Chapter 35 - Crooked

"Jane, stop that tapping, you're shaking the car." my mother says annoyingly behind me in the car.

"Interesting language, what is that?"

Begrudgingly I answered him in one breath
"Haitian creole, she just told me to stop tapping my foot."

I feel Detective Japan glance towards me, eyes lingering on my legs, focused on my actions before huffing a smirk.

"She is just so happy to see me mami," detective Juni B Jones chuckled, "she can understand me right?" I bite my tongue hard to not drool over his thick green veins when he grips the steering wheel.

"Weren't you guys having a lovely time shopping the other day without me? But yes she can understand English a bit."

My cheeks were still stinging from Cameron's grip, I shuddered thinking of him and those demonic eyes. "Thank you." I managed softly, still fragile, from the contact with the devil.

I avert my eyes watching his thick lips spread to a smile, pearly nearly blinded me when they shimmer from the afternoon sun, "No need to thank me, I told you women in need are my concern." accent still strong and voice still deep.

"I mean for watching over my mother,"

"Mami does run off" he laughs.

"I'm just happy she ran off to you."

Detective Jonas Brother turns to me softly, the car came to a slow stop under the red light, we say nothing staring into each other's eyes, he scans my face and I scan his, so handsome and flawless.

"Have you thought about it?" he whispered.

"About what?"

"Letting me-"

The Blaring of the car horn behind us had me squeal, pissing off my Carribean mother who didn't hesitate to start cussing at the person behind us. How long have we been staring at each other? What was he going to say?

My clothes were getting tighter, clearing my throat that was unexpected, but so was his appearance, where did he come from? Was he there the whole time? And why anywhere he could be, I find him there?

Swallowing thickly "What were you doing there?"

"Your Madre invited me."

Whipping my head backwards to my mom, who only looked up and smiled from her phone, "What?"

"Yes, she invited me to the church."

"Were you there the whole time?"


Could that explain the dread I was feeling the whole time? "I didn't see you; did you see me?"

Huffing out a genuine smile "I couldn't keep my eyes off you botón de Oro"

Taking in the comment I swallow and turn to blow out the steam from my veins. "So, you heard everything." His smile disappeared hearing my low tone. "Si".

"You were right, Cameron is the leader of these ants."

"I would never Lie to you."

"Those cops are really - "I was afraid to finish the sentence, Paranoid if the phones or anything were recording, I need to learn to talk in code from now on.

"They are the rotten apples in the tree, and they know it." he huffs. I noticed there is no emotion in his eyes, or a glitch or discomfort in his body movement, either he is used to this kind of stuff, or he can hide his emotions exceptionally well. "This doesn't seem to be bothering you" the sound of his grip tightening around the steering wheel brought an unpleasant lick in between my legs, is that why he calm? He takes out the anger on the poor innocent women in his chambers.

The same way a certain individual will mutilate m if he sees me with Him, I inwardly cringed knowing my house would be next.

"I have been around them for many many years, they are apart of that ant colony."

Indeed they are, I underestimated everything, I need to pop the bubble I am living in, a single ant colony contains Millions but their only job is to tend to the Queen. More and more I understand the analogy of his quote, and now seeing it myself, I still had a long ways to go.

The car ride is silent until he drops off my mother first, "I will make sure to have your car towed to you by the hour Mami." All smiles until she enters her house, not before the detective and me searched every nook and cranny.

"You two be safe, I love you" she says. We watch her walk inside just In time for Mr Pogo stick to utter nonsense.

Voice dark and rich "Dressed like that I don't think she's safe from me."

"I published them," I say through the silence.

He says nothing, focusing solely on driving, "This is now the beginning."

My phone began to ring, Tanika.

Raising a finger in the air "I'm sorry one second, Hey"

"Hey, you almost home?"

"Yes, about to round the corner,"

Her voice went soft "Did you get it?"

My whole-body trembled slightly when the chill travels down my spine, "Yes I got it." A momentary pause, Tanika says nothing on the other end for a while until she lets out a low sigh, a sigh of relief, I knew she was thinking I wouldn't go along with the plan.

"I'm proud of you" she says calmly, "Can I come over?"

Having company never sounded so good, "Please do." Ending the call, I let out a sigh of relief, staring out the window, just eyeing each passing vehicle and pedestrian, all I want right now is to bury myself into Rowans arms inhaling the shit out of his essence, the thought alone rested my trembling and I could feel my soul falling into a much needed relaxation. Even after everything I just witnessed, I just wanted to end the day with his dick down my thro-

"You have friends coming over? The more the merrier."

Like water my thoughts ripple tearing apart the nasty image my brain was ready to create of me and Rowan, well more of me trying to take his corn sized shaft down my throat and probably choke in the middle. Clearing my throat, "Its girl's night" I giggled.

His grip tightens around the steering wheel, dark eyes with a hungry glare "My favorite kind of night". Prominet accent coats his deep voice, I could hear the hunger, my cheeks are burning suddenly.

My heart began hammering when we passed a familiar set of trees, were almost at my house, I can never predict when or where Rowan shows up, but I do know it's random and out of nowhere. Things would go south fast seeing me with detective Jumbo, "You could drop me off here," I cleared my throat, my eyes scan every tree and rooftop, if I could just be dropped off further from my house I'd probably be in the clear.

Furrowing his brows in question, he glanced toward me and the location, "I'm not going to make you walk home Corazon," he smiled before proceeding to turn the roundabout.

"No really, I'll be fine I could you use the exercise." I laughed.

Slowing down his pace, the dark hunger returned in his eyes voiding any if not all light. "If you really want exercise mami, I'm the best machine for the job." I swallowed thickly to that offer; his back seat really does look inviting, but I already experienced animalist sex from a wild jungle man, I don't think I want to go back to regular modern men anytime soon, no matter how tempted I was, I said to myself in a main character monologue letting my eyes strip him of every layer of clothing.

And besides I don't want anyone else rough housing me in bed besides Rowan.

"I love how you debate in your mind whether you want me or not, it lets me know I have a chance."

His words got to me, I can't deny my attraction towards him but it's a different type of feeling as to when I am with Rowan, it's almost unexplainable and so mind twisting I can't even fathom it into words my body however doesn't seem to have the same problem letting the evidence of my want for Rowan be obvious.

Slightly shaking my head out of the clouds, I hadn't noticed we came to a stop a block just before my apartment. "Here will be fine." reaching for the handle my other arm was slightly tugged back.

"Is it him?"

My neck nearly breaks whipping my head left to right, Shit I knew he'd pop up out of nowhere, I feel my vagina thud wildly. "Where?"

Softly he sighs before breaking out a genuine smirk "No, you don't want me to drop you off at your house because of him?"

You're damn right, I think to myself. "Thank you for dropping me off." I can feel his eyes on me up until I am finally on the pavement. I stared at my reflection in his tinted mirror until he rolled down the window, so my mother wasn't going to tell me my hair looked like Toupe? "I'm not going to give up on you Corazon, I want a chance to win your heart" his eyes trail down my body lingering solely on my breast before smirking "It seems I already won the first test I still have two more to go." winking he rolled up his window, I watched him leave until he rounded the roundabout and disappeared at the corner.

My jaw dropped to the floor when I glanced down at my dress to notice my nipples were ready to tear through the fabric, the pain of the swollen pebbles had me hiss and high. High for a relief and I needed one. I miss Rowan, I'd do anything just to be in his arms right about now, even though he doesn't say much but knowing he is present, and nurturing was enough for me. I hope he is safe, and close to me as possible.

"Justine?" I call out in the dark apartment, utter silence. I know she was supposed to be here by now. I need to speak to her about the chapters. Her room cold, no sign, my room cold no sign. Furrowing my brows I tried her cell, first call no answer, my heart spirals. Oh shit, did she get to them before I could explain? No, she would have called me first thing. So, for now, I might be in the clear.

"Hey sexy." her voice shook me to the bones when she answered on speaker while I was lost in my thoughts.

"Where are you?"

The static of her phone made me cringe, it sounds like she is in a car. "I'm going to be home by sundown, make sure your wet for me, by the way how is you know who?" I could hear the seduction while her voice gets low.

My heart leaped and I giggled; these were the effects of just hearing his name. "He is alright he went to class, listen there is something I need to tell you, I -"

"I'll be home tonight babes, tell me face to face and I can't wait to read your new chapters it better be nasty and explicit or else we will put HER back on the tv."

"Oh God, anything but her", I can't stand to watch that red haired mini doll again, especially since she is now Rowans favorite actress, "Don't read them yet, please I want to talk to you about something, I jumped from the sound of knock on my door. Rowan? Without even lingering for a second more I flew to the door, wait, does Rowan knock? He just appears and disappears, biting my tongue as I await another knock on the door.

"Jane, babe who is at the door, don't open it" I hear her panic.


"Yea I'm here Justine, uh let me call you back or I'll see you when you get back."

"No keep me on the phone just in case,"

"I'm fine it's probably Rowan"

"Then show me" immediately the face time call comes up.

A very worried Justine, the bright sun only heightened her cream white complexion, red matte lipstick lined perfectly on her thick lips, my how I have missed her.

"You look stunning, you went to church?"

Gliding my eyes to the right to not make the wince visible, my cheeks started to hurt. "Yes" another knock came in "Jane?" wait a minute, "Tanika?"

"Yea you busy I could come back later."

"No, I'm coming sorry about that."

"Who is it?"

"My new friend Tanika, you want to say hi?"

"Omg! Duh any friend of your is a friend of mine, as long as you remember I am still your best friend." beautiful ivory teeth with a smudge of lipstick on the edge of the top front. Signaling to wipe it she turned red laughing.

"Hey uh wow" I'm in awe Tanika looks immaculate with a red mid-thigh dress, her hourglass figure was to die for, nothing out of place, not even her boobs that sat perfectly in the top. "Girl, God damn." I'm out of church, I'm free.

She smiles gratefully "Girl come on" she says eyeing me dress.

"Let me see her" we hear on the phone.

"Oh right." flipping the camera around, "Justine, Tanika, Tanika, Justine."

"Omg hi, you are so pretty".

Tanika's smile slowly fades away leaving a look of annoyance, "Tanika she says hi" I try to smile soothing the sudden awkward.

Stepping inside nearly brushing past me "I heard."

"Uh Justine, we'll see you later, ok?"

"Yea, in person would be better anyways." she laughed.

"What the heck" I seethed ending the call "She was saying hi to you."

"I'm aware, but I'm going to be honest I don't see myself liking her, so ill just keep to myself." she shrugged.

"But you guys haven't even met and -"

"Exactly and all I've known about her is that she is a traitorous girl that purposely ignores your situation and just covers it all by the good girl act and I can see right through it."

"But that's just what I'm telling you, you could meet her for yourself and make that judgement afterwards"

"Like she did with Cameron?"

"Your really bringing this up? How is anyone supposed to know another persons real character."

"Jane love you were doing so well, but respectfully please don't piss me off, your right no one is ever supposed to judge anyone but are you really going to stand there and see beyond this?"

My brows furrowed "what?" I actually mean that, what?

"Think hard, long and hard."

Licking my lips, Thick, long and hard? Is that what she said? "What you say?"

"Think" she emphasized "long and hard"

God I'm perverted.

"Alright, I am"

"Think from outside of the box for once"


"Her and what's his name have dated for more than two years correct?"


"When you meet someone, over time and the strength of the love through that relationship you take it a step forwards."

"I guess."

"She has probably met all of his friends, his parents and many more than you ever have."

My brows began to furrow in question "Yea?"

"Your really going to believe she is not already seen his dark side? Or know any of his friends dark secrets that he's probably shared?"

"Where are you getting at?"

"She was excited to introduce you right to the devil himself, even went as far as to call you over to him knowing his connections with the government including Kevin."

"That" ... suddenly I started stuttering. Philip doesn't like me, he should have been the first red flag because he is Philips friend. But Justine didn't think that way.

"I - I"

"I'm in no way saying it was probably her intention, but she doesn't understand the aspect to how negatively impactful it is on you.
She can't see her self in your shoes, you suffer more when she isn't around."


"She is your friend, stick up for her all you want, but me personally if I am in a relationship and my man and Bestie don't talk to each other, I'm never going to have them se each other, and if they are in the same room I'll put them miles apart from one another where they don't have to interact, however."

My ears perk up. "However what?"

"It seems that, with Philosophy, it seems he is interested in having you beneath him for some reason, It seems this is an infatuation from my point of view."

"You keep saying that."

"Cause I feel it."

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