Ch. 15
This year started quite okay , actually . How did your schoolyear start ? Hopefully good .
Enjoy the chapter x
Louis was jumping in his spot near the door entrace , biting on his lip as he smiled to himself . Today is Harry's first ring fight and he's both excited and nervous at the same time .
Harry came out of the room all dressed up with his bag slung over his shoulder , "Are you ready ? Your phone is with you ?" He asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah ."
"Good ." Harry pecked his cheek with a smile .
"Are you excited ?" Louis asked as they were waiting for their ride to arrive ; Paul said photographers are going to be there , and the boxers get to have a safe ride to the ring stadium .
"Quite excited , yeah . Nervous too ." Harry sighed , Louis took a hold of his hand , "Don't be nervous , you're really good and you can knock out people with a punch ."
"The ones I fight are equally as strong as I am , I doubt a single punch would knock them out ." Harry shook his head and tightened his grip on Louis' hand , "But as long as you're there , I can beat anyone ."
Louis blushed , his smile growing wider . He hugged Harry's middle , "Please try your hardest not to get severely hurt ."
"I promise ." Harry embraced him and kissed the top of his head , when there was a knock on the door .
They pulled back , Harry opened the door to see a guy in a suit , "Harry Styles ?"
"That's me ." Harry nodded .
"Your ride is here . I'm Charles ." The guy , Charles said and shook Harry's hand .
"Nice meeting you ." Harry smiled at him , he turned to Louis and wrapped his arm around him , "This is Louis , my fiance ."
"Nice meeting you ." Charles shook Louis' hand aswell , "Paul already informed me about everything , let's get going ."
Louis locked the house and took the keys , Charles led them to the SUV and opened the door for the backseat . Harry let Louis in first and got in right after him , Charles closed the door and got into the driver's seat , "We have a fourty minutes drive , what music would you like to listen to ?"
"You can put a random playlist for us ." Harry said as they buckled up , Charles nodded and played random songs as he pulled to the road .
Harry intertwined his fingers with Louis' , making him smile . Louis leaned his head on Harry's shoulder , "I forgot my pompoms ." He joked , making Harry laugh .
Fourty minutes later they arrived , there was a pathway leading into the place , on both sides of the pathway stood people with their cameras ready . Paul was standing with another two men , smiling when he saw the car arriving .
Charles got out of the car and opened the backseat door , Harry stepped out while the photographers took pictures .
Harry turned towards the car and held Louis' hand as he stepped out , giving him a reassuring smile .
"There you are ." Paul smiled and shook Harry's hand as they reached him , Harry smiled back , "There we are ."
"Nice seeing you again , Louis ." Paul shook Louis' hand too , Louis smiled and shook his hand back , "It's been a while ."
"Has Harry been good to you ? Treating you well ?" Paul asked , Louis nodded with a shy smile and blush on his cheeks , "Yeah , he has ."
"Good , good . Let's go in , shall we ?" Paul asked , the two nodded . "But before , let me introduce you to your bodyguards ; James and Austin ."
"Hello ." Harry shook their hands with a smile , the two smiled back and shook Louis' hand aswell .
"After me ." Paul walked first , Harry and Louis behind him with Austin and James on their sides .
They walked into the place , Paul turned left and walked down a long corridor , he opened a large door which led to another corridor , full of doors .
"This is your dressing room ." Paul pointed to the name on the door and opened it , walking inside with the four following .
Harry placed his bag down and looked around , "Is it mine for this fight , or mine from now on ?"
"Yours from now on ." Paul patted his shoulder , "I believe in you , kiddo . You may be twenty , but you're strong , and smart . Being strong isn't enough when you don't know how to use it ."
Harry smiled and turned to Louis , "Would you like to help me make it more home-y ?"
"Gladly ." Louis smiled , Harry pulled him into his side and turned to Paul , "When is the fight starting ?"
"In an hour and a half ." Paul looked down to his watch , "In thirty minutes people will start filling the stadium . You can warm up a bit and get dressed and everything , take your time . I'll go check out on things , if you need anything James and Austin are going to be right outside your room by the door ."
With that Paul left , and Austin and James walked out to guard the room from outside .
"This is exciting , having your own room and all ." Louis looked up at Harry and stood on his tip-toes to peck his cheek .
"Yeah , it is ." Harry walked over to the couch and sat on it , Louis sat next to him and played with his hair a little , "How long does it take you to warm up ?"
"Twenty minutes , if I'm quick . Thirty if I take my time ." Harry placed his hand on Louis' thigh , "My mum , Gemma and Robin are going to be here , this is nerve wracking ."
"The guys are coming aswell , I'm sitting with them . Your family sits right at the row behind us , I talked to Gemma ." Louis leaned his head on Harry's shoulder . "Do you want to warm up now ?"
"Will you be my motivation ?" Harry asked , Louis giggled , "As always ."
"I just need to change and I'll start ." Harry pecked Louis' lips and got up from the couch , walking to the bag he dropped on the floor . He picked it up and placed it on the dressing table , changing from his jeans , shirt and Timberland into his usual gym clothes .
He started stretching , doing push ups , lift ups , he lied on his back and turned his head to Louis , "Come here ."
Louis got up from the couch , "What do you need ?"
"Be my barbells ." Harry held his arms up , Louis raised his eyebrow , "Really ?"
"Yeah , now come here ." Harry turned Louis around so he faces his back , one hand supporting his bum , the other his shoulders . Louis giggled as he was lifted up and down easily , counting how many times Harry did so .
After thirty up and downs Harry placed Louis down on his lap and sat up , leaning down to peck his lips , "Tiny boo ."
"I'm not tiny ." Louis pouted and crossed his arms over his chest , Harry chuckled , "Says the 5'6 tiny bug ."
"I'm not tiny , you're just a giant beast ." Louis poked Harry's cheek , "And I'm not 5'6 , I'm 5'9 ."
"Don't you lie to me , or you'll get punished for lying ." Harry gave him a playful glare , Louis giggled , "I'm not lying , I'm 5'9 ."
"You're 5'6 , mister ." Harry tapped his nose , "Do I need to show you what happens when you lie ?"
"No , because I'm not lying ." Louis tapped Harry's nose aswell . Harry pretended to bite on his finger , laughing when Louis squealed and rolled away .
They got up from the floor , Louis sat back on the couch while Harry kept warming up . Louis took pictures and videos of him , smiling to himself .
A while later Winter texted Louis that they're in their seats , Louis texted back he'll be there in a few .
"I need to go now ." Louis hugged Harry's middle , Harry hugged him back , "Are you sure ?"
"Yeah , Winter said they're there ." Louis nodded , he looked up at Harry with his chin pressed to Harry's chest , "I'll see you at the ring , okay ?"
"Okay ." Harry leaned in to press their lips together , he walked Louis to the door and opened it , "Austin , please lead Louis to his seat safely , don't let anyone touch him unless they're friends and he says it's okay ."
"Sure ." Austin nodded , Harry kissed Louis one more time before watching him walking down the corridor .
Austin helped Louis through the place , he saw Winter from afar and immediately smiled . Once he reached his seat he thanked Austin with a smile and turned to give Winter a hug .
"I'm so excited !!" Winter squeezed him , Louis giggled , "Me too , but I'm quite nervous too ."
"Why are you nervous ? Harry is a beast , he knocks out people with a single punch ." Winter furrowed her eyebrows .
"I know , I said that too when Harry said he's nervous . But the boxer he's going to fight is equally as strong as he is , and the thought of Harry getting a bruise disturbs me ."
"He can just tell himself to imagine that the guy he's fighting hit on you and touched your bum , it'll motivate him to beat the other guy ." Winter laughed , pinching Louis' cheek when he blushed .
Soon the fight began , a guy walked up to the ring and stood in the middle , talking to the microphone .
"Ladies and gentlemen , welcome to the opening season of the fights ." He announced , everyone cheered and clapped . "Today we'll have three fights , six fighters . The first fight will be ..." The guy announced a name , the guy walked into the ring in basketball pants , boxing gloves and a cloke with the hat covering his head .
Then the other guy was announced , walking into the ring aswell . They started at two ends of the ring , with their coaches talking to them .
The fight began , Louis cringed and covered his eyes when the boxers were hit by the other pretty hard .
After three rounds the first fight was over , and Louis hoped Harry will come up now .
"Our first fight is over , two more to go ." The guy spoke into the mic , "Our next round will be Jake Harris ." The guy announced , and a guy with a cloke , boxing gloves and basketball pants walked up to the ring .
"And Harry Styles ." The guy announced , making Louis' heart flip . He cheered as Harry walked up to the ring , immediately catching his eye . He blew him a kiss , Harry gave him a wink and turned to go to the corner of the ring , where Paul was .
Paul took Harry's cloke off , "Okay , I want you to listen to me ." Paul held his shoulders , "You see this guy right there ? This guy was hitting on your fiance ."
Harry's eyes darkened , "What the fuck ?"
"Well he didn't really , it's just something to motivate you . Beat the fuck out of this guy ." Paul gave him a nod , they bumped their fists together and Harry turned towards the guy .
He had muscles , but not as big as Harry's . A buzz sound was heard , and the first fight began .
Harry and Jake walked in circles in front of each other , Harry could tell the guy was nervous . They didn't even get started and his forehead was slightly shiny from sweat .
Jake took a swing at Harry , Harry dodged his fist and quickly slammed his fist into Jake's cheek , making him stumble backwards . The crowd cheered , Harry took a deep breath .
"Finish him , he's unfocused !" Paul called over the cheers , Harry took two big steps forward and punched him once again , making him fall to the floor .
The judge crouched down next to Jake and started counting from one to ten , when he reached ten he tapped the floor , "Knock out !"
Harry returned back to the corner , where Paul is . "Okay , this is an easy fight , I know . Two more punches and you win , easy eh ?" Paul wiped Harry's face from a few sweat droplets , Harry nodded and drank a bit , "Yeah ."
The second fight began , the guy was still unfocused but tried shaking it off . He swung his fist towards Harry , Harry stopped his swing in the middle with one fist , the other quickly colliding with his cheek , knocking him back down .
Harry laughed to himself and watched as the judge counted to ten , before returning to Paul , "This is a fucking joke , coach . I thought you were going to challenge me ."
"I'm not deciding who's against who here ." Paul shook his head with a chuckle , "But you're right , this is a fucking joke . Come on now , one more punch and it's over ."
Harry sighed and turned back to Jake , who tried his best to focus . They walked in circles facing each other , Harry swung his fist towards him but Jake stopped him , punching him back . The punch wasn't as hard as Harry though it would be , only enough to turn his head to the side .
Harry sighed and punched Jake really hard with the back of his fist , sending him back to the floor . The crowd cheered and clapped , and Harry could even hear Louis' squeal of excitement throughout the place .
The judge counted to ten before tapping the floor , "Knock out !" He stood back up and took a hold of Harry's wrist , lifting his arm up .
"Our winner is , Harry Styles !" The microphone guy called , everyone cheered and clapped .
Paul wiped the sweat off Harry's face , giving him some water , "I promise , next fight will be three times harder ."
"Please do ." Harry rolled his eyes playfully , both him and Paul laughed .
Harry walked down from the ring , but turned to go to Louis . Louis grinned at him , holding his arms out for him , "Come here stinky ." He giggled , Harry chuckled and leaned in to kiss his lips . The crowd aww'ed at them , making Louis blush .
"I'll go freshen up , there are showers here . I'll send Austin to get all of you to the dressing room , you and the guys and my family ." Harry said , Louis nodded and pecked his lips , Harry kissed his cheek before going with Paul and the bodyguards back to the dressing room .
"You were so amazing , my baby !" Anne hugged Harry and kissed his cheek , Harry chuckled , "This fight was a joke , mum ."
"I know , I'm still proud though ." She smiled , Harry pulled back from their hug only to be tackled by Gemma , "I knew you would win !"
Harry smiled and hugged her , "Glad you didn't have doubts ."
Robin and the guys hugged and praised him aswell , and when Louis approached him he took a hold of his chin , "Did the punch hurt ?"
Harry raised an eyebrow , "Do you really think it hurt ?"
"I'm just asking ."
"It didn't , I don't feel any pain ." Harry pressed his lips to Louis' fingers that were holding his chin , then he brought him into a hug .
"I almost died when he punched you ." Louis mumbled into his shoulder , making Harry chuckle a little , "Lovely , I barely felt anything ."
"I still didn't like it ." He pouted .
Harry pulled back a little , "This is a part of being a boxer , you know that ."
"I know ." Louis pouted , Harry kissed his pout , "I promise I will do anything to win the fights , okay ?"
Louis nodded , "I love you ."
"I love you more ." Harry hugged him again .
They reached home around seven p.m , they thanked Charles for the ride and got out of the car .
Louis intertwined his and Harry's fingers as they walked into the house , closing the door and locking it . They went to change into comfortable clothes , Louis dressed in boxers and one of Harry's shirts while Harry had only boxers and pants on .
Louis placed his hands on Harry's shoulders , "So you won ."
"Yeah . " Harry smiled down at him .
"A winner deserves a prize ." Louis walked Harry backwards towards the bed , sitting him down on it and sitting on his lap . Harry's hands grabbed a hold under Louis' bum to support his body , Louis pressed their lips together , slowly laying Harry down on his back .
Harry held Louis' body against his own , they were both naked with the sheets and pillows surrounding them .
"Best prize ever ." Harry smiled at Louis , making him giggle a little . "We're stinky now ."
"I'll go get us a bath ready ." Harry attemped to untangle Louis from his body but Louis held him tighter , "Not now , I want a cuddle before we get up . I'm comfy and I want back scratches ."
Harry chuckled and cuddled Louis closer , running his fingers up and down his back . Louis sighed contently , "I love back scratches ."
"If that's what I get after I win a fight , I'd better win a lot more ." Harry nuzzled his neck , making Louis giggle loudly both at his remark and the ticklish feeling on his neck .
"You're so silly ." Louis giggled and leaned to kiss his lips , "I love it when you're silly and childish with me ."
"I love making you giggle when I'm being childish and silly . I love making you giggle anytime I can , honestly ." Harry pecked his nose , Louis blushed a little and cuddled closer , "I love you ."
"I love you more , baby ." Harry kissed his cheek .
Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x
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