Chapter Thirteen

Zara's POV

Time flies by, and before I know it, my first semester exams have finished. It is now Monday 20th of January, and I have been extremely busy the last two and a half months. Yesterday was my third and final exam of my first semester. Thankfully, my exams went well. My next semester starts after ten days, therefore, I will be working at the office for the whole of this week. I like keeping myself busy.

Yes, I am still working at the office, and I am still enjoying it very much. Work and studies have kept me very busy these last few months. You may all be wondering about Hamza, and whether or not I have heard from him again. The answer is no. Thankfully, he hasn't contacted me again after sending that parcel and note two and a half months ago.

Currently, I am sitting at my desk at the office, reading through an important file. Work is still very busy. So is Zaid. Talking about Zaid, he is a really great guy. I enjoy working with him a lot, and I can definitely see the old Zaid coming back. He is a very caring and protective guy. I don't know why everyone finds him so intimidating. I don't at all. He's still my boss, of course, but he still teases me from time to time. I think he likes to tease me for some reason, and to annoy me.

Not much has really happened these last couple of months. Me and Hafsa have been very busy with our studies, completing our first semester of university. I've been even busier than her, with work. Zaid was kind enough to give me a couple of weeks off work, so that I can prepare well for my exams. I've also been spending quality time with my family these last couple of months, which I have really liked.

My intercom buzzes. I answer it immediately.

'Zara, please bring me file B41. Urgently.'

"I'll be right there with the file, Mr Malik," I answer. I call him 'Mr Malik' at work, usually. When we are not at work, though, I usually call him by his first name. He calls me 'Miss Ahmed' or by my first name, depending on his mood.

I head over to the filing cabinet near the back wall of my cabin, and search for the file. All the files are organised in alphabetical order, so they are easy to find. I find the file within seconds and head to his office with it.

I knock on his door. 'Come in,' he replies in a husky, authoritative voice. His voice still makes my knees weak. It's crazy.

"Mr Malik, the file," I say, walking towards his desk in my favourite black heels. He glances at me and smirks. Yes, still the same, crazy and beautiful smirk.

I hand him the file. He looks through it quickly before placing on his desk. 'How was your exam yesterday?' He asks me.

"It was good. I think it went well. Thanks," I say, giving him a small smile.

He smiles back at me. 'That's good, Zara. Hafsa is so glad her exams are over.'

I chuckle. "So am I, I feel so relieved!"

He chuckles. 'Hafsa was telling me that she wants to have a small party with you and Ayesha. To celebrate the end of your exams.'

Yeah, Hafsa mentioned something of the sort to me too. "Does she? I mean, yes, our first semester exams have finished but we don't know how we did on the exams. And our second semester will start soon too!"

'I think it's a good idea to celebrate. Enjoy with the girls, because soon you'll all be busy again with your second semester,' Zaid says to me with a smile.

I nod. "What was she saying about this party then?"

'Oh, it's more like a sleepover. Tonight.'

"Tonight!? I can't then, Zaid. I have work tomorrow, you know. My boss would be mad at me if I was late," I joke.

Zaid smirks. 'Zara, come over for the sleepover. It will be at my apartment. Enjoy tonight, and tomorrow you can come to work with me. That's no problem.'

Really? Does he mean it? I blush, thinking of staying over at his apartment and then coming to work with him the next morning. What will the other employees think if they see me coming in with Zaid tomorrow morning?!

"I don't know.. I'll think about it," I say to him.

He nods. 'Okay, Zara. Aren't your parents going to a conference this evening, too?'

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that. Maryam is going with them too, they'll be back late tonight. But, I'll think about it and let you or Hafsa know," I tell him.

He gives me a small smile and nods. I head back to my cabin and sit at my desk. I completely forgot that Maryam, Mum and Dad will be going to the conference in Manchester this evening. It will finish at around 9pm, so they will be back home late. I still don't feel comfortable and safe enough to stay at home alone, even though I am slowly forgetting about Hamza.


During my break, I phone Mum and ask her about the conference. She tells me that they are getting ready to head out.

'Mum, what shall I do then?' I ask her.

"Stay over at Hafsa's, dear. She's having a sleepover anyway, to mark the end of your exams. Enjoy!" Mum says to me over the phone.

'Okay, Mum. What time are you heading out though? And when will you be back?' I ask her.

"We're heading out at about 2pm, dear. And we will be back after midnight. I don't want you to stay at home alone, so you should go. Have fun, Zara! You deserve it, after working so hard!" Mum tells me.

I smile. 'Mum, I have work tomorrow morning though.'

She chuckles. "So does Zaid, Zara! I'm sure he won't mind taking you in the morning."

I blush. 'Okay, Mum. Thank you, and enjoy the conference okay?'

I hear Mum's laughter through the phone. "We will, dear. You enjoy too! Take care, bye!"

'Bye Mum!'


That evening, at 4:30pm, I make my way to Zaid's office. I hope he's not too busy. I knock twice on the large door and wait for his reply before entering.

'Come in.'

I enter his office slowly and see him sitting at his desk. He is doing some work on his laptop.

'Zara, so have you thought about tonight?' He asks me, giving me a small smile.

"Yeah, I'm coming over. But there is a small problem," I mutter.

He cocks his head to the side and leans back. 'And what is the problem, Zara?'

"Well, my parents and Maryam have headed out. I need to collect my night clothes, and a few other things too," I tell him.

He chuckles. 'That's it?'

"Can I come to the office with you tomorrow morning?" I ask him, blushing.

He laughs again. 'Zara, I'll take you to your home after work and you can collect your things. That's no problem. And of course you can travel to work with me tomorrow. It's no big deal.'

"I'm so sorry, and thank you! You're amazing," I say to him.

He chuckles. 'Oh, I'm aware, Miss Ahmed. I'm amazing.' He's teasing me again. I laugh and nod. He really is amazing, though. He's joking with me, but he really is.


So, after work, Zaid takes me home to pick up my things. We reach home quickly, as there isn't much traffic today.

'Go and get your things, Zara. I'm waiting outside for you,' he says, giving me a small smile.

"Erm, can you come inside with me please?" I ask him. It's started to get dark, and I really don't feel like going inside alone, even though it's my home. I'm still afraid of Hamza, of the dark, even though I am slowly forgetting about him and what he did to me.

He nods. 'Sure.'

So, he comes inside with me. He tells me that he is sitting in the living room, waiting, while I go upstairs to my room to collect my things. I grab a pair of pyjamas from my closet, and also my work outfit for tomorrow. Just then, I feel a sharp pain in my lower tummy. Oh no. I had completely forgotten. I head into my en suite bathroom, and grab my toothbrush and also some feminine products which I think I will be needing today. Yes, the stomach pain is just getting worse. I had completely forgotten about it, as I was busy with my exams.

I head downstairs after placing everything into a small bag. Zaid is waiting in the living room, just as he said.

'Are you ready?' He asks me, looking over at me. Oh no. My stomach hurts so much right now.

I nod. "Yeah, I just..wait a sec. I'll be right back."

I head to the kitchen and open the drawer which contains all the medication and first aid equipment. Are you being serious?! There are no painkillers in here. There's all sorts of other stuff, like bandages, plasters, antiseptic cream, but no painkillers. None at all. What am I going to do?!

I go back into the living room and slump down onto the sofa. Zaid looks at me worriedly.

'Are you okay, Zara?' He asks, smiling worriedly.

I blush. Obviously I can't tell him anything. I nod. "Yeah, I'm just a bit tired." I was tired, half an hour or so ago. Now, all I feel is pain radiating from my stomach. These stupid cramps are always so bad.

'When we get home, you can rest for some time if you wish,' he says to me.

I blush and shake my head. "No, it's alright. I'm fine. I'm sorry, I completely forgot to ask you if you want a drink? Or something to eat?"

He shakes his head. 'No, it's okay. Thank you though.'

I nod. I need medicine, and fast. I was really looking forward to this sleepover with the girls, but it looks like I will be spending it in pain. It hurts like a... Ugh. I groan as I get another bad cramp.

"Are you sure you're okay, Zara?" Zaid asks me, coming over to me.

I feel sweat forming on my forehead. It hurts so bad. The pain just started a few minutes or so ago, and it's already so bad.

I nod. 'I have a backache,' I tell him, which is not a lie. My back hurts badly too.

"Why? Do you have any medicine?" He asks.

I shake my head. 'No, it's finished. I'll be fine, let's go.' I stand up.

Zaid stands up too. "Will you be okay for another 20 minutes? I have some paracetamol and ibuprofen at the apartment. Will that work?" He has a slight smirk on his face, which I ignore.

I nod. 'Yeah, I'll be fine. And yes, those will work.'


After a long 20-25 minute drive, we reach the apartment. Hafsa is very happy and excited when she sees me. She hugs me as soon as I walk in, telling me that she is ordering pizza. I'm not hungry at all, though. I just feel sick.

'Hafsa, please can you get Zara some painkillers?' Her brother asks her. My cheeks redden again. This is so embarrassing. I know that Zaid isn't so stupid, he must know what's going on.

Hafsa chuckles. "Of course, I'll bring the medicine right away. Zara, please make yourself at home."

Hafsa goes into the kitchen to get me a drink and some painkillers. Zaid goes somewhere too, I'm guessing to his room? I make my way to the living room, and sit on the sofa waiting for Hafsa to arrive.

She rushes to me two minutes later with the medicine. 'Here, babe. I hope you feel better soon, I know how bad your cramps always are! Do you want anything to eat? There's plenty of food, and I'm ordering pizza in a while too!'

I shake my head, taking the drink and medicine from her. I take my medicine and place the half empty glass of juice onto the table. "No, Hafsa, I'm not hungry. I feel sick, if I eat something it's going to come back out straight away. I feel so nauseous!"

'Aww babe, take some rest! Honestly, you'll feel better if you lay down for some time,' Hafsa says, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"I'm sorry, I always ruin everything. I was looking forward to this sleepover too, and now I'm just...sick!" I say, feeling sad. Yes, I get so emotional too on my time of the month.

Hafsa laughs. 'Babe, it's only 6:30pm yet. Hopefully you'll be better in a bit, that's why I'm saying that take some rest. We're going to enjoy so much tonight!'

I smile. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom and also take my makeup off. Makeup doesn't go at all with my mood right now. Surely enough, I have unfortunately started my time of the month, which explains why my stomach cramps are so bad. Hafsa is right, I need to rest and then I'll hopefully feel better.

I go back to the living room, where Hafsa is sitting, doing something on her phone.

'Ayesha told me she will reach at about 8pm,' Hafsa tells me.

I nod. "Hafsa, I think I should rest for some time. I want to be feeling better for our sleepover tonight!"

She smiles and nods. 'That's good, babe, you should take some rest. Do you want to rest in my room?'

"I'll stay in here, if that's alright," I say to her.

She smiles. 'Of course, babe! Will you be comfortable though on the sofa?'

I nod. "Yes, it's really comfy. Don't worry! I'll just lay down for about half an hour, then I'll be fine." Hopefully.

'Yes babe, if you need anything, I'll either be outside in the hall, or in the kitchen,' she smiles. 'Do you want me to switch the lights off in here?'

I shake my head. "No, it's alright. I'm just gonna lay down here for a little while. Don't worry about me, I'm honestly fine."

Hafsa smiles worriedly and nods. She leaves the room. I lay down onto the sofa, closing my eyes. This sofa is so soft and comfortable. A few minutes later, I fall asleep.


Zaid's POV

I head back downstairs after taking a shower and changing my clothes. I'm now wearing a simple white t-shirt and navy sweatpants. I see Hafsa in the kitchen. Where's Zara?

I go into the kitchen and grab an apple. 'Hafsa, where's Zara?' I ask my sister.

Hafsa is cleaning the kitchen and preparing some food. "She's in the living room, Zaid Bhai. She's taking some rest."

'Is she comfortable there?' I ask, not being able to help it.

Hafsa nods. "Yeah, I told her that she can rest in my room, but she told me that she's fine in the living room. She's not feeling too well, so it's good if she takes some rest."

I nod, smirking slightly. 'Yes, she wasn't feeling very well.' I hope she feels better soon, though.

"Can you do me a favour, Bhai? Please can you go and see if she's fine? If she needs anything?" Hafsa asks me. She's busy in the kitchen.

Me? 'Erm, yes. Sure.' A few minutes later, I walk to the living room to check on Zara. The door is slightly ajar, so I walk in. I am about to speak, when I see that she has fallen asleep on the sofa. I can't help but smile. She's so beautiful and innocent. She has taken her makeup off, and she looks even more stunning. She must have been feeling tired. I hope I'm not giving her too many tasks at the office and overworking her. She is gentle and fragile, innocent.

I tiptoe back out of the room and go back to the kitchen, where I tell Hafsa that Zara is asleep.

'That's good, Bhai. She will feel better once she's had a bit of sleep. How was work today?' Hafsa asks me, smiling.

"Busy," I reply. It's been extremely busy at the office lately. I had an important meeting with a client today, and we bagged another big deal. I tell Hafsa about it, she seems happy.

'Good, Bhai. I'm happy for you, you're working so hard. I'm proud of you,' she says, smiling.

"Thanks, Hafsa. So, what are you girls planning on doing tonight?"

Hafsa grins. 'I'm ordering pizza and other food too, and I've also prepared so many snacks for tonight. We'll probably be watching movies as usual, eating all the food, and just talking.'

"Have fun," I tell her, chuckling. I really love the friendship between Hafsa and Zara especially. They're closer than sisters. Zara is an amazing friend to Hafsa.


I decide to do some exercise, as I haven't done any at all today. I exercise in my own personal gym everyday, which I have in the apartment. It contains everything which I need to keep my body fit and strong. I decide to use some weights today, and then jog on the treadmill. I exercise for nearly an hour, before taking another shower as I am all sweaty.

Then, I head downstairs. Ayesha hasn't reached yet, but Hafsa says that she will be reaching soon. Zara is awake now. I ask her how she's feeling now.

"Hey, how are you feeling now, Zara?" I ask her.

She looks up at me and gives me a small smile. 'I'm feeling better now, thanks.' She has a slight blush on her cheeks. I smirk.

"Do you want anything to eat? There's plenty of food in the kitchen," I say to her.

'Oh, no thanks. I just ate a donut. Hafsa is just trying to feed me so much, she wants me to get fat!' Zara jokes.

I chuckle.

"Babe, you never put on any weight no matter what you eat! I just thought you'd be hungry!" Hafsa says, laughing.

I glance at Zara. Hafsa's right. Zara has a perfect figure, and unlike any of the girls I've been with, she actually eats properly. Whichever girl I've been out with, they have always ordered salads when dining out. Zara, however, eats whatever she wants. She has a great body. Okay, I really need to stop.

I decide to sit with Zara and Hafsa for some time. About five minutes later, the doorbell rings. It must be Ayesha. Hafsa goes to open the door. Surely enough, it is Ayesha. She's come with her brother. The last time I saw this guy (and also the first time), I didn't like him much.

Hafsa invites them in.

'I just came to drop Ayesha off, I should get going,' Rayyan says, smiling.

"No, no. Sit down for some time," Hafsa says to him. Stupid Hafsa.

'Oh, hi Mr Malik. I hope you're doing well. Zara, my babe! I didn't see you there? How have you been?! It's been a while!' Rayyan rushes over to Zara and gives her a side hug. Why is he hugging her?! And why is Zara just laughing at him!? Does she like him?

No. That's not possible.

Is it?

No. Zara can't like him. I mean, look at him. He's such a crazy guy, and he's so annoying.

"I've been well, Rayyan! How are you?" She seems happy to see him. Zara then hugs Ayesha too.

But why did Rayyan hug her? I guess they are friends, but still. He can't just hug her like that.

'I'm better now that I've seen you! It feels like I haven't seen you in ages!' Rayyan says to her. He's just infuriating me more and more by the second.

"Rayyan, you saw me yesterday morning," Zara says, raising an eyebrow. Hafsa and Ayesha are just standing and laughing at them.

'Rayyan Bhai is so crazy!' Ayesha laughs. Hafsa agrees with her.

'Mr Malik, how are you?' Rayyan asks me, smiling.

I raise an eyebrow. Stay cool, Zaid. "I'm fine, thanks. You?"

'I'm good, mate. How's work going?' Why is he talking to me?

"It's fine, busy but fine." What am I supposed to say to him when I don't want to talk to him? I can't be rude like this, though. I mean, the guy has done nothing to me. I can't be rude for no reason. I AM Mr Malik, though. Everyone knows what a cold-hearted, arrogant guy I am.

Rayyan nods. 'I understand. You seem like a great guy, though. Honestly. Hard-working and all.' I resist the urge to roll my eyes at him.


'Okay, I should get going now. I need to pop over to the grocery store to buy a few things. Mum will be mad again if I don't. Bye, Zaid. Zara, Hafsa. Ayesha, give me a call tomorrow when you want me to pick you up. Okay?' Rayyan says.

Ayesha nods.

I mutter a 'bye' to him. Hafsa and Zara also say bye to him.

"You better sit here for some time tomorrow, Rayyan," Hafsa laughs.

He smiles and nods. 'Bye everyone!'

I breathe a sigh of relief as soon as he's out of the front door.


Hi, guys! How are you all doing?! I hope you're all doing amazingly well! How did you find this chapter? Did you like it? Dislike it?! Let me know in the comments! Don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter, it really means a lot to me! Thank you so much to all of you, for all your support with this book! It's crazy how many amazing, lovely comments I'm getting. I honestly love you all loads and loads!

What do you think of the characters so far? Of course, this is only the beginning so there is a long way to go, the characters will develop so much!

So, there has been a leap to late January, and Zara has not heard from Hamza again during the past few months. What do you think of this? Do you think he's still in prison, or is he out?

Rayyan and Ayesha will soon become major characters too, you will get to find out more about them, and there will be a few new characters, too. Of course, the main focus will still be on our main couple, Zaid and Zara. ❤️

Again, thank you so much for all your love and support! Keep reading, guys! A lot of drama is coming up, and some revelations will be made! I hope you like what I have planned. Bye guys! ❤️ x

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