Ch. 2

I looooove you all !! Your support is so amazing , I get all blushy every time .

Enjoy the chapter x


"I'll come to pick you up , alright ?" Harry parked outside the diner Louis worked at ; it was a small place but had a lot of customers and paid Louis well , and he liked the job .

"Okay , I finish at ten , are you sure you'll stay up until then ?" Louis asked , Harry raised his eyebrow at him , "Do you even know me ?"

Louis giggled , "Just asking ."

Harry smiled at him and leaned to kiss his lips , "Have a good time ."

"You too ." Louis kissed him again before getting out of the car , running into the diner since it was raining .

He smiled at his work friends that he got to meet when he first started , they all smiled at him and waved , some gave him a hug if they could and weren't serving .

Louis walked behind the desk and into the employees' room , placing his stuff there and going to stand near the sweets and coffee , his section for today .

"Hey Lou , how are you ?" Erin asked when she finished with a customer , standing on the other side of the desk with her tray .

"I'm good , you ?" Louis asked , taking a mop to clean the counter .

"I'm really excited , actually ." She said with a grin .

Louis raised his eyebrow , "What for ?"

"Tomorrow is mine and Ethan's six month anniversary , and he told me he planned a few things for us ." She clapped her hands with excitment , Louis grinned at her , "Aw , you two ! Did he tell you what he planned ?"

"No , he's keeping it as a surprise for a few days now ." She pouted . She was two years younger than Louis , they were good friends .

"My fiance does that too , always planning something without telling me what ." Louis said with a smile , "I got him back a few times , and it drove him crazy because he is usually the one to take care of things ."

Erin giggled , "I really want to meet him sometime ."

"Only if I meet Ethan first ." Louis put the mop away and leaned on his arms on the counter .

"You will , I promise !"

"You promise me this for two months already !"

"I proper promise this time ."

"You'd better ." Louis glared at her playfully , causing the both of them to giggle .

One of the waiters , George , gave him a note with an order , Louis took the note and started making the coffee .


Two hours later , Erin walked towards the counter with a boy ,"Lou , I want you to meet Ethan , my boyfriend ." The boy smiled at Louis and shook his hand , "Hey , I'm Ethan ."

"Hi , I'm Louis ." Louis smiled back at him , "And please don't ever break her heart or I'm breaking your face ." He gave him a look , and Erin giggled , "Lou , you're not intimidating ."

"I am !" Louis pouted at her .

"I have to agree with her ." Someone joined the conversation , Louis looked to the side to see Harry standing there with a smile and his boxing&gym bag on his shoulder .

"Harry ! What are you doing here ?" Louis asked with a smile , Harry walked closer to the counter and reached for his hand , "I was just done with my boxing session and the gym , thought I'd come by to say hi and get myself some coffee ."

"Well in that case , Erin this is my fiance Harry , Haz this is Erin , she works with me , and this is her boyfriend Ethan ." Louis introduced them , Harry shook the two's hands .

"Sorry for being all dirty , I was at the gym ." Harry apologized .

"You got yourself a giant one , Lou ." Erin laughed , Louis pouted , "I know , he's like the hulk ."

"How old are you ?" Erin asked Harry .

"I'm twenty ."

"You look twenty five ."

Harry chuckled and turned his head to Louis , "If I had a dollar for every time someone told me this ..."

"And if I had a dollar for every time someone told me I look sixteen ." Louis pouted and crossed his arms over his chest .

"That's because you're small ." Harry chuckled .

"I'm not small !"

"Yes you are Lou ." Erin giggled , "I'm almost your height ."

"It's three inches apart !"

"But I'm still five three and you're five six ."

"Heh , I'm five eight ." Ethan chuckled .

"I'm six four ." Harry laughed , "You're basically ants compared to me ."

All three laughed , Louis turned to make Harry his coffee while Harry , Ethan and Erin made a small talk .

"Here you go ." Louis handed him his coffee , Harry thanked him and leaned on the counter to kiss him , "I'll come to get you later , alright ?"

"You already told me this ." Louis rolled his eyes playfully and giggled . Harry chuckled and kissed his cheek , "Bye lovely ."

"Bye Hazzie ." Louis smiled and watched him leaving .

"You're really cute together , like those opposite couples ." Erin cooed , Louis smiled and giggled quietly , "Yeah , Ed Sheeran called us punk and flowerchild at his concert a year ago ."


Louis yawned as he finished cleaning the tables , he put the mop near the sink and washed his hands , "I'm so tired ."

"Me too ." George leaned on the broom , "Let's just finish with this shit and go hooome ."

"George Paul Shelley , don't curse ." Louis shot him a glare , George pouted at him , "Sorryyy ."

The store's door opened and Harry walked in , "Hey love ."

"Hi Haz , I'll just go get my things ." Louis smiled at him and walked to the employees' room to get his stuff .

He helped George close up and said goodbye to him , walking to the car with Harry .

"Who is this boy ?" Harry asked and placed his arm around Louis' waist .

"George , he works with me ."

"Hm ." Is all Harry said as they got to the car . Louis sighed , "You have nothing to be jealous for , I have a fiance and he has a boyfriend . Okay ?" He cupped his cheeks , Harry looked into his eyes and sighed , "Okay ."

"Good ." He pecked his lips , "Now let's get home , I'm exhausted ."


"Carry me ." Louis made grabby hands at Harry as he finished getting into his pajamas , Harry smiled and lifted him up , letting the small boy wrap his arms and legs around him .

He walked to the living room and dropped Louis to the couch , causing him to giggle .

"You want to watch a movie ?" Harry asked as he sat next to him , Louis shook his head and put his head on Harry's lap , "No , we never really watch the movie anyway . Put MTV or something random on ."

Harry put MTV and put the remote on the table , covering Louis with a blanket .

"So , how was work today ?" Harry asked , playing with Louis' hair gently .

"It was okay , tiring as always ."

"Anything special happened today ?"

"No , it was boring ."

"Really ? No one slipped on the floor ? No one had coffee on their shirts ?"

Louis giggled , "No , just another boring day . How was at the gym ?"

"It was good ." Harry said with a small smile . "You remember on my birthday I said Paul had a suggestion for me ?"

"Yeah . What about it ?"

"Well , he told me the suggestion today ."

Louis sat up and moved to sit on Harry's thighs , "Tell me ."

Harry chuckled and held Louis' hips , "Okay . Well , he told me that if I want I can start training more intensively and become a professional boxer , going to competitions and such , and I can also start working for the gym by training younger kids . In both ways I'm getting paid but I don't care . I have quite a decision to make ."

Louis bit his lip , "Can I tell you my opinion ?"

"Sure ."

"I'd much prefer if you trained kids , I don't want you to get hurt in those competitions ." Louis said , looking down .

"Aw , lovely ." Harry leaned forward and wrapped his arms around his waist , pressing a kiss to his cheek . "Don't worry about me , I trust Paul to put me in the right group for me , and even if I get a little hurt , it won't kill me ."

"But I'm still worried , I don't like it when you come home with a bruise ." Louis crossed his arms over his chest , "But still , if you pick being a professional boxer , I'll support you ."

Harry lifted Louis' head up to face him and pressed their lips together , "Thank you , lovely ."

"Just please be careful ." Louis cupped his cheeks , Harry nodded , "Promise ." He brought him to his chest and let him cuddle into it , he rubbed his back as Louis clutched and unclutched his shirt like a baby .

"Let's get to bed , Boo ." Harry picked him up and turned the TV off , turning the lights off on the way out of the living room .

He carried Louis to their room , laying him down on the bed . Louis crawled under the covers and wrapped his arms around Lourry the teddy bear .

Harry walked back into the room from the bathroom and saw Louis cuddled up to Lourry , he smiled to himself and snapped a quick picture of him before crawling under the covers .

"Boo , come cuddle me ." Harry shook Louis' shoulder ; he knew he isn't asleep , if he were asleep he wouldn't have asked him .

Louis didn't reply , faking being asleep . Harry chuckled and kissed his cheek , "Boo , I know you're awake ." He whispered in his ear , Louis' lips twitched up in a smile but he forced it down .

Harry brought his fingers to his ribs and tickled him , "Cuddle me or I'm not stopping ."

Louis started giggling and squirming around , but still refused to let go of Lourry .

"Hazzieeee ." Louis giggled out .

"Let go of Lourry and cuddle me ." Harry demanded , Louis kept giggling and squirming , "Then cuddle us !"

Harry stopped , "But I want you all to myself ."

Louis smiled and shifted back until his back was pressed to Harry's chest , Harry smiled and wrapped his arms around his waist with Louis still holding Lourry .

"See ? This isn't so bad ." Louis said with a giggle .

Harry kissed his cheek , "I still want my own cuddles ."


Chapter twooooooo .

Hope you liked it !! xx


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