Ch. 39
Enjoy x
Harry woke up in the morning to Louis tracing his bare back , making him smile . He felt Louis tracing a few tattoos , he sighed out contently and opened his eyes , lifting his head up to look at Louis . "Good morning ."
"Morning ." Louis smiled and leaned down to peck his cheek , "I want to go to the beach ."
Harry nodded against the pillow , "Give me a few minutes and I'll be up ."
Louis cuddled against him , head on his shoulder blade and leg thrown over his body . Harry smiled sleepily against the pillows at the feeling of Louis soft skin against his , he hummed to himself and relaxed into Louis' tracing .
Louis stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom after getting into his swim trunks ; light-blue shorts he bought with Winter a while ago and been dying to try them on .
His eyebrows furrowed as one hand was placed on his stomach , the other on his hips . I never noticed I gained this much weight , he thought to himself . His frown deepened as he gave his hips a light squeeze , his shoulders slumping .
"Boo , are you ready ?" Harry opened the bathroom door , his eyebrows raised as Louis didn't move from his spot .
He walked closer , placing his arm around him in concern as he saw his frown , "What's wrong ?"
"I- ... I haven't noticed I gained weight ." Louis said softly , Harry raised an eyebrow at him , "You ? Gained weight ? Boo look how small you are ."
"But my - my stomach is poking out . And my hips - they're -"
"They're lovely . You know I love your hips . You haven't gained weight Lou , you're just as you were before ."
"Yeah . Okay ." Louis said , though Harry knew he wasn't convinced . He stood behind him and placed his hands on his hips , massaging them softly , "Look how beautiful you are ."
"Harry .. -"
"No , you need to understand that you are beautiful and I love you , no matter what . Even if you gained weight , so ? I wouldn't want you to be too skinny , I'd feel like you'd break if I hugged you a little bit too tight . I love that I can grab onto you ." Harry put his head on his shoulder , grasping his waist .
"Are you sure ?" Louis asked quietly , Harry nodded , "Of course . I'm in love with your body ."
A smile appeared on Louis' lips as Harry quoted Ed Sheeran , making Harry smile too . He kissed his cheek , "These trunks look amazing on you , your lovely bum is perfect ."
Louis squeaked as Harry grasped his bum with both his massive hands , Harry laughed and kissed his shoulder , "Go put your shirt on and we're going ."
The beach was mostly empty , the sun was warm and perfect . Louis loved the feeling of the sand under his feet , he held his and Harry's things as Harry deployed their beach towels on the sand .
Harry pulled sunscreen out of the small bag they brought , "Come here , I'll do your back ."
Louis heistated a little before taking off his Adidas crop-top , turning his back to Harry . Harry rubbed the sunscreen on his shoulders and down his back while Louis did his front and arms , then Louis did Harry's back too .
"Let's go in the water ." Harry took Louis' hand , Louis smiled and started running towards the sea , dragging Harry behind him .
"Slowpoke !" He giggled , Harry caught up to him just a few steps into the water , he wrapped his arms around him and picked him up . Louis squealed and kicked his legs a little , giggling before he was placed down into the water .
"Meanie ." Louis pouted and splashed at Harry , Harry laughed and splashed him back three times worse . Louis yelped and turned his back to him as he covered his face , blindly trying to splash him back .
Harry rolled his eyes and grabbed his waist , pulling him into the water with him . Louis yelped as he and Harry fell backwards into the shallow water , he wiped his face , "Meanieeee !"
Harry kept his arms around him and kissed his cheek , "You're cute when you squeal ."
"I'm going to get us some ice cream , okay ?" Harry told Louis as he took some money , Louis nodded and sat on the sand , "Okay , I want two vanilla scoops with chocolate chips ."
"I already know your order , Boo ." Harry kissed his forehead with a smile and walked away .
Louis started burying his legs in the sand , making his whole lower body disappear into the ground .
Harry came back and chuckled softly , "Having fun ?"
"Yeah ." Louis giggled and wiped his hands , "I was bored ."
Harry handed him his ice cream cup , Louis thanked him and took the small plastic spoon , scooping up a bit into his mouth . He tried moving his legs but whined when he couldn't , the sand was holding his legs .
"Any problems ?" Harry asked and sat next to him after putting the change back in his wallet .
"I'm trying to get my legs out without ruining the sand hill , but I can't my legs are stuck ." Louis pouted and wiggled his legs , he could only poke out his toes from the sand since he couldn't reach there to cover it properly .
Harry grinned , "Wait let me take a picture ." He reached for his phone and sat near his legs to take a picture of him . Louis smiled with the ice cream dripping a little , Harry took a few pictures before Louis went back to eating while subtly trying to get his legs out .
Harry chuckled at how adorable he looked , reaching his hand to give his foot a little tickle . Louis squealed , "No no Hazzie !"
"Sorry , had to take advantage of the moment ." Harry laughed and tickled him a little more before letting it up . He helped him up from the sand and laughed again when Louis punched him softly , "Wasn't funny , I couldn't move ."
"That's exactly why I did it ." Harry kissed his cheek , Louis elbowed him , "Go away , giant frog ." He threw his empty ice cream cup into the nearest garbage can , before yelping as Harry lifted him up over his shoulder .
"Hazziiieee !" He groaned , Harry chuckled , "Tell me you love me ."
"No , you're being mean to me ." Louis crossed his arms over his chest , "Now put me down , I want to get some tan ."
"Say you love me and I'll put you down ." Harry said , "And you know that I don't mind holding you like this some more , your lovely bum is in a perfect view ."
Louis blushed and slapped his back , "Big ole pervert ."
"Are you going to say you love me ?" Harry asked , when Louis kept quiet he reached for his foot again . Louis fell into a giggling fit as Harry tickled his foot again , screeching out 'I love you !!' .
Harry laughed and put him down , holding him against his chest , "I love you too , lovely ."
"Are you happy with yourself ? Good . Now let me tan ." Louis pushed against his chest half-heartedly , Harry leaned down and pressed their lips together , one arm wrapped around his waist , the other hand holding the back of his head .
Louis hummed and wrapped his arms around Harry's chest , "Mm , Hazzie , I want to tan ." He mumbled against his lips , Harry smiled and pulled back , "Go wash your legs from the sand before it gets too itchy ."
After washing his legs in the water Louis lied on his back on the blanket , Harry played songs in the background from his phone .
Not wanting to get sunburn , Louis flipped and lied on his front with his arms under his head so he could tan his back . Harry turned to lie on his side facing Louis , admiring his small husband . Husband .
"Can't believe I get to finally call you my husband ." Harry said with a grin , mostly to himself . Louis smiled and opened his eyes to look at him , "Same to you . I'm a lucky guy , aren't I ?"
"I'm luckier ."
"No you're not ."
"Yes I am ."
"No ."
"Yes ."
"No ."
"Yes ."
"No and that's final ."
"Yes I am the luckiest guy in the world , because the most perfect angel God has is mine ."
"And I'm the luckiest because I have the most perfect god-person in the world ."
They grinned at each other , Louis was blushing and Harry was so fond .
"We're both lucky , then ?" Louis asked , Harry nodded , "Yeah , we're both lucky ."
After going back to their room they showered , ordered lunch up to their room and napped . Now they were going to the pub a few minutes walk away , to let out some energy and have a good time .
As they walked into the place Harry put his arm around Louis , "Let's go get a drink , yeah ?" He called over the music , Louis nodded and let Harry get them to the bar .
The bartender smiled , "What can I get you ?"
"Two shots ." Harry said , the guy nodded and quickly poured two shots . Louis took one and Harry took one , they clicked the small glasses together and took them down . Louis made a face and giggled , Harry smiled , "Want to dance ?"
"Yeah , let's go ." Louis took Harry's hand and led him to the dance floor . Harry smiled down at his small husband , his bum in perfect view and his tan looks perfect .
Louis then turned back to face him , arms moving to wrap around Harry's neck the best he could , since Harry was much taller . Harry brought him closer by his hips , they moved together and smiled at each other .
Harry was casually cracking jokes about people's dance moves around them , loving the sound of Louis' laugh . They went back to the bar to take a few more shots throughout the night before a Shape Of You remix started playing .
Louis squealed and pulled Harry to the dance floor , Harry chuckled and let himself get pulled . They got to the corner of the floor , where not a lot of people were . Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's neck as he swayed his hips and bum around .
Harry stared down at him with his mouth slightly open and his hands grasping his lower hips , just near his bum . Louis smiled , "Are you breathing ?"
All Harry could do was shake his head a little , making Louis blush and smile wider . He pressed their lips together softly , Harry immediately kissed back and grasped him tighter and closer .
"Let's get out of here ." Harry growled a little , Louis nodded and unwrapped his arms from around Harry's neck , Harry kept his arms around Louis' waist as they wormed their way out of the club .
Once they were out they breathed in the fresh air , it was one thirty a.m . Their ears were slightly ringing from the loud music , Harry had Louis' small hand grasped in his large one as they quickly walked towards their hotel .
Once inside they took the lift , Louis pressed the tenth button and once the doors closed he turned to Harry , pressed his back to the lift's wall and attached their lips .
Harry's hands moved to his waist , rubbing their way to grasp his bum . The lift doors opened and they stepped out still attached to each other .
It was slightly hard to kiss , stay quiet and find their room while they're tipsy , leading to them tripping and falling on the carpeted hallway floor .
Louis laughed against Harry's chest , Harry sighed and sat up , Louis now straddling him , "Are you okay ?"
"Yeah . You ?" Louis nodded and moved Harry's hair back a little , Harry nodded , "Yeah . Let's go ."
Louis got up and tried helping Harry up by his arms , resulting in Harry pulling him back down on him .
"Sorry , wasn't planning on that ." Harry laughed , he got up and helped Louis up . They walked to their room , Louis opened the door and they walked in .
Harry closed and locked the door , turning around to face Louis who quickly reattached their lips . Harry patted the back of his thighs , Louis jumped and wrapped his legs around his waist .
Harry walked with him to the bathroom , his hand shuffling around and pulling a condom out of the first drawer before going towards the bed .
Harry lied on his side in front of Louis , pressing a few soft kisses to his cheeks and forehead . Louis was exhausted , his face half buried in the pillow under his head .
"I never thought we could last an hour and a half ." Louis said raspily , Harry pressed a light peck to his swollen lips , "I'll go get you water ."
Harry got up from the bed and pulled his boxers on , helping Louis into his own , knowing he's more comfy with them on .
He took a water bottle from the small fridge under the TV , helped Louis sit up and watched as he took a few sips . Louis thanked him and handed him the bottle , Harry drank too before putting it back in the fridge .
"Hazzie , I need cuddles ." Louis whined softly , Harry smiled and got under the covers next to him . Louis pressed to his chest , "Rub my back ."
"You act like a kitten when you're cuddly ." Harry said with a soft smile , "My kitten ."
Louis yawned , "You kitten is really tired so you should let him sleep while rubbing his back ."
Harry laughed and kissed his forehead , "You're adorable . Good night , lovely ."
"Night Hazzie ."
Sorry it too me so long to update .
Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x
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