Ch. 29

Enjoy x


Harry parked his car outside Liam's place , he turned towards the backseat where Winter and Louis were sitting .

"You ready ?" He asked , she nodded , "Let's get this over with ."

The three got out of the car , Harry walked in front of the two . He knocked on the door , a few seconds later Liam opened it , slightly out of breath . His eyebrows raised , "Harry ? What are you doing here ?"

"We're here for Winter's stuff ." He said and let Louis and Winter in , following close behind . Liam was quick to run after them and block the way , "You can't go into the bedroom ."

"Liam , I don't care if she's there , I'm here for my stuff and I'm leaving ." Winter said and pushed past him , going into the room . She saw Cheryl laying on the bed in her bra and a short jeans , she sighed sadly and walked to the closet .

Cheryl quickly threw on the closest shirt , which was Liam's , watching as Louis and Winter filled up two suitcases , with Harry guarding the two from Liam .

"Please just let me talk to her ." Liam said , Harry shook his head , "No , and I swear I'll punch you if you try getting close to her ."

Ten minutes later all of Winter's clothes were packed , Harry helped her carry it out of the room . After loading the trunk Louis pouted lightly as he wiped Winter's tears , "I hate seeing you cry ."

"I can't believe this is over like this ." She shook her head , Louis hugged her and watched as Harry pushed Liam back into the house and closed the door when Liam tried getting to Winter again .

Harry approached the two , "Ready to go ?"

"Could you drop me off at my dad's ? I still need to tell him ." Winter said , Harry nodded , "Of course , let's go ."

Harry drove them to Winter's house ; she only had her dad and older brother , and her brother was away on his last year of university .

Harry helped her unload the suitcases and take them up to the house , she knocked on the door and wiped under her eyes a little .

The door opened , a muscly man opened it , his eyebrows raised , "Oh , Winter . Wasn't expecting you , is everything okay ?"

"No ." She shook her head , her dad frowned in realization , "I'll go get my shotgun ." He turned to leave but she grabbed his arm , "Just leave it , I'll explain later ."

He sighed and nodded , helping Harry carry the suitcases into the house . Louis and Harry hugged her goodbye and made her promise to call her in the morning .

Louis frowned sadly , "I hate seeing her so upset ."

"Me too . And over Liam , that's the last thing I expected ." Harry opened the passenger's door for Louis , who pecked his cheek and slid in .

They arrived back at their place ten minutes later and walked into the house , Peaches approached them wagging her tail . Louis smiled down at her and picked her up , Harry patted the small of his back , "I'll make us some tea , go sit on the couch ."

Louis sat on the couch with Peaches on his lap , he pet her softly and smiled at her . Harry soon joined , he sat next to him and placed two mugs on the table . Louis cuddled into his side , "Peaches missed you ." He brought the puppy up to rest on Harry's chest , Peaches licked his chin .

Harry smiled and pet her , "Missed you too , pup ."

"My pup ." Louis picked her up , sitting crossed legged next to Harry and holding Peaches to his chest .

Harry chuckled and poked his stomach softly , Louis squeaked , "Peaches , attack !" He held the small puppy up , making her 'punch' Harry with her tiny paws .

"Pow . Pow ." Louis muttered with every 'punch' , making Harry laugh . Louis pouted half angrily , "Bite him ." He brought Peaches closer to Harry for her to bite him , but she licked his cheek instead .

Harry took her and held her with one arm , the other held open for Louis , "Could you give me a cuddle already ?"

"Do I get back scratches ?" Louis gave Harry a cute pouty face , Harry grinned at him and nodded , "You get whatever you want , lovely ."

Louis smiled and ushered into his side , wrapping his arms around his torso with his head on his chest . Harry ran his fingers up and down his back , placing Peaches down on his lap .

"Hazzie ?"

"Yeah ?"

"The engagement party is next week ."

Harry smiled and squeezed him closer , "I know . Excited ?"

"Yeah . I want to know where we're going on our honeymoon ." Louis said , Harry chuckled , "You'll love it , I promise ."

"I know I will , I really can't wait ." Louis smiled up at him , "But I'm really tired now , we had a long day ."

"Let's go to bed , then ." Harry picked Peaches up and put her on the floor , holding his arms out for Louis . Louis stood up on the couch and attached himself to Harry , arms and legs wrapped around him .

Harry carried him to bed , peppering his neck with soft kisses to enjoy the sound of his cute rolling giggles .

"Stoooop ." Louis tried kicking his legs around , but Harry had a strong grip around his thighs to keep him up , which made it difficult . He squeaked when he was dropped on the bed , Harry smiled down at him , "Get in bed , we'll shower in the morning ."

Louis crawled up the bed and settled under the covers , Harry soon joining . They wrapped their arms around each other , Louis smiled at the warmth .

"Night lovely ." Harry kissed the top of his head , Louis pressed a kiss to his chest , "Night Hazzie ."


"But I'm tired ." Louis whined , Harry chuckled and rubbed his back , "Lovely , you have a morning shift , you can't skip it ."

Louis whined again and buried himself into the bed , Harry rolled his eyes playfully with a smile and grabbed his hips , pulling him out of bed . Louis squeaked and trashed in his hold , "Nooo !"

Harry stopped and flipped him around , raising his eyebrow , "Is there a reason you don't want to go to work ? You love the diner ."

Louis pouted a little , "I don't feel like it today ."

Harry sighed and lied on his side next to him , "Do you want to take the day off then ? I'll call you in ?"

Louis nodded still pouting , Harry pecked his pouty lips and got up to grab his phone . He knew there was something Louis wasn't telling him , and it most likely happened in last night's shift , but he knew better than to push Louis to tell him .

He walked back into the room , Louis was now laying on his side with his back to him . He lied behind him and draped his arm over his waist , pressing a kiss to the back of his head . "I'll be here to talk when you're ready ."

When Louis didn't say anything Harry hugged him closer silently , trying to think what could happen that would affect Louis this way .

"I'll go make us some breakfast . Do you want to join me ?" Harry asked and lifted himself up on his elbow , Louis nodded and turned on his back towards him , "What are you making ?"

"Bacon toast . How does that sound ?" Harry smiled softly and moved Louis' fringe from his forehead , Louis nodded and smiled back , "Sounds yummy ."

They got out of bed , Harry gave Louis a piggyback to the kitchen , sitting him on the counter as he made breakfast . He made sure to kiss and poke him whenever he walked past him , managing to get a smile and some giggles out of the boy .

When breakfast was ready Louis helped Harry place everything on the table , they ate and fed each other , both grinning childishly .

After breakfast Louis picked a random movie and put it on , Harry lied on the couch with his head on Louis' lap , smiling softly as the boy ran his fingers through his hair .

"I miss your long hair ." Louis pouted a little , Harry chuckled , "Boo , it's almost been a month ."

"That doesn't make me miss it any less ." Louis poked his cheek , Harry turned to lie on his back so he faces Louis , "But the short hair suits me , doesn't it ?"

"Yeah , it does ." Louis nodded , "Are you planning on growing it again ?"

"Maybe , or maybe i'll leave it short from now on ." Harry said , chuckling when Louis whined quietly .

"Long hair suits you really good . So does the short , but the long hair will always have a special place in my heart ." Louis said emotionally , making Harry laugh loudly .

"Don't laugh , you - ugh , you - you giant frog !" Louis pouted and scooted away from Harry , making his head drop on the couch . Harry chuckled and crawled over to Louis , grabbing his waist . Lousi squeaked as he was pulled into Harry's chest with Harry falling backwards to lie on his back , Louis now laying across his chest .

"You're mean ." Louis buried his face in Harry's chest , Harry smiled and rubbed his hands up and down his back , "You love me ."

"Mm , I do ." Louis nodded with a smile .

"I love you more , bug ." Harry kissed the top of his head .


I'm sorry it's short , but I couldn't write the emgagement party in this chapter , I had to wait for the other one . So this one is a little filler , next one will hopefully be much more interesting , and better in general .

Hope you still liked it x


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