Ch. 4

Another chapter . Yeeeee .

Enjoy x


"Hazzie , wake up ." Louis shook Harry's shoulder gently , "Zi and Ni invited us for lunch at Zayn's , remember ? We need to be there soon ."

Harry sighed and nodded , "I remember . I'm tired though ."

"Me too ." Louis nodded and cuddled into Harry's back , "And I have a shift right after ." He pouted .

"And I have a session ." Harry turned around and wrapped his arms around Louis , "When do we need to be there ?"

"Noon ." Louis pressed himself closer to Harry , "It's almost ten thirty now ."

"Hm .What do you say , we can take a bath . We haven't had one in ages , and we were really sweaty last night ." Harry lowered his lips to Louis' ear , Louis giggled and blushed , "Okay ."

They got out of bed and pulled their boxers on , Louis changed the sheets while Harry got the bath ready .

"Lou , what do you say , should we add a bath bomb ?" Harry asked from the bathroom .

"Yes !! The vanilla one !" Louis called back .

Soon the bath was ready , Harry helped Louis in and they sat in front of each other in the milky white water . Louis reached for the sponge and poured a bit of soap on it , scooting closer to Harry to clean him up .

Harry smiled as he watched Louis , sneaking kisses to his cheeks when he was close enough . Louis smiled and giggled inbetween , returning the kisses . When he finished Harry took the sponge from his hands , "Pass me the soap ."

Louis handed him the bottle and sat with his back to Harry , Harry rubbed the sponge gently on his back and shoulders , pulling him closer to clean his arms and front .

They finished their bath , Harry got out of the tub to get him and Louis towels . He wrapped a towel around Louis , "I'll go get you clean boxers , alright ?"

Louis nodded , Harry pecked his forehead before stepping out of the bathroom . Louis dried himself and got into the boxers Harry gave him , he dried his hair and walked out of the bathroom in his boxers to the closet .

Harry was in there already , looking for clothes . Louis took himself a pair of black jeans and tried reaching for his shirt , whining when he couldn't reach it .

Harry turned to him , chuckling to himself . He reached for a pile of shirts , "Which one ?"

"The light brown one ." Louis pointed , Harry nodded and handed him the shirt , "There you go , shortie ."

Louis giggled , "Thanks , hulk ."

Harry pinched his cheek and they got dressed , Louis stood in front of the mirror and fixed his hair , Harry took a bit of gel in his hands and did his hair into a quiff .

Louis walked to the front door and took his white converse , going to sit on the couch to put them on .

Harry slipped his feet into his Timberland shoes and walked to Louis , crouching down in front of him to tie his shoes for him . Louis smiled and pecked his cheek , "Roll my jeans up ." He held his legs up , Harry chuckled and rolled the ends of his jeans up .

"What time is it now ?" Harry asked , looking at the clock . "Eleven fifteen . Do you want a cup of tea and a biscuit before we leave ?" Harry asked .

"Yeah , I'd like that ." Louis said with a smile , he followed Harry to the kitchen and sat on the counter .

"Hand me the tea bags love , it's above your head in the cabinet ." Harry said as he pulled two mugs from the other cabinet . Louis opened the cabinet above his head and pulled out two tea bags , handing them to Harry .

Harry went to the fridge and took milk out , and brought sugar from the drawer on the way .

"There you go ." Harry handed Louis his mug , "Milk , no sugar ."

"Thanks ." Louis pressed a quick kiss to his lips , Harry smiled and stood between his legs , hands resting on his hips , "When is your shift today ?"

"Three to nine ." Louis said and took a sip of his tea , "I'll probably take my uniform and change there , we won't have time to stop here after lunch ."

Harry hummed , he took a sip of his mug and went to get the cookies . He placed the jar next to them , Louis took a cookie and bit on it , feeding the other half to Harry .


"Hey Ni ." The two smiled at Niall who opened the door , Niall hugged them and let them in , "Everything will be ready in just a few , come on ."

Zayn and Winter were in the kitchen watching over the food while Liam was making the table .

Louis went to hug Winter , who hugged him back , "Hi Lou ."

"Hey , how are you ?" He asked and pulled back .

"I'm good , just found a job and I absolutely love it there ." She said with a smile .

"Oh , where ?"

"The ice cream shop , the one across the Adidas store ."

"Aw congarts ! I'll definitely stop by when I can ."

"Where , the ice cream shop or Adidas ?" Winter teased , giggling . Louis laughed , "Well , both ."

Zayn poked Louis' side , "Come say hello , you snob ."

Louis giggled and turned to Zayn , hugging him , "Hey Z ."

"Hey , how're you ? Okay ?" Zayn asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah , I'm great . You ?"

Zayn bit his lower lip , "I'm going to propose soon ."

Louis gasped but Zayn shushed him , Louis bit his lower lip with a wide smile on , "Tell me about it !"

"Well , I planned us a small roadtrip , and I'm going to do it then . It's next week and I'm nervous as hell ." Zayn wiped a bit of sweat off his forehead .

"Don't be , Ni loves you so so much . But I swear if you don't film it I'm hanging you upside down and letting Haz use you as a punching bag ." Louis tried threatening , but Zayn just laughed , "Sure you will ."

"Sure he will , what ?" Harry asked as he walked into the kitchen .

"Can I tell him ?" Louis asked Zayn , he nodded and Louis turned to Harry excitedly , bringing him down to his level so he could whisper in his ear , "Zayn is going to propose to Ni next week !"

"Oh , will you ?" Harry asked with a smile on his lips , he hugged Zayn and patted his back .

"I told him that if he doesn't film it for us then I'm hanging him upside down so you can use him as a punching bag ."

Harry chuckled , "Well , I have to agree ."

"Food is ready !" Winter announced and turned the oven off , Zayn took the two salad bowls to the table . Louis helped Winter with the food and brought everything to the table , he greeted Liam and all six sat around the square table .

"So , how have you all been ?" Liam asked .

"We've been good , a bit busy ." Zayn sighed .

"I've got a new job ." Harry announced with a smile , "Paul , my boxing coach , suggested me to become a professional boxer . So , I took it ."

"Congatulations !" Niall patted his shoulder , "Well , does it mean you're going to competitions now ?"

"Well , not now , but in general yeah . I just started training , I'm still a beginner though . I have a few months before I go to my first competition ."

"H , that's great ! Kick their ass , will you ?" Liam chuckled .

Harry laughed , "Well , it's a part of winning , isn't it ?"

"Well , I found a new job , and in a little while Li and I will have enough money for our own house ." Winter said with a smile .

"Yeah , I just found a new job too , at a tattoo parlor . My boss is great , the job is great , and it pays good ."

"What parlor ? Who's your boss ?" Harry asked , Zayn didn't understand why all the questions but he answered , "The parlor in the middle of town , my boss is Tom ."

"Mate , he's one of my best mates . Tell him I said hi , I'll come visit soon . Did you meet Louise and Lux ?"

"Yeah , they're great ." Zayn said with a smile , "I'll tell him for you ."

"And you , Lou , anything new ?" Liam asked , and Louis shrugged , "No , just the usual ."

"I met your friend the other day , Erin ." Winter said , "She's really friendly , she recognized me from that time I came by to say hello ."

"Yeah , she's great ." Louis said with a smile .

"How old even is she ? She looked fifteen ." Winter asked , making Louis giggle , "She's seventeen , she's just short ."

"You can relate , can you ?" Harry chuckled , Louis elbowed him , "Unfortunately I do ."


"Here we are , have fun at work , lovely ." Harry stopped in front of Louis' work place , Louis turned to him and pressed a kiss to his lips , "Bye Haz ."

"Bye , I'll come to pick you up , okay ?" Harry called when Louis got out of the car , Louis nodded and closed the door , waving at him through the window .

He walked inside and smiled at Erin and George , who smiled back and hugged him , "Hey guys , where am I today ?"

"Waiter , I'm on the sweets and coffee today , and Erin is on the cashier ." George said , Louis nodded , "Okay , I'll just go change ." He walked into the employees' toilet and changed his shirt , placing his bag and stuff in the employees' room .

He walked back to the front and took a tray , a notepad and a pen , "Where do I start ?"

"Tables one , seven and nine are served already , some needs to be cleaned and just wait for customers to come ." Erin said , Louis nodded and took a spray and a mop to clean the tables .


Harry parked his car outside the Cafe , he locked it and walked to the door , stepping inside . George looked up and gave Harry a small smile , "Hello ."

"Hi . Where's Louis ?" He asked , George put the broom in it's place , "He's changing his shirt , he'll be here any second ."

Harry nodded , he walked to the counter and leaned on it . Soon Louis walked out of the employees' room with a blank expression on , Harry frowned a little but approached him with a smile .

"Hey love ." He pecked his cheek , Louis glanced up at him , "Hey . Let's go home , yeah ?" He didn't wait for an answer and quickly made his way out of the Cafe .

Harry's frown deepened , he turned around and approached George , "Do you know what happened to him ?"

George bit his lower lip , "Yeah . Some guy wanted to talk to him but Louis seemed really uncomfortable when the guy asked to talk to him privately , I told the guy to leave Louis alone but I was pushed and the guy took Louis by his arm to the employees' room . Two minutes later the guy walked out and just left , I went to check on Louis and his expression was blank . He's barely talked , I tried asking him what happened but he didn't answer ."

Harry's blood boiled , he nodded , "Okay . Thank you ."

"Welcome . Make sure he's okay ." George called after him , Harry nodded and closed the door . He walked to the car , where Louis waited .

He unlocked the car and opened the passenger door for Louis , Louis slipped inside without a word , not even a kiss to Harry's cheek like always . Harry closed the door and circled the car to the driver's seat , getting inside and starting the car , "We'll talk when you're ready , okay ?"

Louis didn't reply and looked out of the window , Harry sighed quietly and kept driving .


Harry parked the car in the driveway , they got out and Harry unlocked the front door , getting inside with Louis . Louis walked up to the bedroom to change , Harry went to the kitchen to make Louis and him some tea .

He took the tea to the bedroom , opening the door with his elbow . Louis was laying on his side of the bed with his back facing the door , Harry put the mugs on the nightstand and crawled behind Louis , arms wrapping around him .

"Do you want to talk ?" Harry asked quietly , lifting himself up on his elbow . Louis bit his lower lip and sighed , turning to lie on his back to face Harry .

Harry saw his eyes getting glossy , he sat up and took Louis to his lap , "Lovely , talk to me ."

Louis took a deep breath , "P-please don't f-freak out ."

Harry nodded , he held him closer and ran his fingers up and down his arm , waiting for him to talk . "I won't ."

"D-do you remember Blake ? From s-school ? He asked to talk to me , p-privately . I said no , but he took me a-anyway . He s-said that he wants me for himself , and to s-say goodbye to you because any m-minute now he c-can come get me . He's not even supposed to be near me , I'm so s-scared ."

Harry wiped his tears and and kissed his forehead , "You know I'm going to protect you , no matter what . Yeah ?"

Louis nodded , "I know ."

"What did he tell you ?" Harry asked , rocking him side to side .

"He said he's g-going to get me and run away with me , make me h-his -"

"He won't get any closer to us , love . I promise . He won't do anything . Listen , one of Robin's friends is a cop , he's the same one I filled the restraining order against him with . I can talk to him , and Blake will be in for it ."

Louis sighed but nodded , "Okay . Thank you ."

"I promised to keep you safe , didn't I ?" Harry asked with a small smile , he pressed a kiss to his forehead . Louis nodded and cuddled into Harry's chest , "I know . I love you ."

"I love you more ." Harry lifted his head up to kiss his lips .

"No you don't ." Louis fought back , biting his lip as he smiled .

"No no , I love you more than anyone loves you ." Harry smiled at him .

"Yes I do , my love to you is infinite ." Louis poked his dimple .

"Well my love to you is infinity times infinity ." Harry pressed a kiss to his nose . Louis giggled , "I still love you more ."

"And I love you more ."

"I love you more ."

"I love you more ."

They laughed , Louis cupped Harry's cheeks and pressed their lips together , Harry brought him closer to his chest and rocked them side to side .


Sooo another chapter is over . Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x


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