Ch. 30

Heads up : a long ass chapter ahead . :3

Enjoy x


"Lovely , everyone should be here in thirty minutes and I need help organizing the food and drinks ." Harry knocked on the bedroom door bedore stepping in , watching Louis tying his shoelaces .

"I'll be right there , I'm just - ugh ." Louis groaned as he messed the tying once again , kicking the shoes off in annoyance . He crossed his arms over his chest and pouted , "These stupid laces won't tie , I tried three times already ."

Harry chuckled softly and took the shoes , kneeling down infront of Louis to help him into them .

"Don't frown , bug ." Harry tickled his foot gently , laughing when Louis almost kicked him in the face .

"Don't do that !" He whined and pushed his shoulder softly , Harry just smiled at him and finished helping him into his shoes . He then threw him over his shoulder , making him squeak , "Hazzieee !"

Harry walked out of the room with him , placing him down on his feet and pecked his lips , "Come on , help me ."

They moved furniture around a little , so the house will have more space , since there are going to be a lot of people here .

Louis covered the dining table with a white table mat , Harry placed bowls of snacks and treats on it . Louis brought plastic cups and straws , Harry littered the table in bottle drinks , beers and some energy drinks .

Louis stood behind Harry and wrapped his arms around his torso , "Hazzie ?"

"Yeah ?"

"Can you tell me now where we're going on the honeymoon ?"

Harry chuckled and turned around  , Louis' arms still around him . He kissed his forehead and put his hands on his hips , "I know you're eager to know , but you'll have to wait a little longer ."

Louis whined and pressed his face to Harry's chest , "Pleaseeee ?"

"No lovely , sorry ." Harry smiled fondly at him , Louis pouted and turned his back to Harry , arms crossed over his chest .

"Oh don't be overdramatic ." Harry rolled his eyes playfully and turned to the kitchen to get some more snacks , he placed the bowls on the table and looked over to Louis , who was still standing in the same spot with the same expression .

Harry sighed loudly and walked over to him , throwing him over his shoulder . Louis squealed , "Put me down , you hulk !"

"Nope , not until you talk to me properly ." Harry shook his head and carried him around the house , laughing quietly when Louis kept quiet .

He tossed him gently on the couch and sat next to him , "Are you going to talk to me ?"

Louis shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest , shifting so now his back faces Harry . Harry chuckled and put his arm around Louis' waist , leaning down to bury his face in his neck .

Louis gasped and tried squirming away , he pushed at Harry's face to try getting him away from his neck . Harry chuckled at his attempts before leaning his weight on Louis , growling into his neck .

Louis giggled and kicked his legs around , "Stop !"

Harry lifted his head up , "You talked ."

"Go awayyyyy ." Louis whined and squirmed , Harry turned Louis to lie on his back and pressed their lips together , lifting him up to sit on his lap .

Louis squeaked but let himself get placed on Harry's lap , arms wrapping around his neck .

"What was that for ?" Louis asked , Harry pressed another quick kiss to his lip , "For you to hopefully lose the attitude ."

"But -"

"No buts , lovely . You'll know soon ." Harry caressed his cheek , Louis nodded , "But I'm really excited to know ."

"I'm glad you are . But be patient ." He tapped his nose , Louis nodded and pecked his lips .

There was a knock on the door , Louis squeaked and jumped up from Harry's lap , pulling him to the door .

Louis opened the door with a grin , embracing his mother as she smiled , he minded Ernest in her arms .

"Come in ." He took Ernest into his arms and let everyone in , hugging them . He grinned at Doris and kissed her cheek , "Hey Doo ."

She smiled at him and reached a hand up to his chin , he cooed and kissed her tiny hand . Ernest squealed in his arms for attention , making him giggle .

"My little lad ." He smiled down at Ernest and picked him up to kiss his cheek aswell , Ernest smiled and held his cheeks . Harry walked over to them after greeting the rest of the family , grinning at Erenst , "Hello ."

Louis passed him to Harry and watched with a smile as Harry held him , rubbing his thumb on his arm softly.

"How have you been ?" Jay walked over to the two , Louis leaned his head on her shoulder , "We've been good ."

"Louis' been restless about the honeymoon ." Harry teased , Jay laughed softly , "He's always been restless about surprises ."

"I really can't wait ." Louis sighed , Jay kissed his cheek , "Just a little longer , Boobear ."

"You'll never give up that nickname , will you ?" Louis giggled , Jay shook her head with a wide smile , "Never , no matter how old you are ."

Daisy hugged Louis' side , "Lou ?"

He looked down to her with a smile , "Yeah ?"

"I missed you ." She smiled back , Louis cooed and brought her into a hug , "I missed you too , Dee . How's school been ?"

"It's okay ." She said and pulled back a little , "When are you going to come home and make flowercrowns with us ? Mumma said she'll buy us flowers when you tell her you're coming ."

"I need to talk to Fizzy first , so tomorrow morning tell mumma to call me so we can talk all four of us and decide together ." Louis said and pushed her hair behind her ear , she nodded with a smile , "Okay ."

There was another knock , Louis took Ernest from Harry's arms so he could go answer , welcoming Anne , Robin , Gemma and Marley in with a smile .

Anne gave Harry a tight hug , "I'm so happy , my boy ."

"I'm happier ." Harry smiled and kissed her cheek , hugging Robin aswell . He chuckled when Gemma attached herself onto his neck , he picked her up slightly and squeezed her , "Someone is excited ."

She laughed and smiled at him , "I just can't believe you're about to get married in a month ."

"Me neither ." Harry shook his head and gave Marley a hug aswell , smiling as his mum and Robin already made themselves comfortable with a drink and engaged in a conversation with Jay and Dan .

Gemma squealed and gave Louis a tight hug , making him giggle a little and squeeze her back . 

"For the record , I'm just as curious as you are to know where your honeymoon is ." Gemma said as they pulled back from the hug , Louis giggled and jumped in surprise when Harry's arms wrapped around him from behind , "Trust me Gems , you're not as excited . This little one literally ignored me when I didn't tell him earlier ."

Gemma laughed , "Well , he has a reason ."

"Not a good enough one ." He poked Louis' stomach and smiled at his giggle , when there was another knock on the door .

In a matter of thirty minutes the house was filled with people ; their neighbors , friends , some more family relatives .

Louis was having a nice talk with Harry's cousin , Harry came over to them and chuckled at how Louis had to crane his neck up to look at his cousin . He massaged his neck a little , "You okay ?"

Louis nodded , "Yeah , we're good ."

"I never believed he was this small ." Harry's cousin chuckled , Harry laughed and nodded , "Yeah , he's a small one ."

"I'm not small , you two are two giants ." Louis crossed his arms over his chest , Harry tucked him into his side , "You're small , lovely , face it ."

Louis pouted a little but nodded , Harry pecked his pouty lips , "Want me to get you a drink ?"

"Coke will be good , thanks ." Louis nodded , Harry nodded and went over to the table to get Louis his drink .

Niall approached him with a beer in his hand , "Mate , everyone is talking about the honeymoon , when are you going to tell us ?"

Harry chuckled , "Soon , I promise . No one here is as impatient as Louis , trust me ."

"I can imagine ." Niall laughed , "Hey , uh have you talked to Liam lately ?"

"Kind of . I mean , I'm annoyed at him right now , and I'm pretty sure I'll punch him if I see him and he doesn't try fixing things ." Harry said and took the cup over to Louis , Niall following him , "Yeah , Zayn and I went over to see Winter , poor one is still shaken up ."

"She must be , it's not easy seeing the one you love with someone else ." Harry said and handed Louis his cup , Louis thanked him and returned to his conversation .

Harry put his arm on Niall's shoulders , "Please don't bring any of it up around Winter and Louis , I don't want them upset , okay ?"

"Of course mate , but we really need to have a serious talk with Liam . Maybe beat him up a little for hurting Winter ." Niall said as they reached Zayn , who was talking to Winter .

Harry put his other arm on Winter's shoulder , "How have you been ?"

"I've been okay ." She smiled a little , "Dad is still trying to convince me to let him at Liam with the shotgun ."

Harry chuckled a little , "It's nice that he's protective ."

"Yeah , he's always been like this . My brother is worse , though ." Winter giggled slightly , "He once threatened this boy when I was in fourth grade , because the poor boy accidentally bumped into me and made me fall and hurt my knee ."

Harry laughed , "It's nice though ."

"Yeah , it is ." She nodded , "Uhm , is he - did he say if he's coming ?"

"No , haven't talked to him in four days . I told him he's welcome , as long as Cheryl doesn't come . I'm really annoyed at him , I need to have a serious talk with him ."

"Just let him be , he doesn't listen when people scold him ."

"I'm not going to scold him , just show him what he lost ."

Winter sighed a little but nodded , Harry squeezed her into a side hug , "It'll be okay , he's not getting away with it that easily ."

"Let's not talk about him , yeah ?" Zayn said , the three nodded and Harry pulled back , "It's time for the announcement ."

"Fina-fucking-ly !" Niall called with a smile , making them laugh .

Harry walked through the people until he reached Louis , holding his waist in his hands . Louis jumped a little in surprise and turned to face him , "Hi there , having fun scaring me ?"

"Actually yes , I am ." Harry chuckled , "But it's not why I'm here . It's time for the announcement ."

Louis' face broke into a huge grin , he squealed and grabbed Harry's hand , "Yes yes yes yes !"

Harry laughed and wrapped his arm around his waist , Louis excused himself from Lottie and Tommy (her boyfriend) and followed Harry to the stereo system in the corner of the living room .

Harry took the mic and turned it on , "Hey , uh , I'm sorry to pull you out of the convo's you're in , but rumours go around that you want to know where we're going on the honeymoon since -"

He was cut off by cheers and claps , making him and Louis laugh . Louis grasped his bicep and took the mic into his hand , "I feel you , I'm super excited ."

Harry chuckled and took the mic back , "Okay , so uh , my mum and I have been keeping it a secret for the past month or so , and Louis has been a pain in the ass throughout the whole time ."

Louis slapped his arm as people laughed softly , Harry kissed his temple softly and turned back to everyone , "I want to thank my mum for helping me throughout the planning , this would've taken me ages if I did it alone ."

Anne smiled and blew him a kiss , making everyone 'aww' .

"I've been thinking about some places Louis and I could go to , and -"

"Just tell us already , mate !" Niall called , Harry chuckled and shook his head .

"I did some research with mum about places , and picked the perfect place for us ." Harry smiled widely and turned to look at Louis , who was biting his lips excitedly with a grin on .

"We're going to Hawaii ."

Louis jaw dropped , his heart beating out of his chest . "H-how did you know I've always wanted to go there ?"

"A little bird called Jay told me ." Harry smiled at him , Louis grinned and jumped up a little so he could wrap his arms around his neck , everyone in the house cheered and clapped .

Harry hugged the smaller boy and lifted him off his feet , kissing his head and cooing when he felt a little bit of wetness on his shoulder .

"Aw lovely , don't cry bug ." Harry rubbed his face , Louis pulled his face out of Harry's shoulder with a smile and teary eyes , "I'm sorry , I'm just really happy ."

Harry's phone vibrated in his back pocket , he pulled it out and saw the text he's been waiting to get .

"You'll be happier when you see the other surprise ." He kissed his lips and pulled back , "Wait here ."

"Another surprise ?" Louis raised his eyebrows , Harry took the mic again , "So now we have another surprise , thank you again mum for helping me , love you . I'll be right back ." He put the mic down and walked through the crowd of people to the door , leaving everyone confused .

A minute later Harry walked back into the house , and Louis was more confused when he heard little screams and squeals . Soon enough Harry walked back to Louis , followed by no other than Ed Sheeran , who was smiling and holding his guitar .

Louis jaw dropped and he covered his mouth , Ed smiled at him , "Hey mate , how have you been ?"

"B-been good , I - I didn't expect this ." Louis said , Harry put his arm around Louis and handed Ed the mic , Ed thanked him and put his guitar down .

"Hey everyone , I'm going to tell you a little story before we get started ." Ed said , everyone took chairs and quietly listened , Harry sat down on a chair and brought Louis into his lap , arms wrapped around him .

"So it was a little over a year ago , I had a concert in London . I was on stage , having a good time , when I saw this really cute couple kissing . What stood them out of the whole Arena , was that they were two boys . It was beautiful to see that they don't care what others say and just share their love , and that's inspirable . So jokingly I called them out to get a room , making this little one blush ." Ed nodded towards Louis , who smiled and blushed softly .

"And then I said that I was kidding and they could make babies if they wanted to ." Ed continued , making everyone in the room laugh . "It was cute watching them hugging and talking to their friends , also two boys who were holding hands . So I dedicated Autumn Leaves to this cute couple , or as I called them 'the punk and flowerchild' ."

"That's what you painted on your bedroom wall , above your bed ." Gemma pointed out to Harry , who nodded , "Yeah , I liked the consept ."

"So skipping time a little to a month ago , I got a phone call from Harry saying that he and Louis are now engaged , and he wanted to ask if I could surprise Louis at the engagement party , since he's been a fan of mine for quite a long time . And I loved the idea , so now I'm here ." Ed took his guitar out of it's case , placing the sling over his shoulder . Niall helped him place the mic stand , Ed thanked him with a smile .

"So the first song will be Autumn Leaves , since it's Louis' favourite and I dedicated it to them ." Ed gave the two boys a smile before he started playing .

Louis leaned against Harry , arms wrapped around his neck . Harry kissed his cheek , squeezing him close .

After Ed sang Autumn Leaves , Sing , Bloodstream , Kiss Me , Thinking Out Loud and Give Me Love , Harry wiped Louis' teary eyes , making him smile softly , "I'm so emotional , oh god ." Louis rubbed his eyes .

"I hope it's happy tears ." Harry rubbed his back , Louis nodded , "Of course it's happy tears , you dummy ."

Harry kissed his cheek and stood up with Louis , going to thank Ed . They hugged him and took a picture , and Ed stayed a little longer for more pictures and questions .

"Your guitar is great , mate ." Niall pointed out and handed Ed a beer , Ed thanked him , "You play the guitar too ?"

"Yeah , been for quite some time now ." Niall nodded , Ed took a sharpie out of his guitar case and picked his guitar up , he signed the side of it and handed it to Niall , "There you go ."

Niall almost choked on his beer , eyes wide , "No , I can't , it's yours ."

"I'll get another one ." Ed chuckled , "It's a gift , take it ."

Niall took the guitar and thanked him , still shocked . Zayn approached him and put his arm around his waist , "Did Ed Sheeran just gave you his guitar ?"

"Fucking hell he did ." Niall mumbled , making Ed and Zayn laugh .

"Are you his boyfriend ?" Ed asked , Zayn nodded , "Fiance , actually ."

"Oh wow , you guys are just celebrate love all over ." Ed smiled , Zayn smiled , "We're accepted and supported , there's no worries , and it makes it all better ."

"I can imagine . Well excuse me but I should go now , it was nice meeting you ." Ed smiled and said goodbye to everyone , Harry and Louis thanked him once again and led him out to his car .

An hour and a half later the house was empty , Louis was yawning tiredly as he , Anne , Jay and Lottie were cleaning around the house , picking up empty cups and cleaning the tables .

Harry helped Dan get the little twins to the car , along with Phoebe and Daisy who dozed off in the guest bedroom . They returned to help the four around the house , Felicite , Robin , Gemma and Marley helped .

Louis yawned widely again , Harry brought him into his chest , "Want to take a bath when everyone leaves ?"

Louis nodded and rubbed his eyes , helping Dan rearrange the furniture around .

When everyone left Harry filled up a bath , Louis chose a bath bomb and watched as the colors melted into the water , painting it milkish blue .

Harry helped him undress , teasingly poking his sides and stomach every time the small boy was about to doze off . Louis whined and swatted his hands away , trying his best to stay awake a little longer .

"Tonight has been amazing ." Louis said as he rested on Harry's tattooed chest , his fingers skipping over the flowercrown tattoo .

"I'm glad you had fun ." Harry kissed his forehead before tilting his head up to kiss his lips . He rubbed his hands over Louis' back and shoulders , smiling as the smaller boy relaxed under his touch .

"I love you so much ." Louis whispered , Harry pressed another long kiss to his forehead , "I love you too , more than you think I do ."

"D-do you think we could - you know , i-in the bath ?" Louis sat up a little and asked shyly , cheeks painted red .

Harry furrowed , "Wouldn't you prefer the bed ?"

"No , I'll fall asleep the moment my head hits the pillows ." Louis moved to straddle his lap , "I-I can ride ."

"Are you sure ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "I'm sure . I want to ."

Harry nodded and reached his hand out to the bottom drawer under the sink , trying not to get distracted by Louis pressing kisses to his neck as he tried grabbing a condom .


"Your knees are turning a little red , Boo ." Harry examined Louis' knees , Louis shook his head , "It doesn't hurt , I promise . The lovebite hurts more , trust me ."

Harry chuckled and kissed his cheek , "I'll go make sure the house is locked up , okay ?"

Louis nodded , "Come back quick , I need cuddles ."

Harry cooed and kissed his cheek again , going around the house to make sure it's locked up . He took Milky and Peaches from the guest bedroom and took them to their room , where they usually are when they're asleep .

He climbed into bed behind Louis , bringing him close to spoon him .

"Night bug , love you ." He said quietly and kissed his shoulder , where his shirt slipped off , due to the small boy insisting on wearing Harry's clothes .

"Love you too Hazzie . Night ." Louis intertwined their fingers , falling asleep in a matter of seconds .


So this chapter was longer than any other in the book , because I wanted to apologize for the lack of interest .

Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x


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