Ch. 22
Enjoy x
Harry was laying on his front on Sunday morning , Louis straddling his lower back and massaging his shoulders . Harry sighed softly into the pillow , "Feels great , lovely ."
Louis smiled and leaned down to press a kiss to his shoulder blade , he massaged into his spine , "You need to be more careful , Hazzie ."
"I know , I wasn't really thinking . Guess that punch yesterday wasn't as good as I thought it was . Atleast I managed to knock him out ."
Louis lied across Harry's back , "Whatever he said it doesn't matter , because it's not him I'm going to marry , now , is it ?"
A smile spread on Harry's lips , making Louis smile aswell and kiss his cheek . He got off him and let Harry pull him into his chest , pressing their lips together .
"Mm , Hazzie , I'm getting hungry ." Louis mumbled against his lips , "I'll go get us tea and cookies ."
Harry nodded but didn't let go of him , Louis giggled and pulled back , pecking his nose and getting out of bed .
Harry smiled and stared at his bum as he walked out of the room , whistling playfully . Louis giggled and shook his head slightly .
A few minutes later Louis was back with a tray , walking carefully to the bed . Harry held the tray as Louis got into bed next to him , kissing his cheek as a 'thank you' .
"I put a movie on , Liam recommended ." Harry placed the pillows against the bedpost for them to lean on , Lous handed him his tea mug and took his own , along with the plate of cookies .
Louis leaned into Harry's side and took a sip of his tea , "I'm excited for our meet up with Evelyn tomorrow ."
"Me too . And I may shouldn't tell you , but I've decided where I'm taking you for our honeymoon ." Harry said , a smile spreading on his lips .
Louis sat up and turned to face him , "Tell me ."
"Nope , this is a surprise ." Harry tapped his nose , Louis whined , "Pleaseeee , tell me !"
Harry shook his head , chuckling when Louis pouted , "I want to know ."
"You'll know , but not now . It's still not settled yet , because first we need to decide what date our wedding is ."
"Okay ." Louis nodded , still pouting . Harry laughed softly and held his arm open for Louis to cuddle into , Louis snuggled into his side and sipped on his tea .
The movie was about to end , when Louis' phone went off . He sat up and reached for it , seeing his mum is calling him .
"Hey mumma , what's up ?"
"Hey , dear . Uhm - I can't tell you this over the phone . D-Do you think you could come over ?"
"Sure . Why do you sound off ?"
"I'll explain when you come over ."
"Alright , uh I'll be there in a bit ."
They hung up , Harry turned , "Do you need a ride to your mum's ?"
"Yeah ." Louis nodded and got out of bed with Harry , they got dressed quickly and left the house .
"Did she say what happened ?" Harry asked , Louis shook his head , "No , she said she'll explain when we get there ."
Ten minutes later they reached the house , Harry parked outside and they got out . Louis held Harry's hand nervously , Harry squeezed his hand comfortingly and knocked on the door .
Lottie opened the door and immediately hugged Louis , crying on his chest . Louis raised his eyebrows in surprise , hugging her back , "Lott's what happened ?"
She didn't answer , Louis took her into the house with Harry following . The house was quiet , Lottie told them Jay is outside at the yard . They walked outside , Jay was sitting next to the table , watching the two pairs of twins playing around on the grass .
"Mumma ." Louis called , Jay looked over to them , and Louis could tell she cried too . She got up to greet them , telling them to sit down .
"Lott's was crying when we got in , what happened ?" Louis asked , Jay sighed and reached for his hand , "I'm going to be straight forward , okay ? I have no way telling you this without breaking you ."
Louis was nervous , his palms sweating and heart beaing loudly .
"Lou , nan passed away ."
Louis froze at her words , his chest tightened and he felt like he couldn't breath . Tears rose up to his eyes , making his vision blurry .
Harry's jaw dropped ; he knew how much Louis loved his nan , and now she's gone .
Jay wiped under his eyes , "Lottie took it pretty hard aswell , Felicite is also up in her room . I haven't told Phoebe and Daisy yet ."
Louis tried breathing but he couldn't , he gripped his chest in his hands and Harry immediately knew what that meant .
He kneeled down in front of him , "Lou , baby , breath . Take a deep breath ." He pressed his palm against Louis' stomach , pressing slightly .
A few seconds later Louis started sobbing quietly , Harry cradled him and rubbed his back . He didn't say anything , mostly because he had nothing to say , knowing words won't be helpful in this situation .
Jay scooted closer to the two and rubbed Louis' back , "She passed this morning in her sleep , her neighbours didn't hear her radio , because she always turns it on in the mornings , so when they checked on her they found her on her bed ."
Louis was still sobbing , he couldn't believe he won't be able to see his nan again .
Harry waited for him to calm down before pulling back a little , he wiped his tears , "Do you want to go in to be with Lottie and Fizzy ?"
Louis nodded silently , Harry helped him up and into the house . They found Lottie on the couch , cuddled under a blanket with tear stains on her cheeks . She turned to look at them as they entered the living room , lifting up the blanket for Louis to sit next to her .
"Do you want to stay here for the day and I'll pick you up in the evening ?" Harry asked , thinking Louis would want to spend the time with his sisters and mother . Louis shook his head , "Stay with me ."
Harry nodded and let Louis pull him towards the couch , they cuddled with Lottie as she and Louis cried softly . Harry hated seeing Louis so upset , but he kept quiet , knowing he needs to cry it out and not hold it in .
"I wanted h-her to be at our wedding . I wanted her to s-see me getting married ." Louis held Harry's hand tightly , Harry leaned down to kiss his cheek softly , trying to comfort him the best he can .
Lottie leaned her head on Louis' chest , "I haven't checked on Fizzy , want to come with me ?"
Louis nodded , Harry got up and let the two go up the stairs to Felicite's room .
They knocked on the door before walking in , she was laying in bed on her side with her back facing the door . Louis was quick to get in next to her and cuddle behind her , Lottie joining right after .
They stayed there for almost an hour until they all fell asleep , Harry and Jay checked up on them to find them sound asleep .
Harry helped Jay with Ernest and Doris , they put them to sleep so they could talk with Phoebe and Daisy . The two took it as hard as their other siblings did , and Harry was there to let them cry on him and cuddle him to sleep .
When Louis woke up he walked downstairs to find Harry holding the twins as they slept , he sat next to him . Harry gave him a soft smile , "How are you feeling ?"
"I - I've been better . But I'm not on my worst right now ." Louis said quietly , Harry placed the twins down on the couch and opened his arms for Louis . Louis immediately cuddled into his chest , Harry kissed the top of his head and squeezed him closer .
Louis looked over to the twins , he sighed sadly , "I never got to say goodbye ."
"None of you got to , lovely . Don't get yourself worked up ." Harry rubbed his back , Louis nodded and snuggled closer , "Can we make some tea ?"
"Of course , come on ."Harry stood up and took Louis to the kitchen , where Jay and Dan were sitting .
"We're making tea , would you like a cup ?" Harry asked , they nodded and thanked him .
Louis sat next to Jay and leaned on her shoulder , she caressed his cheek softly and sighed .
Harry brought five cups of tea to the dining table and sat next to Louis , Louis settled himself on Harry's lap and cuddled into his chest . Harry smiled softly and held him closer , running his fingers up and down his spine .
Jay decided to start make dinner , so Dan got up to help her . Harry stayed with Louis on his lap as they cuddled , he kept kissing him on his cheeks and forehead .
They stayed over for dinner , Louis went to wake Lottie and Felicite up , while Harry went to get Phoebe and Daisy .
Dinner was quiet , no one had anything to say . Louis and Jay really didn't like how quiet it was so they tried making a conversation , but the girls answered shortly and returned to their plates .
Louis and Harry stayed over some more , helping Jay with the dishes . They hugged her and the girls goodbye and got into the car , Harry took them home and into a much needed warm bath .
Louis leaned back into Harry's chest , Harry's thumbs massaged his hips gently . He kissed his temple , "Are you feeling better ?"
"Kind of . I mean , I'm still sad because of nan but I'm - I'm starting to accept it . If you weren't with me today I'm pretty sure I would have had a panic attack and pass out ."
Harry wrapped his arms around his waist and held him closer , "I'll always be there for you , lovely ."
"I know . And I'm grateful ." Louis turned his head to the side , lifting himself up to peck his cheek . Harry peppered his cheek with kisses , "I love you ."
"I love you too , Hazzie ." Louis smiled slightly and pushed himself backwards more into his chest .
It was a little short , but oh well .
Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x
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