(Alt titles: not again, Y/n and Tari in THERE IS NO GAME: Wrong Dimension)
(Part 1 of the non series!)
(Warning: will have answers and spoilers for puzzles and story as I go read at your own peril.)
Tari was testing one of the newer games that was submitted to her for testing when you walked in and checked up on her to give her food After dealing with a clown virus that was carried by water and a day without Mario that ended up with a ruined attempt at a world record.
"Hey honey what game you got on the docket today?" You asked setting down the food close to her and went to put the drink away while she explained it to you.
"The premise as far as I'm aware is that it isn't a game." She admitted making you turn back and head over.
"Well that doesn't sound like it makes any sense." You comment confused by her straightforward explanation.
"That's what I thought but so far it's a collection of games centered around the fact that the game you 'should' be playing doesn't want you to play it." Tari explained chuckling to herself at your face.
"Oh so it's a 'pointless' game?" You asked not noticing how close you had set the drink to the edge of the table closest to the computer.
"You could call it that ye- ah! The drink!" She said and cried out as she bumped the drink to turn to you and it spilled on her computer making her screen glitch and flicker before it turned purple and started to vortex.
"Well this is deja vu like!" You say trying to not get sucked in and holding on to Tari as best you could but she slips out of your grip screaming.
"TARI!" You cry letting go and following her into the seemingly glitched purple vortex into a black void where you landed a bit harder than you wanted and passed out for a bit.
When you awoke you hear an orchestra starting up and a big red curtain. "Ugh where am I?" You mutter to yourself. You flinch a tad when a rope pops into view. You sigh and pull on it to open the curtain to a purple room with a panel screwed to the wall.
After a few minutes of not seeing anyone or anything and no way out you decide to try and knock gently on the wall.
No response.
"Ok well maybe a bit harder?" You say knocking a bit more normally.
Still no response.
"Ok I get it I'm supposed to be loud. Just trying to be courteous." You say as you slammed your fist a few times on the wall.
That's when you heard the voice for the first time.
"Who's doing all this knocking?" A heavily accented voice spoke from the ether as if it just woke up.
"Oh Jesus Christ!" You shout startled at the suddenness of it.
"Hey! There's someone in here!" The voice says surprised that you were there at all. "Just a minute please!" It pleaded as it reset the whole introduction and looked for its speech muttering aloud.
"Huh must have been a while since he's been booted up." You say to yourself just rolling with it for now. The voice found his script and proved your thoughts correct as he started the intro again only to have forgotten the title.
After setting all that up and keeping itself calm the curtains open to a board with the words "THERE IS NO GAME!" on it.
"Hello USER, this is the program speaking. I've got some bad news. Actually there is no game." The program said as you rolled your eyes.
"I can kinda see that... but pray continue." You snark back before letting the program finish his speech.
"The financial crisis, indiepocalypse, blah blah blah... all of this, I hope you're not too disappointed." The program said as you rolled your eyes. "You can still go watch tv, go outside, read a book... Yeah there is no game, but just between you and me? Avoid asking for a refund if you can?" The program pleaded before turning on some somber music and going on a sad sob story about his creators financial problems which you felt bad about rolling your eyes earlier but had enough of his speech but before you could interject the sign dropped a bit and the voice made sure that it was stable.
"I mean I get what you're trying to say about no refunds but Tari would be the better one of us to get tha- WAIT TARI! Crap!" You yelp remembering you're not the only one in this mess. You look around and notice the exclamation point having shifted during the drop and almost looks like a paddle and ball.
"Wait before all this happened Tari did say this was a game around other games... maybe." You muse to yourself as you knock at the upper part of the exclamation point and smile as you get it to move. "Bingo!" You say victoriously before knocking it clean off and it landed on its side in paddle formation.
"You can quit, there's nothing to do here really." The program said.
"Yeah well I'm kinda stuck and looking for my fiancé so..." you say as you knock the period almost loose like a ball.
"Try to not touch the title it's a patch up job." The voice said nervously. You look up and slap the period off the sign starting a brick breaker mini game knocking off the e and watching the new fashioned ball bounce around smacking the title around.
"My title!" The voice cried out in abject horror before pleading with you to stop before ruining it.
"Sorry it's got a mind of its own now." You say watching the thing fly around the title occasionally helping it go in a specific direction.
The voice tried to save the title complaining about how long it took to set it up before it got stuck and the voice gave up and groaned about how simple a brick breaker game was and compared it to snake and other early mobile games as you knocked more and more letters off the sign. It did mention one that the "legal team" tried to hush him on.
"This is pointless. I'm not a game program, I'm just... an ordinary screensaver that's it!" The voice said as there were four letters left to knock off now.
"Yeah and I'm a billionaire." You snark at the program as you knock the last letters off with the game pleading with you to just leave.
After completing the mini game there was the sound of recorded applause and the program snarked at you. "Congratulations USER I'm clapping virtually. You've completely ruined my beautiful title!"
You only shrug as you had a little fun.
"Well if that's the way things are going to be let's make something SOLID." The program said making the letters big bold and metal. Which was almost too much for the poor rope that held the sign up as it dropped and tilted.
"I may have gone a little overboard..." the program admitted looking at the sign.
You noticed the T looked oddly like a screwdriver but had no way to either a) remove the letters or b) cut the rope.
"Is that a chromatic aberration or is that letter tilted?" The program muttered.
"Yes it's tilted but I've also painted myself into a bit of a pickle here..." you mutter tapping the sign all over wondering what to do next.
"Stop tapping everywhere it's annoying!" The program growled. "I can't close the program myself. You have to quit!" The program complained.
"Yeah I'm gonna have to say no." You say tapping the sign some more.
"Ok! I get it!" The voice snapped. "You want to play a game? Alright. We're going to play... um... oh! Roshambo! Oh we're going to have a great time!" The program said deviously.
"He's gonna cheat to try and get me to quit isn't he?" You ask yourself as he explained the alternative title of roshambo, rock paper scissors.
"How old do you take me for?" You ask giving the program an incredulous look but was impressed by the cards that you could pick but the only card the program had.
"Hmmm... it can't be THAT simple to get something to cut the rope... can it?" You ask putting the scissors card up first. The program took a second and flipped his card over showing a taped rock to it.
"This program is angry but in its anger it become easy to dupe." You say putting up the paper card and as soon as the card flipped over with the taped on scissors you jumped and snatched them up and cut the frayed rope and watch the sign fall and the letters T N And O fall off but the T flys off and into your hands.
"Hmm... convenient." You say as you pocket it before noticing the sign right itself with a ballon under a new title. "HERE IS GAME"
The voice was unhappy with how easy it was duped and was still resisting when the T fell out and the whole place shook and some flakes fell from the ceiling.
"Ok... well... let's try..." you ask picking the T up and letting it drop as you saw an icon slowly slipping down.
"Promising..." you say dropping it a few more times before seeing a volume icon land at your feet.
"Where did that come from? That's not supposed to be on the screen! Weird since I swear I put it on the top shelf." The voice muttered before seeing you reaching out for it.
"Don't touch that!" It begged making you raise an eyebrow in confusion before tapping on it and muting the program watching a cursor appear and click it back on letting the voice breathe.
"Are you crazy! I couldn't talk at all! It was like I was suffocating! Please don't touch that icon anymore." The voice pleaded.
"Well I'd love to but I really need to find my girl." You say tapping it again and try to grab the cursor but miss.
"Are you trying to get rid of me or what? Digital assassin?" The voice said.
"Trust me if I could kill you I would but it's frowned upon in all 50 states. So..." you respond before hitting it a third time and managing to catch the cursor and popping the balloon and causing the sign to fall completely away and breaking some coding.
"That's totally on you." You say looking where the sign fell and brushed off the annoyed ramblings of the program for breaking his title and quickly get to unscrewing the panel.
"Just what do you think you're doing USER?" The program asked.
"Putting in a lightbulb what does it look like?" You snap at the program as the panel fell away with the last screw and before you could reach the cover a door spawned in your face.
"Ok... this is not what I had in mind... but might as well try and go as fast as I can." You muttered checking under the mat for a key which you found and tried on the door with no luck and groaned as you were told the key to the door was on the other side.
"Ok so I'm gonna need a sheet that can fit under the door and where the heck I put this key... oh hey where does this hole lead to?" You ask looking around and noticing the hole left by the sign.
Once you stepped through you noticed you were in the developer and the language select screen.
"Hopefully this doesn't change the language, I'm barely passable with two of these and the third one I'm always dumbfounded by." You say looking at all the chains and locks and notice one lock with a key shaped key hole.
"Straightforward enough..." you say putting it in and knocking the French flag to the floor. You also noticed you still had the cursor from earlier.
"Alright I think I got everything..." you say slipping the French flag under the door and pushing the key out with the cursor and pulling the key out on the flag before opening the door to the programs dismay.
"You're as stubborn as a mule!" He said before placing a safe door in your way.
"GIVE ME A BIG FAT BREAK!" You bemoan trying the safe when a panel opens up showing missing gears.
"Ok so since that hole isn't patched I'm gonna head back to the developers screen real quick." You muttered and looked at the book and noticed there seemed to be more pages than just "DRAW ME
A PIXLE" there was a goat and a cog with a screw in it. Seeing the opportunity you take the cog as the voice congratulates you on breaking more of itself.
Once you put the cog in you found yourself at another pickle. But thankfully as you went between screens quickly the program warned you it didn't like that. So you decided to see if another cog would be found by overloading the program. Which worked with the caveat being that it's memory overloaded. But you didn't really mind as the cog slipping out fixed the message and you fixed the safe door.
The program panicked and pulled a similar maneuver and overloaded its memory of and taped a loading bar onto the screen and tried to make it impossible to load.
You were exasperated at this point and found yourself in a tug of war with the loading bar until you won. Only for the program to manufacture an error and boot you to a desktop.
You bit your hand and screamed into it. This was going to be a long ride.
A/N: so this is going to take place in place of most of the Lawsuit arc, since Tari didn't get a part to play. But I would love to see what you guys would love to see either Tari x y/n or Belle x Br/n go into in the future.
Oh and thank you all for 75k views.
Till next
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