Ch. 18

Tired af . Feel my pain .

Enjoy x


"Hazzie , where are my shoes ?" Louis asked , looking around the house . Harry walked out of the bedroom with Louis' shoes in his hands , he sat him on the couch and crouched in front of him to put them on for him .

"Promise you won't be harsh on Lottie's boyfriend ?" Louis asked , Harry chuckled , "Lovely , I promised you a thousands times . I promise not to be harsh on him ."

"And don't embarrass her ." Louis poked his dimple , Harry scrunched his nose , "About that ..."

"Hazzie ." Louis whined , "If you embarrass her she'll blame me ."

"Alright , alright . I'll do my best not to embarrass her ." Harry finished tying Louis' shoes and leaned forward to kiss his lips .

Louis said goodbye to Milky and Peaches before the two left the house .

Harry parked the car outside Jay's house , the two got out and walked up the front stairs . Louis knocked on the door , Phoebe opened the door and jumped on Louis in a hug .

"Hey little monster ." Louis smiled and hugged her , "How are you ?"

"I'm good ! Lottie's boyfriend is already here ." Phoebe let go of Louis and hugged Harry , Harry picked her up and walked into the house after Louis .

Jay approached the door with Doris on her chest , she greeted the two and passed Doris to Louis .

"Hi there ." He smiled and kissed her cheek , laying her on his shoulder . Harry placed Phoebe down and turned his attention to Doris , poking her nose and making faces .

Daisy hugged Harry's legs , Harry looked down to her and picked her up , "Hey there ."

"Hi ! Come meet Tommy !" Daisy played with Harry's hair .

"In a bit , okay ?" Harry put her down , she nodded and hugged Louis aswell , clinging to his side .

Felicite walked over with Ernest , Ernest squealed when he recognised Louis . Louis grinned and giggled , passing Doris carefully to Daisy and taking Ernest instead .

"My little lad , how are you ?" Louis kissed his cheek and positioned him on his hip , Ernest placed his small hand on Louis' cheek and squealed again .

Louis walked into the living room , lottie and her boyfriend , Tommy , were sitting on the couch with Jay and Dan .

Louis placed Ernest on the carpet and walked up to Lottie , she smiled and got up to give him a hug .

"How is it going so far ?" Louis whispered .

"It's going good , don't let Harry's protectiveness ruin this ." She giggled , making him giggle aswell . "I made him promise thousands of times , don't worry ."

They pulled back , Harry pulled Lottie into his chest , "Hi ."

"Hey ." She hugged him back .

"Don't worry , I promised Louis I won't do anything ." He tickled her side a little , making her giggle and push him away .

She turned back to the couch and took Tommy's hand , he stood up next to her , Louis bit his lower lip when the guy was slightly taller than him .

"Louis , Harry , this is Tommy . Tommy , this is my brother Louis and his fiance Harry ." Lottie introduced them .

"Nice meeting you ." Harry held his hand out for Tommy , who shook it , "Nice to meet you too ."

Louis shook his hand , slightly squeezing his hand as if telling him he's watched , but still had a smile on his face to cover it up .

"Well sit down for now , dinner will be ready in a few minutes ." Jay pattes the empty seat left on the couch .

"I'll go get a chair ." Louis pointed to the dining table , but Harry just pulled him to the couch and sat down , pulling him gently to sit on his lap . "That's better , isn't it ?"

"Sap ." Louis shook his head with a giggle , Harry squeezed him lightly . Ernest crawled over to Louis , Louis picked him up and sat him on his lap , wrapping his arm around him so he wouldn't fall .

Harry had one arm wrapped around Louis , the other letting Ernest play with his fingers and rings .

Jay took her phone and opened the camera , "Smile ."

Louis and Harry smiled , Ernest looked up when Lottie called him so Jay could take the picture . She took a few more and put her phone on the table , when the oven went off . She got up from the couch with Dan following , "Louis dear get everyone to the table please !" She called after her before disappearing into the kitchen .

Louis lifted Ernest up and got up from Harry's lap , "Phoebes , Dee , get Doris and go to the table , I'll go find Fizzy ."

"I'm here !" She walked down the stairs , "Had to change my shirt , Doris drooled all over me ."

"Come on , food is ready ." They all walked to the table , Phoebe and Louis took Ernest and Doris up to their room to sleep .

Louis and Fizzy helped Jay and Dan bring the food to the table before they sat down , Harry filled up Louis' plate and handed it over to him .

"Thanks Haz ." Louis gave him a smile and took the plate , Harry sent him a quick wink before filling up his own plate .

Soon they finished eating , Jay and Dan took away all the plates while Louis and Harry took the food back to the kitchen .

Harry sat back down at the table while Louis was still in the kitchen , he turned his attention to Tommy .

"So Tommy , tell us a little about yourself ." He crossed his arms over the table , keeping a light smile on his face so he won't scare him .

"I'm Tommy , I'm seventeen . Uh , I moved here a year ago and met Lottie at school , we started dating a month ago ." Tommy said , Lottie kept her hand on his arm while shooting looks at Harry .

"I hope for your own sake you'll treat Lottie good , yeah ? She's my sister-in-law and I don't want her to get hurt in any way there is ." Harry said and looked him dead in the eyes .

"I promise I won't intentionally hurt her , I like her ." Tommy said with a nervous smile , Lottie leaned her head on his shoulder with a smile .

Louis walked back to the table , he sat next to Harry , "Did you scare him ? I'll punch you if you did ."

"I didn't ." Harry shook his head .

"He did ." Lottie nodded with a small pout .

"I didn't ! I just - gave him the 'you break her heart I break your face' talk , since you're not very intimidating so I'm doing this for you ." Harry smirked and poked his cheek .

"I am intimidating !" Louis protested , "I am and you know it ."

"Are they always like that ?" Tommy whispered to Lottie , who giggled and nodded , "Yeah , but wait till you see their worst ."

"You're not intimidating , you're a baby hedgehog ." Harry smiled and leaned to peck his nose , making Daisy and Phoebe call out "Eww !!"

Louis giggled and turned his head towards them , "What's so gross about this ?"

"Kisses are gross ." Daisy stuck her tongue out .

Harry wrapped his arms around Louis and squeezed him into his chest , purposely kissing all over his cheeks . Louis giggled and pushed at his chest as he tried twisting his head away from him .

"Is this the worst ?" Tommy asked , Lottie shook her head , "No , wait until they start talking about each other . This is the worst ."

Harry stopped and let go of Louis , Daisy and Phoebe laughed , "Now you have cooties !" They called and ran away from the table , making Harry and Louis laugh .

Dan walked to the table , "We're moving to the living room , come on ."

They all got up from the table and went to sit on the couch the way they sat before ; Lottie next to Tommy on one couch , on the other couch Jay and Dan sat , Harry next to them with Louis on his lap .

"Are you sure about this ? We just ate ." Louis looked at Harry , Harry nodded and pecked his cheek , "I'm sure . You're not going anywhere ." He wrapped his arms around Louis .

Jay handed Louis a mug , he thanked her and blew on the steams . He leaned on Harry's shoulder , Harry rubbed his back softly and pressed a kiss to his temple .

Lottie and Tommy were smiling and telling stories from school , Harry chuckled softly when he felt Louis nodding off on his shoulder .

"Lovely ?" Harry whispered , Louis hummed . Harry smiled , "Do you want to go home ? I know you're tired ."

"No , not yet . This evening is important to Lottie ." Louis shook his head and straightened up . 

"Okay , if you feel like you can't hold yourself up anymore then tell me ." Harry squeezed him a little closer , Louis nodded and reached for his tea from the table .

Fifteen minutes later Louis was asleep on Harry's shoulder , Harry shook his head fondly and held him closer .

"Oh , when did he fall asleep ?" Jay turned to Harry .

"He's been up early today , he had a shift at the diner . He was tired but insisted on staying because he knew this evening is important to Lottie ." Harry cradled Louis closer and pecked his forehead .

"Aw my baby ." Jay cooed and moved his fringe from his forehead , "Take him home to sleep , okay ? I'll call him tomorrow morning ."

Harry nodded , he slipped his arm under Louis' knees and lifted him up , Dan got up to open the door for him .

"Could you get my car keys from the table ?" Harry nodded towards the table , Dan took the keys and walked out of the house with him , unlocking the car .

Harry placed Louis into the passenger's seat and pecked his cheek , he closed the door and took the keys from Dan .

"See you soon , mate ." Dan patted his shoulder , Harry smiled back , "See you soon ." He waved and got into the driver's seat , starting the car .

Harry parked the car in the driveway and got out , keeping the house keys in his hands as he lifted Louis up in his arms .

He heard talking and laughter from down the sidewalk , turning his head to see Adam with Mary over his shoulder , refusing to put her down no matter how much she begged him to .

"Come on mate , put her down ." Harry chuckled , Adam approached him , "I won't , until she admits I'm the best boyfriend in the world ."

Harry laughed , "Why aren't you saying it , Mary ?"

"Because he's being so mean to me !" She whined , "He's been throwing popcorn at me during the movie and held my phone up and I couldn't reach it ."

Harry grinned and shook his head , "He won't put you down then , you know that ?"

"Why are you carrying Louis ?" Adam asked , nodding his head towards him .

"He fell asleep and I don't want to wake him up , he's had a long day ." Harry smiled down at Louis' sleeping form .

"Well you'll have to excuse me , but I'm going to tickle it out of her now . See you soon !" Adam grinned and started walking away .

"Nooo Harry help me please !" Mary called over her giggles .

"Sorry , no can do , kiddo !" Harry called before turning to walk up to the house . He opened the door and closed it with his leg , going up to the bedroom to place Louis on the bed .

He smiled down at Peaches and picked her up , kissing her head and placing her on the bed next to Louis .

He walked out of the room to lock the door before going up the bedroom . He took a shirt out for Louis and pants for him , after he changed himself he went to change Louis .

He took his shoes and socks off , tugging his jeans down carefully before helping him out of his shirt , dressing him in one of his own shirts Louis loves .

He kissed his forehead before helping him get under the covers , he took Peaches and placed her on her bed next to Milky , going to lie under the covers with Louis .

"Good night lovely ." Harry whispered and pecked his lips .


It was kinda boring , sorry .

Still hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x


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