Cassandra v. Eugene

It was another peaceful day in the Kingdom of Corona, or at least it was supposed to be. In Rapunzel's room, Rapunzel and (Y/n) were painting with each other in peace until they were interrupted by yelling. 

"Fitzherbert!" Cassandra's voice echoed through the castle. The yelling startled the princess sisters and caused them to mess up their paintings. Rapunzel lets out a sigh. " Not again."Pascal is turning red in annoyance and Brielle used her tail to muffle the argument going on outside the room. "I don't know what you're so upset about! Oh, wait, "know" was the wrong choice of words." They could hear Eugene's voice argue back. Rapunzel and (Y/n) walked out. the room as they throw their painting in a pile of their other mess up artworks.  

"I meant, I don't care what you're so upset about," Eugene told off Cassandra. Rapunzel took a deep breath and smiled. "Hey, guys! Everything okay? I couldn't help but overhear—" Cassandra cut off Rapunzel. "Not only did you take my halberd without asking, you got your disgusting hair all over it!" 

"How dare you! First of all, I did not touch your halberd. Second of all, what is a halberd?" Eugene objects before he questions. Cassandra glared at him and shows him the halberd. "Oh! Oh, a halberd. Okay, fine, you got me, but check out this shave. Smooth as a baby's bottom." Eugene smirked. "Try a monkey's." Cassandra insults him. (Y/n) steps between them. "Okay, guys. Maybe we should just take a deep breath." She and her sister inhaled, then exhaled. 

"To be fair, I asked several times if I could use that thing." Eugene pointed out his argument. "And I said "No", every time," Cassandra stated her reason. "Which shouldn't matter, because we both know I don't listen to you," Eugene told her. 

(Y/n) lets out a groan of annoyance. "Oh come on, guys! That's enough! This is old!" Cassandra held her halberd firmly. "Eugene, a halberd should only be handled by a skilled warrior."

"Hello! Skilled warrior!" Eugene then grabs the halberd and begins to show off his skills. "You forgot Flynn Rider has handled plenty of weapons." Suddenly, he accidents break a vase. Cassandra laughs at him. "Ha! Way to go, Eugene." 

"That—that's a faulty halberd right there." Eugene tried to make an excuse for breaking it accidentally. Rapunzel and (Y/n) were shocked and horrified at the mess in front of them. "Let's not panic! I mean it is—was our dad's favorite, irreplaceable, one of a kind most favorite vase, but—" Once again Rapunzel was cut off by Cassandra. 

"Hey, I have an idea, Eugene. Why not just steal him another one? Oh! Oh, wait, wait. You can't! This is a one of a kind vase." Cassandra smirked at Eugene.

Eugene chuckles at her. "Of course, you would pronounce it "vahz" Cassandra." 

"Yeah, yeah, "vayce", "vahz". Either way, it'll be the first thing the King sees when he sits down for dinner tonight or doesn't see." 

"You just love making me look like an idiot in front of the King, don't ya?"

"Nope, you do a perfect job of that all on your own."

"Thank you. Wait a minute!"

Rapunzel and (Y/n) walked out of the room feeling exhausted once again from the agreement between Cassandra and Eugene. After the two stopped their augment, the princess sisters came back and began to clean the vase that was broken. Along with Pascal and Brielle's help. 

"I can't take it anymore, (Y/n). I mean why can't Cass and Eugene just get along? They're both caring, supportive, very considerate people... who somehow got us to clean up their mess." Rapunzel said as she sweeps. "Tell me about it. When it comes to those two, all they want to do is argue day and night." Pascal and Brielle shrugged as they listened to their human friends. "I bet they would be great friends if they just stopped fighting long enough to spend some quality time together." Suddenly, Rapunzel gasped as she thought of an idea. "Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute! That's it! That's it! I will make them spend time together. Come on." She grabs her little sister as Pascal and Brielle followed along.

Now, Brielle is seen in a hallway waking towards Cassandra's room with a letter in her mouth. Once she made it to Cassandra's room, Brielle placed the letter on the floor and begins to walk out. "What's this?" Casandra paused from sharpening her weapon. Brielle just shrugged before she left. Cassandra picks up the letter. She begins to read it and smiles. Now for Pascal, he is seen in a different hallway looking for Eugene, with a letter in his mouth too. He was able to find Eugene talking to Stan and Pete. "I'm telling you, Stan! The handlebar mustache is so passé. Today, it's all about the goatee. You know what I mean?" Eugene explains as both Stan and Pete look unimpressed. Pascal tries to get Eugene's attention. "You see—Just a second frog, I'm making a point." Before Eugene could continue, Pascal used his long tongue to stick the letter to Eugene's face. "Oh! Hey, easy! What? What? What is it?" Eugene looks at the letter. "A note from Cassandra? If this is another eviction letter, I am going to lose it! She does not have the authority for that! I checked!" Once Pascal was gone, he reads the letter and smiled. "Hmm, well, this ought to be interesting."

Eugene is seen walking inside the prison as he enters one of the opened cells. He looks at the letter one more time before entering inside. "Okay, it's a grim place to offer an apology, but then again, this is Cassandra we're talking about." 

"I'm sorry. Did you just say I was going to offer you an apology?" Cassandra startled Eugene as she emerged from the shadows. "Yeah! You said in your note you wanted to say sorry." Eugene argued. "I didn't write you a note. You wrote me a note." Cassandra told him. 

Suddenly, they heard the cell door closing and being locked. They both turned and were surprised to see that they were locked in. They were more surprised to know that Rapunzel and (Y/n) has locked them in as they had a smirk on their faces. 

"Hey! What are you doing?" Eugene ran towards the cell door. "Rapunzel designed a game for you two to play." (Y/n) placed a hand on her hip. "Game? What are you talking about?" Cassandra questioned. "Don't you see? (Y/n) and  I wrote the letters. They were merely a ruse to lure you both down here." Rapunzel told them the truth. "What? You can't just lock us in here." Eugene was getting more shocked. He turned to see Pascal and Brielle raise an eyebrow at him. Rapunzel lets out a chuckle. "Oh, I can, and I have, and I'm afraid your only way to escape is to work together, to solve a puzzle of my own design." 

"What puzzle?" Eugene asked. 

Rapunzel then began to speak in a dramatic tone. "Within these walls, you will find a series of strategically placed, increasingly difficult clues, each one more unfathomably perplexing than the last. Put them together, and you're free to go. Fail? And this prison cell will become your new home." She lets out an evil cackle as she and (Y/n) walked away. "Nice evil laugh, sis. That gave me goosebumps." (Y/n) comments to her sister. A second later, the sisters came back. "Oh, and we made you guys cookies." Rapunzel gave them the basket and the sisters left them to solve the puzzle to escape. 

The sisters made it back to Rapunzel's room. The older sister was humming happily, but her younger sister and their animal companions gave her a look. Rapunzel lets out a sigh of relief. "Say what you will, guys, but sticking those two together to work out their differences has its advantages. I mean, do you hear that?" Everyone stood still and they can hear nothing but silence. "That is the sound of peace and quiet. Ha! I can finally hear myself think. I think I wanna paint something. Ah! I like the way you think." Rapunzel then spoke to herself and turned toward her sister. "Wanna paint with me, (Y/n)?" The little sister just shrugged her shoulders. "Sure why not." Pascal and Brielle raised their eyebrows again. Pascal raises an eyebrow at her. "Relax. I'm sure Eugene and Cass are doing just fine." Rapunzel reassured them. "Knowing them, they're probably killing each other." (Y/n) spoke quietly for Pascal and Brielle to hear. 

Let's just say inside the prison right now, Cassandra and Eugene were insulting each other before they noticed the cookies were clues to find where the objects are to help them get free. Once they found the items they didn't know what to do now. What surprised them was that they were able to stick up for each other from another thug from another cell.

Back in Rapunzel's room. The princess sisters were able to do a lot of activities since they couldn't hear any more arguments. "I can't believe how much we can get done with just a little quiet," Rapunzel remarked. "Yeah, it was nice to have peace." (Y/n) placed her hands on her hips. 

With Cassandra and Eugene, they were learning a little about each other past and how they didn't remember their real parents when they were younger. Soon it was getting too personal for Cassandra when she tried to turn away until they finally got an idea of what the items were made for prying the cell door open. 

Rapunzel and (Y/n) decided to have a walk around the halls to see if Cassandra and Eugene have finally escaped their puzzle. They stopped their walk when they noticed a woman in a blue dress similar to Cassandra's. They ran towards the woman. "Cass, oh, you made it!"Rapunzel exclaims. "See? Oh. I am so glad you and Eugene found a way to work to—" Rapunzel paused when they realized it was Frideborg. 

"Oh, Frideborg. It's just you. We thought you were Cassandra." (Y/n) gasped before she smiled. "Not that we're not happy to see you, Frideborg," Rapunzel adds. Frideborg just stares at them silently. "I think you're terrific, by the way." Rapunzel tries to break the silence. Then Frideborg smiles at them. "Did you do something with your hair? It looks nice today." (Y/n) gives her an awkward smile. "Well,(Y/n) and I have to go over there now." Rapunzel led the way as (Y/n) follows as they leave a still-smiling Frideborg. They made it to a different room and they noticed Cassandra's Halberd just lying around. Rapunzel was about to grab it, but (Y/n) stops her before she can grab it. "Oh, relax, (Y/n). I can handle this." Rapunzel picks up the halberd as (Y/n) takes Pascal just in case. "Oh, yeah! I see what all the fuss is about. Now, this is fun!" Rapunzel then began to try to do some cool moves with the weapon. "Duck! Spin! Thrust!" She throws it up and it accidentally gets stuck on the ceiling. "Uh-oh." Seeing that there is nothing they could do now, they quickly ran out of the room. 

The sisters were back in Rapunzel's room as they were playing a card game with Pascal and Brielle. "Woo-hoo! Take that to the rose garden!" Rapunzel placed her cards down. Brielle and Pascal looked at the time and reminded the princesses. "Maybe we should check on them. They have been in that cell for a long time already." (Y/n) suggested. Rapunzel nods. "Yeah, you're right, (Y/n)." Pascal and Brielle gave her a 'finally' look. (Y/n) couldn't help but snicker quietly. "Don't you two give me that look. This... absolutely doesn't mean my plan didn't work, Pasca and Brielle." Rapunzel crossed her arms. 

The princess ran towards the prison to see if Rapunzel's plan had worked. Suddenly they were hearing voices from the inside. "I hear voices. Sounds like my plan worked!" Rapunzel's eyes widen as she saw the situation The Stabbington Brothers were free and they were holding Cassandra and Eugene as hostages. "Cass! Eugene! How did this happen?" Rapunzel pulled (Y/n) closer to her. "Oh, no! Not you two again!" (Y/n) glared at the brothers. The Captain stood in front of the sisters. "Stay back, Princesses! Guards, lower your weapons." The guards were hesitant at first but they had no choice but to follow orders. The Stabbingtons then slowly walked away with Eugene and Cassandra. "It's okay, Blondie and (Y/n), I'm working on a plan," Eugene told them. "Okay, Eugene, let's hear it," Cassandra said sarcastically. "Uh, I, I, I can't say it now, 'cause they can still hear us." Eugene then stuttered. Once they disappeared around the corner, (Y/n) runs up to the Captain. "Captain, we have to do something. They're getting away." Once the Stabbington and their hostages were completely out of sight, the Captain glared and run after them along with the guards. "Come on!" The sisters ran after them and saw that the guards have discovered a tunnel and they entered inside. Rapunzel and (Y/n) stopped at the entrance. "We'll never catch up to them." Rapunzel pants. "Wait, but thanks to Cass, we know where the corridor empties. Come on, guys!" (Y/n) grabs Rapunzel's arm and led the way to the exit of the tunnel.

Once outside, they found another entrance to the corridor. Once they opened it, they tried to call out for Eugene and Cassandra. "Hello? Are you guys down there?" Eugene and Cassandra looked up to see the princesses looking down at them. "Blondie? Kiddo?" Eugene questioned, happy to see them. Rapunzel lets down her hair through the hole. Eugene lets Cassandra climb up first. Rapunzel and (Y/n)  pull them outside. Rapunzel hugs Eugene, while (Y/n) ran to hug Cassandra. "Oh! I am so glad you're both okay." Rapunzel told. "Me too. You guys scared me there." (Y/n) placed a hand on her heart. They heard the guards had caught up and surrounded the Stabbington Brothers. The Captain looks up to see everyone else safe and sound. "Cassandra, you okay?" He asked his daughter. Cassandra smiled as she looked at her friends. "I am now."

The next day, Rapunzel, (Y/n), and Eugene was walking down a hallway as they were having a conversation about the last night. "Eugene... I am so sorry. I had no idea my game would lead to such a disaster. I really thought you guys would have fun." Rapunzel admits her mistake. "Yeah, I'm sorry too. I should have talked Rapunzel out of the idea." (Y/n) sheepishly scratched her head. "Oh, look, you've both had better ideas, but you don't have to apologize. It must be hard with both of us going at each other's throats all the time, so from now on, even though I have no idea what you both see in her, I'll try to be nice to the dragon lady—I mean, Cassandra." Eugene made his promise after he corrected himself. 

They all stopped in front of the door. (Y/n) looks at Eugene. "You sure you ready for this?" (Y/n) asked. Eugene sighs. "Uh, yeah, yeah. Okay, I can do this. I just gotta walk in there, and tell the scariest, most intimidating man in the world that I broke his favorite vase. He's gonna kill me." 

"Our dad's not gonna kill you! Hey, do you remember last month when the royal tailor accidentally tore his robe? Our dad didn't kill him. Of course, he's got like a million of those robes, and only one of those vases exists in the entire world, and come to think of it, I remember seeing the tailor locked in the stockade." Eugene cut off Rapunzel from scaring him even more. "Blondie, not helping." 

"Yeah, sorry." Rapunzel apologized to her boyfriend. "All right. I just gotta face...the music?" Once Eugene opened the door, he was confused to find the vase perfectly fine as Frederic was eating. Cassandra was standing by his side, she turned and pointed at the glue she was holding. Eugene smiled gratefully at her. After the king finished his food, Cassandra was finishing cleaning up the table. Eugene decided it was the perfect time to approach her. " Hey, you got a sec?"

"I guess." Cassandra shrugged her shoulders. 

"I just wanted to say that I really appreciate what you did."

"I figured if you got kicked out of the castle, Rapunzel would be all mopey, and... I don't really do mope." 

Eugene. laughs. "So... does this mean I can borrow your halberd?" 

Cassandra raises an annoyed eyebrow and growls at him.

" No halberd, okay, yeah, I'm okay with that." 

Outside the door. Rapunzel and (Y/n) were listening to the conversation with Pascal and Brielle. They cheered quietly as their plan had somewhat worked. They high-fived each other in celebration. 

"By the way, where is my halberd?" They heard Cassandra's voice.

"I don't know." Eugene's voice was heard. 

"Well, you had it last."

"I did not."

"Oh, here we go again."

Seeing no point in getting involved Rapunzel and (Y/n) slowly run away as Eugene and Cassandra keep arguing. 

"I can't believe you're gonna lie to my face."

"I can't even look at your face."

"Why you—"

Cassandra was cut off by the vase sunbelt shattered by the missing halberd. Eugene's laughter can be heard too. 

"Missed me! You broke it this time! Ha!"

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