10. Diverging Roads Maybe?

Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakatuhu!

Hope you're all safe and sane (as in not coming under the category of those who are banging their vessels and lighting up lamps listening to a nutcase. Seriously, I pray you haven't fallen prey to 'it').

Instead, at a time such as this when we are not even aware if what we're facing is a trial or a form of punishment, I hope we're all taking care of those in need. At least the ones in our locality and in our circles. If not much, at least a little of what we could. Maybe a fulfilling meal once in a while or provisions that could last them a few days? I hope and pray we're at it.

Since we've already begun on the topic, I'd like to clear something out. Faqeer and miskeen are not the same guys, I hope you're aware. While the beggars open their mouth and ask for help, there are scores of needy out there who would rather swallow it all, and remain hungry because of their self-respect. Their pride and esteem doesn't allow them to beg because the act of 'asking', they consider it below themselves. They do not want to beg to anyone but their Creator. They want to earn whatever they could by their own effort. Respect such people guys, truly. Find out if they exist in your circles and help them out. Don't push them into a situation where they have to go to bed hungry every day. Don't leave them with nothing. Trust me, they are the ones who would be needing our help the most now.

I hope and pray we'd all reach out to those who are in need, and do our bit, for such help would not only ease their lives now, but would also grant us immense relief in the Hereafter. May Allaah help us all, safeguard us all, and guide us to the truth. Ameen.


This chapter is dedicated to everyone who waited so patiently for me (I know it's over a year🙈, but life had me at its worst for a while until things gradually eased, Alhamdulillaah). And especially to my Tafheemul Qur'aan teacher who has practically given up on checking for updates 😅


"But seek, with that which Allaah has bestowed on you, the home of the Hereafter, and forget not your portion of lawful enjoyment in this world; and be generous as Allaah has been generous to you, and seek not mischief in the land. Verily, Allaah likes not the mischief-makers.''

[ Al-Qasas : 77 ]



The word let a scoff escape her lips.

Man and kind?

Her lips puckered, and planted themselves on the cup she held so religiously in her hands, her eyes still focussed on the objects of her musing.

How wrong can man be?

Another sip of the hot beverage went spiralling down her oesophagus. She swallowed, and placed the cup down, her right pointer running over its rim.

Mercy seems to have just fled from the world, Subhanallaah! The only trace one can find of it is in beings having five senses. None in humans.

Her left hand automatically went to her chin. She fisted it, and placed her face on it, her eyes drinking in the scene ahead, heart feeling a medley of emotions. A strange thrum.

This is just a replication of what man has failed to be in the past few decades.

A crow amidst the crowd she had been watching for a while now cawed causing them all to dispatch in a few seconds. They flew away in different directions, wings flapping against the wind. She watched them silently. Emotions clouded over. A tear escaped the confinement of her eyes. She quickly brushed it away. The cup was brought again to her lips in an attempt to quell the feelings that had surfaced.

She sat back on her chair in the staff room, allowing herself to return her gaze to where it had been so long. The empty cover of chips the crows had shared flew in wild abandonment in the ground. A tremor passed through her at the thought of how intricately the Lord had designed them all. So much of thought, and so many details had been put in the beings considered to be the best of all.

Her eyes rolled down to the cup, her fingers toyed with the handle. Flashes of what she had witnessed passed at the back of her lids, and she exhaled, knowing fully well no one would believe her if she were to open her mouth. They would probably think she was seeing things, but then again, she wondered if it would matter. It wasn't as if she was seeing anyone's approval anyway.

She knew what she had seen--there was no doubt about it--and it was a true reflection of the mercy the Creator had put in His creations.

The crows she had been watching earlier that hour had flown in, bringing a packet of chips along with them to school's ground. Although they had initially clawed and tugged, it had taken but a few seconds for a supposedly head crow to intervene, and for all of them to form a circle around the packet. She had watched, amazed as one crow tore the packet with its beak, and every other crow in the flock took its turn in stepping forward from its place, and taking its share. The process had repeated until the packet had gotten emptied, and once it had, they had all fled the place.

Such refined behaviour, such mercy, such co-ordination, Subhanallaah!

Zahra thought back to what had been in the news the past few days - news of war, news of hunger, news of poverty, news of discrimination, and news of hate. News of restrictions, and news of torture too had not failed to have their space. All the accusations and targeting and mob lynching! She shuddered. It tore her heart to think of all the issues the ummah was going through. All that they were forced to face. She sighed. There was so much to be done, and there was no one to do them. No one to take responiblities, and ironically everyone to claim their rights.

Man, she realised, fought for what he thought was his rights, and in the process didn't bother about the people he stepped upon, rendering so many homeless amd penniless.

He put forth so many restrictions, believing he knew what was right, but never once thought about people who could not afford to follow them.

He issued orders left and right, crushing those who dared to disobey, but never cared once to find out what had pushed them into doing it in the first place.

Man pillaged and ravaged, he stole both openly and secretly; right under the noses of helpless people sometimes, and most times under the shade of the ignorant many. He cared not about humanity, twisted and tweaked the rules to suit his fanatic fantasies.

He formed obsessions and proved he could go to any lengths to fulfil them.

He stole, and then bribed the judicial authorities to keep their mouths shut. If that didn't work, he resorted to threatening, and when even that failed, he went ahead to execute his threat, the entire matter later being brushed under the carpet by his fellow criminals.

He made himself appear a big shot in front of those who were under him, but when a greater power threatened, he gave way, falling to his knees and pleading for him to be able to retain his power over the helpless he still had a hold over.

He targeted people based upon their race, their colour, their religion, their caste, and chose to eliminate all those who proved a threat to his own ideals. Out and out fascism.

He sometimes helped a world power over another, going as far as supplying them with money and even men to persecute the poor victims. When things went as planned, he took the credit, when it didn't, he pinned it on the opposing team. He even planted terrorists, paid them to do his dirty jobs, misleading many about the glaring reality.

He stopped short of nothing; stealing people's money, property, nationality, and even their names. And media? They only cared to show selective things on their screen, putting a screen over what truly took place.

Zahra drained the rest of her tea, letting it settle on her mind that man, in his ultimate greed, was never just, was never content. He always wanted more, always made himself believe he needed more, and went to all lengths to secure what he had in mind. The laws of the land were tweaked a bit in order for him to fit into the loopholes.

The thought of it made her laugh. Democracy? Secularism? Were these not the words behind which he hid his ugly head? Things which were allowed ten years ago, he prohibited them now, and things whose thoughts people wouldn't even have dared to entertain years back, he facilitated for them to take place now!

It made her want to barf. It was nothing but politics. Dirty politics that had coloured even the innocents now.

No one, not one man I know of, excluding the shuyukh is behaving the way he is supposed to behave.

"Sister Zahra?"

She jumped in surprise before she collected herself, and looked over her shoulder.

"Assalamu alaikum!" Sameeha beamed.

"Wa alaikum assalam warahmathullahi wabarakatuhu!" Zahra shifted a little so she could see the girl without having to twist her body. "Is it your free period? Come join me. Would you like a cup of tea?"

Sameeha eyed the cup in her hands. "Well, I have a few minutes to spare before I leave, but no thanks, I don't prefer tea."

Zahra smiled. "Neither do I, but tea helps me rewind after a particularly stressful hour. Sort of a medicine I take when I need to get my head straight."

Sameeha settled on a seat beside her. "I understand. You do handle some of the most troublesome classes." She checked her phone. "I have 20 minutes before I leave." She then proceeded to burst the nitrogen bubbles on her knuckles, appearing restless.

"You're leaving? Where?" Zahra's voice took a note of concern. "Home? At this time of the day? Is everything alright?"

"Ah! Nothing serious, chill," Sameeha waved it off. "It's my brother's engagement today night, and I have asked permission to leave early."

"Wow! Masha Allaah. Congrats. May Allaah bless the couple."


"You seem really excited about it. Anything special?"

"Oh!" Sameeha blushed prettily under her stare. "It's just that I'm next on line."

Zahra let out a laugh. "So the excitement is for your own self then, not your brother?"

Chuckling, Sameeha ducked her head. "You could say that."

"I sense that you're wanting to tell me more."

"You could say that again."

"Now I'm positively curious."

"Well," Sameeha drawled, "I overheard my father telling my mother to ask me if I have someone in mind."

"And you do?"

"Now exactly," her eyes darted outside the window, "but you could say that." A moment passed, and when she realised her colleague wasn't going to ask her anything else, she shifted to face her. "I gather that the new coach who has come to teach the kids football is your friend's brother. Am I right?"

For some unknown reason, her heart flattened itself against her chest. "Yes."

"You would know their family really well, right?"

She wasn't able to find her tongue, and when she did, it felt quite heavy. "Yes."

"How are they? As in their character? Deen? I mean, he seems to be a good man, a really good man, but what about his family? Are they as good as him?"

"They are an exemplary family in deen and character, Alhamdulillaah," she said truthfully. "Both the deen and the dunya is incorporated in their lives in correct measure."

"Alhamdulillaah, then," Sameeha's eyes sparkled in barely restrained glee, "I'd mention him to my mother when she broaches the subject. I'm so glad about this, Alhamdulillaah Alhamdulillaah. Thank you so much, I trust your word sister. Jazakillah khair."

"Wa anti fa jazakillah khair," Zahra's lips curled upwards. "I hope and pray things work out for you. May He grant you all your hearts desires. Ameen."

"Thum Ameen." One glance at her watch, and she was on her feet. I think I'd sign and start walking out now, so I'd be by the biometric when it's time to put my impression. See you next week. Assalaamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakatuhu!"

"Wa alaikum assalam warahmathullahi wabarakatuhu!" Sameeha walked out with a skip in her steps, and Zahra returned her gaze to the world that spread outside the window. She meshed her fingers, and brought them to her face, her eyes zeroing in on the abandoned chips packet that continued to flutter in the wind until a child stepped over it, and it stuck to a slushy part of the ground.

She sighed. Strangely, her heart felt the same way.


"I didn't do it ma'am," the boy stated confidently, holding her eyes to make his point. "I honestly didn't do it."

"No ma'am, he did."

"I didn't."

"He did."


"Stop it," Zahra cut them off, her gaze bouncing between the two eight year olds who had come to her with a complaint. Having closely worked with these kids the past few months, she had, by now, grown accustomed to their ways. She had gotten an insight into their lives; learnt about each of their likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. She had started to learn to analyse when what, who would do. It was because of these reasons that she was sure the one who was accused was lying to escape the accusation, but given his nature, she also knew that he wouldn't be accepting his mistake so easily.

"So you're saying you didn't do it, isn't it, Samir?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay," she turned to face the one who had brought the complaint to her in the first place, "Hasik, would you be a good boy now, and leave me with Samir for a moment? You can tell Farida aunty to give you the chocolate I had placed on the shelf.

Hasik gifted her a smile at the mention of chocolates, and was off within seconds.

Having sent him off, Zahra then switched her attention on Samir whose face reflected evident displeasure. "You're still going to tell me you didn't do it?

He hesitated. "Ma'am... I..."

"Yes?" Zahra prodded.

"I didn't."

Her brows lifted. She took his hands in hers. "Why are your hands shivering then Samir? Don't tell me you've suddenly grown scared of me!"

Samir hung his head low in what appeared to be shame.

"Look at me," Zahra mellowed her tone. "Hey, look at me."

Hesitantly, he complied.

"Tell me, do you love Allaah?"

Wordlessly, he nodded.

"And His Messenger, Prophet Muhammed (pbuh)?"

He nodded again.

"Do you love him enough to love what he loves, and hate what he hates?"

The response was a silent, slow, shake.

"Wonderful! Masha Allaah. Now since you love him so much, do you know what he hated the most?"

Eyes downcast, Samir stayed still.

"The characteristic Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) hated the most was lying." Panic filled eyes met hers. "Yes, he hated lying." She made sure to accentuate each of her words to obtain the effect she desired. "Whenever he got to know someone lied, he used to grow restless. He couldn't be at peace until he was sure that the person had apologised to Allaah, said sorry to Allaah. Imagine how bad that would have been for him to have behaved like that!

Samir's face fell.

"Why did your face become dull now? Is it because you don't want to say sorry to Hasik?"

His head moved from right to left, and left to right again as an indication of a 'no'.

"Then is it because you did something that was not liked by Muhammed (pbuh)? Is not liked by Allaah?"

His head, this time, moved down and up.

Zahra's palms splayed on the boy's cheeks. "Now, that's like a good boy. If you're feeling sorry, you have to make the best use of it. Run to Hasik, and apologise before you ask Farida aunty for the second chocolate on the shelf."

Samir's face lit up, and he raced to the door. "Wait," she called out. Still at the entrance, his head turned around to look at her. "Promise me you'd ask sorry to Allaah when you go for your next salaah. Promise me that you'd never lie again. Never."

"Promise," the boy yelled before he spun, and disappeared down the hallway.

Smiling, Zahra collected the papers on her desk, and shot to her feet. Her favourite hymn from her schooldays dancing on her lips, her legs carried her down the stairs, and to the office room. "Ma'am, the papers you asked for," she told the office admin as she handed over the required stuff.

The admin, a middle aged woman who was always overworked and always seemed stressed thanked her, her head buried in the multiples files spread out on her table. Scratching her head, she lifted her eyes, and stopped Zahra when she attempted to leave. "Ma, can you do me favour?"

"Yes, tell me ma'am."

"The senior hostel girls haven't come in to collect their stationery and monthly supplies yet. Please just inform them to do it immediately after class ends today."

"Would do ma'am, don't worry."

"Thank you."

Zahra stepped outside the office room, feeling a little awkward knowing that she would have to cross the ground in order to be able to complete her task. It meant she would eventually have to pass by Ibrahim too since this was the time he usually made an appearance. Her eyes shut close at the thought, they didn't want to set on him again.

Especially not after today.

A group of girls crossed her that instant, wishing her with bright, luminous smiles. She replied, considering sending word through them, but no sooner had she entertained the notion, she quickly brushed the thought aside.

She was an adult, sane and a teacher for Allaah' s sake! It was high time she bucked up, and started behaving like one.

His presence shouldn't matter to her. He was no one to her. No one.

Following the girls outside the main block, she made small talk with them. They tittered at the funny comments she made, flashing her cute, innocent smiles.

"Ma'am," one of them suddenly interrupted her when she was half-way through the ground. "Ma'am look, Rizwan is sliding through the stage's balustrade again."

Her pulse quickened when she followed the girl's gaze. Sure enough, Rizwan, the most notorious trouble-maker of the batch was playing on the balustrade.

"Rizwan." A breathy whisper escaped her lips. She took hurried steps in his direction. "Rizwan." Right in front of her eyes, she noticed him losing his balance. "Rizwaan," she yelled, breaking into a sprint, "Rizwaan hold tight. Rizwaaan."

While she was still on her way, her eyes took in the sight of him losing his balance, and trying to grip on to the balustrade. "Rizwaan!" She watched his facial expression morph into that of panic. It was not even a second when he lost his complete grip, and fell headlong on to the ground. "Rizwaaaan."

Her heart, on its part, plummeted to her stomach.

Your thoughts please!

🎯 Missed me? I'd give you three options for this.

Option A. Yes

Option B. Option A

Option C. Both option A and B 😆

🎯 Favourite segment?

🎯 Favourite line?

🎯 What do you think would happen next?

🎯 Did you try to repair your relationship with Him these past few days? How successful have you been?


Keep making du'a and keep helping people. Stay awesome the way you are.

Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakatuhu!

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