Your quick wit lips just rip me apart
--Parker Lewis Can't Lose
(But I'm Gonna Give
It My Best Shot),
Fall Out Boy
"So, what's your story, Winchester?" Gabriel asked once they were seated. He was sipping cream soda, an eyebrow raised, watching him curiously.
Sam shrugged, twisting the straw in his Mt. Dew. "I don't really have one," he admitted.
Gabriel made a disapproving sound. "Everyone has a story," he said. "Whether you've marched through hell with a grin, or watched yourself fall from heaven, everyone has something to say. Something that made them into who they are."
The Winchester leaned back. "You sound like you speak from experience."
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." Gabriel smiled. "Do I get a story yet?"
Sam laughed. "Fine, Kitty." He put his elbows up on the table. "When I was born, my family was made up of my dad John, my mom Mary, and my brother Dean."
"You poor thing," Gabriel cooed. "Stuck with Deano."
"He's really not that bad." Sam rolled his eyes. "Anyway, Mom died last year, just after I turned eighteen. Cops said it was a hit and run." His voice had taken on a sadder tone.
"I'm so sorry," Gabriel murmured, feeling a pang in his chest. His fingers twitched with the urge to touch Sam, to console him.
Sam sighed. "It's not your fault," he said. "It's really ok. I've had to move on as much as I can." He suddenly scoffed. "Dad's basically a helicopter parent now."
The Novak sucked in a breath through his teeth. "Ouch. Never had one of those."
"They aren't fun," Sam told him. "Anyways, we used to move around a lot, but I worked hard and ended up with a full ride scholarship for the school in the same town we'd started in. That is, to here." He prayed Gabriel wouldn't question why they moved.
Gabriel perked. "Hey, you met me because of that."
Sam grinned. "I did, didn't I?"
"Are the two of you ready to order?" came a voice. The two of them looked up to the stormy eyes of their waitress. Her blonde hair was to her shoulders, mixed with strands the color of honey, tangled into curls. She smiled at them kindly.
Gabriel held up his menu. "May I have your chicken paccata, please?"
She wrote it down and took the menu, tucking it under her arm. "And for you?" Her attention turned to Sam.
"Make that two," he told her, giving her his menu.
She beamed at them. "I'll have those out for you as soon as I can. Holler if you boys need anything." Her shoulder was tapped and quickly bounced off to another part of the restaurant.
"She seemed nice," Sam said, sipping his drink. "Anyways, I've told you my story. Who's Gabriel Novak?"
He thought for a moment. "I was orphaned early," he began slowly. "I was adopted when I turned fourteen by Chuck and Becky Novak. They'd already had Cas, Luci, Anna, and Alfie."
"So you were the last one to the family?"
Gabriel nodded. "Cas and Anna are twins, adopted at eight. Luci when he was twelve, though he did end up living with his birth mom when he got to be a junior. He's always wanted to know where he came from, you know?"
In the midst of his talking, Sam had gotten lost in his voice. He couldn't help but allow Gabriel to just talk, listening intently to every word he spoke.
"Alfie's visiting his boyfriend," Gabriel said, smiling wistfully. "Seventeen and the kid's already found his soulmate."
He twirled his now empty glass in his fingers. "What else do you want to know?"
"Whatever you'll tell me," Sam said, eyes shining brightly. "Just keep talking."
Gabriel giggled a bit, looking almost bashful. "I was in a candy shop when I met Chuck and Becky. They came over, Chuck remarking about how much he loved the candy I'd chosen." He got this gleam in his eye, then. Sam could only stare, enraptured.
"I'd offered him a piece, since I'd taken all of it for myself. He thanked me and asked if he could pay for it. I said, 'No, sir, I've been saving up the money from Kevin just for this.'
"He asked me who Kevin was and I told him that he was kind of like my mom, since I didn't have one. He'd been the closest thing I'd ever had to a mom. So, the two of them ended up paying for all of the candy, telling me to keep all the money I'd gotten from my chores. They walked me down to the orphanage, and that was the day I got adopted."
Gabriel grinned as he finished his recount. "It was a good day," he said with a hum.
Sam smiled. "I hope to meet them."
"They'll be back in a month," Gabriel informed him. "They take some getting used to. You'll probably be grilled with questions. I don't have many friends."
Sam normally would have questioned this, but Gabriel sounded like he was dodging around it. He nodded, deciding to leave it alone for now.
"Here you go, boys." Sam looked up, quickly moving to take his plate from the waitress. She gave him a thankful look. "Anything else y'all need?"
Gabriel shook his head. "No, thank you."
She nodded and left as quickly as she'd come, leaving them to eat their food in small talk.
Sam pulled the car up next to Gabriel's house. The Novak's heart had been hammering in his chest all night long. He opened the door, starting up the path, Sam following him.
He stopped at the door. "Thanks, Sam," he said sincerely, smiling. "I needed a night away."
"I understand that," he returned with a chuckle.
"You'll be in tomorrow?"
Sam grinned. "Of course, Kitty."
Gabriel could feel his ears and cheeks warming. He stood there for a moment, catching Sam's eyes flicker to his lips for a moment. Spurred back into movement, he opened the door.
"Get some sleep," he said, keeping his voice as steady as he could. "You'll need it for your classes, the ones I still don't understand why you take in the firsr place."
Sam rolled his eyes. "I'll explain later." He gave a small wave. "Sleep well, Kitty."
"You too, Moose." He watched Sam walk back to his car before slipping into the house.
He took in a deep breath. Part of him had wanted so desperately just to grab him and kiss him breathless.
And yet, there it was. As soon he began to think about it, his skin crawled with the all too familiar feeling. He shrank down to the floor, curling in on himself.
He wasn't there anymore.
He couldn't hurt him.
So why couldn't he be happy now?
Wait, you went on a date with him? Dean signed, eyes wide.
They were eating cake with their dad, a sort of late birthday sentiment for Dean. He'd turned twenty three a few days ago, so they felt like they had to do something.
Solution? Cake.
John's eyes sparked with interest. "Sammy's in love?" He leaned over the table. "Who's the lucky guy?"
"I'm not in love, and it wasn't a date!" Sam defended, taking a violent bite of the dessert.
Are you sure? Dean smirked. You're a little too defensive, Sammy.
"Dean's right," John chimed in.
Sam groaned. "Guys, I swear. I barely even know Gabriel! We're just friends."
"Gabriel as in... Novak?" John asked, frowning.
The youngest Winchester nodded. "Yeah. Why?"
"The kid's had quite a life from what I hear," he replied, shaking his head. "It's none of our business what happened, though."
Sam took another slice of cake. "If he wants to tell me, he can," he murmured. "I won't press him."
John watched Sam for a minute before scoffing. "You're too nice of a man sometimes, you know that?" He folded his arms. "Back in my day, we threw insults left and right without having to worry about all of this law bullshit."
"And that's coming straight from the mouth of a lawyer." Sam clicked his tongue. "Oh, the irony."
Getting back to the subject, Dean signed smugly, clearly not going to rest until Sam talked. What IS going on with the two of you?
"I come in to his shop and he makes me food," Sam told him. "I help out once in a while, take him for dinner as repayment. We're friends, Dean."
John shared a look with the older brother. "Sure, son. We totally don't have a glitter canon and Skittles in a closet, set aside for the day you bring him home as your boyfriend."
I think I'd prefer husband, to be honest, Dean pitched in, pursing his lips.
Sam blinked, face melting to a glower. "I hate you both."
He heard two bubbles of laughter from behind him as he stood and walked out. "I'm going to Charlie's," he grumbled.
The redhead was quick to pull him inside when he arrived. "So, tell me details!" she squealed. "Did you kiss? More? Who started it? Who tops?"
Sam didn't answer, groaning and falling to the floor. "Why does everyone assume we're together?" he complained. "And how did you know I was with Gabriel?"
"Do you not want him?" Charlie inquired skeptically, sitting cross legged and ignoring the second question.
He rolled his head to look at her. "Of course, I want him." He sighed. "I just don't want to rush things. I don't want to push him. He doesn't seem gay or bi, either, by the way."
She laughed. "He's probably the gayest person I've ever met, though Cas might be a bit more."
Sam ran a hand over his face. "Charles, I don't want to drag him into my shit life," he grumbled. "What if he leaves when I tell him what happened, huh?" He scrunched up his face, playing it in his head.
He could see Gabriel turning away, yelling at him to leave. Sam watched himself walk out, jaw fixed. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he looked up at her, worried.
"Look, I'm friends with both of you," Charlie began, "and I know you two inside and out." She smiled reassuringly. "You're going to fix each other, I just know it. It won't be some magic spell, or a quick change that'll make it all go away, but you'll both let go."
Sam shifted, resting his head on his hands. "What do you mean?"
"Gabe's been through hell, and so have you," she said. "Trust me, I'm not being overly dramatic and I'm not being cheesy."
He stared at her a moment before nodding. "So what do I do?"
Charlie patted his head. "Oh Sammy, just be there. That's all."
Status: Unedited
A bit shorter and choppier, yes, but needed. I'm sure when I actually edit the book it'll flow better.
Next chapter will be a lot more interesting because we get a new character that you'll have the urge to stab.
I also know that technically the family shouldn't be Novak, but I dig the last name so *shrugs*
Thank you guys for all the love and support!
--Gabe 😘😘
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