis' back as they packed their things ; their honeymoon came to an end , and they need to leave for their flight in an hour .

"But I love it here , I don't want to leave ." Louis whined as he folded his last piece of clothing before going to get his things from the bathroom .

When he came back Harry wrapped his arms around him from behind , chin on his shoulder , "I know you do , and if we could live here forever we would ." He kissed his cheek , "But we need to go back to our families , and friends . And Peaches and Milky must miss us a lot ."

"My babies ." Louis mumbled to himself , Harry smiled , "And we get to give everyone their gifts , isn't it exciting ?"

"It is . But I still don't want to leave ." Louis crossed his arms over his chest ,

Harry pressed a long , soft kiss to his cheek , "I promise that when my ring fights season ends we can go on another small vacation . Okay ?"

Louis turned to face him and wrapped his arms around his middle , head resting on his chest , "I'd love that ."

Harry kissed his head and squeezed him , "Now finish packing so we won't be late for our flight ."

Louis let out a soft whine but kept packing , he put half of the presents in his suitcase , the other half in Harry's suitcase .

When they were all packed up they took their things and went down to the reception , signed out and gave the key cards back . Harry also met up with the guy he rented the car from , he gave him the keys back and thanked him .

They took a taxi to the airport , went through security and boarded their flight , and landed back in England eleven hours later .

They reached home at eight p.m , both were exhausted . They texted their families and friends they're home safely and scheduled a lunch at their place for tomorrow , after not seeing them for ten days they were all missing each other .


Harry woke up at eight a.m , sighing out softly . Louis was still asleep next to him , he rolled to kiss his cheek sleepily before getting out of bed to brush his teeth .

He decided to let Louis sleep in a little more , he went to make himself some tea before starting with the food for lunch .

Louis woke up at nine thirty , whining when Harry wasn't next to him . He opened his eyes and rolled around the bed a little before settling , sighing contently at the familiar smell of their home , and not the hotel .

He stretched out and yawned , falling limp back on the mattress . He rolled himself out of bed , going to brush his teeth and use the bathroom .

When he was done he walked out of the bedroom , hsi eyes still half open . He saw Harry with his back towards him , he wrapped his arms around him from behind , face pressed into the middle of his bare back .

Harry smiled and put his hands ontop of Louis' , "Good morning ."

"Mornin' ." Louis mumbled , Harry turned around to face him and kissed his forehead , "You can go sit on the couch , I'll make you tea and biscuits ."

"Mm , okay . Thanks ." Louis said , but didn't make any effort to unattach himself from Harry .

Harry smiled softly and kissed his forehead , "Want to sit on the counter instead ?" Harry easily picked him up , sitting him ontop of the counter , before he had to go back to the food so it wouldn't burn .

In the meantime Louis took his favourite mug out of the cabinet right above his head , he put it on the counter and yawned .

Harry quickly fixed him his tea and handed him a few biscuits , Louis thanked him and ate quietly as he watched Harry preparing the food .

"Hazzie ?"

"Yeah ?" Harry lifted his head up , Louis smiled softly , "I didn't get to say a proper thank you , for the honeymoon . It was the best I could ever ask for . Thank you ." He held his arms out for a hug , Harry walked into his arms and wrapped him back in his embrace , "You're more than welcome , lovely ."

"I mean it . I had so much fun , I never wanted it to end ." Louis kissed his cheek , pulling back to look at him , "Thank you for being an amazing husband ."

Harry grinned at him and pressed their lips together , Louis cupped his cheekbefore his eyes ripped open , "The food !"

"Ah , shit ." Harry sighed , and ran back to the stove , "See what you did to me ? Got me all distracted way too easily ."

Louis giggled , "Didn't mean to ."

"Sure you didn't , you little menace ." Harry teased , Louis tried reaching him with his foot to kick him , "Stop , I'm not little ."

Harry chuckled , "If you weren't little you would reach me to kick me ." Harry gave his foot a quick tickle , Louis pulled his foot back with a giggle , "Meanie ."


Two hours later the food was ready , the table was set and both boys were dressed .

There was a knock on the door , Louis jumped up from the couch and ran to the door excitedly , throwing it open . He squealed at Zayn and Niall , wrapping each arm around their necks .

"Missed you !" He grinned , the two laughed and squeezed him back . He let them in , Niall kept his arm wrapped around Louis' waist , "Howwas the honeymoon ? I mean , we could tell you had a blast by the pictures , but still ."

"It was perfect . Just perfect ." Louis grinned , Zayn pinched his cheek softly , "You two deserve that ."

"Hello ." Harry walked out of the bedroom to greet the two , when there was another knock on the door . Louis was quick to answer , when he was immediately attacked by the twins in a hug .

He giggled and wrapped his arms around them , "Hey , little monsters ."

He let his family in , hugging Jay tightly and taking Doris from her arms . "My Doo , how are you ?" He kissed her cheek and smiled , she put her hands on his cheeks and gurgled , making him smile wider .

Ernest squealed at him from Lottie's arms , Louis awwed and handed Doris back to Jay before taking Ernest . "My Ernie , did you miss me ?"

Ernest squealed again , making Louis smile and kiss his cheek , "Missed you too ."

Harry came over to greet Ernest too , he rubbed the baby's back , "Hello ."

Ernest stretched his arms for Harry to hold him , Harry grinned and took him into his arms , "I missed you too , mate ." He put him on his hip and tickled him lightly , "Can't wait to see you in the outfits we brought you and your sister ."

Soon enough Anne , Gemma , Robin and Winter joined aswell , Winter also brought over Milky and Peaches along with their things .

"My babies !" Louis grinned and took both the puppy and kitten into his arms , giggling as Peaches licked his cheek repeatedly . Milky meowed and crawled up on his shoulder , Harry took her off and kissed her tiny head , letting her sit on his chest .

"Let's put them in our room for now ." Harry put his hand on the small of Louis' back , but Louis shook his head , "Not now , a few more minutes ." Louis cradled Peaches close , Anne smiled , "Let the boy be , Harry ."

"You're lucky I love you ." Harry whispered to him and pinched at his side lightly , Louis shifted away from him and grinned . He went to stand next to Winter , "How were my babies ?"

"They were great , Peaches peed a twice in the kitchen but it was all good ." Winter laughed a little , "They're great cuddlers ."

"I know ." Louis cooed and smiled as Harry placed Milky on his chest too , "Also Peaches is now larger than when we first got her , she was so tiny and she grew ."

"Large or tiny , she's adorable ." Winter scratched behind Peaches' ear , Louis kissed the puppy's head , "If I weren't hungry I would cuddle you two some more , but we'll have time for that later ."

He went to put them in his and Harry's bedroom , kissing the two once more before closing the door .

He went to stand next to Lottie and Felicite , wrapping his arms around their shoulders , "How have you two been ?"

"Been good ." Felicite said and put her arm around him , "How was the honeymoon ?"

"Perfect ." Louis said with a smile , "We got everyone some gifts , you'll get them when we're done eating ."

"Food is ready , come sit at the table ." Anne and Harry announced , the three families surrounded the table as the food was handed around .


After eating , giving away the presents and tidying up the kitchen and dining table , everyone left . Winter stayed though , Louis wanted to talk to her .

"Have you and Liam talked since what happened at your work ?" He asked , looking up at her , since he had his head on her lap .

"No , he tried coming to my work place again but I wasn't in the shift ." She said , "He called me a few times but I didn't answer . I don't want to see him or talk to him just yet , I'm still making up my mind ."

"Do you ever consider going back to him ?" Louis asked , she sighed , "Sometimes . But then the images of him kissing that girl , and how he told me it's not the first time they've been together - it makes me rethink ."

Louis pouted a little and held her hand , "Can I tell you my opinion on the whole situation ?" Winter nodded .

"I think you should just stop thinking and hear him out . Maybe you'll find out something you didn't know before ."

"Lou , do you remember what he told Harry ? That he's tired of me . Tired of us all ."

"Maybe it was the heat of the moment and he didn't mean it . It happens ."

"There's always a possibility , but it's hard to see it like this ."

"Winnie , I know he hurt you really bad , he hurt all of us . But let's not forget it's Liam , our Liam who will always look after us like a father , and will love us no matter what . I mean , if it weren't for him meeting with me on the first day of school , we wouldn't be here today ."

"I know he's done a lot of good things , but the recent htings he did - he cheated on me , Lou . I can't just forgive him like it never happened ."

"I'm not saying to forgive him if you don't want to , but just talk to him . Do you want Harry and I to be there too , incase it gets too much ?"

"Thanks but no , if we're going to talk I want this to be private ."

"Okay . Please consider atleast being okay with him . And after he talks to you tell him we all want to talk to him , we need this too ."

"Yeah , okay ." Winter nodded and squeezed his hand , "Thank you ."

"You're welcome ." Louis smiled up at her , Harry walked out of their bedroom after showering , "Lou , your turn to shower ."

Louis pouted , Winter laughed a little , "Go , I need to go back home anyways , promised my brother a movie night ."

"Tell him we said hi ." Louis got up from the couch and walked her to the door , they hugged and she left .

Harry smacked his bum softly , "Go shower ."

Louis squeaked and slapped him wherever his hands landed , Harry laughed and just stood there , "You know it doesn't hurt , right ?"

"Oh you're so tough now . Look at me , I'm Harry , I talk slow because I'm weird and I think I'm scary ." Louis mocked him , screeching and running away when he saw Harry's playful glare .

"Get back here !" Harry called and chased him , Louis wasn't quick enough to close and lock their bedroom door before it was pushed open , Harry's arms wrapped around him and he was thrown on the bed .

Harry was quick to cage him down , fingers tickling at his sides and around his stomach . "You thought you could get away ?"

Louis threw his head back and pushed at Harry's hands , his legs kicking as much as he could . "Hazzieeee !"

"Nope , this is your punishment for being cheeky ." Harry laughed along with him , he took his wrists and pinned them down , leaning his head down to blow a raspberry on his neck .

"No ! Hazzie , Hazzie , please !" Louis called through his laughter , "I'm sorry !"

Harry blew two more raspberries , mostly because eh enjoyed his tiny husband' laugh , before he pulled back and kissed his lips , "Now get in shower ."

Louis whined and crossed his arms over his chest , "You're mean . I'll get you back ."

After showering Louis wore his favourite pair of Adidas shorts and crop-top , he walked out of the bathroom with his body cream bottle . Harry was laying in bed with his phone in his hands , Louis pretended to ignore him as he started rubbing the lotion on his legs , arms and torso .

Harry watched him with a smile , "Need help ?"

"No , I'm good ." Louis said , Harry got up and took the bottle , "At least let me get your back ."

Louis turned around and let Harry do his back , Harry kissed his shoulder when he was done , "There you go ."

"Thank you ." Louis took the bottle and put it back in the bathroom , when he walked out Harry was back in his spot on the bed . He lied next to him on his front , arms crossed under his head .

"Lunch was amazing , I missed everyone ." Harry smiled down at him and ran his fingers through Louis' still slightly wet hair , Louis nodded with a smile , "Me too . I'm so happy for Zayn and Niall , for their wedding ."

"Yeah , can't wait for it ." Harry sighed .

Louis yawned a little before stretching , his bum lifting in the air a little . Harry bit his lower lip and reached down to caress his bum , bug Louis slapped his hand away , "Don't , you can't touch me ."

Harry raised his eyebrows , "Excuse me ?"

"You've been mean to me , so I'm mean to you . Therefore , you can't touch me ." Louis swatted his hand again and turned to lie on his side with his back to him .

Harry's eyebrows furrowed , eyes darkening slightly . He grabbed Louis' hips , pulling him into his chest , his bum pressed to Harry's crotch . "Are you sure about that ?"

"Yes ." Louis squirmed in his hold , "Let go ."

"You wouldn't be saying that in a few minutes ." Harry flipped him on his back and lifted himself up ontop of him , pressing their lips together .


"I'm sorry I was being mean ." Harry kissed Louis' cheek , "Even though I enjoy it ."

Louis giggled a little , "I'm sorry I was mean too ."

"And you sure did enjoy it ." Harry winked , Louis slapped his chest and laughed .

Harry lifted his head up and pressed their lips together , Louis wrapped his arms around his neck , "Hazzie , I'm tired ."

"Right ." Harry pulled back and smiled , pecking the tip of his nose . "Good night , lovely ."

"Night ."


It wasn't really good , but next one will be interesting , I promise .

Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x


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