Ch. 10
Cramps are the worsttttt . Ugh .
Enjoy the chapter x
"Come on Lou , we need to go ." Harry finished tying his shoes , he walked to the bedroom where Louis just finished dressing , "I just need my shoes and we can go ." Louis said .
Harry nodded and got Louis his shoes , he helped him into them and took his hand , "Come on , I made a list and we need to get back home in time to cook and get some rest ." He said while leading him out of the house to his car .
"So organized ." Louis giggled and scrunched his nose , Harry chuckled and poked his cheek , "If it weren't me , who would it be ." He opened the passenger's door for him , Louis pecked his cheek and slid in .
Harry parked the car in the parking lot , the two got out and got a cart , saying 'good morning' with a smile to the security guard in the entrace .
Harry pulled his phone out and opened the notes , "So , here's our list , let's get started ."
Harry was pushing the cart as Louis filled it , only the groceries he reached without having to stretch himself up - he left that job to Harry .
While they were walking around , Louis was looking for some make up so he can cover up the lovebite Harry left under his jaw last night .
"What are you looking for ?" Harry asked when he noticed Louis looking around .
"Some make up , for the lovebite ." Louis said as he kept turning his head side to side , his eyes roaming the shelves .
Harry smirked , he grabbed his hand and pulled him closer , "Don't cover it up , lovely . Suits you so good ." Harry pressed a kiss to the lovebite , Louis rolled his eyes playfully , "Only for when my family comes for dinner , Hazzie ."
"Fucking disgusting ." Harry heard someone muttering , his head snapped to see a guy making a disgusted face .
"If you have a fucking problem you can leave , we don't need your homophibic comments here ." Harry snapped , moving Louis to stand behind him .
"This is a public place mate , you're the ones who need to fuck off , not me . Keep your gayness out of sight ." The guy snapped back .
Louis fisted Harry's shirt from behind , he really didn't want him to get in a fight - even though he knows Harry is going to win .
"You'd better stay the fuck away from us because if you step even half a step closer , I'm fucking you up ." Harry growled lowly , making Louis shiver and press close to his back .
"You think you scare me ?" The guy chuckled , but his voice was slightly shaky - he was clearly scared .
Harry tried stepping closer but Louis pulled him back , whimpering quietly .
"I swear , if you don't leave I'm knocking you out ." Harry growled , keeping his voice as calm as he could .
The guy raised his eyebrow , "Oh so you're going to knock me out with rainbows and gayness shit -"
Before he could go on Harry took two steps towards the guy and slammed his fist as hard as he could into his face , knocking him to the ground unconscious . Louis covered his mouth in shock , clearly the intense boxing lessons are paying off .
Harry turned to face Louis , his rage calming down a little when he saw how shocked he was . He took a step towards him , but Louis subconsciously took a step back , hitting the shelves behind him .
Harry froze in his place , examining Louis' moves as he tried not to do anything that will make him scared .
"I'm sorry I scared you , lovely ." Harry said in a calmed tone , Louis nodded and dropped his hands , "I-It's okay ."
"Do you forgive me ?" Harry asked , but Louis just let a weak smile spread on his lips , "I was never mad . Just , overwhelmed . You're stronger than before ."
"Yeah , boxing goes good then ." He tried joking , smiling when he brought a smile to Louis' lips , "Yeah ." He stepped closer and hugged Harry around his torso , "Is your hand hurt ?"
"No ." Harry shook his head as he engulfed Louis close , pressing a kiss to his forehead , "I hope you know why I hit him ."
"I know , he was being rude and homophobic ."
"I wouldn't hit someone for being homophobic , but he was overly rude and kept fighting me about it . Fucking glad I knocked him out ."
"Don't swear ." Louis dug his fingernails into his skin , Harry hissed and lowered his head to lock his teeth into Louis' clothed shoulder , making him shriek and try escaping his hold , giggling .
Harry pulled back and laughed a little , "Let's keep going , yeah ? We don't have much left ." He kissed his lips .
"Boo , wake up lovely . Your family should be here in two hours , we need to get ready and set the table and organize the house ." Harry shook Louis' shoulder , Louis whined and rolled away from Harry , "No , go away ."
"Come on love , I'll carry you and make you hot chocolate and give you cookies and kissies , and don't forget we get to introduce Milky and Peaches to your family ." Harry kissed his cheek repeatedly , Louis giggled and lifted his arms for Harry to carry him .
Harry scooped him up and took him to the kitchen , placed him on the counter and handed him a cookie , "I'll make your hot chocolate ."
Louis took the cookie , but caught Harry's hand with the cookie and pulled him closer , pressing their lips together . Harry smiled against his lips , Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and smiled aswell .
"No go make me hot chocolate ." Louis mumbled against his lips , kissing him a little more before pulling back . Harry bit playfully on his nose , chuckling when he was pushed away .
"You're annoying ." Louis pouted and bit on his cookie .
"Oh well , you know me . I was born to annoy you ." He poked his nose with a smile .
"Yeah , unfortunately ." Louis giggled .
"Oh you loooove it when I annoy you ." Harry made his way towards Louis , but Louis jumped off the counter and ran away to the living room with Harry laughing from the kitchen .
"Not today !" Louis called and flopped down on the couch , giggling to himself . Peaches walked over to him , he picked her up and lied her on his chest , petting behind her ears .
A minute later Harry walked into the living room with two mugs and a few cookies , he sat down next to Louis' laying body , "Got your hot chocolate ."
Louis sat up on his knees and placed Peaches on the couch carfully , he wrapped his arms around Harry and kissed his cheek , "Thanks Hazzie ."
Harry smiled and wrapped his arm around his waist , "You're welcome , love ."
Louis sat himself on Harry's lap without asking , mainly because he knew Harry doesn't mind . He took his mug and blew on the steams , taking a careful sip . Harry wrapped his arms around his waist , pressing a soft kiss to his cheek , "Haven't seen your family in a while ."
"Yeah . Well , I visited the other day , but the girls were at school so it was just mum and the tiny twins at home ." Louis leaned on Harry's shoulder , reaching his hand to pet Peaches who layed near Harry's leg on the couch .
"Mm , finish your hot choclate and we'll start organizing . Do you prefer making the table or tidying around ?" Harry asked and took a bite from a cookie .
"None ." Louis giggled , Harry chuckled and shook his head , "Choose yourself or I'm choosing for you ."
"I'll make the table ." Louis said and took another sip of his drink , "Is the food ready ?"
"Yeah , I'll heat it up while we organize the house until your family comes ." Harry nodded , he fed Louis the rest of the cookie and pecked his cheek .
"Come on lovely , let's get started ." Harry got up from the couch , pulling Louis with him . Louis whined a little but went to organize the table , opening it up so there will be more places to sit .
Harry put some songs on , Louis giggled as he watched him dorkily dancing around , with Peaches and Milky running around him in circles .
"What are you laughing at ?" Harry asked as he pulled his hand , wrapping his arm around him and making him dance too . Louis giggled and buried his face in Harry's neck , Harry kissed his temple and moved both arms to wrap around his waist , he lifted him up and spinned in circles .
Louis giggled louder , "Put me down ! I'm getting dizzy ."
Harry put him down and pecked his lips , "Go make the table already ." He pinched his bum lightly and shooed him away .
"I will if you actually let me !" Louis giggled and slapped his hand away from his bum .
They finished organizing the house and went to get dressed , then Louis went to the bathroom with the concealer they bought to cover up the lovebite .
Harry peeked into the bathroom and saw Louis covering up the lovebite , he smirked and walked up to stand behind him , arms wrapped around his waist , "I told you not to cover up the lovebite , didn't I ?"
"Well I'm not going to listen to you because I don't want my sisters to see that , and deal with the twins' questions ." Louis said as he almost finished covering it .
"But it looks so good on you ." Harry pressed a light kiss to the half covered lovebite , Louis elbowed him weakly , "Stop , it's just for this dinner ."
"Then I'm going to mark you so much more ." Harry smirked and kissed behind his ear , knowing it's his weak spot . Louis' tensed shoulders dropped , he pushed him away , "You're distracting me , I need to cover it up good enough ."
"Fine ." Harry pouted playfully and started walking to the door , but Louis caught his arm and pulled him back , standing on his tip toes and pressing their lips together as his arms wrapped around his neck . Harry smiled and lifted him up from the ground , pecking his lips repeatedly .
Louis giggled , he kicked his feet in the air lightly , "Put me back down , I need to finish covering up ."
Harry put him down , pressing one more kiss to his lips before leaving the bathroom to check on the food .
Louis finished covering the lovebite and went to the kitchen , where Harry was , making a salad with Milky resting on his shoes . He wrapped his arms around him from behind , "Need any help ?"
"Nope , all you need to do is keep being cute and give me kisses ." Harry smiled at him , smiling wider at his blush . He pecked his nose and turned back to the salad , when there was a knock on the door .
Louis ran to the door , he picked Peaches up into his arms before opening it with a smile , "Hello !"
Jay , Dan and all his siblings were standing there , smiling back . Daisy and Phoebe hugged him tightly , he hugged the two back and kissed the top of their heads , "Hey little monsters , how are you ?"
"We're good ." Daisy smiled up at him , when she noticed Peaches , "You got a puppy !"
"There , take care of her . Her name is Peaches ." He pinched her cheek lightly and went to hug his mum .
"Hi mumma ." He smiled and hugged her , minding Doris in her arms .
"Hello dear , how are you doing ?" She asked with a smile , rubbing his back .
"I'm good , come on in ." He let them all in , hugging Dan , Lottie and Felicite too .
"Harry is in the kitchen , and be careful of Milky . We go a kitten too and She's small so don't step on her ." He told them and took Doris from Jay's arms , hugging her to his chest and following behind his family . He watched with a smile as Harry hugged his mum and sisters , shaking Dan's hand and letting Ernest in Dan's arms hold onto his finger .
Lottie picked Milky from the ground and let her rest on her chest , "She's so tiny and adorable ." Felicite pet her , "Cute pets for a cute couple ." She said , making Louis blush . The two went to the living room to see Peaches , leaving the adults in the kitchen .
"So how have you two been ?" Jay asked , Harry looked at Louis with a smile and looked back at Jay , "We're great , everything's perfect ."
"I can see . I mean , Louis tried covering up but it didn't work ." Jay pointed out , Louis' cheeks flushed red and he brought his hand up to the lovebite , "I thought I covered it good enough ."
"You did , but I can still see it ." Jay laughed , Louis blushed harder when Harry winked at him . "Aw don't be embarrassed , Boo , I don't mind at all ." She pinched his red cheek .
"It's not about you that I worry , I worry about the twins' questions ." He said quietly so the twins couldn't hear from the living room .
"They'll be fine , they don't need to know ." She patted his shoulder . "Well , is there anything I can help with ?"
"No , we sorted it all out ." Harry shook his head .
Doris started mumbling things in Louis' arms , causing him to look down at her and giggle , "What are you saying , little one ?" She kept rambling on and on , making him giggle and kiss her cheek .
"She's crawling now , and it's getting a bit hard , I can turn away for a second and then she'll be on the other side of the house ." Jay chuckled , "And Ernie is standing up , only if he holds onto something . He tried walking couple times but ended up falling on his bum ."
Louis walked over to Dan who was holding Ernest , "Hey Ernie ." He smiled at him , Ernest smiled back with two small teeth out . "Mum , you didn't tell me they have teeth now !" Louis looked surprised , making Doris smile aswell so he could see her teeth too .
"Yeah , for a month now ." Jay smiled , "They're growing way too fast ."
"Mum , Im hungry ." Daisy pouted as she walked into the kitchen .
"Food will be ready in a bit , I promise ." Harry gave her a smile and held his hand for a high five , she gave him a high five and giggled , pressing to Louis' side .
After dinner Jay and Dan helped Harry and Louis organize the table and dishes , Lottie and Felicite were busying Ernest and Doris by playing with Peaches and Milky , while Daisy and Phoebe were half asleep on the couch .
Louis approached the two , "Hey , if you're sleepy go to sleep yeah ? Come on , I'll get you to the guest bedroom ." He held their hands and took them to the guest bedroom , helping the two out of their shoes and under the covers .
He left the door half open and walked back to his mum , "Dee and Phoebes are in the guest bedroom , they were really sleepy so I made them comfortable ."
"Alright , thank you dear ." She pecked his cheek and washed her hands .
The four went to the living room , Harry and Dan brought tea and sat down on the couch . Louis sat next to Harry and Jay sat next to Dan .
Ernest started crawling over to Louis with Peaches trailing behind him , Louis smiled and held his hands ready for him , he picked him up and sat him on his lap , "Hey , little guy ." He smiled and let him hold onto his fingers . Harry poked his nose gently and made faces at him , Ernest smiled and let out a squeal . Louis giggled and kissed the top of his head .
"I'm quite surprised these two are still awake , they should be sound asleep by now ." Jay smiled as she watched the two with Ernest .
"Well they had a long nap today , remember ?" Dan asked , she nodded , "Yeah . They'll fall asleep the minute we put them in the car though ."
"Thank you for dinner , it was great ." Jay hugged Louis carefully with a sleeping Doris in her arms , Dan and Harry were each carrying Daisy and Phoebe while Lottie was with Ernest .
"You're always welcome , mumma ." Louis smiled and pulled back , pecking Doris' cheek . He hugged his sisters and kissed Ernest too , giving Dan a hug and kissing Daisy and Phoebe on their cheeks . Harry helped getting Phoebe into the car , strapping her seatbelt on . They waved their last goodbye as Dan pulled the car to the road .
Harry put his arm around Louis , "Come on in , let's get some sleep ."
Louis nodded and let out a yawn , he leaned on Harry a little as they walked back into the house . They took off their shoes next to the door , Milky meowed and nudged into Louis' ankle . He smiled and picked her up , kissing her head gently . He went to get Peaches from the living room before joining Harry .
He placed both pets on the bed and went to change into his pajamas , one of Harry's shirts and boxers . Harry crawled under the covers with Louis right after him , "Can I be the big spoon again ?"
Harry chuckled , "We'll have to switch in ten minutes ."
"I still want to ." Louis pushed at Harry's shoulder to turn his back to him , they spooned with Louis being the big spoon , his face pressed to Harry's shoulder blades .
"Night lovely ." Harry intertwined their fingers .
"Night Hazzie ." Louis mumbled into his back sleepily .
It was looooooooong .
Hopefully you liked it , tell me if you didn't . x
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