Ch. 33

Enjoy x


"Hazzie !" Louis grinned as Harry walked into the Cafe at the end of his morning shift , Harry smiled at him , "Hey love , ready to go ?"

Louis nodded , "Yeah , let me just get my stuff ." He said and took off to the employees' room , he untied the apron from around his waist , grabbed his phone and jacket and left to go to Harry .

Harry put his arm around his shoulders as they walked out of the place , "How was your shift ?"

"It was good , it flowed nicely . Wasn't stressful or boring , just right ." Louis said with a smile nd yawned a little , Harry kissed his cheek and opened the car door , "After the meeting with Evelyn we'll have a nap , okay ?"

Louis nodded and climbed into the car , Harry closed his door and went to the driver's seat .

They reached home , Harry parked the car and they got out , greeting Milky and Peaches as they walked into the house .

Harry's phone buzzed , he reached for his pocket to take it out to see a message from Evelyn .

"Evelyn just texted she'll be here in ten minutes ." Harry told Louis , who sat on the couch with Milky on his lap . Louis nodded , "Okay ."

"Have you decided what do you want for lunch ?" Harry asked and picked Peaches up , Louis shook his head , "No , I'm too tired ." He fell on his side on the couch , Harry chuckled softly and sat next to him , "Don't fall asleep just yet , Boo ."

"I know , but I can't help it ." He whined , Harry put Peaches next to Louis' body and leaned down to kiss his cheek , "What do you say about some pasta ?"

Louis smiled , "Sounds yummy . Can you make that really good salad from last time too ?"

"Of course ." Harry smiled back and kissed his cheek again , then pinched his side a little , "Don't fall asleep , okay ?"

Louis giggled and nodded , pushing Harry's hand away . Harry pecked his lips quickly before going to the kitchen to start making lunch until Evelyn will reach the house .

Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door , Louis sat up as Harry opened it , greeting Evelyn . They walked into the house , Louis greeted her aswell and the three sat at the dining table , where they could talk comfortably and Harry could watch over the cooking pasta .

"Alright , so I've worked about the wedding , and I'm going to through the whole night with you , with what I have so far ." She said and pulled out a paper , positioning her glasses on her nose . "First , the Ceremony will be at six thirty p.m , which means on the invitation you'll invite everyone to five thirty . The ceremony is about an hour long , sometimes it takes more , sometimes less ."

The two nodded , holding hands with their fingers intertwined . Louis couldn't help but grin , he could only imagine how much he's going to cry on the Ceremony .

"After the Ceremony we'll move on to the hall , have the first dish . Then your family and friends can say their blessings and good words , and then dance . Also Anne informed me that your friends are preparing a video for you guys , so we'll have time for that too . Then we'll put on the song you chose for your slow dance , and another one you'll choose for other couples to join you ."

"Yeah , we'll tell you what we decide later , since we don't have one now ." Harry said , Evelyn nodded , "Okay . Then we have some more dancing , and another dish , a little photoshoot time , which means you'll take group pictures with your families and friends . Then some more dancing , and then the night is over ."

Louis bit his lip , looking over to Harry , who looked back with a smile .

"So , what I wanted to talk to you about , is the extras ; for example , would you rather have confetti or fireworks for your slow dance , or none . Would you like doing a special wedding photoshoot , then make a book where the guests can write little notes for you . Those little extras that will make you wedding nicer ."

Louis squeezed Harry's hand and looked over to him , "Can we have the fireworks ?"

"You can have anything you want , lovely ." Harry brought his hand up to kiss the back of it , Louis blushed a little and nodded before looking back at Evelyn , "I want the fireworks for me and Harry's slow dance , and then when everyone joins I want the confetti ."

Evelyn nodded and wrote it down . Louis munched on his lower lip before speaking again , "I want the wedding photoshoot too , it sounds cute ."

Evelyn wrote it down aswell and looked back up , "Anything else ?"

"I - uh , I want - I want to have blue , green and white helium balloons at every table , two of each colour ."

Evelyn nodded and then looked up from the paper , turning her head to Harry , "Any requests ?"

Harry made a thinking face , then nodded , "Yeah , on the times when we aren't dancing except the slow dance , I want the photoshoot pictures to be presented on the big screens ."

Evelyn nodded and wrote it down , "Anything else ?"

"Uhm , no , that's it I believe ." Harry said and looked over to Louis , who nodded then said , "Hazzie , the pasta ." He nodded his head , Harry looked over to the stove and excused himself from the table .

"Alright , I'll start working on it . Also the invitations will be ready tomorrow , I'll text you when you can pick it up ." Evelyn said and collected her stuff , Louis nodded with a smile and hugged her , thanking her . Harry thanked her aswell and led her to the door with Louis .

Louis yawned and went to the couch , Harry smiled softly and returned to the kitchen to finish making lunch .

fifteen minutes later it was done , Harry put the pasta in two plates and brought it to the table along with the salad Louis asked for .

He went to get Louis from the living room , smiling at his small form curled on the couch with Milky . He sat next to him and rubbed his back , "Lovely ?"

Louis hummed sleepily , Harry smiled and leaned down to peck his cheek , "Lunch is ready , let's go eat ."

Louis whined softly and didn't move , Harry had a wide , fond smile on his face as he picked Louis up bridal style , being careful of Milky .

"You need to eat Boo ." Harry sat on the chair with Louis on his lap , bringing his plate closer and handing him a fork . Louis pouted a little but took the fork , "You owe my back scratches for nap time ."

"Deal ." Harry chuckled and kissed his shoulder , keeping one arm around him to keep him on his lap .

After lunch Louis went to their bedroom to change into more comfortable clothes as Harry did the dishes quickly . Harry walked into the bedroom to see Louis under the covers , dressed in one of the Adidas shorts he bought with Winter , along with a matching crop-top .

He smiled at him and joined him under the covers , giving his bum a little pat , "Come cuddle me ."

Louis turned to face him and cuddled up to his chest , Harry wrapped his arms around him and kissed his head , running his fingers along Louis' back , where the crop-top showed his soft skin .

"You look good in this outfit ." Harry said with a smile , Louis pressed closer , mumbling 'thank you' tiredly .

"Get some rest now , okay ? Remember it's our movie night tonight ." Harry whispered and held him even closer , Louis nodded , "'Kay ."


"What movie are we watching ?" Louis asked as he sat between Harry's legs with the popcorn bowl , back pressed to his chest . Harry took a hold of Louis' hips and positioned him closer and more comfortably , "The Legend of Tarzan ."

Louis looked up at Harry , "Is it scary ?"

"No , I watched the trailer and it's an action movie , I've been waiting to watch it for a while now ." Harry shook his head and reached for the popcorn , picking the remote up to start the movie .

During the movie Harry couldn't help but smile fondly at how Louis watched the movie with wide eyes , never breaking contact with the screen . He had to shake him out of it a few times , chuckling quietly .

"Look how fit he it ." Louis said and grabbed another handful of popcorn , "I mean , his muscles don't compare to yours , obviously , but he's so fit ."

Harry raised his eyebrows with a light laugh , "Excuse me ?"

"I'm serious ! Look at him , he's so freaking fit , Hazzie . You're better looking and I love your muscles much more , but he's just - just so fit ." Louis rambled , still staring at the screen .


: look up on google alexander skarsgard body to see what he looks like , I promise you won't regret it)

Harry just hummed and kept watching the movie , Louis had his eyes glued to the screen until the end .

"I loved it so much ! I mean , there were a few parts I was scared at , like with the hippo and the fight with the gorilla , but it was such an amazing movie !" Louis rambled again , Harry kept quiet .

Louis turned his head to look at Harry , giggling when he saw him scowling a little . He moved up and turned to face him , sitting on his knees in front of him , "Hazzie ?"

Harry didn't answer , making Louis giggle again . He moved closer and straddled him , arms around his neck , "Are you jealous ?"

When Harry didn't answer , Louis threw his head back in giggles . "You're cute when you're jealous ." He kissed his cheek and pressed closer , cuddling him , "But guess what ? I'm not marrying Tarzan , am I ?"

Harry smiled softly and raised his eyebrows , clearly wanting Louis to keep going . Louis giggled again and rolled his eyes , pulling back to look at him , "I love you , Hazzie . Looooove yoouuu ." He kissed his cheek a few times , then his dimple .

Harry grinned and wrapped his arms around his waist , Louis smiled and thought he was going to get cuddles and back scratches - but instead he screeched when he was flipped onto his back with Harry hovering above him , fingers pressed into his sides .

"Noooo Hazziiiiieeee !" He giggled loudly , wiggling around and pushing at Harry's hands . Harry grinned down at him and leaned closer , rubbing his nose against his neck . Louis squeaked and laughed , squirming helplessly .

After Harry had his little fun he stopped and pulled back to look at his tiny fiance , moving his fringe from his forehead , "I love you too , baby bug ."

Louis grabbed Harry's neck and pulled him down for a kiss , Harry's hands traveled from Louis' waist to his thighs , then rested just under his bum so he could lift him up back onto his lap .

Louis held him tightly and pulled back , smiling at Harry hugged him and nuzzled him closer .

"Can we stay like this forever ?" Harry asked , Louis giggled softly , "I wouldn't mind at all ."


Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x


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