
And will you tell all your friends you've got your gun to my head?

--Cute Without the E
(Cut from the Team),
Taking Back Sunday


Luci was staring at the wall when Sam walked in the next morning to shower. He'd crashed the night at Charlie's, but had went back to the dorm to shower before he had to meet Gabriel.

"What's up, Luce?" Sam asked curiously, stepping up in the man's line of sight.

The blonde didn't move except for his frown, which deepened further as he spoke. "Why do people ask me weird things?"

Sam sat down on the edge of the bed. "What?"

"They ask me what goes on between me and Mikey at those parties," he said, turning his head to look at him. "And today, Mikey said he couldn't be seen with me anymore or else he'd be off the team." His eyes were sad and lost. "What happened?"

Sighing, the Winchester looked away for a second before he explained, "All year, no matter what party or event, the two of you end up drunk. You seek each other out, and after that, it's probably sex for all we know."

Luci let his head fall as Sam continued, "People cover for you two, taking you home afterwards or dressing you or whatever needs to happen. Did Mike give you any reason?"

"No." Luci ran a hand over his face, voice cracking. "I've been screwing the guy I fell in love with for an entire year, not remembering an ounce of it, Sam." He choked out a sob. "And now I've lost him."

Sam shook his head, quick to reassure him. "No, no," he murmured, taking Luci's face in his hands. "None of that now, hun. We don't want your mascara to smear."

The jest had the blonde smiling. "Thanks, Sam."

"Anytime, Luci." Sam stood. "I have to shower. Wanna come to the cafe and talk to Gabe?"

He nodded, wiping his face to clear it of tears. "Yeah."

Sam grabbed some clothes and left the room to shower. He turned the water on, sitting on the toilet cover while it warmed up.

Poor Luci. His luck had run out.

Micheal was making a mistake letting him go. Surely the guy was mad to let his homophobic team push him around.

Sam pursed his lips. If he ever saw that dick again, he had some explaining to do. For Luci's sake, maybe he wouldn't kill the guy.

Luci just looked so... broken.

Shaking his head, he tossed his clothes aside and got in the shower, letting the water drown out his thoughts.


Sam heard the familiar chime in the background as he and Luci walked into the cafe. "Morning, Kitty!" he called.

Gabriel grinned from his place behind the bar. "Heya, Moose." He looked at his brother. "Luci? What's up? You don't stop in until closing."

"He found out," Sam told him, casting a glance at the blonde. "Mike's not handling it well, either, but I can't give a shit about that guy at the moment."

Gabriel's mouth dropped. "Oh Luci." He went around the bar and hugged him tightly.

Luci smiled lightly. "I'm better than I was, Gabe, don't worry. Is Anna on?"

The shorter Novak nodded. "Yeah. She'd love the company."

"Then I'll see you later, Sam." Luci waved and, released from Gabriel's hug, disappeared into the kitchen.

Gabriel turned his attention to Sam. "Any requests for food?"

"Ever made haystacks?" Sam asked, smirking.

"Cream of chicken, sour cream, and cheese over white rice and grilled chicken?" Gabriel winked. "Yes, actually."

Sam pouted slightly. "Damn. I thought I'd found something you didn't know how to make."

Gabriel shrugged. "I'm good at my job, Moose." He started off towards the kitchen. "I'll have that out in just a few. You're lucky I already had rice cooked."

Sam chuckled and leaned on the counter. He loved that the cafe was always so quiet during this time of day. Most of the college students had classes, so he was free to drop appearances.

As he sat there, he couldn't help but replay some of his thoughts. Charlie had seemed adamant that he and Gabriel could "fix each other," whatever that meant.

He wondered what Gabriel would do if he kissed him. Would he pull away? Run? Part of him hoped that if he ever got the nerve to do it, he'd be dragged closer and kissed back. But, those were only fantasies.

Sam tapped on the bar, running his fingers across the different colors in the rock. It was beautiful, catered exactly to what Gabriel's taste was.

His phone buzzed in his pocket and he drew it out, seeing the text from Dean.

So... about Cas... Should I tell him? You know, about the past?

You can't hide it forever

Sam tucked his phone into his pocket with a sigh. Maybe he should take his own advice.

There were things, though, when he was young. He'd tried so, so hard to keep that damaged boy from coming back to haunt him.

The bell rang behind him just as Gabriel walked out with a bowl. He was smiling, eyes on Sam, about to say something, but then his gaze drifted somewhere behind him. Gabriel's face was instantly pale, eyes wide. The bowl fell from his hands, clattering to the floor.

Sam straightened, turning to see who was there. It was a man, dark skinned and black haired. He walked with a purpose, plump lips slightly parted.

"Gabe," he said, stopping and smirking. "It's been a long time."

"Get out of my cafe, Gordon," Gabriel whispered. Sam looked at him, alarmed when he saw how much he was shaking.

Sam looked between them. "Kitty, who's this?" he asked carefully.

Gordon laughed, folding his arms. "Kitty?" he mocked. "This gentle giant your little playtoy?"

Gabriel didn't speak, eyes welling. He locked his jaw, trying to keep from crying. He leaned down, going about cleaning up the rice.

Sam quickly went around the counter, stilling Gabriel's movements with a soft touch on his shoulder. He took his hand, twining their fingers, and helped him back up.

"Baby, don't worry about cleaning," he purred softly to reassure him. "I'll clean it up here in a minute."

Gabriel looked confused and alarmed. "O-Okay," he stuttered out.

"So he is!" Gordon put his hands on the counter. "What's your name, toy?" he asked, grinning at Sam viciously.

"I don't believe you need to know," Sam said coldly. "Now, my lovely boyfriend has told you to leave. I suggest you do so."

Gordon's eyes gleamed dangerously. "Or what?" he challenged.

"I'm not so sure you'd like to know," the Winchester snarled, eyes narrowing. "Gabriel has every right to ask you to leave." He gestured to the framed document on the wall. "Leave."

The man leaned over the counter. "Have you had your fun with him yet?" he asked. "He's fun, you know. So obedient when he needs to be."

Gordon laughed at the horrified look on Sam's face. "Sorry I had to take his first from you." His eyes wandered over to Gabriel, making him cower away. "So tight. Perfect."

Sam's breathing had gone heavy, anger causing his blood to boil. He slowly brought his face down to Gordon's, hissing, "You either leave now, or I make you. Trust me, you won't enjoy the latter."

"I'm just making sure you know what to expect from your little bitch," Gordon laughed, holding up his hands lazily.

That was the last straw. Before Gordon had a chance to react, Sam was whipping around the side of the bar, grabbing his collar and hoisting him into the air.

"If I ever see you again," he growled, eyes flashing, "I will kill you."

Gordon smiled. "Try it and see where it gets you."

Sam's fist collided with his jaw, the man in his grasp making a sound of pain. He dragged him to the door, opening it and pushing him out.

"You wouldn't be the first man I've killed," he seethed, panting.

Gordon pushed himself up, holding his jaw. He sneered before walking slowly away.

Sam watched him leave. Once he was out of sight, he went back inside, rushing over to Gabriel. The Novak was still in shock, cheeks void of color and eyes like saucers.

"Are you ok, Kitty?" he asked softly, a dramatic change from what he'd just been.

Gabriel stared at him for a moment before nodding. "I guess so," he murmured. His eyes fell to the floor. "Shit, I didn't mean to drop it." He began a frenzy of words and actions, to which Sam shushed him, putting his hands on his shoulders.

"I told you that I'd clean it up," Sam said. "Let me do that, please. Can I drive you home?"

"I have to work," Gabriel tried to argue.

Sam shook his head. "Luci and Anna are here. I'll even make Charlie come in." He sighed. "You need some rest, Kitty."

Gabriel bit his lip. "Fine."

Grabbing a broom, a dustpan, and a cloth, Sam went to work cleaning up the floor. He informed Gabriel's siblings that he was taking him home and called Charlie. The redhead would be here for shift in ten.

Through this, Gabriel sat staring at the floor, slowly regaining color. He was rubbing his arm, eyes clouded, when Sam approached him.

"Let's get you home," he said, holding out a hand.

The smaller man eyed it for a moment, freezing. Then, he took it, letting Sam walk him to the car.

"If you don't mind me asking, who's Gordon?" Sam inquired, after they'd started down the road.

Gabriel didn't respond right away. When he did, it was almost silent. "Can I tell you when we get to the house?"

Sam nodded. "Absolutely. I'd never make you do anything, Gabriel." The lack of the nickname had his gaze snapping over, eyes unreadable.

It wasn't a long drive. He parked out front and went up to the door, Gabriel right in front of him. He unlocked the door and let it open, starting in.

Sam closed it behind him and followed Gabriel to what he assumed, and later confirmed, was his room. He walked in, eyes scanning over the band posters, books, records, and CDs thoughtfully.

Gabriel sat on his bed, wrapping himself up in a blanket. He scooted over, giving the space opposite him a pointed look. Sam clambered on, making sure not to sit too close.

"When I was sixteen," Gabriel confessed hesitantly, "I wasn't the brightest. Trusted much too easily, I suppose."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable," Sam told him.

Gabriel shook his head, clinging to the blanket tighter. "No, you deserve to know. Especially since you helped me."

Sam's eyes suddenly widened. "I didn't overstep my boundaries, did I?"

"Of course not," Gabriel reassured him.

"Anyway, I'd been in the Novak family for two years. I didn't have a licence, so I had to walk everywhere I went," he continued.

"There was a party at a friend's house. My parents let me go, of course, so long as I was home by midnight." Gabriel took in a breath, calming himself for a moment.

"I didn't drink while I was there, and left around eleven-thirty," he said, voice shaking slightly. "Gordon jumped me passing by an old house that hadn't been used in years. He wasn't drunk, wasn't high-" He broke off, tears falling down his cheeks.

Sam listened intently, impulsively leaning over to wipe away Gabriel's tears before he could stop himself. Every urge was to hug him, wrap him in his arms and keep him away frim the world. He didn't deserve this.

"No matter how much I screamed, he wouldn't let me go. He dragged me up into a room, tied me up. My clothes he shredded from me, leaving only my boxers mostly intact." Gabriel gulped. "My first time with anyone and he used me. Dominated me. Made me into a whore." He shook his head, crying freely. "Kept my wrists on a leash and took me like a dog, telling me that if I wasn't compliant to him I wouldn't live to go home.

"I showed up on my doorstep at about one. Becky was mad I hadn't called her, but once she saw me, she broke down. She hugged me, comforted me, let me shower away the filth that monster left on me."

Sam carefully hugged him and Gabriel immediately burst into tears, turning to bury his face into his shirt. He softly stroked his hair, humming to him.

The man he was holding should never have had to go through that. Sam rested his head on Gabriel's, nuzzling him lovingly. He was too sweet, too caring about everyone else.

Sam silently vowed that he'd take care of him, no matter what.

Gabriel dragged himself closer, tucking himself up against Sam's chest. The Winchester let him, holding him like he'd never let go.

Neither of them said a word, Gabriel crying softly and Sam humming tunes to help. They stayed like that for a while, until Cas appeared in the doorway.


Status: Unedited

Hey, I'm crying, too, so...

At least you know what happened to Gabe now.

That other character, the blonde, she'll be showing up. I was going to put her in this one, but no. Too much too soon.

I'm sorry a double update had to hurt so bad.

--Gabe 😘😘

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