Ch. 3
You guys are so freaking amazing , your lovely comments made me smile x
Enjoy the chapter !!
Louis woke up in the morning to a cold bed , he whined to himself and shifted a little before fluttering his eyes open . He rubbed them tiredly with his fist and yawned , pushing himself out of bed with the blanket , covering himself as he walked out of the room .
He saw Harry making breakfast in the kitchen and smiled to himself .
"Morning ." Louis wrapped his arms around Harry and kissed his bare shoulder , Harry smiled and brought him to his side , wrapping his arm around him , kissing the top of his head , "Morning love , how did you sleep ?"
"Good . You ?" Louis asked , leaning his head on Harry's chest .
"I slept good , it was nice having you clinging onto me in the middle of the night ." Harry teased , Louis blushed and buried his face in Harry's chest , "I woke up and it was completely dark and I got scared ."
"Aw Boo ." Harry hugged him closer and kept scrambling the egg on the pan , "You could've told me to leave the bed lamp on ."
"But I know you fall asleep quicker with the lights off ." Louis mumbled into his chest .
Harry lifted his head up and pecked his nose , "If you're scared of the dark I'll leave the bed lamp on for you , alright ?"
"But -"
"No buts , you're my baby and I'm going to take care of you ."
Louis blushed and nodded , Harry smiled and attacked his face with kisses , causing Louis to giggle and try escaping the assault .
"Hazzie ," He giggled , "Hazzie stop ."
Harry grinned and let go of him , "Go sit at the table , breakfast will be ready in a bit ." He pecked his lips and pushed him playfully .
"Since we're free this morning , we can go out a bit . What do you think ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "Sure , what were you thinking about ?"
"Well , we can go to the mall , the park , the movies . What do you want ?" Harry asked .
"The mall , maybe ?" Louis asked , Harry nodded ,"Sure , go get dressed ." He pecked his cheek and playfully smacked his bum as he walked away .
"Candy !" Louis grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him into the candy shop , Harry chuckled and let him drag him .
Louis grabbed a plastic bag and started filling it with gummy candy , Harry watched him with a smile , enjoying the view of Louis being happy , giggly and bubbly .
"Finished ." Louis came back to Harry with a bag full of candy , Harry raised his eyebrow , "Are you going to eat all of this by yourself ?"
"No , you're going to help me ." Louis giggled and went to pay for the candy . Harry got him first and handed the cashier the money , Louis pouted and crossed his arms over his chest , "You always pay ."
Harry smiled and kissed his pouty lips , "You know I love spoiling you ."
Louis took his candy bag and walked out of the store with Harry right behind him , arm around his waist .
Louis took a gummy worm out of the bag and fed it to Harry , who playfully bit on his fingers too , making him squeak and pull his hand away with a giggle .
"Do you need any new shirts , pants , underwear , anything else ?" Harry asked as they walked around , looking at stores and passing on .
"No , do you ?" Louis asked , eating a gummy bear .
"I think I need a few new training clothes , the ones I have now are a bit torn ." Harry said , looking around for a good store .
"Ooh ! Can I help pick your clothes ?" Louis asked , Harry chuckled and nodded , "Sure , come on ."
"I think you should wear this ." Louis pointed to a red tank top , Harry raised his eyebrow , "Why red ?"
"You look good in red ." Louis said , blush covering his cheeks . Harry chuckled and kissed his cheek , taking the red tank top , "What else do you think I look good in ?"
Louis bit his lower lip , "This one ." He pointed to the light blue shirt , Harry took it aswell . "Anything else ?"
Louis looked around , moving clothes on the hangers , flipping through shirts on shelves . He pulled a white shirt and a black tank top , "It's basic , you should have these ."
Harry nodded and took it , pressing a kiss to his lips , "Thank you ."
"Welcome ." Louis smiled shyly , "Now go try it on ." He giggled and pushed him towards the changing rooms . Harry chuckled and slung the shirts on one arm , the other wrapping around Louis .
Harry put all the shirts on the hanger and pulled his shirt off , trying on the red tank top . He turned to Louis , "Is it good ?"
"Yeah ." Louis nodded with a smile , "You look amazing ."
Harry smiled and turned to the mirror straightening the shirt and looking it up and down .
A worker approached them , she looked Harry over with a smirk , "You truly are looking good in this tank top ."
Harry didn't comment , Louis didn't either .
Harry went to change , not bothering to close the door . He pulled off the tank top and put on the light blue shirt , turning to Louis , "This one ?"
Louis opened his mouth to comment , but the worker stepped in front of him , "You look amazing in this one ." She straightened his shirt , purposely brushing over his chest and she puffed her breasts out .
"Yeah , my fiance thinks so too ." Harry gave her a look . She didn't seem to care .
"Your fiance doesn't have to know , she can go fuck herself ." She stepped closer to Harry but Harry pushed her away , "Stop being so fucking dumb , my fiance is right here so you go fuck yourself ." He pushed her away and turned to Louis , who had his arms crossed over his chest , looking down .
Harry hugged him , "I'm really sorry , Boo ."
"Not your fault ." Louis shook his head , wrapping his arms around Harry aswell .
Harry pulled back and lifted his head up , pressing their lips together . "Now , how does it look ?" Harry took two steps back , watching Louis' expression .
"I like it ." Louis said , a small smile tugging on his lips . Harry smiled and held his hand forward for Louis to take it , Louis was confused but took his hand . Harry pulled him into the changing room and closed the door , pressing their lips together .
"Turn the frown upside down ." Harry pressed Louis' back against the wall , he attached their lips as his fingers poked lightly at his sides . Louis kissed him back and pushed his fingers away , giggling into the kiss .
"S-stop ." Louis tried pushing him away , Harry chuckled and pulled back , "There's that smile ."
"Sap ." Louis giggled and pushed him away , Harry pressed one more kiss to his lips before pulling his shirt off his head , "I'm going to take these ." He said and pulled his shirt back on , taking the four shirts and unlocking the door .
They walked to the cashier , paid for the shirts and left the store .
"Hey Paul ." Louis smiled and waved at Paul , who waved back with a smile , "Hey Louis , long time no see . How are you ?"
"I'm good , you ?" He asked , sitting himself on one of the chairs near the ring in the middle of the room . Harry is going to have his first boxing session to become a professional boxer , and he asked Louis to come with him .
"I'm good , been dealing with Harry talking about the wedding nonstop ever since ." Paul teased , Louis blushed and a giggle escaped his lips , "Yeah , we're both excited ."
"I'm here ." Harry walked into the studio , dropping his bag to the floor and pulling out his boxing gloves , the ones Louis got him for Christmas .
"Finally ." Paul sighed , Harry let him wrap the elastic wrap around his knuckles on both hands before putting on his gloves .
"So , did you think about my suggestions ?" Paul asked as he wrapped the elastic around his knuckles .
"Yeah . I think - I think I'd like to get professional ." Harry said , a smile creeping on his lips .
"Thought you would want this ." Paul chuckled , "Well , since this is what you decided I'm starting to train you today , okay ?"
Harry nodded , he bumped his fists with Paul and went to kiss Louis' cheek before going into the ring . There were two more guys in the studio , one was lifting weights and the other running on a treadmill .
Louis watched Harry boxing , remembering the first time he came to see him . His muscles had grown ever since , and he became better . His heart skipped a beat when Harry got hit , with Paul scolding him to be more concentrated . He saw it gets Harry a bit angry , which encourages him to hit harder .
"You're done for now , ten minutes break ." Paul gave his cheek a pat , "Go drink some water ."
Harry breathed out and slid between the ring's chains , going over to Louis . Louis handed him a bottle of water , Harry took it and gulped it down .
"Was I good ?" He asked , Louis nodded with a smile , "Yeah , you were great ."
Harry smiled and leaned forward to kiss him , but Louis pushed him away , "You're stinky ." Harry rolled his eyes playfully , "I don't care ."
"But I do ." Louis poked his cheek , "After shower you can get all the kisses you want ." Harry pointed his finger at Louis , "You owe me ."
"It was a good training ." Paul said , "You're really good , we just need to train a lot more . It's going to get more intense each time , so you better prepare yourself ."
Harry nodded , "Okay ."
Paul got Harry's gloves off for him , "Get some rest now , yeah ? We had an intense training , you lost energy ."
"I'm going to stay just a bit longer , though ." Harry answered and took thw gloves from Paul's hands , Paul nodded and waved goodbye , leaving the studio .
Louis was about to ask why they were staying , but Harry spoke up , "Come on , I'll teach you a few moves ."
"I know how to hit ." Louis said proudly , making Harry chuckle , "Sorry , love , but I don't think so ."
Louis pouted , Harry took his old gloves out of his bag , "These may be big on you , but that's all I have ."
Harry helped Louis into the gloves , Louis bumped his fists together , "I already feel tough ."
Harry chuckled , "Tough as a cookie ."
Louis punched his shoulder , making Harry laugh . "Come on , big guy ." He took him to the ring , standing in the middle .
"First , the position ." Harry showed him the position , his right leg behind and left leg in the front , fists covering his face and arms protecting his body .
Louis copied his position , Harry grabbed his arms , "Don't raise your arms too high , then your torso is exposed ." He said , poking at his stomach to prove his point . Louis giggled and pushed his hand away , repositioning with his arms lower this time .
"Good ." Harry told him and went to stand behind him . "When you throw a punch , you don't want to hurt your knuckles , or your fingers . So you punch with this area ," Harry showed him on his own fist , the flat surface his fingers making , "It makes the punch hurt less . At least for you ."
Harry stood back in front of Louis , holding his palms open , "Punch ." Louis punched Harry's palm , Harry chuckled , "Harder ." Louis hit him harder , though Harry wanted him to hit his hardest .
Louis clenched his fists tight and threw his hardest punch , knocking Harry's hand away a little . Harry smiled , "Good job , little one ."
Louis smiled proudly , "Come on , give me more , I'm into it ." He jumped like a hyper .
Harry chuckled , he let Louis punch his palms a little more before the small boy got tired . He took his gloves off , "Come on , let's go home ."
Louis lied on his back on the bed as he texted on their group chat , giggling at Niall and Liam's messages .
Harry walked out of the shower and crawled on the bed , laying on top of Louis , head on his chest . Louis locked his phone and put it on the nightstand , running his fingers through Harry's hair .
"Your hair is growing longer ." Louis said , stroking Harry's hair out of his face .
"Yeah , might start wearing headbands soon ." Harry said with a sigh , "Or I should just cut it ."
"No , don't cut it . I like your hair long ." Louis said with a smile , "It's soft and smells good ."
Harry smiled aswell and pressed his face to Louis' chest , leaving a small kiss there . Then he lifted the hem of Louis' shirt up and pressed kisses to his stomach , Louis giggled and pushed his head away gently .
Harry didn't stop , he moved to the side to press kisses to his right hip , tugging the elastic of his pants and his boxers down to expose the white , thin scars that were left on his skin . He pressed light kisses to his damaged skin , then moved to his v-line .
Louis giggled , closing his eyes in pleasure . It tickled but felt good at the same time .
Harry hooked his thumbs in Louis' boxers , "Can I ?"
Louis bit his lower lip but nodded , "Please go slow ."
"Always . Tell me to stop whenever , alright ?" Harry mumbled against his skin , Louis nodded and shifted a little , preparing himself .
Harry cleaned Louis' stomach and looked up at the small boy , who just caught his breath back .
"You alright there ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded . "Y-yeah , it was amazing ."
Harry smiled , "I'm glad ." He tugged Louis' boxers back up and leaned down to press one last kiss to his stomach , but not pulling away without blowing one , small raspberry on his belly . Louis screeched in surprise and giggled , pushing him away , "No , you meanie ! Why did you do that ?"
"I couldn't resist , you have the cutest belly !" Harry cooed , Louis' cheeks turned red and he pushed Harry away , "That's not an excuse ."
"It's the best excuse I have ." Harry grinned and crawled up to kiss his lips , Louis cupped his cheeks and brought him closer , "Need me to repay you ?"
Harry smirked down at him , "I can get myself off , lovely . Don't worry ." He was about to crawl off Louis but Louis reached his hand down to palm Harry , Harry moaned quietly and let his forehead drop to Louis' chest . "Are you sure about that ?"
"I'm sure ." Louis nodded .
"God , I love you , Lou ."
Louis grinned , "I love you too , Hazzie ."
Well , yeah . That's it for now .
Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x
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