Tone Death

The team are on a few islands searching for a sneaky Dragon Hunter they can't seem to catch.

"He comes in, transfers his cargo, and slips under the cover of darkness. Very mysterious." Fishlegs tells them.

"Very boring. Can we get to it?" Snotlout asks him and they fly off in their groups to their islands. "So, I need you to put in a good word for me, Hiccup."

"What?" Hiccup asks him, wondering who he's talking about.

"Listen, I know Astrid's been dying to approach me but her fear's got her scurred." Snotlout tells him.

"Yeah, I don't think Astrid gets scurred, Snotlout." Hiccup informs him. "Besides, I'm not sure you're ready for a woman like Astrid." He says as they fly off.


Heather and the twins fly out and see the Dragon Hunters bass.

"I think we should move in slowly, preserve the element of..." Heather was saying when the two of them just fly in.

The twins find a egg and they're spotted by the Hunters and they start moving out.

Heather calls for everyone to return and they see the Hunters getting rid of the egg from a catapult.

"Get ready, guys." Heather says as they shoot it and everyone flies at it and everyone passes it and Heather tries to grab it and misses.

"No!" Heather cries as she sees the egg about to fall off the cliff when Hiccup flies and catches it.

"Well, that was fun." Hiccup says with the egg in hand. "Hey, I've got an idea, how about we get this back to the Edge, safely?" He suggests and they fly off.


The next morning after returning to the Edge and bringing the egg to the dragon nursery, they're working out what kind of dragon is inside of it as Hiccup goes through the notes on all the dragons he and Heather have encountered.

"It's none of the dragons we have come across." Hiccup says as he closes his version of the Book of Dragons.

"Well, someone certainly has their own ideas on what it is." Tuffnut says as chicken lays on the egg.

"Look who's feeling motherly. Aren't you, little chicken? Give me a kiss." Tuffnut says and chicken bites his finger. "Ow! Easy, pal, I'm on your side."

Fishlegs and Hiccup laugh at that. "If you're gonna hatch that egg, I think you're gonna need a little bit bore power than that, chicken." Fishlegs tells the animal.

"Don't listen to him, chicken. Haters gonna hate, Hatcher's gotta hatch." Tuffnut says.

"We should check the Dragon Eye notes again, just to be sure." Hiccup says.

"Okay, but I didn't see anything about eggs or hatchlings." Fishlegs says and the two look away.

Chicken keeps laying on the egg and Tuffnut sees its staring to hatch. "Guys?" He calls out.

"Not now, Tuff." Hiccup tells him.

"Okay." Tuffnut says and watches as it continues to hatch and the cracking gets their attention.

"Tuffnut!" Hiccup shouts.

"Why didn't you say something?" Fishlegs asks him.

"Really?" Tuffnut asks as they keep watching the egg starting to hatch. "Kinda makes you wonder what came first, the chicken, or the chicken."

The egg then explodes and they see s small light orange dragon with two thorns on his head.

"What is that?" Fishlegs asks.

"It looks familiar, but I can't place it." Hiccup says looking as the dragon starts to wake up.

The dragon starts purring for a second before it starts screeching as loud as possible, scaring the other dragons.

"Oh, no! No! No! Stop! Stop!" Tuffnut cries as all of the dragons inside the nursery end up leaving as if they're scared.

"I liked him better when he was inside the egg." Fishlegs admits as he doesn't seem to be stopping.

As night hits, it's still screeching at the top of its lungs.

"Can someone please shut that thing up?!" Snotlout asks of them.

"It probably needs it's mother. Poor thing, all by itself." Heather guesses since some of the dragons they've come across have acted the same after hatching, but not many.

"I got it!" Tuffnut says.

"What? What is it?" Hiccup asks.

"Garffiljord." Tuffnut says.

"What?" Astrid asks.

"It's name." Tuffnut explains to them.

"Who cares what we call it? It's not like it's listening to us anyway." Ruffnut states.

"Chicken cares. I mean, it did come out of her." Tuffnut protests.

"Tuffnut, she didn't actually...forget it." Hiccup says, not wanting to get into it with him with this dragon crying.


They bring the dragon to the stalls for the night and it's not going to be shutting up anytime soon.

"How are the dragons gonna sleep with this little guy in here?" Fishlegs asks.

"It's them or us, Fishface. But, please, feel free to babysit that thing if you want to." Snotlout says as he stroms out.

"Maybe I should stay with it." Heather suggests and Hiccup doesn't like the sound of that.

"Look, if we shut these doors, plug our ears, and sleep under our beds, we just might be able to catch a few winks." Hiccup suggests as the screeches get louder. "Okay, let's just get out of here before our heads explode."

They start walking out when chicken walks over to the baby.

"She wants to stay with Garffiljorg." Tuffnut says as the chicken clucks and the baby calms down.

"He stopped crying." Hiccup says.

"That's because chicken sang to him. Didn't you hear that?" Tuffnut asks of him. "Oh, the pipes on that chicken."

Chicken clucks more when the dragon baby spits out something and it hardens around the chicken and Tuffnut saves chicken.

"Bad dragon!" Tuffnut tells Garffikorg.

"Hiccup, does this seem familiar to you?" Heather asks Hiccup. "The amber cocoon, singing dragon..."

"It's a baby Deathsong." Hiccup realizes.

"What's a Deathsong?" Snotlout asks. "No, wait, I don't want to know."


Hiccup has been spending most of the night and morning finding a way of cutting chicken out of the amber with Tuffnut crying hysterically.

"Tuffnut, could you please help me out?" Hiccup asks of him.

"And do what?" Tuffnut asks through the sobs.

"Calm your chicken! It's not doing any of us any good to have the entire Edge freaking out." Hiccup explains.

"I'm here, Chicken. Don't you worry. Everything is gonna turn out.." Tuffnut was trying to assure it but he starts crying again. "I can't lie to a chicken!" He says as he pulls his chicken into a hug.

"You know, that's how much easier if you had some Monsterous Nightmare gel. Plus, you could get yourself some rotisserie chicken while you're at it." Snotlout tells them. "That sound good." He says when Tuffnut tackles him.

"You apologize to her right now! You hear me?" Tuffnut tells Snotlout. "Nobody's rotisserating chicken! So you keep that Monsterous Nightmare gel away from her!"

"Actually, Tuff, Snotlout might actually be onto something." Hiccup says as he remembers how he and Heather were able to escape the Deathsong amber as he moves toward Hookfang.

"Oh, sure, what's next, roasted Toothless?" Tuffnut asks.

"Just stay with me here. Me and Heather had a run in with an adult Deathsong on Melody Island years go and were able to escape using Nightmare gel." Hiccup explains as he takes some gel off of the dragon using a knife and has the Zippleback light it up.

"Don't do it, Hiccup! You'll singe her little feathers." Tuffnut begs of him as Hiccup moves to Chicken. "And that's all she has in the whole wide world. Except me, of course. Feathers and me."

"I'm just doing enough to get it started. I won't go deep enough to get remotely close to Chicken. See?" Hiccup explains as the cocoon is weakened. "Now, Toothless?"

Toothless uses his claw and slices chicken free and she passes out as Tuffnut pushes Hiccup out of the way and picks chicken up.

"Chicken is free! Chicken is free!" Tuffnut cheers as Heather returns with the Deathsong and chicken is scared. "We need to remove Garffiljorg from this island, immediately!"

"Okay, Tuff, don't you think you're overreacting?" Hiccup asks him.

"Nonsense!" Tuffnut says and throws chicken, leaving Hiccup to catch her.

"It is getting difficult to handle this guy, Hiccup." Astrid admits.

"She's right, Hiccup. I mean, he just went after Chicken. How long before he goes after us?" Fishlegs agrees.

"He's got to go! Back to Melody Island with you." Snotlout tells them.

"Snotlout, did you forget when we told you about how the Deathsong tried to eat us and our dragons?" Hiccup asks him.

"Well, I wasn't exactly listening to be honest." Snotlout admits.

"It's too dangerous for us to go back." Astrid understands.

"And we don't even know if the baby and Deathsong can bond with a dragon that's not its parent." Fishlegs adds.

"He's just too young to know right from wrong. He's just following his instincts. I know what it's like to be alone in the world, for the little time it was. We can't just shun him." Heather tells them.

"She's right. We have trained dragons from a Night Fury to a Night Terror. We can certainly train him not to eat us." Hiccup agrees with her, knowing they can do it but Garffiljorg continues to screech.

"And what about that? Does anyone else, not named Hiccup, have an idea before I take a running leap off the top of the Edge." Snotlout warns them.

"Nobody say a word." Astrid tells everyone, wanting to see that happen.

"Funny, Astrid. I'm just being honest, because this is driving me crazy!" Snotlout states and Heather starts humming.

"Where the north wind meets the sea. There's a river full of memory. Sleep, my darling, safe and sound. For in this river all is found. In her waters, deep and true. Lie the answers and a path for you. Dive down deep into her sound. But not too far, or you'll be drowned. Yes, she will sing to those who hear. And in her song all magic flows. But can you brave what you most fear. Can you face what the river knows. Where the north wind meets the sea. There's a mother full of memory. Come, my darling, homeward bound. When all is lost, then all is found." Heather sings as Garffiljorg calms down and starts purring before going to sleep in her arms.

"Wow, Heather. That was just...beautiful." Fishlegs compliments as everyone is amazed by both how that worked and her singing.

"Garff isn't the only one it worked on." Hiccup says as they see the twins are also asleep. "And it makes perfect sense. The Deathsong sings to its prey to draw them in. That must be the primary way it communicates."

"And it might help us train it." Heather adds, agreeing with him.

Snotlout just fake coughs. "Yak dung." He says and accidentally wakes up the Deathsong and it starts screeching again. "Well, you better keep singing then."

"You mean, we." Hiccup corrects him.

"I do?" Snotlout asks.

"Oh, yes, you do." Heather states knowing that this is gonna be fun.


Hiccup and Toothless take the first shift with Garffijord and take him to the beach to get away from the others.

"Come listen my young dragon friend, and I will tell you of a tale. Of days when Vikings feared the sound, of monsters' distant wail. For was a time not long ago, when wars were bravely fought. Against a foe we feared, before a lesson we were taught. That Night of Fury, one did dare to set aside his dread. And place his hand upon a winged villain's gentle head. Now time has passed and what was once our cursed enemy, now carries us to battle against our threats across the seeeeeaaaaa." Hiccup sings and Garff just spits amber at his metal leg.

Fishlegs had the second shift and tries soothing Garff with the flute and dodges all of the spits of amber as after some time, Garffijord goes to sleep and Fishlegs sees that Meatlug was hit by the amber.

As night fell, Snotlout took Garffijord on a flight with Hookfang.

"I killed my first boar when I was just a boy. A big ol' battle ax was my favorite toy. Each of my enemies, they all have been destroyed. For I am Snotlout, oy, oy, oy. Snotlout, Snotlout, oy, oy, oy. He's all man and you're all boy. Yes, I said it, try me if you dare. I'll chill you to the bone with my steely glare." Snotlout dares the dragon and he spits amber at him.

Snotlout returns to the Edge and heads for the twins.

"You guys are up, are up. You take him." Snotlout tells him while holding Garffijord to face them.

"No, no, no!" Tuffnut cries as Garffijord spots chicken.

"He's fine, he just gets a little cranky when the music stops. Okay?" Snotlout says and drops the baby. "That's all. So, ha-ha. You're gonna have so much fun." He says and leaves them, happy to have been rid of that baby.

Garffijord already starts on hunting chicken through the hut.

"No, Garff, no. You must not hurt Chicken. For chicken is a friend, will see you to the end." Tuffnut sings when Ruffnut pushes him out of the way.

"No, Garff, no. You cannot eat Tuff's chicken. Eating that bird's heart will tear Tuffnut's heart apart." Ruffnut tells him as Garffijord leaves chicken alone and listens to them.

"Why must you eat my pet? It is the only one I'll get. And then all I'll do is great, because we only just met. Something else that rhymes with met." Tuffnut sings as he gets of the floor.

"But, how long, how long? How long can we keep this up? Can we keep this up? Keep this up?" Ruffnut asks as chicken flies on Tuffnut's head and crows as Garffijord attacks them.


At Hiccup and Heather's hut, Hiccup is there and is using Monsterous Nightmare gel to get it to ignite and it failed.

"That was supposed to work." Hiccup says when he hears everyone calling out his name and goes to see everyone coming at him.

"This is officially out of hand!" Astrid says as she and Stormfly are covered in amber. "We cannot go on like this!"

"But we can't abandon him." Heather says as she and Windshear fly back with Garffijord. "I'd never forgive myself."

"We won't abandon him." Hiccup promises him as he has the sword in hand. "We'll do what we should've done to begin with, we'll take him to be with his own kind." He says as his sword lights up with a Zippleback spark.

"Hiccup, are you saying what I think you're saying?" Heather asks him.

"Yes, were going back to Melody Island to find that Deathsong." Hiccup says as he holds the flaming sword out.


Heather keeps humming to Garffijord and Hiccup makes moss ear plugs for the dragons.

"Yeah, like this guy needs another reason to not listen." Snotlout says referring to his dragon.

"You didn't happen to make any for us, did you?" Astrid asks Hiccup.

"Very funny, Astrid. You should take your comedy routine on the road." Snotlout says mockingly.

"Maybe I will." Astrid says as they all fly off to Melody Island.

They even used dragon nip to keep Garffijord asleep as they make their way to the island.

"How do you get a one armed Jorgensen out of a tree?" Astrid asks Snotlout. "You wave to him!" She answers and everyone laughs.

"Wave to him, that's not even funny. Oh, I just got it, it is funny." Snotlout tells himself.

"How do you sink a Jorgensen battleship?" Astrid asks them. "You put it in the water." She answers and everyone laughs.

"Do another one! One more." Fishlegs asks of her.

"That's right, laugh, all of you." Snotlout tells them. "But don't come running to me when you're out of Nightmare gel."

"All right, gang, the Deathsong strike is very precise. Streamlined. So we need to spread out. That way, it can only go after one of us at a time." Hiccup says as they make it to Melody Island.


Once they revived, they checked out the cave that they trapped it in two years prior.

"Hey, how do you confuse a Jorgensen?" Astrid asks. "Put him in a round arena and tell him to go to the corner." She says and everybody laughs, including Hookfang.

"You don't even understand jokes." Snotlout informs his dragon.

Hiccup and Toothless just leave the cave and found nothing. "Well, it's not in there. Which is good news for Garff." He tells them.

"And bad news for us." Snotlout adds.

"All right, lets find this guy." Hiccup says and they take back to the sky and hear the call of the Deathsong.

"The earplugs seem to be working." Heather notices as their dragons aren't acting up like last time.

"Great. Now let's get in closer. Everyone on high alert." Hiccup warns them and they fly back into the home of the Deathsong and Garffijord starts waking up.

"Hiccup?" Heather calls out.

"Yeah, got it." Hiccup assures, hearing him as they search for the dragon and Heather keeps humming the melody of her song to him when she gets attacked by amber form behind.

"Not again!" Heather calls as she and Fishlegs get hit and they see the adult Deathsong.

"Remember, if we don't bunch up, it can't-" Hiccup was saying when the Deathsong starts shooting amber again. "Heads up!" He warns and moves out of the way and everyone else gets hit.

"I already hate this guy!" Snotlout informs them as he crashed.

The Deathsong lands to the down riders when Garff flies in and lands in front of the adult dragon and screeches again.

"Never thought I'd be happy to hear that." Snotlout tells them.

The Deathsong spits amber as Garff does the same.

"Well, at least they're not shooting it at us." Hiccup says as they watch the interaction from above.

The Deathsong roars it's melody and Garff does the same thing and they see they're two different melodies.

Hiccup and Toothless land and think they're working it out.

"I think they're bonding." Hiccup guesses when the adult Deathsong smacks Garffijord away and he gets slammed into the rock wall.

"Garff!" Heather calls out.

"Hiccup!" Fishlegs call's our as the Deathsong attacks them.

Hiccup was able to pull out the fire sword, but was too late as he got hit by the amber.

"I knew this was going to go bad. Why doesn't anyone listen to me?" Snotlout asks.

Fishlegs starts singing its melody and Garffijord copies him, which is angering the adult Deathsong.

"Fishface! What are you doing?" Snotlout asks him.

"I'm sorry, I hum when I'm nervous." Fishlegs tells him.

"Hum later. I heard they love humming in Valhalla." Snotlout tells him.

"Hey, that's my favorite lullaby. And I was the one who taught it to Garff." Fishlegs replies to him.

"Well, that might just be the problem." Hiccup says and they look him. "He's singing our songs, one one's we sang to him, and the Deathsong doesn't like them."

"You know, everyone's a critic." Snotlout states.

Garff then hides behind some stones and the Deathsong looks back to them.

"What do we do?" Astrid asks.

"Keep signing? Maybe we can find a song it does like." Hiccup guesses.

"I'm sorry, but I'll need some time to prepare." Tuffnut tells them. "This golden throat is a very delicate instrument." That's when the Deathsong came and gets ready to eat him and Tuffnut quickly thinks. "Oh, Deathsong, oh, Deathsong. You're big and bad and you kill a lot. And you spit out goo that looks like snot." He sings and the Deathsong starts shaking him in his mouth. "Help!"

"Ooh, it's a scared, scary, bad dragon." Snotlout starts singing and Garff comes out of hiding hearing the singing. "He's gonna kill us all. He's gonna kill us. I hope he doesn't. I hope he leaves soon."

"Hey, that doesn't rhyme." Ruffnut informs him.

"Oh, like it knows." Snotlout replies and the Deathsong stops shaking Tuffnut and does it's call again like it does understand. "Okay, Sorry."

"The beauty of your wings makes us all want to sing." Astrid sings.

"Want to sing." Fishlegs repeats.

"Want to sing." Heather goes next.

"Want to sing. What to sing, want to sing." Hiccup sings.

"All If us want to sing your death song. We all want to be like you and growl." Ruffnut says and as the Deathsong goes in to eat her, Garff flies in front of the adult and sings the same melody it does and the two then fly off.

"Go on, Garff. It's okay." Heather encourages him as they fly off.

"I don't believe it. Garff saved us." Hiccup says.

"Yep, we saved him, and he saved us." Heather replies.

"Wait, I just had a thought. Now that they're both on the same team, what's stopping the two of them from eating us?" Tuffnut asks as Hiccup lights up the sword and breaks out of the amber cocoon.

"Hiccup, that's brilliant! If you find the weak spot in the cocoon, the rest will crack and fall apart." Fishlegs says.

"Exactly. Now, let's get out of here before their appetites return." Hiccup says and helps everyone else get out.


They all start flying away as Heather sees Hiccup messing with the sword.

"You know, if you were to double the size of that, it would make a a really cool sword." Heather comments on the weapon.

"Exactly. I'm thinking of calling it Inferno." Hiccup informs her and nobody is quite sure on the name. "I mean, look at it."

"Nah. Doesn't have the right je ne sai quoi." Tuffnut says.

"Je ne sai quoi? How did you...all right I'll come up with something different." Hiccup promises. "Of course, I'll have to make some adjustments. Lengthen the shaft, add another canister for more Monsterous Nightmare gel, make the cas canister airtight. Oh, I'm getting to work on this thing right away." He says and starts flying back to the Edge faster.

"And that's the last we'll see of Hiccup for some time." Heather says as everyone laughs.

"Ooh, he's a scary, scary dragon. He didn't kill us. I'm glad he didn't. Now we can go home." Snotlout sings.


What they didn't expect to be waiting for them back at the Edge was Elsa.

By the time they got there, she had made her way to the only people she knew she could trust after escaping her home.

But when they see her, her hair is now instead of done up is let free and her outfit has been changed from ice blue to completely white like snow.

(Frozen 2 look)

"Elsa, what are you doing here?" Hiccup asks her.

"Sorry, I didn't know who else I could go to for help." Elsa apologizes to them.

"Why, what's going on?" Heather asks.

"Arendelle was attacked by a group of Dragon Hunters." Elsa explains to them.

"What?" Heather asks.

"What would Viggo be doing attacking Arendelle?" Hiccup wonders.

"How'd you get here without a boat?" Heather asks when they see a frozen water horse approach them.

"There's a lot I need to catch you guys up on." Elsa admits as they even see she has a small lizard on her shoulder.

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