Ch. 33: Damnation


This may be the worst idea I've ever had.

We sat in a circle, Seren and I placed next to each other on the twisting wooden bench. Titus sat to his left, and Mena next to him.

She left a dramatic amount of space between her and Petir. Sonya nestled close to me within my fur blanket, keeping me warm.

The moon glowed brightly overhead, leaving us without the comfort of darkness to hide within.

Awkward, hostile silence ensued. Only the crackling bonfire between us tried to break it.

"Why are they here?" Mena craned her head towards Seren, eyes filled with boredom.

I wish we weren't. My birthday started off much better than usual.

Sonya made small maple cakes, and gave me a sharp silver quill she'd found in the abandoned servant quarters. Petir gifted me new leather training gloves.

I'd forgotten about this gathering until I received a note to meet at the tenth hour of night.

Seren rolled his eyes at his friend. I shivered when his gaze landed on me, his expression shifting to aggravation.

I readied myself to take a stab at Seren. If he didn't dislike Outcasts, the least he could do was open his mouth and say something.

His silence was louder than his beliefs.

"If you want to know, you can ask us directly." Petir interjected.

Seren relaxed, fading back to impassiveness.


Mena's pearl-like eyes shimmering at the idea of new prey, lips curling into a mocking smile. I recalled what she referred to Petir before as my, 'intelligent little boyfriend'.

She flicked her deep purple shawl over her shoulder. "Oh?"

Petir turned his attention back to his mead.

"Have the Outcasts ever heard about how Lycan came to be?" Titus slapped Seren on the back, quickly trying to recover the moment.

I briefly read over it when researching the family tree. It would be a good way to kill time.

'Thank you.' I mouthed, smiling sheepishly.

Titus winked, sending back. 'Birthday gift.'

"Sonya, Petir?" Seren asked pointedly, side-eyeing Titus. His friend's impish smile disappeared.

Nice, now I'm being excluded from the Outcasts as well. I huffed, getting closer to Sonya.

She looked beautiful in the dress I made her, satin, thin, and evergreen. My matching gray dress complimented it wonderfully.

Titus kept his attention strictly on Seren. "Why don't you tell them?"

Seren sighed, taking a drink. I pretended the light didn't hit his face and neck, turning him into spun gold.

I learned another thing about my mate. He was a wonderful story-teller.

The fire seemed to burn brighter as Seren moved closer to its flame, silver eyes met every one of ours. So full of life, absent of his stoic nature.

I was at the edge of my seat. Even Mena leaned in to listen.

A siren to sailors; he weaved the tale of our Lycan origins.

"500 years ago, the sun disappeared and night reigned. Our kind were forged early on, along with other shadow creatures born from night. Demons, witches, vampires, and creatures not quite like the rest, are the consequence of gods...meddling with humans."

"During what was deemed the endless night, an empire emerged. Novus Roma. They captured beings descended from the gods as prisoners. Servants. Whatever use they could make of them, as long as they weren't a threat."

Deities fled the earth during this time, realizing the gravity of their mistakes, and weakening the abilities of their descendents after generations.

What made them targets to humans was their ability to heal. Medicinal herbs, miraculous recoveries from illness.

The empire was likely covetous, that even in their self-appointed greatness, they could not bestow life.

"Novus Roma stretched far across the world having little care for who they brought together into their central military encampment. They would soon come to regret this mistake." Firelight danced in Seren's eyes, foreboding tragedy.

A chill ran through me.

"Five prisoners, born from a long line of god-touched beings, and leader's of their territories, were posted as low guards outside the walls." The wind whistled around our circle, reminding us in spirit of who we came from. "Giving them the ability to conspire in the shadows."

"Witches took it upon themselves to recover the lost art of magic to their liking; calling it the craft. A powerful woman lived in a nearby village they patrolled, one that informed the emperor himself, and the five soldiers paid her a visit. She felt sympathetic towards their plight, instructing the leaders on what to do in order to elicit the gods help. They followed faithfully."

Sonya nudged me, whispering, "Five men listening to a woman? She must have been devastatingly beautiful."

We were hushed by Mena.

"Each prayed to their ancestral deity, promising worship. Fealty. Begging for strength, for power to free themselves and their people. Spilling their blood into fire, their prayers rose to the heavens." Seren followed the smoke billowing up into the sky. "They each hunted and killed a wolf." Lips pursed, he stared at us. "One under the sun as a sacrifice to Sol, one in the night in Umbra's name, another under the stars for Stellae, and another killed under a bright sky and given to Caelum. The last being under the light of the moon, for Lunae."

The Alpha lingered on me, my heart sinking. He tore away first, shaking his head.

"The five guards ate the wolves they captured, whole and bloodied. Even the heart and mind." Seren pointed to his chest, his head. Gold rings glinting. "An act that would prove to the gods they could give up their humanity for the good of the whole."

Because humanity is fallible.

My stomach quivered and rolled involuntarily.

This is where our origins left off in the Pack Rupes records. I drew closer to the fire, my eyes focused on Seren's mouth in concentration.

It would be for the best to forget the feel of it.

"Their final night as prisoners, a grand feast was held to celebrate the emperor's newest conquest." His lips twitched, drawing back from his teeth. "Engorged nobles and starved captives anticipated the main course, a roasted pig, stolen from an impoverished village."

Breath shakier than before, palms were sweating as I wrung my fingers together.

"Not one single soul ate after the large silver platter was lifted, revealing the emperor's son and heir, fitted with an apple in his mouth. A final sacrifice to the gods, who thirst for blood." The Alpha sat up straighter, proud to recount the blood shed. "The five founders of all Lycan shifted into their wolf forms for the first time. One with the beasts they consumed."

Widening my eyes, I waited for Seren to finish. But he didn't have to.

Lycan would never spare human life.

We locked eyes once more, this time I was unable to hide how his intensity made me tremble. "They began as prisoners and left victors."

An owl hooted, and I jumped a little in my seat. Titus laughed, as Seren slowly relaxed and settled onto the bench, the passion in his eyes flaring before dying out.

"Wait," Sonya cut into the silence, "They changed without moonlight?" she turned, whispering to me. "I'm glad the first Lycan didn't eat a rabbit. Or a squirrel."

"All Lycan used to be able to change at will during the endless night. When the sun came back, the magic became dormant during the day, unlocked only by moonlight. No one really knows why or how," he shrugged, "To make sure packs weren't left without defense, each of the five clans sacrificed some of their power to choose a single Alpha. This ritual gave them enough power to shift at any time."

It made sense why the title wasn't always passed through blood, as it allowed for a chance for each of the Clans to have a Pack Alpha.

Surely feuds from before that agreement is what caused Lycan to leave and create separate packs.

Still, Seren left one specific detail out.

Who was the first Alpha?

"And mates?"

My head snapped up at Petir's question, signaling him to stop.

"What about them?" Seren's jaw ticked.

"Is it only our kind that have mates?" I interrupted, ignoring Mena's protest at being lumped together with Fracti, "Is it a consequence of having divine blood?"

Seren blinked rapidly, his eyes narrowing in on the tree-line before darting back to me.

"We've heard whispers that it exists in other species. But mates have a—functional—purpose for us."

"Longevity comes with a price. Children are rare, and most take several human lifetimes to find a mate, or someone they can tolerate within their clan. The purpose is to successfully continue Lycan—"

"Our ancestors shed their benevolence in return for strength. A mate is our only tether to the earth, the last piece of our humanity we have left."

Seren lowered his chin, appearing sheepish. Or maybe the flush that ran over his cheeks was from his drink.

I felt the same embarrassment rise within me, the idea of mates somehow much more intimate than mere attraction.

Seren did have a primal quality to him that I lacked. Precise. Logical. Sometimes apathetic. Often frustrated.

If I was supposed to 'bring humanity' out from within him, I've done quite the opposite.

"Great and good. Can we go home now?" Mena droned, kicking up dirt at her feet.

"No. You'll remain here and celebrate."

She started to stand. "I'll just find my way back to my room."

"It wasn't a suggestion, it was an order."

Mena fell back into her seat, seemingly stunned that her friend gave her a command. She crossed her arms, rudeness molding into something darker.

"I've had a lovely time so far." Sonya commented easily, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Lovely?" Titus criticized under his breath.

The Alpha sent a grateful smile to my friend. My chest heated watching the interaction, relieved that even Seren was able to recognize she deserved kindness. "See? Winter was forgiving and there were no battles or shortages. Drink Mena, and just—"

"Play nice?" Her silver eyes stabbed holes into my skull. "Tell that to your Fracti. Do you let every woman you want to fuck, spit in your life long friend's face? Or just the painfully dull ones?"

Seren was no longer amused, becoming still as the night.

"Just say when." Petir looked down at lap, hands fisting. Sonya had the same determined look in her eyes.

Hell no. My friends would be at a disadvantage if it turned into a brawl.

The three Umbra Lycan battled silently amongst themselves, their faces twitching with secret conversation.

I shook off Sonya gently, standing in place. I held up my hand to Seren, who looked like he wanted to speak.

Catching my severe expression, he forfeited.

"I have no choice but to pass the second trial. Sadly, we will have to work together, in spite of our glaring differences. You're a bitch." I eyed Mena, who snapped her teeth at me. Titus waited for my accusation, his arms crossed. "You're a cynic who doesn't take me seriously. And you..."

I faltered, his eyes already boring into mine, swimming silver pools from the full moonlight. "Seren would have me experience my first real beating the day we fight to the death. From my understanding, if even one of us goes rogue, I am likely to fail. I will not have that. We have to respect and understand one another. For only a moment, and then you can go back to despising me."

Just long enough for me to learn Seren. Long enough for me to know what length Titus and Mena will go to protect him.

The trial of others would be either my downfall, or my rise.

To make them trust a Fracti heir would be the greatest feat of all, even with my fair intentions.

"Why should I care if you pass the trial or not?" The Lycan female stood up, stalking towards me.

She bumped into me with her shoulder, forcing me to look up at her.

"Mena." Titus warned, shaking his head.

Seren stood up. Mena's eyes tracked him. I didn't need to look to know where he stood.

The betrayal in her eyes was blinding, unavoidable as the stars.

"No. This isn't right," she gritted her teeth, eyes wild as she pleaded with him, "It never has been. I've followed you Seren, and will be at your side. Always. But there are reasons for our laws. She's not supposed to compete in our trials."

Titus interjected, placing himself beside her, "Seren is training her. He is showing the pack his belief in Lycan honor codes, and his ability to lead with fairness by giving his rival equal footing."

"Say another word in her defense and see what happens." She seethed.

Titus raised a brow, challenging her to finish the threat.

"If she fails, we all fail."

Her onyx hair went taut like a whip in the wind as she turned her head.

"I cannot fail. We weren't made to."

I wish I could say the petty insult couldn't make it through my newly erected armor.

It was still brittle, and made of ice.

Mena carved a path to my chest, and pierced the part that held all of my fragile inadequacies.

Because I am different.

My vibrato wavered, worried more from preventing tears falling than looking intimidating.

Petir's deep voice rung out again, "Worse than a coward is a victor who only fights when they cannot lose."

I internally screamed. I'd take my chances with Mena, having some protection as Seren's mate.

Petir risked everything.

"The Outcast speaks again?" Mena swayed as she angled her body towards him.

"Impulsive. A slave to your emotions. All human traits," his jade eyes lifted from his lap, brimming with slumbering disdain, "are you sure you're not the hybrid?"

The Lycan female coiled, her skin undulating from umber to black, claws distending.


Gnawing on my cheek, I let some of the iron taste pool in my mouth, hoping the pain would clear my head and come up with a distraction.

"Ah, how does it feel? To be allowed to keep your tongue because of sweet Vyra." Her voice was deeper, layered as she fought to keep herself from shifting entirely. "I wonder, when she's dead, will you remain outspoken?"

Sonya peered at me, the blood draining from her face with grief. Petir kept his mouth shut, body tense as he held himself back.

I never want to see them like this again.

She listened begrudgingly, turning her back from the people she brutalized with her words. Her face was blank, no sign of regret.

That's all we were to her.


"Enough." Seren demanded, moving to stand in between her and I, voice deathly quiet.

He was right. It had been enough.

Too much.

"Apologize." My voice frayed and whittled, before snapping into place.

She swung back at me, hands at her hips. "No."

Blood pounded in my ears, my throat, and coated my tongue.

"You will apologize."

"And what if I refuse?" she stepped into line right before me, a sneer on her stunning face, "any power you have begins and ends with Seren."


She belittled me with mock sympathy, raising her hand slowly to pat my head like a mangy dog.

"Repeat it once more, maybe I'll listen."

The earth thrummed under my feet in time with my heart. Lips numb, my vision dotting with streaks of red.

"On your knees. Now."

Mena's supercilious laugh was cut off when she fell sharply to the ground. As if forced down by the wind.

A deafening stillness took over, threatening to suffocate.

We looked at each other, her eyes no longer filled with mean-spirited humor. Replaced by fear.

What just happened? I flexed my palms, stomping my feet into the ground, all the energy expelled from me.

I looked to Seren, hoping he'd have some explanation. He already found me, his face an accusatory mask of horror, falling back a step.

Mena spoke first, her laugh loud and shrill. Unconvincing.

"Strange. I must have slipped on the wet grass."


It all happened so quickly.

I tried to help her off the ground, my limbs shaking.

Wind whistled past my ear, then a sharp pain branched up the side of my face. Then another, further down.

I was slammed onto the ground, crushed by a heavy body.

"Go look now!" Seren yelled gruffly by my ear, lifting slightly to take the pressure off. "They went East!"

Something warm and wet flowed onto my neck. When I pulled my hand away, it was covered in blood. My fingers trembled, sliding together.


Seren said something, his slow words deep and blurring together.

Disoriented, I tracked shapes. Two wolves, the color of coal, and a third smoky form darted into the trees.

A lithe wolf stayed behind, fur the color of a fox's. Her howl filled me with sorrow. She turned to me, whimpering and nuzzling my bloody cheek.

"Sonya." My breath wheezed out of me. Seren got off of me, moving to my side. He rambled on about something, removing my blanket and my long hair from around my neck.

"Fuck." I groaned, as Seren froze, his fingers drifting along the wound at my ribs. "I liked this dress." I looked down, knowing I'd never get the blood stains out of the light gray material.

Seren laughed, eyes still wide. "That's what you're concerned about?"

"What should I be concerned about?" I mumbled, hissing with pain. I met his eternal silver stare, holding onto it. "They missed."

"Vyra." The male went cold, disapproving.

I started to sit up. I hated when he looked at me like that. "I'm fine—"

My body didn't think so, as my vision faded and my skull hit the ground. 

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