Ch. 11

I smell like smoke even after shower . Fire department will be the death of me .

Enjoy x


Louis looked at the clock , six p.m - which means Harry needs to be back from the gym in two hours . Their day didn't start well , they had a small argument and haven't really talked ever since . He wanted to at least make the night good - by making dinner .

He walked into the kitchen , looking around the fridge , cupboards and drawers to see if there's something simple he can make . He took out some products with a smile on his face because he knew what he's going to make - and he was excited .

He rolled his sleeves up and washed his hands , since Harry does that every time he prepares to make some food . He got the recipe from the internet , hoping it'll come out good .

He was very careful with every step he took , measured out everything so there won't be any mistakes . It's his first time cooking by himself , after all .

The whole process took him an hour and a half , he was a bit tired but managed to get the food into the preheated oven , sighing in relief when he closed the oven door , putting a timer so he can come check on it a while later .

He looked around the kitchen , whining at the complete mess he made .

"Do I really have to clean it all ?" He asked himself , looking down to Peaches who was walking between his legs . He noticed how dirty he got his clothes , then at the oven timer ; it was twentyty five minutes , so he has time to shower then he can come and clean up before Harry gets home .

He turned from the kitchen to go to the shower , but stopped in his tracks when the front door slammed open , an angry looking Harry walked in and slammed the door close . He saw Louis , "What the fuck happened to your clothes ?"

Louis flinched at his cursive word , and before he could answer Harry made his way to the kitchen for a glass of water - but stopped  when he saw the complete mess Louis made .

"What the hell ?!" He called out , turning to Louis , "What the hell were you thinking ?!"

"I -"

"No don't answer me ! I cannot believe after this long ass day I have to come home to the kitchen a complete mess and you just standing here and doing fucking nothing !"

"I-I was -"

"Don't fucking talk to me , clean this mess or I might get angrier ." Harry towered over Louis , and without a second glance he walked away , slamming their bedroom door shut .

Louis bit his lower lip , tears pricking in his eyes . He started cleaning the kitchen , making sure he doesn't miss a single spot , afraid that Harry might get angry at him . 

The oven went off , he checked on the food and closed the oven door , putting another timer on to when he needs to turn it off . He wasn't hungry anymore , he just wanted to get in bed and sleep .

He finished cleaning and Harry still didn't come out of their room , and Louis was afraid to go check on him . He couldn't even get in shower because he's there , and he needed clean clothes . So he just sat down on the floor with his back against the cabinets , wiping a few tears .

The messy kitchen can't be the reason he's this mad , he thought to himself . Something must have happened at the gym .

He bit on his nails lightly and wiped a tear , when he saw Harry walking into the kitchen . He looked up at him nervously , not sure what's going to happen . His heart was beating fast and loudly in his chest as Harry walked towards him , making him wrap his arms around himself protectively .

Harry lowered himself to be the same level with Louis , he saw the fear in his eyes and how his body was slightly trembling . He brought his hand up to cup his cheek , but pulled back when he caught him flinching slightly .

"You know I'll never hurt you ." He spoke quietly , Louis nodded , "I k-know ."

Harry cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead , despite him being dirty and Harry after shower , "I'm so sorry I snapped at you , lovely . I'm so sorry ."

Louis let out a sigh , "Did I do anything wrong or -"

"No , no no . Not you at all . Some assholes at the gym were being very annoying , and I knocked one of them out before leaving . I took my anger out on you , and I'm sorry ." Harry pecked his forehead , then his cheek . "I'm sorry I yelled , I'm sorry I scared you , I'm sorry I made you clean the kitchen -"

"I understand Harry ." Louis cut him off quietly , "You're forgiven ."

Harry nodded , then scooped him up , "Come on , I'll run you a bath ." He started walking towards their bedroom .

"No , the oven needs to go off in a bit ." Louis squirmed a little to be brought down , Harry put him back on his feet , "What did you make for dinner ?"

"Uhm , I hope it even came out good ." Louis bit his lower lip , "It's chicken , I stuffed it with mozzarella cheese , wrapped it in parma ham , and some home-made mash on the side ."

Harry dove down and pressed their lips together , "God , you're perfect ." He mumbled against his lips , making Louis blush .

Louis went to check on the timer , to see that it should be ready in fifteen minutes , "I can have a shower in fifteen minutes , I'll go now , okay ?"

Harry nodded , he kissed Louis once more before watching him leaving to go shower . He went to the oven and sniffed the air a bit , it smelled absolutely amazing and he was proud of him for making them dinner .

He made the table , organized the house a little bit . A minute before the oven had to go off Louis walked to the kitchen , he saw Harry getting two plates ready before the oven went off . Louis opened the oven door and took the tray out , placing it on a towel on the counter .

"Smells amazing , lovely ." Harry pecked his cheek and helped him get the food into plates .

They sat at the table in front of each other , Harry held Louis' hand across the table and pressed a soft kiss to the back , "Thank you for dinner , love ."

"You're welcome ." Louis gave him a shy smile , he watched Harry taking the first bite , sighing in relief when he hummed , "Amazing ."


Harry insisted to take care of the dishes , Louis took Milky and Peaches to their bedroom and got under the covers with the two playing with each other on his lap . 

Soon Harry joined him , he kissed his cheek and played with his hair lightly , "How was your day today ?"

"It was okay . Work wasn't bad , there weren't a lot of customers as usual ." Louis scooted a little closer to Harry , "How was at the gym ?"

"It was fine , Paul said my first ring fight is in two weeks . So I'm quite nervous ." Harry said , Louis raised his eyebrow , "Are you really nervous ? You're going to win everyone ."

Harry smiled , "I hope so . Will you be there with me ?"

"Of course I will ! You have no choice but to deal with me cheering for you from the crowd with pompoms ." Louis giggled . Harry laughed and pecked his nose , "I wouldn't mind at all ."

Milky nudged herself under Louis' chin , Louis giggled again and pet her , "Hey Meemee ." He kissed her tiny head gently . She meowed and purred , nudging Louis' hand to pet her .

Harry looked over at Peaches , who was busy biting on the covers . He looked back to Louis and Milky , to find the small kitten licking his nose with her tiny tongue , making Louis scrunch his face with a small giggle as he pet her .

Harry took his phone from the nightstand and filmed the two , smiling behind the camera . He put his phone away and pet Milky's head when his and Louis' phone went off with messages .

Louis reached for his phone and tapped the screen a few times , before he gasped and put Milky away so he could sit up and let out a squeal .

"What happened ?" Harry asked and scooted closer so he could see Louis' phone .

"Zayn proposed !" Louis grinned widely as he clicked on the video Zayn sent in their group chat .

Niall was standing with his back to the camera , looking at the sunset from the top of the mountain they're on .

Zayn walked over to him and hugged his waist from behind , kissing his cheek and making Niall smile . Zayn let go of his waist and turned him to face him , so they were sideways towards the camera .

"Ni , baby , I love you , you know that ?" Zayn caressed his cheek while holding his hand with his other hand , Niall nodded with a smile , "I love you too ."

They kissed , smiling against eachothers' lips and giggling a little .

"Can you believe we're dating for two years ?" Zayn asked as Niall placed his head on his chest , Niall nodded , "Yeah , best two years of my life ."

Zayn smiled and kissed his temple , pulling back a little from their hug , "I want you to know that I'm yours , only yours . And you're only mine , yeah ?"

Niall nodded , pressing another short kiss to his lips .

"So , I want to ask you ..." Zayn got down on one knee , pulling out a small box and opening it to reveal the ring . Niall was shocked , he looked down at him speechless .

"Will you make me the happiest guy in the world by marrying me ?"

Niall let out a small chuckle and nodded rapidly , "Yes , yes of course !"

Zayn grinned and stood up , sliding the ring onto Niall's finger , then Niall slid the other ring on Zayn's finger aswell . He wrapped his arms around Zayn's neck and kissed him , Zayn wrapped his arms tightly around his waist and squeezed him close .

They pulled back , Niall wiped a few tears before Zayn kissed both his cheeks , "No tears , Ni ."

"Happy tears , Zaynie ." Niall giggled , "I'm so happy ."

"I'm happier ." Zayn pecked his nose .

"No you aren't ." Niall gave him a light push with a playful smile . Zayn laughed and kissed him again , "I love you ."

"I love you too ." Niall gave him a bear hug .

"They're the cutest !!" Louis awwed at the video , Harry pinched his cheek , "We're cuter ."

Louis put his phone on the night stand and lied down on his back , Harry moved to lie ontop of him with his head on Louis' chest , "You're warm ."

"You're crushing me ." Louis giggled and played with his hair a little . Harry smiled and pressed a kiss to his chest , where his collarbone poked out of his shirt . He shuffled down a little and lifted Louis' shirt up , kissing down his side , smiling as Louis giggled and attempted to make him stop .

Harry kissed his right hip , moving to his v-line . Louis was giggling quietly , arms thrown over his face tiredly . Harry hooked his thumb in Louis' boxers , "Can I ?"

Louis nodded , "Please be gentle ."

"As always ." Harry mumbled against his skin before pulling the boxers down .


Harry cleaned Louis off with tissue paper and threw it in the trash , pulling the boxers up his legs and kissing near his bellybutton . Louis giggled at the ticklish touch and slapped at Harry's head tiredly , "Don't ."

Harry just chuckled and blew a small raspberry on the side of his stomach , where Harry learned was most sensitive , then pulled his shirt back down . Louis squealed out a giggle and pushed Harry away , he turned to lie on his side and wrapped his arms around his stomach for protection .

Harry lied in front of him and brought him into his chest , "Do you want to go to sleep now ?"

Louis nodded , "Yeah . I have a morning shift ." He whined lightly .

"Get some sleep then , lovely ." Harry kissed the top of his head and hugged him tighter .

"Night Hazzie ." Louis pressed a kiss to his neck , closing his eyes and falling asleep minutes later .


Sooo another one is oveeer .

Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't . x


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