Ch. 36

Enjoy x


The wedding is getting closer , Louis and Harry can't be happier . Evelyn takes care of the last few things at the Plaza Palace (where the wedding is) , the only things left are throwing a bachelor party for the couple the night before the wedding day .

They didn't know how to celebrate , since their friends want to be with both of them . They didn't want to do anything major , wanting to be fresh for the wedding . So they decided ; Harry will celebrate with Niall and Zayn , Louis will celebrate with Winter and Gemma .

Harry will spend the night before the wedding at Anne's house , Anne , Robin , Zayn and Niall will stay with him to get ready for the day after .

Louis will spend the night at Jay's with Winter and Gemma , so they can all get ready together .

What excited Louis even more , apart from the wedding , is the honeymoon .


The day before the wedding , around six p.m , there was a knock on the door .

Harry got up from the couch , where he was cuddling Louis , he opened the door only to be attacked by Zayn , Niall , Winter and Gemma . The four cheered and hugged him , Harry laughed and let them have their moment .

"Get dressed , we're going out ." Zayn pushed Harry towards his room , Winter and Gemma ran to the living room , jumping on Louis in a hug . 

Louis squeaked in surprise and giggled , sitting up properly , "What are you doing here ?"

"Do you really think we'd let you just sit around the night before your wedding ?" Gemma asked raising her eyebrow , Louis pretended to consider but giggled when she gave him a light , playful shove .

"Once Harry is done getting dressed you'll go change , we're going out to eat then we'll buy ice cream and chocolate and go to my apartment for the rest of the night . We're spending the night at your mum's ." Gemma explained , Louis nodded with a smile , "Okay ."

Harry walked out of the room dressed , he went to kiss Louis goodbye before he was pulled out of the house by Zayn and Niall .

Winter ushered Louis to go get dressed , Louis giggled and went to put on something casual .

He walked out to Winter and Gemma waiting for him by the door , they walked out and locked the house , getting into Gemma's car .

Gemma plugged her phone into the AUX cord and blasted songs , the whole ride to the restaurant was filled with singing and laughing .

Gemma parked the car outside , the three walked into the place and found a booth in the back . 

"So , how does it feel almost being married ?" Gemma asked and thanked the waitress who handed them menus . Louis giggled , "I'm on the verge of crying everytime I think about it . I still can't wrap my head around it ."

"I won't be surprised if everyone at the wedding will cry , trust me ." Winter said , Gemma agreed , "Everyone is going to cry , this is going to be so emotional . Well you two are the cheesiest couple ever , how can we not cry ?"

"Well you know how Hazzie insists on being all cheesy , not that I mind , it just - makes me blush a lot ."

"It's adorable how you call him Hazzie ." Gemma poked his cheek , Louis giggled and blushed , "Yeah , made that nickname up a year and a half ago ."

The waitress approached them with a smile and took their orders , collecting their menus and leaving .

"I can't believe my baby brother is getting married tomorrow ." Gemma pouted , "I mean , he doesn't look like my baby brother , he's all broad , musclar , tall , his voice is deep - but he's my baby brother and I still can't believe . I remember when he got his first tattoo , mum and I were so shocked . Then he started going to the gym , he grew taller and his voice deepened . We didn't really expect him to come out to us as gay , but we accepted him . Then he told me he's crushing on someone ."

Louis grinned and blushed deeper , Gemma pinched his cheek , "You should've seen him when he tried telling me he has a crush on you , it was such an endearing sight - musclar , tall , broad , scary Harry telling me he's crushing on the adorable new boy from school . I knew he'd find someone who's the opposite of him , and I couldn't wait for it to happen ."

"Our first kiss was pretty awkward though ." Louis giggled , "It was on my porch , he stayed over for the afternoon and dinner . He came to see me because he was feeling down and wanted me to cheer him up , then we told each other how we felt , he asked me to be his boyfriend and we kissed ."

"You'll make me throw up from cuteness overload ." Winter teased , Louis shyly looked away , "He's the best thing that has ever happened to me . Ever ."


Meanwhile , Zayn , Niall and Harry were sitting in a pub , sharing stories and drinking a little . Niall and Zayn respected Harry's decision not to get drunk and just drink for having a good time , so they were now sharing stories about their relationships .

"The only times Louis gets violent with me is when I tickle him , he kneed me in the balls once ." Harry said and took a sip of his drink , Zayn laughed , "Louis was never the violent type , he's too soft for this ."

"I get violent of you tickle me too , I see Louis' point ." Niall nodded , "I remember I accidentally kicked you out of bed , it was a long time ago but it was hilarious ."

"I'm glad my pain makes you laugh ." Zayn scowled and poked his side , Niall slapped his hand away , "Oi , you made me fall off the couch once !"

"And I helped you up , not laughed my ass off !"

Harry laughed watching the two and took another sip , "Okay now stop before you start making out ."

"Hey , we never complained when you and Louis were all over each other ." Zayn shoved him playfully , Harry chuckled , "Well I'm third wheeling right now , and it feels like shit ."


Back to Louis , Winter and Gemma ; the three just bought ice cream tubs and arrived at Gemma's apartment , they were sitting on the living room carpet with spoons , munching on the ice cream .

"It was a life time ago , but I'll never forget my first Valentine's with Harry ." Louis said and took a spoonfull of ice cream , "We spent the whole day eating sweets , and in the evening he took me to the park to see fireworks ."

"Goals ." Gemma groaned , "I spent Valentine's a year ago at uni , then in the evening I was so tired that I fell asleep at 8 p.m , ten minutes into a movie ."

"Last Valentine's was my favourite though ." Louis giggled and blushed , Winter cooed , "That was the day Harry proposed , wasn't it ?"

Louis nodded and grinned , "Yeah , I get all warm inside when I think back to that day ."

"You're so adorable ." Gemma pinched his cheek , "I can't wait to cry tomorrow at the ceremony ."

Louis and Winter laughed , Gemma joined , "I'm serious ! I'm going to cry one hundred percent ."

"Me too though , this is going to be an emotional mess to everyone ." Winter took a spoonfull , "I have to ask - uhm , did you invite Liam ?"

Louis shook hid head , "No , he's not really our friend anymore . Hazzie explained how he said he's basically tired of us all , we preferred not to have him there . But let's not talk about him ."

"It's okay . I hope you don't mind I'm bringing my brother with me though ." Winter said , Louis shook his head , "It's okay , we haven't seen him in forever anyways ."

"You have no idea how he freaked out over the tattoos I got , it was hilarious ." Winter giggled , "He went into protective mode in a split second ."

"Hazzie does that too , he got all jealous when I hugged a friend from work goodbye ." Louis said giggling a little .

"Did he seriously get jealous over George ?" Gemma laughed , Louis nodded , "Yeah , you should've seen his face ." He giggled again .


Harry , Zayn and Niall were at Anne's getting ready to go to sleep , well more like trying to get a tipsy Niall to sit his bum down on the guest bedroom bed .

"Can you help instead of watch and laugh ?" Zayn groaned as he held Niall around his waist to keep him on the bed , asking Harry for help .

"I don't know , should I ? It's quite entertaining ." Harry laughed , watching as Niall poked and prodded Zayn on his stomach and sides so he'd let him go .

"Help me !" He whined , trying not to give in and giggle , but it was hard since Niall knew exactly where he's sensitive .

Eventually Zayn let go , Niall ran around the room singing until Harry caught him , "Bedtime Ni , we have a long day tomorrow ."

Niall squirmed in Harry's arms , trying to poke and prod him as he did to Zayn , groaning when Harry just rolled his eyes , "It doesn't work on me ."

"Give him to me ." Zayn sat up , Harry passed the bleach blonde into his arms and watched smirking as Zayn overpowered Niall and pinned him to the bed , he then decided it's time for him to leave .

"Good night lads ." Harry called over Niall laughger as Zayn got his payback , he laughed at the two and went to say good night to his mum .

He knocked on her bedroom door , opening it when she called . He smiled watching her ironing his suit , she smiled back , "You grew up so fast ."

He chuckled softly and sat on her bed , "I don't think I can fall asleep . I'm too excited . We've been preparing and waiting , and now it's happening . Feels like a dream ."

Anne smiled softly and placed the iron down safely , going to sit next to him . She rubbed his back , "Everything will go amazing , I promise ."

"I know ." He kissed her cheek , "I'll go call Lou to say good night ."

He walked out of the room into his old bedroom , thinking about the oh so many memories he and Louis shared here .

He picked his phone up to call him , pressing it to his ear .

"Hi Hazzie ."

"Hey lovely , how was your night with the girls ?"

"We ate a lot of ice cream and had sugar rush , now we're exhausted ." He giggled a little , "What about you ?"

"Niall got tipsy and acted like a monkey for two hours straight , you should've seen Zayn trying to put him to bed ." He grinned at Louis' soft laugh .

"Drunk Niall is always funny ." Louis giggled a little . "I'm really tired Hazzie , so I'll talk to you tomorrow morning-

"No you can't ! You can't talk or see each other until the ceremony !" Harry heard Gemma , laughing , "Well I suggest you all get a good night's sleep , tomorrow will be eventful ."

"Good night , love you ."

"Love you more . Good night , lovely ."

They hung up , Harry smiled down at his phone before charging it and getting under the covers , the smile never leaving his lips .


Sooo next chappie is the wedding :) It'll be extra long so bare yourselves .

Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x


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