Ch. 37
Sooo , the wedding chappie :)))
Brace yourselves , it's a long one . Enjoy x
Harry woke up to screams and two bodies jumping up and down his bed , he chuckled and opened his eyes to see Niall and Zayn jumping excitedly .
"Get up mate !! You're getting married today !" Niall sat on his knees next to Harry and shook him , Harry sighed , "I'm up , just give me a minute ."
Zayn grabbed Niall around the waist mid-air as he was about to belly-floop on Harry , "We'll go down to help Anne with making breakfast ."
Niall's head snapped up , "Breakfast ?? Why didn't you say so ?" He let Zayn carry him out of the room laughing , Harry chuckled and shook his head , laying on his back staring at the ceiling with a smile .
I'm getting married . Fucking getting married . He told himself in his head , making his smile widen . He stretched a litt before getting out of bed , going down to the kitchen .
He entered the kitchen , Anne grinned at him and squeezed him tightly in a hug . "I'm so so happy , my dear ."
Harry hugged her back and kissed her cheek , "As long as you don't cry , be as happy as you want to be ."
"Oh you'll never stop me from crying . My baby is getting married , I have every right to cry ." She pretended to scold him and cupped his cheek , her thumb rubbing over his dimple softly . Harry laughed and hugged her again , "Love you mum ."
"Love you too , baby ." She cooed softly and squeezed him before pulling back , "Go sit at the table , breakfast will be ready in a bit ."
"I'll help you ." Harry stepped one step towards the stove but was pushed back , "No no , you go sit at the table ."
"Well can I atleast go to the aisle so I can be with you , Niall and Zayn ?" Harry asked , trying to look cute while pouting . Anne rolled her eyes but nodded , "Go ahead ."
Harry smiled and went to sit next to Niall , while Zayn was watching over the food . Robin then came into the kitchen aswell and hugged Harry , Harry smiled and hugged him back , "Don't you get all emotional on me too ."
"Oh stop it , I will if I want to ." Robin messed his hair , Harry chuckled and pulled out a chair for him .
Louis woke up to two bodies cuddled up on both his sides , he shifted a little and opened his eyes to see Winter and Gemma still asleep . He sighed sleepily and dropped his head back to the pillow , when it hit him - he's getting married .
His eyes widened and he quickly sat up on his knees , hands covering his mouth . Gemma felt him moving and opened her eyes , "Go back to sleep , Lou ." She said and closed her eyes , then opened them again . "Wait ... -"
"I'm getting married ." Louis mumbled , "I-I'm getting married . I'm -"
Gemma squealed and sat up to hug him , he hugged her back , "I'm getting married , Gems ."
Winter stirred from next to them , smiling as she saw them and sat up to join in , "I want to squeal but I'm way too tired ."
Louis pulled back , "I'm getting married ."
"Heck yes you are !" Gemma squeaked , when the door burst open and Daisy and Phoebe ran inside and tackled Louis in a hug .
He hugged them back , smiling as Lottie and Felicite joined into their cuddle . Jay walked into the room with a grin and kissed his forehead , "Morning , Boobear ."
"Morning . I'm getting married ." Louis said with a smile .
"He's been saying this phrase for over a million times now ." Gemma rolled her eyes playfully and laughed with Winter .
"Well he has every right to , eh ?" Jay chuckled , "Well I'm going to start working on breakfast so get freshen up and come downstairs ."
"I'll help you ." Winter got out of bed and went to brush her teeth , the girls went to get dressed aswell , leaving Louis and Gemma in his room .
Louis fell on his side , "I'm -"
"Getting married , we know ." Gemma laughed , "Get up now , let's get ready for today . We're having a nice breakfast , even though it's like , ten thirty , and we need to get there earlier for everyone to get dressed and ready , and Lou will do everyone's hair and makeup - with Lott's help of course - so we have a lot to do today ."
Louis sighed and got up , going into his attached bathroom as Winter stepped out .
Gemma , Louis and Winter arrived at the Plaza Palace with Gemma's car , while Jay , Dan and the girls arrived in Dan's . Anne and Robin arrived in theirs , Harry arrived in his own car , and Niall and Zayn in their own .
Just as all the cars were parked and Harry stepped out , he realized Louis is there too . He smiled and started walking to Gemma's car but was pulled back by Zayn and Niall , they turned his back to the cars .
"You can't see Louis until the wedding !!" Niall almost screeched , Harry groaned , "Come on , just let me see him ."
He turned around , he couldn't even get a glimpse of Louis before all his sisters , Winter and Gemma squealed and shielded Louis , hiding him behind them .
"Harry you can't see each other !" Gemma said , Harry groaned , "Come on ! Just see him ?"
"No !" The girls called in sync as Harry was pulled back by Zayn and Niall , making him laugh . "Lovely how are you ?" He called over to him .
"I'm good ! I can't wait to see you !" Louis called back to him .
"Later lovebirds ! You two need to get ready ! We still have a few hours until the Ceremony ." Evelyn , who just walked out of the place , smiled widely at the two groups . "Take Louis in , all of your suits and dresses are in the assigned rooms for you to get ready ."
The large group shielding Louis walked into the place , Harry watched helplessly as his boy was walking away . Anne patted his shoulder , "You'll see him soon ."
"I want to see him now though ." He whined a little , Niall put his arm around him , "Let's go in so we can start getting ready , five hours is a short time ."
"No it isn't , but okay ."
Louise walked into Louis' dressing room , Gemma , Winter and Jay were there while the girls and Dan were at Harry's room . Jay had Doris in her arms whine Louis had Ernest .
Lux smiled shyly and waved at Louis , then ran to Gemma , since she was the only one she knew .
Louise hugged Louis gently , minding Ernest , "Who's this little guy ?" She cooed and rubbed the back of her finger on his soft cheek , Louis smiled and kissed Ernest's head , "My baby brother Ernie ."
"Aw you're so precious ." She smiled at Ernest , then turned her attention to Louis , "Are you excited for the wedding ?"
Louis opened his mouth to answe but Gemma got him first , "Trust me , you have no idea . When he woke up this morning all he could say , no matter what you asked him , was 'I'm getting married' . It was cute though ." She laughed a little , Louise smiled , "Well he has a reason to be excited ."
Louis passed Ernest to Gemma and sat on the chair in front of the mirror while Louise displayed the tools and makeup she'll need .
There was a knock on the door and then Anne walked in with a smile , going to kiss Louis' cheek , "How are you feeling ?"
"Amazing . I feel .. I - I can't explain ." Louis shook his head with a grin , Anne moved his fringe from his forehead , "Harry is acting just like you . He can't stop smiling , and when someone asks how he feels he's at loss of words ."
Louis grinned wider and blushed , "Tell him I can't wait to see him . And that I love him ."
"Will do ." She kissed his cheek again and let Louise do her job . She put Louis' hair into a soft quiff , putting very faint makeup on him .
"You have lovely cheekbones . And your eyelashes are so pretty ." She smiled at him , Louis blushed , "Thank you ."
She finished with him and got Jay , then the girls walked in with Dan so Lottie could help Louise .
In a matter of two and a half hours everyone were ready with the hair and makeup , it was an hour before the Ceremony .
Jay took the girls to get ready , Winter and Gemma went to their assigned room while Louis stayed in his dressing room . Dan , Robin , Niall , Zayn and Harry were in Harry's room to get ready , and there wasn't a single person in the families who didn't smile .
Louis finished getting dressed , Anne and Jay walked into the room , making him grin , "You two look so amazing !"
"Oh please , look at you ." Anne put her arm around his shoulders , "You look stunning ."
"I think I might cry , you've grown so much ." Jay smiled at Louis with glossy eyes , Louis was quick to hug her , "Don't cry mumma , you'll make me cry , then Lou will get mad because we ruined the makeup ."
Jay laughed and squeezed him a little before pulling back , "I'm going to go with everyone to the Ceremony area since guests are about to be here any second , Evelyn will be here shortly to check up on you and get you something small to eat ."
Louis nodded , feeling his heart racing as Jay kissed his cheek and walked out of the room with Anne following , sending Louis an excited grin before closing the door .
(If you want a reminder for the dresses and suits go to chapter 31)
Harry held Phoebe and Daisy's hands as they all walked to the Ceremony area , it looked so amazing - and that hit Harry ; he's about to be married for the love of his life sooner than he comprehended .
He thanked his mum when she handed him a small plate with some food , she smiled at him and fixed his bow one more time , "Excited ?"
"You have no idea ." Harry shook his head with a smile and took a bite of his food , "I feel like this is a dream and that I'm going to wake up soon ."
"This isn't a dream though ." Anne wiped the corner of his lip with her thumb , Harry smiled , "Yeah , it makes everything much better knowing it's all reality ."
Harry finished eating and went to take some pictures with the girls , adults and friends , before the guests started showing up . Their families , some friends , neighbours , Paul , James and Austin arrived aswell .
"Cannot believe someone agreed to put up with you for the rest of their lives ." Paul teased , Harry laughed and patted his shoulder , "Me neither , to be honest ."
Soon the priest arrived , he shook Harry's hand and positioned himself behind the desk covered in a white mat , blue and green petals scattered ontop of it .
"We're going to get Louis ." Evelyn told Harry and gave him a smile , "Go stand near the priest ."
Harry nodded excitedly and watched as Evelyn , Jay , Dan and the girls all walked into the place . He took a deep breath as Niall and Zayn came up to stand next to him , they turned his back to the aisle , "You can't see him just yet ."
He sighed and jumped in his spot a little , Zayn patted his shoulder and a minute later he and Niall turned to give Louis a smile . Niall turned to Harry , "He looks amazing ."
"He always does ." He said , mostly to himself , before turning around .
All the guests stood up from their seats to see Louis walking down the aisle . First were Phoebe and Daisy , who threw blue and green petals . Right behind them Lottie and Felicite followed holding hands . Jay and Dan walked down too with Doris and Ernest in their arms , Anne and Robin on their sides .
Once Harry finally saw Louis , his heart stopped beating . His mouth hung open as his soon-to-be husband walked down the aisle ; his hair styled into a quiff , his clothes hugging his body so so perfectly .
Louis grinned at him with glossy eyes , walking slowly with a bouquet of blue and white flowers , a matching flowercown on his head . As much as he wanted to just run the whole way and jump on him in a hug , he restrained himself and kept the pace until he reached him , Winter and Gemma standing next to him .
Harry took his hand and brought it to his lips , "You look amazing ."
"You're handsome ." Louis smiled and blushed , they took a moment to look at each other before turning to the priest .
(A\N : I don't know how a wedding goes so Im making it up , forgive me if I get anything wrong)
He gave them a smile before starting to speak . "Dear families , dear friends . We have gathered here today to tie a knot and celebrate ." He turned his attention to Louis and Harry , "This stop in your path is one of the most memorable , happiest stops you'll have together , I'm sure everyone can agree with me on that . Marriage is a big step and I'm more than honoured to be the one to help you to it ."
Harry squeezed Louis' hand , feeling Louis squeezing his hand back .
"Now you may exchange your vows ." The priest gestured with his hands to the two . They turned to face each other and Louis started speaking .
"I want to go first , because I know that - that by the end of your vow I'll cry and won't be able to talk ." He giggled , making Harry grin softly at him .
"From the moment I moved here , I had a good feeling about this place . I started a new school and made new friends , that was the day we met . I remember you protecting me even though we only met a few hours before . And in a matter of two months we got together , who would've believed . If you told me three years ago that someone is going to want to date me and love me I would most likely laugh , but look at me - I'm getting married ." He stopped to giggle again and wipe under his eyes . "I wanted to properly thank you for everything you've done for me , even the simplest things like cooking for me , because I don't know how to cook , to the biggest things , like loving me and being there for me . I will love you forever , you will always be in my heart . Sincerely ." He gestured to his tattoo , making Harry bite his lip with the same grin stretched on his lips .
Harry brought Louis' hand up to kiss his knuckles softly , he couldn't kiss him properly yet so he just had to find a temporary alternative .
"My lovely , my Boo . When I saw you the first day we met at school , you did something to me . I've never felt this way before , and for the first three or four weeks I was so confused . I remember talking about to to my mum , Gems , Louise - they all told me I most likely have a crush , and that I'd figure it out with time . And now , two years later , I am proud to say you were my first crush , Louis ." He stopped to reach up to wipe Louis' cheeks before continuing , "Then I asked you out in the most awkward way ," He chuckled and made Louis giggle , "And even though we had our ups and downs , we're now stronger than ever . I want to make you smile and laugh everyday , remind you how much I love you , show you how important you are to me . I want to spend the rest of my life with you , until we're grey and old . I don't want to let go , I don't want you to ever let go ."
"I won't . Ever ." Louis said in almost a whisper .
"I love you , I will love you forever and make sure you know that ." Harry kissed his knuckles again , not noticing half of the guests are in tears .
Jay and Anne long ago stopped wiping their tears , Dan and Robin watched them with glossy eyes and the girls were grinning like fools . Niall , Zayn , Gemma and Winter watched the two in awe , they couldn't take their eyes off the two .
The priest smiled at them , "Now the rings ." He gestured to the plush cushion , where the two rings rested . He handed Harry one ring to put on Louis , "Harry Edward Styles , do you take Louis William Tomlinson to be your husband , in sickness and health , wealth and poor , till the day you die ?"
"I do ." Harry nodded and slid the ring on Louis' slightly trembling hand .
The priest handed Louis the other ring to put on Harry , "Louis William Tomlinson , do you take Harry Edward Styles to be your husband , in sickness and health , wealth and poor , till the day you die ?"
"I d-do ." Louis nodded and slid the ring on Harry's finger , Harry's other hand wiping his tears .
The priest too their hands , which had the rings on it , "Now that the knot has tied you together , I pronounce you a husband and husband , Mr and Mr Styles . You may now kiss ."
Harry grinned and turned his head to Louis , Louis reached his arms up to wrap around Harry's neck as Harry wrapped his arms tightly around his waist , lifting him up as they kissed .
Everyone cheered and clapped , the twins threw the rest of the petals at them and squealed happily . The four friends who stood next to them got them into a group hug , congratulating them over and over again .
The group pulled back , allowing their families and friends to join in .
Fifteen minutes later everyone were inside to eat , Harry and Louis stayed outside a little longer to be with each other . Harry sat on one of the chairs with Louis sitting on his lap , they kissed silently before Harry pulled back , "How are you feeling , Mr Styles ?"
Louis grinned , his cheeks ripping , "I'm feeling amazing , Mr Styles ."
Harry rubbed his back , "Have you eaten anything ?"
"Yeah , Evelyn got me something small to eat before the Ceremony . You ?"
"Same . But we'd better go in and have something good to eat ." Harry was about to get up but Louis whined and held him down , leaning himself on his chest , "A little bie more cuddles then we can go ."
Harry chuckled and hugged him closer , kissing his cheek . "Did you have fun with Gemma and Winter at the bachelor party ?"
"Yeah . We went out to eat , then got ice cream and watched a movie at Gems' place . Then we went to my mum's . Did you , Zi and Ni have fun ?" Louis played with the floweercrown on Harry's head softly .
Harry nodded , "Yeah . We went to a pub and drank a little and ate , I'll take you there sometime their food is great . Then we went to my mum's , you have no idea how funny it was to watch Zayn trying to get Niall into bed all tipsy and cheery ."
Louis giggled , "Tipsy Ni is always funny ."
Harry kissed his cheek then his lips , "Let's go in yeah ? Have something to eat ."
Louis nodded and got up , taking Harry's hand as they walked back into the place . Everyone cheered for them the two grinned and walked to their table to eat as the DJ played soft music in the background .
After eating Anne and Jay took a mic from the DJ , catching everyone's attention .
"We're Jay Deakin and Anne Twist , Harry and Louis' mothers , and we wanted to say a few words ." Jay started , "We wanted to thank everyone for coming today , it means a lot to us too . It's astounding watching our boys growing , getting married and living their own lives . We love you boys ." Jay blew them a kiss , which they returned , before Anne was handed the mic .
"We want to thank everyone who was a part of the making of today , Evelyn for the planning , Martha and Sarah for our dresses and suits , Mariana for the place , the employees , chefs . Thank you so much for making today amazing , we appreciate you all ."
Everyone clapped , they handed the DJ the mic and went to the couple to kiss and hug them .
"Alright alright , everyone's invited to the dance floor for our first part of the evening , let's see you all with your hands up in the air !"
The music played louder , Harry took Louis' hand and pulled him to the dance floor , seconds later the floor was full and everyone were dancing .
Shots were handed around , Louis refused but Harry took one , handing the glass back to Niall when he was done . He wrapped his arms around Louis and kissed his cheek , twirling him around before pulling him back into his chest .
Louis was suddenly lifted on Niall and Zayn's shoulders , while Harry was lifted by his cousins . Harry held Louis' hands and tried dancing with him , making Luis giggle . They leaned in and kissed before they were put down .
Twenty minutes later there was a break and everyone went to their tables , Louis and Harry walked around to say hello and thank everyone .
Zayn , Niall , Winter and Gemma congratulated them on the mic , telling their story from their point of view .
"Now we have a surprise for you ." Zayn said , "We took all the pictures and videos we have of you two together and edited them into one video , enjoy ."
"Love you lads !" Niall said quickly into the mic before handing it back to the DJ , Harry pulled Louis to sit on his lap as they sat in front of the huge screen .
The video started with old pictures of them , the song All Of Me playing . The pictures were from high school and when they started dating , Louis' birthday , New Years Eve , Harry's birthday and Valentine's Day . Then some pictures from when they went on the resort , camping , the beach . Then some new pictures from the last couple months , and when the song was over they played some videos . The video of Harry's birthday where Louis kissed his cheek for a picture , and the one after clubbing where Harry threw Louis over his shoulder and tickled him , another one of them laying on a hammock napping with Niall photobombing in the background , another one of them covering themselves in sand on the beach and kissing .
When the video ended Louis had a wide grin on his lips , his cheeks painted red . Harry kissed his cheek , when another video started ; the day of the photoshoot .
Everyone cooed watching the video , Louis leaned his side against Harry and sighed , "This is the best day ever ."
"Agreed ." Harry smiled and pecked his nose , thanking the waiter who placed another dish in front of them .
They finished eating before the DJ spoke , "I'm more than thrilled to invite our newly-weds to the dance floor for their first slow dance as a married couple ."
Everyone cheered , two workers placed small boxes in a large circle and made sure no one is close to them (those are the fireworks) .
Say You Won't Let Go started playing , Harry took Louis' hand and pulled him closer as they walked into the circle , hands on his waist , Louis put his hands on Harry's shoulders , standing on his tip-toes to reach his lips for a short peck .
They moved side to side , rocking back and forth gently . Harry sang the song quietly into Louis' ear , Louis grinned the entire time with tears shining in his eyes .
When the chorus started the fireworks lit up , Louis looked around with a smile , "It's so pretty ."
"You're prettier . Prettiest human being ." Harry kissed his temple softly , pulling the blushing boy closer .
"I'm excited for our honeymoon ." Louis grinned up at him , Harry rubbed their noses together , "You have everything packed , right ? Our flight is at five a.m ."
"Yeah , I'm so so excited ." Louis jumped on his feet a little , giggling as Harry leaned their foreheand together before kissing him .
Louis moved his hands to cup his cheeks , "I love you ."
"I love you more , lovely ." Harry smiled and pecked him once more , before watching more couples joining them ; Anne and Robin , Dan and Jay , Lottie and Tommy , Zayn and Niall , Gemma and Marley , more family members and their neighbors . They grinned at Adam and Mary , giving the two a thumbs up .
Three hours later the place was mostly empty , everyone left , leaving the -now three- families to collect their things and leave .
They went to change out of their suits and dresses , they thanked Evelyn and Mariana once again before leaving . Harry carried Louis to his car , the small boy was exhausted .
"We'll go get our suitcases and bags , put Milky and Peaches at Winter's place and drive to the airport . Okay ." Harry said in Louis' ear as he walked to the car , Louis nodded , "Okay ."
Thirty minutes later they reached their house , Louis was asleep in the passenger's but stirred awake as Harry parked the car .
"You can go back to sleep lovely , I'll just get our things ." Harry soothed him but Louis shook his head , "No , I want to help ." He got out of the car after Harry , getting Milky and Peaches into their cages and carrying them to the car while Harry got the suitcases into the trunk . Louis packed a small bag with the two's favourite toys and let Harry carry their food bags .
They got back into the car and drove to Winter's , she opened the door with a smile and let them get everything inside . She hugged them tightly , "Have fun at the honeymoon , i'm so so happy for you two ."
They thanked her and hugged her back before leaving , Harry opened the passenger's door for Louis before getting in the driver's , turning to Louis , "Ready ?"
"Ready ." Louis smiled and took his hand , Harry kissed the back of his hand before pulling out of the parking spot .
Sooo this chappie is so freaking long and took me forever to finish , and I really really hope you liked it .
Words count : 4926
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