Ch. 16

Enjoy the chapter x


"Lovely , are you ready ?" Harry asked from the living room , Louis walked out of the bedroom , "Yeah , did our mums say when they're going to be here ?"

As if on que there was a knock on the door , Louis giggled to himself and opened it , greeting Jay and Anne .

The three sat in the living room as Harry was making them all tea .

"Evelyn , the wedding planner , just texted me she's going to be here in a few ." Harry walked into the living room with a tray of tea mugs , he placed it on the table and sat next to Louis .

"You said you have pretty much everything planned , yeah ?" Anne asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah , we wrote down some ideas and saved up pictures for examples ." He pointed to the papers and laptop on the table .

"Is there a theme you'd like to have ?" Jay asked .

Harry nodded with a smile , "Yeah , we're going to have a Blue and Green theme ; since it matches our eyes colour ."

"What made you decide on that theme ?" Anne asked , sending Jay a fond smile , which Jay returned .

"Well , when we first met , we looked into eachother's eyes on instinct ." Harry explained and wrapped his arm around Louis' waist , pulling the blushing boy into his side .

"I'm probably going to cry so hard on your wedding day , this is just exciting ." Jay grinned at the two , Louis reached out to hold her hand , "Please don't cry , if you cry you'll make me cry too ."

"You know I won't help it , Boo ." Jay squeezed his hand , "You've grown up so much , it just gets me emotional ."

There was a knock on the door , Harry got up to open it , greeting Evelyn with a smile , "Hey , come in ."

She walked inside , Louis , Anne and Jay stood up to greet her aswell , introducing themselves . Evelyn sat between the four on the couch , "So , as Harry told me , you already have some ideas planned , right ?"

"Yeah , it's - it's right here ." Louis reached out for the papers , "Sh-should I read it out loud ?"

"Yes please ." Evelyn nodded and took out her own paper and pen .

"Okay , so ; the theme we want for the wedding is blue and green . We'd like to have the ceremony by the beach , and the party in a place near aswell . We have some outfit ideas , uh - "

"Just tell me everything you have , if I have any other questions I'll ask ." Evelyn reassured him , he nodded .

"Harry and I will wear white dress pants and white dress shirts , no blazers on . We'll have a bow tie and suspenders in the theme colours , and themed flowercrowns . My sisters asked to be the flower girls , so they'll wear mathing dresses and throw blue and green petals along the aisle ."

Jay wiped under her eyes , making Louis pout , "Mum , I told you not to cry ."

"Sorry Boo , I'm just emotional ." Jay laughed softly , Anne hugged her and sighed , "They're growing up so beautifully , aren't they ?"

"Please continue , if you have anything else ." Evelyn told Louis , he nodded and looked back down to the paper .

"Since the ceremony and party is blue and green , I think the tables and seats and flowers will be in the colours , along with white . Uhm - I don't know what else ." He looked down to the papers , scanning for something he didn't say yet . "For our slow song we pick All Of Me by John Legend . Also for the party's place , we'd like to have a place with these big glass windows , with the sea in view ."

Evelyn nodded , "Is that all ? Anything else ?"

"Well , there are the example pictures ." Harry took the laptop and opened it , clicking on the file he saved the pictures on . He showed it to Evelyn , she nodded and asked Harry to e-mail it to her .

She asked them questions , about the party and places and times , the two answered and made some more decisions .

"Okay , I'll check up a few places for you two , not something far of course , I'll let you know the options when I have some ." Evelyn put her papers and pen back in her bag , she shook all four's hands and got up to leave .

Harry and Louis walked her to the door , they thanked her again and said goodbye .

"I've got Dan bringing your sisters and brother over in a few minutes , he said he'll pick up some food on the way to make something here ." Jay said as she looked up from her phone , Louis nodded eagerly , "I haven't seen them in a while ." He smiled .

"Daisy and Phoebe have been asking me nonstop about taking them to see you and Harry , so I might just warn you now - they're going to be clingy ." Jay chuckled , Louis giggled and shrugged , "I don't mind , I miss them too ."

Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door , Louis got up from the couch to open it and was immediately attacked into a hug by Daisy and Phoebe .

"Hi ." He giggled and hugged them back , the girls squeezed him . "Come on in , let's go see Harry ."

Harry , Louis and Jay said goodbye to Anne because she had to leave , Louis hugged Lottie and Felicite , kissing Doris and Ernest .

Ernest , who recognized Louis , squealed and stretched his arms out for him . Louis giggled and took him from Dan's arms , "Hey little guy ." He leaned him on his chest , Ernest grabbed his shirt in his fists and mumbled nonsense .

Louis walked up to Harry , who had Daisy and Phoebe giggling and squirming in his arms , trying to get away from his tickling fingers .

"Ernie , say hello to Hazzie ." Louis pointed to Harry , Harry stopped his actions and smiled at Ernest , "Hello , little lad ." He walked closer and waved his fingers , Ernest smiled at him and stretched his arms out for him .

Harry laughed and took him from Louis' arms , pecking his cheek . "Hello there ." He smiled and placed him on his hip , one arm holding him as the other was waving at him . Ernest watched his hand , lifting his own hand up .

Louis watched with a wide smile , Harry waving at Ernest and Ernest trying to copy him . Harry moved Ernest's hair from his forehead and kissed his head , "Let's go see Doris , yeah ?"

Louis followed Harry and Ernest out of the kitchen , Harry placed Ernest down and took Doris into his arms instead , "Hi there ." He smiled at her , Doris smiled back with tiny teeth poking out , she grabbed a handful of Harry's curls and tugged on it .

"Ow ." Harry chuckled , Louis was quick to pry her hands off . "I think I should get a haircut ." Harry tucked his hair back , Louis' eyes widened , "Don't you dare ."

Harry leaned down to peck his cheek , "Maybe I'll donate it , if it's long enough ."

"Hazzie , no ." Louis pouted , Harry pinched his cheek , "It's just a thought , maybe I will and maybe not ."

"You won't , because I like your hair long ." Louis ran his fingers softly through his hair , Harry leaned into his hand , "I'll think about it ."

Doris , who wanted the two's attention , squealed and stretched her arms out for Louis . Louis giggled and took her into his arms , pressing a kiss to her cheek , "Hi Doo ."

He walked to sit on the couch next to Lottie and Felicite , asking about school and friends .

"Tell him about Tommy ." Felicite nudged Lottie , Louis raised his eyebrow , "Who's Tommy ?"

"They're dating ." Felicite giggled , Louis raised his eyebrow , "Oh ?"

"Yeah , for almost a month ." Lottie nodded , "I like him a lot ."

"Is he treating you right ?" Louis asked , Lottie nodded , "Yeah , he's really nice and funny ."

"And he looks good ." Felicite pointed out , Lottie elbowed her , "Stop talking like that about my boyfriend ."

"I'll have to meet him , yeah ? I'll ask mum to have dinner and you'll invite him , and I'm going to start apologizing now if Harry gets too overprotective ." He giggled .

Harry sat next to Louis , "Why would I get overprotective ?"

"Lottie has a boyfriend ." Felicite giggled , Harry raised his eyebrows with a serious look , "Is that so ? When am I going to meet him ?"

"I'm going to ask my mum to have dinner and we'll invite him , and please don't be cruel with him ." Louis said , Harry chuckled , "No promises ."

"No , Hazzie . Promise you will be nice , give him a chance ." Louis swatted his arm , Harry sighed , "Okay , I promise not to be too harsh with him ."

"Thank you ." Louis rubbed the same spot he slapped him , he placed Doris on the floor so she could crawl over to Ernest , getting up from the couch with Harry to start making lunch .


"Hazzie, I'm preparing a bath , okay ?" Louis called from the bedroom , to Harry who was cleaning the kitchen .

"Okay , I'll be there in five !" Harry called back , Louis walked into the bathroom and turned the water on , he waited for it to get warmer before plugging the tub and adding a bath bomb .

Peaches walked into the bathroom , Louis smiled and sat next to the tub , "Come here , Peachy ."

The puppy walked over to him and licked his palm , Louis giggled and lifted her up , kissing her head . Soon the bath was filled , Harry walked into the bathroom and threw his shirt on , "Let's get inside ."

Louis undressed to his boxers right after Harry , they got into the tub infront of each other .

"It's really relaxing ." Louis sighed and leaned on the end of the tub , Harry moved his feet to rest on his lap , "Yeah , it is ."

Harry rubbed his hand up and down Louis' ankle softly , "Lovely , come here , I'll wash you ."

Louis pouted a little when he had to lift himself up from the comfortable position , he passed Harry the sponge and soap , turning to sit with his back towards him . Harry chuckled a little and pressed a warm kiss to his bare shoulder , pouring soap on the sponge .

After Louis was washed , he turned to wash Harry . Harry smiled at him and sneaked kisses to his cheeks , forehead and lips any chance he could , making the smaller boy giggle and shy away from him a little .

When Louis finished washing Harry he turned his back towards him and lied on his chest , laying his head backwards on his shoulder . Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' body and hugged him slightly closer , kissing his cheek .

"I have training tomorrow morning ." Harry sighed against Louis' hair , Louis closed his eyes , "I have a morning shift ."

"I'll drive you , then I told my mum we'll be at hers for lunch , okay ?"

Louis nodded , "Sure , is Gemma going to be there too ?"

"Yeah , she's bringing Marley too , they're both off from college for two weeks so they're visiting both families ." Harry nodded and leaned in to press another kiss to Louis' cheek .

"Winter and I planned a small shopping spree , she's going on a vacation with Liam and she wants some new clothes and stuff ." Louis said , "So after our lunch i need to be at the mall ."

"Okay , I'll drive you there and then call me to pick you and Winter up ." Harry nuzzled back into his hair , Louis nodded , "Okay ."

It was quiet for a minute , before they heard a small bark . Louis opened his eyes and sat up , looking to the floor out of the tub , giggling down at Peaches .

"You still here ?" He reached down to pet her , she tried standing on her behind legs , but due to them being short , she fell on her side . Louis giggled and turned to Harry , "Can I pick her up into the tub with us ?"

"I'm not sure how she's going to react to swimming and being in the water , so be careful , and don't let her drink it ." Harry said , Louis nodded with a smile and reached both his hands down to pick the small puppy up .

"Hi Peachy ." He kissed her head and leaned her on his chest , so only half of her body is in the water . She licked under his chin , making him giggle and squirm away . She kicked her legs a little in the water , splashing a bit .

"You're so adorable ." Louis brought her closer and kissed the top of her head , before placing her back on the floor .

"The water is getting cold ." Louis said and leaned into Harry's warm chest , Harry kissed his temple , "Let's dry off and get dressed , okay ?"

Louis nodded , he waited for Harry to get up first and get him a towel , he stepped out of the tub right into it .

"I'll go get you clothes , do you want boxers and a shirt or boxers and pants ?" Harry asked as he wrapped a towel around his waist .

"Boxers and one of your shirts ." Louis said and dried his face , Harry nodded and walked out of the bathroom .

A few minutes later they were out , Louis was laying on his back on the couch with Milky sleeping on his chest , Harry went to get them both a snack .

When he was back , Louis lifted his legs up from the end of the couch , allowing him to sit , and placing his feet on his lap .

Harry handed him the popcorn bowl , Louis took a handful and turned back to the TV , "The movie needs to start in a bit ."

"Which movie ?" Harry asked and took a popcorn into his mouth .

"Rio 2 , haven't watched it yet ." Louis said , he placed Milky down on the floor and turned to lie on his side , Harry rubbed his feet while they watched the movie .

Harry couldn't really focus on the movie , he was too busy listening to Louis' giggles during the movie , watching him smiling .

At the end of the movie Louis was sleepy and giggly , Harry smiled fondly at him , "You alright there , lovely ?"

Louis just giggled quietly into the crook of his arms , Harry tickled his foot , making him squeal and try kicking his hands away , but Harry had a tight grip on his ankle .

"Stooop ." Louis giggled tiredly and squirmed on the couch , Harry stopped and got up from the couch , "Come here , time for bed ."

He lifted Louis up in his arms and carried him to the bedroom , tucking them both under the covers .

"Goodnight , lovely ." He pecked his cheek , Louis smiled and snuggled closer , "Night Hazzie ."


Another one is oveeeeer .

Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x


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