The Inner Workings

Wow, you didn't run from our shop screaming. You're badass! Congrats on taking the next step to awesomeness!

First things first, the rules! We may be troublemakers, but let's save the drama for our stories.


-Follow this account and both founders ChelseaFrey and charlottemallory.

-Add this book to your reading list.

-Must be 18+ to join.

-All new members must complete a two-week trial.

-Don't be Rude but also be able to take constructive criticism.

-New Apps must post a shoutout + link to this account on their profile.

📓Rules for Books:

-No less than 6 chapters. 

-Must be in English.

-Must adhere to Wattpad guidelines.

-Only one book per member.

-Mature and LGBTQ accepted.

-All story-based genres accepted.

-All books will be screened before entered.

😈How We Do Things😈

Make sure you read all of this as there will be a mini-quiz included in your membership app. Don't panic, it's not a lot. But we need to know that you're well-acquainted with how we do things in the TTBC.

~The Application Process~

Our membership application is a little different from other clubs. Rather than having you fill out a form in the comments, you will have to fill out a google form. We'll save most of the information about this for the next chapter, but we are letting you know that there will be a few questions to ensure you've read this chapter. There will also be fun questions too. We want to create enjoyable matches within our system, and this form will help with that. 

After we review your form, we will screen the first chapter or two of your book. This screening process is to ensure that your book not only upholds WP guidelines but that it doesn't need more assistance than our club can manage. We understand that everyone can use some help, and we hate turning people away, but this book club is geared towards deeper story content versus grammatical corrections, therefore we do not accept books that need extra work in the grammar department.

If your book makes it through the screening process, congrats! We will send you an acceptance message along with the start date of your two-week trial.

The two-week trial is simple. You have two weeks, two rounds, to show you can keep up and if successful, you'll become a full-fledged Troublemaker. However, if you miss an assignment during your trial, you will be removed immediately. No second chances. Though, if you still wish to join us, you can reapply and start a new trial after three months.


TTBC works on a partner system within reading groups. This means that members are placed into reading groups of 4, based on their genre. Every week you will be partnered with someone in your group. You will read and comment on two chapters of your partner's book as well as one chapter from the BOTW. We want to keep everyone in their group so that after they've partnered with each person they can then start the rotation again and pick up where they left off. This will help to make sure that you are not only reading past the first few chapters of your groups' books but that you will also get more chapters reviewed as well. 

As mentioned, we are going to try our best to group everyone based on their genre. Each group will also be assigned an admin who they will report to after the completion of each assignment.

~Comment Guidelines~


- Read and comment on 2 chapters of your partner's book.

-All comments must start with #TTBC

- 3 inline comments minimum per chapter. (Does not have to be over the top or any specific length.)

- 1 end of chapter comment per chapter. The end of chapter comments can be no shorter than 6 sentences. We value quality here and expect you to give everything you can. Do not be generic. Be detailed. This is your time to shine and earn recognition to reach Ink Master status. 

-This is not mandatory, but we will be offering a question of the week for you to answer in one of your end of chapter comments. This is not to be included in your 6 sentence minimum but as an addition to those. If it is included in your 6 sentences, it will not count, and by "count" we mean that answering the weekly question is another way to earn recognition and reach Ink Master Status. 

-To help separate the weekly question from the rest of your comment, we suggest the following layout:    

#TTBC Final Review: ......................................... Weekly Question:...............................

~ BOTW ~

(If partnered with BOTW you only do your regular 2 chapters. Not 3!)

-All comments must start with #TTBC

-Read and comment on 1 chapter of the BOTW

-3 inline comments minimum. (Does not have to be over the top or any specific length.)

-1 end of chapter comment per chapter. The end of chapter comments can be no shorter than 6 sentences. We value quality here and expect you to give everything you can. Do not be generic. Be detailed. This is your time to shine and earn recognition to reach Ink Master status.

- You can answer the weekly question for the BOTW as well to earn recognition and reach Ink Master Status.

As for what we are looking for in the comments like it says above, inline comments do not need to be over the top or any specific length. It's the end of chapter comments that we expect everyone to give it their all. Tell the author what you liked, what you think could be improved, and everything in between. Helping with grammar is welcomed as well but we really want you to focus more on the story itself, the characters, the plot, the dialogue, the descriptions, all of the deeper parts. Be honest, but also keep your tone in mind. We don't tolerate bullies.

That being said, you must also be able to take constructive criticism. Not everyone is going to like your book but as long as they aren't acting like a douche canoe, there shouldn't be any complaints.

P.S. Do not delete comments or edit chapters currently being reviewed! Seriously, this will mess things up for your partners and the entire system.

When you are done with your assignment you must leave a done comment next to your name in the current round. This comment needs to include which chapters you've completed in your partner's book and BOTW. You also must tag your admin. If they don't get tagged, they don't get notified, no one checks your comment, and you get penalized for it.

Example: @admin Done chapters 1 & 2 of partner's book and chapter 1 of BOTW

If you are having issues with your group, feel free to PM us. We don't want anyone feeling stuck in a tough situation but we also can't guarantee that we can find a new place for you right away.


~ T E M P T A T ~

If someone does not do their assignment -- and subsequently is not featured in the next round -- then that means that their partner, for that next round, will not have a partner. This is because the person that did not do their assignment will be removed from that week's rotation in order to make up for their missed assignment. Since we are groups of 4, if we take 1 away, we have 3 partners, meaning 1 will have no partner. For Example:

A/B || C/D (C doesn't do assignment...B was rotated to be their partner next round)

A/D || B/TEMPTAT [C makes up previous assignment]

A/C || B/D (goes back to normal next round)

In that event, we have a group each week called Temp Tat. This means that if someone is in this Temp Tat category, we ask any other member to let us know if you're willing to volunteer to pair with the Temp Tat for that specific round. You have roughly 24-48 hours to notify us. This will create a complete, temporary partnership that will last a single round, as in both people will pair up and read 2 chapters of each book as if they were normally paired. It's kind of like flash speed dating.

-- This is volutnary, so first come first serve

-- You gain 2 ⭐'s if you volunteer for this, since this means you're taking on 2 stories that week (your original assignment and this Temp Tat)

-- This will be used in groups where someone takes a leave and there is an opening, or perhaps someone leaves the club and we need to fill in a spot until we get a new member

-- There is always a chance that no one takes on the Temp Tat, which means someone might go a week without a partner. The Founders have agreed that, by Sunday, if no one has paired with a Temp Tat, then one of the Founders will go through and read 2 chapters and give some light commentary just so they didn't miss out on a week of feedback. You will not have to return the favor in this case. This is just us taking care of those who are in the Club!

When you are in Temp Tat, you have to still do BoTW, regardless. Also, this is a rotating spot, so if you are Temp Tat, it's simply because you rotated into that spot that week, not because we assigned it that way.

~Deadline and New Rounds~

Each round will last one week, and begin every Monday night.

All assignments and Done comments must be completed by 3 pm U.S. Central Time every Monday. 

We can't promise a specific time on Monday that the rounds will be posted but we are willing to work with those that miss the deadline for good reason. Though if you are not done by the time the new round is posted, our hands are tied. You will be left out of the round.

~Extensions & Breaks~

We're willing to work with you, so extensions and breaks are accepted. But these requests must be sent to us by the round deadline, 3 pm U.S. Central Time on Monday.

For breaks, we will only accept a maximum of 4 weeks for a break. Anything over that is fine, but you will be removed and treated as a new member when you return. Yes, this means you will have to repeat your trial period. 

The only exception to a member on break returning is if they did not complete their last assignment. 

~Second Chances aka Strikes~

If you miss an assignment you will be privately messaged with your second chance. This means you have one week, one round, to complete the missed assignment or you will be removed from the club. 

If you are constantly missing the deadline, and barely finishing your assignment by the time the new rounds are posted, you also risk receiving a "second chance".  If you are put on notice for this reason, you will be left out of the round, even if you're done. If it happens again within the next two rounds you participate in, you will be removed from the club.

If you are caught acting like a bully, you may receive a second chance or you may be removed from the club. This decision will be made on a case by case basis.

If you are removed from the club for reasons concerning lateness, missed assignments, or poor quality, you can reapply as a trial member after 3 months and try to do better a second time around. If you are removed for being a bully or causing problems, you can not reapply.

~Book of the Week~

BOTW will be selected at random from the list of our Ink Masters. (Once we have Ink Masters)

Everyone in the club will be required to read and comment on one chapter from the BOTW. For comment guidelines, please scroll back up!

~Ink Masters~

For those that go above and beyond with their comments, they will be recognized at the beginning of each new round. This recognition will be given beside your name where it is listed in your reading group. By "above and beyond" we mean leaving more than the minimum inline comments, leaving in-depth reviews in your end of chapter comments that extend past the 6 sentence minimum, and answering the weekly question.

Those that get recognized three rounds in a row will receive the title of Ink Master. Your name will be listed in our hall of fame and you will be added to the BOTW lottery.

BUT, that is only the first level!

We have many levels of Ink Masters. Each time you receive three recognitions in a row, you go up a level and can choose a new prize from our tatted treasure chest.

🧰️Prizes include:

-Interview in the hall of fame

-A custom gif

-BOTW again(if you haven't already been BOTW in the last three months)

-A shoutout from the founders on their personal profiles

-Your name and book listed on the club profile

-Five chapters reviewed by a founder

-Your book showcased on the club profile banner

We will keep brainstorming more prize ideas, but if you have any, feel free to PM them to us.

All of that said, you can lose your Ink Master title as well. If you go 6 weeks without earning a star for recognition, you will lose your Ink Master status if you are merely level 1. IF you are a higher level, you will move down one level after 6 weeks with no star and continue to move down a level each week after until you return to a normal Troublemaker status. If you lose your Ink Master title, you will have to re-level, though this also means re-earning prizes, so at least there's a bonus to it.


We understand all of this can be a lot to take in but we hope we've explained it clearly for you. If you have any questions you can comment them or PM them to us.

If this club sounds like something you would enjoy participating in, and you and your book qualify, please continue onto our member application.  

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