12: New Friend
Peter's POV
"So...what does MJ stand for?"
I asked, trying to spark some sort of conversation.
"Michael Jordan."
I was taken aback and gave her a look.
"No dude, I'm just messing with you."
She let out a small chuckle and I nervously rubbed the back of my neck. I must look like a complete idiot.
"W-well I outta get to my science class. I'll talk to you later?"
"Actually I have science coming up too, what room?"
"Room 06."
"Me too, I just got switched over to this class since they said I was 'too advanced' for my last one. We should go if we don't wanna be late."
She led the way, sketchbook in hand. We talked a little bit more during class and she showed me some of her artwork. She's ridiculously talented and funny. During class we became lab partners and exchanged numbers.
Then day went on, and gym started. I went into the dressing room, and immediately started to have anxiety.
Shit. My scars. I can't change in front of the guys.
I made my way to one of the bathroom stalls and changed in there. I wore a black long sleeve shirt with basketball shorts.
Once I got out to the gym, I knew I drew some attention to myself due to me wearing a long sleeve shirt.
Oh well, better than having my arms exposed.
We started with some small exercises, then we did a few laps. I was super hot and sweaty, but I ignored it and continued to participate.
The teacher then blew the whistle and we got a 5 minute water break. I forgot my water bottle in my gym locker, so I entered the locker room and grabbed it.
"Hey there dunce, what are you doin' all alone in here?"
I heard Flash say from behind me. I turned around and saw there was another person guarding the door.
"Just g-getting water."
I shut my locker door.
"Yeah, you must really need it to cool off, seeing as how you're wearing a long sleeve shirt. What's up with that? Huh? Did you get some embarrassing tattoo?"
Flash laughed as he stepped closer.
"N-no, I just, um, I'm cold."
Flash got closer.
"Nice try, but the sweat is pouring from your forehead."
Flash then proceeded to grab the collar of my shirt and rip it open down the middle. He then tried to take it off.
"F-flash get off me!"
We wrestled around for a while. I was trying to hold back my super strength so that I wouldn't hurt him, but I couldn't afford to have Flash find out about my scars.
I pushed him off, then kicked him in the stomach to get him farther away from me. His body flew across the room and into a wall of lockers behind him, causing a large dent. He was knocked out. I ran up to him.
"Oh no, oh no no no! Flash? Flash? Can you hear me? Shit!"
I checked his pulse.
Thank GOD he was still alive. His eyes fluttered a bit and he started to move, but he couldn't stay awake for more than a few seconds. His nose started to bleed quickly, so I grabbed a towel.
That's when our coach came in.
"What the HELL was that noise?!"
He looked at flash and I.
"Oh my god, what in the name of captain america happened here?!"
He ran over to flash and held the towel against his nose.
"W-well F-flash came after me, and I was only defending myself, b-but I pushed him too hard a-and then he-"
"Okay okay! Just get changed and help me carry flash to the nurse. Then head straight to the principals office."
We then helped Flash to the nurse. She said he had a severe concussion and needed to go to the hospital. While he was taken to the ambulance, I made my way to the principal's office and explained myself, leaving out the details about my scars.
Even though it was self defense, I was suspended for the next three days, and had to be picked up. They called Tony since he was put as my guardian and emergency contact in their paperwork. I was picked up by Happy and taken home. Tony was at a meeting, so I just went to my room and tried to sleep until I got a message from MJ.
MJ: hey loser
Peter: hey michael jordan
MJ: i saw u helping flash earlier today, then u left, what happened?
Peter: long story short, i defended myself against flash and it didnt end so well for him
MJ: apparently it didnt end well for u either, since im assuming u got suspended
Peter: yeah but i grabbed all the homework im gonna need over the next few days
MJ: good idea
Peter: thanks
MJ: what did u get into a fight over anyways?
Peter: he was just pushing me around and started to get physical
MJ: ah well r u ok?
Peter: yea i am thank u
MJ: no problemo
I shut off my phone and snuggled into my sheets, awaiting for the lecture I'm sure Tony will give me when he gets home.
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