Chapter 19

(I'm gonna radio upload cause of that wicked snowstorm coming. Yikes no WiFi!)

-Louis' Point of View-

I groaned at the light that shown through the window and lazily pulled my arms around Harry. I smiled, remembering how he came home with me last night. And how it was pretty intense night for the both of us. Which seemed to consist of extreme snogging and moans. I was quite fine with it, although Harry, I would imagine be sore.

I laid my head on the pillow, right beside his head. I observed my love bites and bruises I had given him last night, with a light smile on my face. I pressed a lingering kiss to his curls, and down the nape of his neck, when he started to stir.

"Louis" His morning voice mumbled. He flipped himself over slowly and his green met my blue. "Morning." He smiled his eyes still closed. I stoked his cheek lightly with my thumb.

"Morning. You know what today is?" I asked. Harry's eyes opened and squinted slightly at the light in the room.

"What?" He asked.

"Our last full day together." He groaned and buried his head in my bare shoulder.

"Why did you tell me that?" He asked. I smiled.

"Because it's also getting close to a certain somebody's birthday Hazza!" I said poking at his sides. He let out one of those adorable giggles, letting his dimples shine through.

"I know!" He said sitting up and attempting to get out of bed. He instantly groaned in pain and froze, I scrambled to his side. I ran my warm fingers over his back.

"Sore?" I asked smirking.

"Shut up." He muttered. I pressed a kiss to his shoulders.

"You'll be fine babe." I smiled. I got up and looked at our scattered mess around the floor. Searching for mine and Harry's boxers. Pulling on my Topmans and heading towards the kitchen. I poured water into the kettle and slid it over the burner on the stove, then grabbed 2 bowls and the carton of milk out of the fridge, as Harry made his way in. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rest his chin on my shoulder.

"You can only make tea can't you?" He smiled. I shrugged my shoulders lightly. Harry stopped me from pouring the milk out. I gave him an unsure look. "Let me cook something-"

"Harry no you're the guest." I told him.

"Who got nailed into your mattress, I insist I do something. I'll be stiff in my muscles forever if I don't." I sighed and put the milk and cereals back. He grinned grabbing the eggs, butter, and a pan. "Eggs and toast sound okay?" He asked. I nodded and waited for the water to brew, pushing my head into my forearms.

We ate out breakfast in a bit of silence. Harry's breakfast was great, considering I burn nearly everything I touch. So I was quick to eat it, as Harry took his time.

"Tired?" I lifted my head up towards him.

"I'm sorry babe, what?" I asked. I felt his, hot from holding the mug, hand on my knee.

"You alright?" I shrugged.


About what?" He asked setting the plate down.

"My mum actually..." I mumbled. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and began rocking slightly.

"You miss her?" I nodded.

"I miss all them. Lottie, Fizzy, Dais and Pheeb. My mum. The whole bunch." I awkwardly smiled.

"Babe, you'll see them soon. I miss Gemma and my mum too." I shook my head.

"Do you think... Do you think that they'd like us?" I asked. His eyes flashed with worry.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, I'm different. Coated in tattoos and piercings. I just-" He cut me off with a kiss to the lips.

"Don't worry about it yeah? Let's just have fun on our last day. Whatever you want. I'll do." I raised my eyebrows in a hinting manner. "Sex really? Again?"

"Well you said whatever I want." I grinned. He rolled his eyes and ran his fingers through my hair.

"Can you wait a little while?" He asked. I laughed.

"I was kidding Hazzybear." He smiled.

"Is that my new nickname?"

"My mom used to call me Boobear... still does. It's a real kick to my friends at home." He smiled wider.

"You don't like it do you?"

"It's my mum. My mum's my mum. Nothing I can do about it." I sighed leaning back into him.

"I'll just call you Loubear." He whispered into my ear. "My Loubear" He said protectively wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Fine. But your still my Hazzy bear. End of story."

"And you're still rough in bed." He muttered.

"You said sex. I gave you sex. When was the last time you've done it. You should be used to it." His cheeks turned red.

"I- I um I haven't-"

"OH MY GOD!" I shouted. I sprung up from his arms. "I took your. You were a... Oh my God Hazza I didn't-"

"I'm fine! Louis! I'm fine. Shhh. Stop freaking out."

"It should've been special." I mumbled looking down, I felt immensely guilty.

"It was. It was with you." He smiled. He pulled my chin up towards him and inched our faces together. "It was perfect okay. It was perfect. I was with you."

"I should've been gentler at least." I whispered.

"I actually found dominance kinda hot." My eyes met his. I crashed our lips together and pulled him on top of me. His arms wrapped around my waist and his arms around my shoulders.

"Now you'll really be sore." I mumbled against his lips. He chuckled but we never broke apart. I stuck my hands at his back before getting up, his body still koala hugging me. I brought him to my room before throwing him on the bed.

"I thought we were gonna wait?" He joked.

"F*ck that. You look hot now!"


Woah... Steamy... Oh Harry. Don't turn on tattooed Louis. He'll wreck your body.

WELL HI HAVEN'T UPDATED IN A LITTLE WHILE! I've been without Wi-Fi.... Without power for 2 days. It was 45° in my house this morning. COLD! Anyways,

This story is almost over OMFG! But I have another Larry soon to begin after this... And Carbon Tears which is a Niam Fic. And Move on and Carry on... Which I'm developing a hate towards because I don't have a set plot... Kay now I'm just rambling.

I'll put up another SMUT scene for this soon. Seeing as all my Larry Smut girls online. Haha. Bye guys.


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